MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 583 double agent

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The space above the transmission device suddenly reversed, and a purple-black vortex appeared in an instant.

Li Wenxi immediately took out the crossbow from his backpack and aimed it at the space distortion.

And Xu Ying reached out and grabbed Li Wenxi's arm.

If those order defenders appeared, with the strength of the two of them alone, they might not be able to resist.

Although she also has some weapons in her hands, they are all used for self-defense. Facing the opponent's vanguard, even without armor on her body, it would be a good idea to fight for both sides.

Therefore, once someone appears, she will directly take Li Wenxi to send it out.

Others need to use a teleportation device to teleport from here, but she doesn't need it.

Moreover, since she has already been here, it is very convenient to come here in the future, as long as she has a thought, she can come here directly.

No need to confront them here!

If it's them, just run away!

The purple-black vortex spun for a few seconds, but no one came out of it.

Seeing that no one came out for the time being, Li Wenxi's mind became more active.

She quickly looked around, then her eyes lit up, she pulled Xu Ying and ran towards the protruding stones at the edge of the space.

"Do you want to hide?" Xu Ying immediately understood Li Wenxi's intention.

"Of course, if more than one person comes, we might be able to overhear useful information!"

The two quickly ran to a few protruding stones on the edge and hid behind them.

Then they poked out half of their heads and looked towards the slowly rotating purple-black vortex.

Still no one came out of it.

"What's the situation?" Li Wenxi asked with some doubts, "Why don't you come here?"

"Wait, maybe... it's coming!"

Xu Ying exclaimed in a low voice, and then both of them fell silent, staring at the vortex that suddenly burst out with purple-black light.

Immediately afterwards, a person walked out of the purple-black vortex.

Li Wenxi opened her eyes and almost screamed out.

She quickly covered her mouth, then retracted her head.

Xu Ying shrank her pupils suddenly, gritted her teeth, and stared at the person who walked out.

The person walking out of the purple-black vortex seemed to sense that someone was watching him, and immediately looked towards the stone where the two were hiding.

Xu Ying also retracted her head a second before he looked over.

"Illusion?" The man said to himself in an unfamiliar voice, "Why is there someone here? I'm really nervous during this time."

He immediately stepped on the transmission device, was swallowed by a mass of purple-black energy, and then disappeared.

The two who were hiding behind the stone slowly stood up.

On the transmission device, the purple-black vortex instantly shrank and disappeared.

"Was that person just now... Wei Bai?" Li Wenxi's throat rolled, "But, how could he..."

Xu Ying's expression can already be described as gloomy: "He looks really much younger, and he already looks like him back then."

That's right.

Li Wenxi was surprised. Apart from why Wei Bai appeared here, her most important question was...

Why did that Wei Bo just now seem to be... at most forty years old?

A...Wei Bai in his prime!

What the **** is going on!

"Sure enough, Wei Bai was replaced?" Li Wenxi speculated, "And the guy who replaced Wei Bai was very young, but he just had plastic surgery to look like Wei Bai! The one in front of us at that time was deliberately pretending to be old! "

The head of the Wei family was actually replaced!

"This guy... this guy!" Xu Ying gritted her teeth fiercely, wanting to punch the rock in front of her.

But thinking of the power of my fist, it is easy to break the stone and lead to this

There was a relatively large change, which was not conducive to hiding their actions, so she could only withdraw her hand bitterly.

"That... Wei Bai is your friend. I know you are very sad to hear what happened to him, but he may not be dead, maybe he was just locked up?" Li Wenxi immediately comforted Xu Ying who was a little emotionally unstable.

She didn't feel that Xu Ying was still like this at hundreds of years old, like a child.

After all, Wei Bai, as Xu Ying's friend, was only a few days ago to Xu Ying herself.

As a result, the friends who were still in contact with me a few days ago will not know whether they are alive or dead after a few days, which is indeed a bit unbearable.

