MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 548 genetic modification?

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Oh, this is really the Yangtze River waves pushing forward waves! The girl shook her weird head slightly excitedly, "I never thought that a newcomer would be able to do things like crossing the periphery! You won't be the strongest existence among these survivors, right?"

Shi Wanyun's mood was gradually relaxed by the girl's attitude, she shook her head and said, "No, I'm still far behind the strongest person, so, can you tell me about the situation here? Maybe I will too ..."

She wanted to say that maybe she would become a member of this place, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

The appearance of this girl in front of me is really creepy.

If staying here would change her appearance, then she couldn't accept it at all.

She had to figure out what was going on here.

"Ah? You are not the strongest yet." The girl was a little surprised, "Are you survivors so strong? At the beginning, none of us were able to pass through the area below..."

Shi Wanyun's eyes moved.

The original survivors also had the same experience as her?

"Or is it that the mutated creatures below have become weaker...?" The girl shook her head. "Forget it, you should be fine now, right? Come with me. As we walk, I'll introduce you to the situation here."

Shi Wanyun stood up: "What am I going to do?"

"Of course, people who come here must go through a baptism first before they can move freely."


"I'm a little tired now, can I take a rest before going?" Shi Wanyun wanted to decline.

I always feel that this baptism is not a good thing.

Could it be that after baptism, she will be the same as the girl in front of her?

That's too scary...

"No, no, no, of course not." The girl immediately shook her head in refusal, a lot, as if she wanted to shake off her whole head. .

"I came here this time to bring you over. Even if you don't wake up, I will take you over. If you haven't passed within two quarters of an hour, lure the master down, and you and I will die."

"Master?" This title made Shi Wanyun a little concerned.

"Oh, let's go, talk while walking." The girl immediately reached out and grabbed Shi Wanyun's arm, pulling her to walk outside.

Shi Wanyun did not refuse, and let her pull herself out of the door.

The scenery outside the door surprised her a little.

A narrow wooden corridor, the walls are also patterned with tree rings.

On both sides of the corridor, wooden doors lined up one after another.

The promenade is very long, but it is not straight, but has a curved arc, so there is no end in sight.

There were quite a lot of people walking in the corridor. At a glance, I saw six or seven people, and not far from the two of them, there were two other girls standing there chatting.

"Let's go, just go forward." The girl let go of Shi Wanyun's hand, turned her head and smiled at her, "I won't restrict your actions."

"Actually, according to the normal process, I should have tied you there, but you must be stronger than me, so I won't follow this form, but you should be obedient, although you are very strong, but compared to the master It’s still a long way off.”

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】


"That's right." The girl pointed to her neck, "Don't underestimate my restraint ability, part of my gene sequence is python gene!"

python gene...

Shi Wanyun took a light breath, and instantly understood why this girl looked like a monster.

...genetically modified humans?

The way pythons hunt is by entanglement, which immobilizes the restrained prey and eventually suffocates them to death.

If it is a poisonous species, it will also inject toxins into the prey, weakening the strength of the prey and speeding up its death.

think of this

In her mind, the scene of the girl in front of her restraining her immediately appeared in her mind.

The stretchable neck stretched out very long, wrapping her body round and round, and after wrapping round and round, the other party's head was looking at her beside her own face.

Once she made any movement to resist, the other party would directly bite her throat and release the toxin...

And as long as she raises her hand to touch it, she can feel the sensual and smooth neck wrapped around her body...

Shi Wanyun felt a layer of goose bumps on her body again.

It's a good thing the girl didn't do that, otherwise she really wouldn't be able to stand it...

"What the **** is this place, genetic research institute?" Shi Wanyun asked softly.

"About this point, I can't explain it clearly in a short time. You will understand after you go to the baptism. You just need to know that the people who can come here are all selected talents. We are not here. If you want to come, you can come!"

When the girl spoke, she was obviously a little proud.

Just as Shi Wanyun was about to ask in detail, a voice suddenly came from beside her.

"Ah, number 228, are you here too?"

The two girls who were chatting at the side saw Shi Wanyun and Shi Wanyun walking over, and one of the girls with long black hair greeted them: "This is a newcomer? Then you should hurry up, this baptism is still 20 years away." It's about to start in a minute, right?"

"It's not too late, don't be afraid, it will be over in ten minutes." The girl pulled Shi Wanyun over and said, "Let me tell you, this is a member of the Sanwu who passed through the herd of beasts by himself!"

"Ah?" The two girls exclaimed when they heard the words, and looked at Shi Wanyun, "You came here by yourself?"

Shi Wanyun looked at the two girls, her mouth opened and her body was a little stiff.

These two girls seem normal at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they are both monsters.

The black long-haired girl who spoke to her just now was surprised, but her hair that was originally straight like a waterfall started to squirm!

Only then did Shi Wanyun see that the girl's head was not hair, but some black nematodes!

Even her eyebrows, eyelashes, and even the fluff on her face are squirming slightly!

The other girl was more straightforward. The hand she was covering her mouth in surprise turned out to be the paw of a bird!

And her wrist is like a bird, extremely slender, with wrinkled lines on it, and the wide sleeves are draped on it, as if on a clothes hanger, which looks a bit permeable.

these people…

Are they all genetically modified?

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Shi Wanyun felt that she should let go of her thoughts, otherwise she might be shocked by these people here and cause mental problems.

"You are so strong!" the bird girl exclaimed, "How did you get here?"

"...It's just luck, not as strong as you imagined." Shi Wanyun's smile was slightly forced.

"It's okay if you're lucky. You've been the only one lucky for decades, okay? Don't be modest, you can't come here just by being lucky."

The hair of the girl covered with black nematodes gradually stopped wriggling, and she said with a smile, "I'll be my own from now on, so you have to take care of us."

My own people...

I don't want to be with you...

I don't want to be a monster!

In this corridor, one by one, no one is normal!

At this moment, a violent thought of running away rose in Shi Wanyun's heart.

If you stay here, you will definitely become a monster like them!

No, she must not stay here!


Now she doesn't know anything about this place, and she doesn't know where the exit is, so it doesn't make any sense to run away rashly.

…just play it by ear.

At least find out what's going on here.

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking, let's take her there quickly!"

The girl who was number 228 greeted her and continued walking forward with Shi Wanyun.

"Well, what is this place..."

"This is the lowest-level dormitory