"...Of course he's not dead." Xu Ying's voice was a bit gritted, "He's not dead at all, because that guy just now is himself!"

"He himself?" Li Wenxi was startled, "You said that is the real Wei Bai...?"

"That's right, this guy wasn't replaced, he was betrayed!"

Xu Ying wanted to kick out again, but finally held back: "That guy actually betrayed! He knows everything, he knows that it is absolutely impossible for alien invaders to have a good impression of human beings, and he knows that they will definitely The one who slaughtered all the humans in the underground world! He must be crazy!"

As the cooperative family of Xu Xin and Xu Ying, Xu Xin and Xu Ying told each other almost everything.

The direct descendants of the Wei family are the ones who absolutely know the cruelty of this world, and they are the ones who are the least likely to betray them.

Moreover, Wei Bai is an old acquaintance of Xu Ying's, and Xu Ying knows his character very well!

Why would this guy betray!

"Wait, wait! How do you know that Wei Bai belongs to him?" Li Wenxi asked hastily.

"Is it him himself? I can't detect it. This is definitely him, at least the body is definitely his own, so..."

Xu Ying rubbed her eyebrows: "As I said before, I asked him a lot about the experiences between me and him at that time, and they were all ordinary little things, which he could recall very naturally. It was him I was absolutely right."

"Is it possible that the memory of the person who was replaced will also be directly transmitted to the mind of the person who replaced him?" Li Wenxi guessed, and then said embarrassedly, "I guess randomly, I don't know if the other party has such a technology, but isn’t it common in sci-fi movies?”

This technique…

Shi Wanyun came to Xu Ying's mind.

Her abilities are somewhat similar to this situation.

But then she shook her head: "Impossible, as I said, this body is his own body, and his brain is also his own brain, and there is no problem with his own memory, and he has not been forcibly erased and brainwashed." , then this is him.”

Then she sighed: "This guy betrayed us by his own will."

No wonder.

No wonder the teleportation location of the teleportation device turned out to be the military center of the Wei family.

You know, it is the most closely guarded and monitored area in the entire underground human base, not one of them.

Without the help of the Patriarch of the Wei family, how could such a thing have happened in silence!

No wonder it was the Wei family that fell!

But why...

In her mind, that Wei Bo back then appeared.

High-spirited, young and energetic, he hates alien invaders very much, and vows to destroy all alien invaders and lead mankind to see the sun again.

Although in Xu Ying's opinion, his rhetoric was a little naive, and because of this, Wei Bo showed her affection several times, but she didn't feel fluctuated in her heart, and she even wanted to laugh.

But I have to say that he is indeed the best in every aspect.

He is a rare genius whether it is dealing with mutant monsters invading human territory, or in the development and optimization of weapons.

At that time, he was less than thirty years old, and he had already been determined to be the next Patriarch.

Otherwise, the Wei family would not let him accompany Xu Ying, except for Xu Xin.

The most important person besides.

As far as Xu Ying's own time was concerned, these pictures were only less than ten days ago.

For her, seeing two such different Wilburs in such a short amount of time...

It's hard for her to accept.

"He wasn't like this..." Xu Ying muttered to herself, "Did it change because of something? It was because... Wei Shishi's parents, his son and daughter-in-law!"

That should be it!


What happened back then, she had to figure it out now!

Then consider as appropriate.

If there is really a problem with the Wei family, then she can only do it herself.

Her eyes darkened slightly.

Wei family, you don't really think that I'm just a person who can travel through time and space, right?

Dare to play tricks in front of me, do you really think that I can't eliminate you?

Xu Ying felt that the impression she gave them might be too imposing.

Let the other party feel that she is a soft persimmon.

She has always treated people like this, apart from her personality, the main reason is Xu Xin's warning.

If Xu Xin hadn't warned him not to make too many moves in this world, don't let the world notice her and erase her...

She has long ruled the entire underground world with thunder.

Because she is also a person who is afraid of trouble.

But her behavior seemed to make the other party underestimate her.

They seem to really think that an underground human base where there is a technological fault, where there is no sunlight all day long, and where people are lavish and rich, can be compared with the technology that has been developed for three hundred years on the shoulders of alien technology.

Moreover, the researchers in the team back then were all genetic mutants whose brain utilization rate far exceeds that of ordinary people, and they were also a special group of people who could not be brainwashed and controlled by their own strength.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, they have been painstakingly studying the scientific and technological achievements of three hundred years, but now, it is all on Xu Ying alone.

Although she could not lead a large-scale war by herself, it couldn't be easier to eliminate the power of the three aristocratic families.

Weibo, you'd better give me a reasonable explanation.

When the world tree is fully grown on the ground, I can hand over these technological equipment and technologies to my brother.

At that time, my life will be worthless.

At that time, even if I take this life, I will clean up the entire underground world.

The underground arsenal created by my brother, as well as the last human population, must not be destroyed by the enemy.

"Sister-in-law, let's go find Wei Shishi. I must know how her parents died and what happened to the Wei family at that time."

On the ground, it was already midnight at this time.

Xu Xin was lying on the bed, unable to sleep.

According to Ji Zhaoyang's prediction for the next day, there will definitely be war tomorrow.

However, according to what he said, the time when the battle started should be between eight and nine in the morning of the next day.

They can still take a good rest tonight and recharge their batteries.

Most importantly, continue with tomorrow's random boost.

Shi Wanyun has come back, but she didn't bring back her own tree house, but let the tree house which is one story taller than Xu Xin's tree house stay in District 1.

After she came back, she explained the situation to Xu Xin alone.

After she arrived in District 1, she was contacted by the mysterious voice.

It turned out that under the double blessing of the Crystal City and the ever-growing World Tree, the mysterious voice could not contact her who had been in the Crystal City before, nor could she perceive her.

But as soon as she arrived in District 1, she was sensed, and the mysterious voice immediately contacted her to inquire about the situation.

She wasn't considered a traitor.

Because one of the instructions that the monster gave her was, if

If he couldn't kill Xu Xin, he would find a way to stay by his side and wait for the opportunity.

Her current behavior is in line with this.

Although she had been injected with genetic medicine and got out of control, the mutated gene in her body was still there, and it was even stronger, which made the other party not aware of her abnormality.

This is normal, after all, Xu Xin's organization in another time and space also disguised well after the injection of genetic medicine, and they did not reveal their secrets until the world collapsed.

Therefore, in this case, she also played tricks and became a double agent.

That's why she didn't transplant her tree house here, so that it would be more believable.

But when she was in District 1, she couldn't tell Xu Xin about it directly, because her every move in District 1 should still be monitored and monitored, otherwise the mysterious voice wouldn't be able to contact her directly.

So, it wasn't until midnight, after she returned to District 188, that she found Xu Xin alone and explained the situation.

And the task given to her by the other party is to follow the pace of everything here before the attack tomorrow, and find a chance to take Xu Xin's life in the chaos when they act tomorrow.

Even now that the World Tree was about to grow, the other party still did not give up claiming Xu Xin's life.

This is the information that Shi Wanyun brought back.

She was later found by Lou Feier and taken to her tree house. UU Reading Lou Feier was very dissatisfied with Shi Wanyun sleeping in Xu Xin's tree house.

This information is very useful.

This made Xu Xin know for the first time that in Crystal City, beside the World Tree, they could no longer be monitored and monitored.

This is great news!

At least here, he doesn't have to be as careful as he used to be, and he doesn't even dare to tell everyone important news!

Moreover, Shi Wanyun is still trusted by the other party, and this point may play a very important role in the future!

Xu Xin stared at the ceiling with her eyes open, her heart was not at peace.

Perhaps, after the World Tree grows, they can... take the initiative to attack!

"Sleep, tomorrow is a battle that will determine fate."

(end of this chapter)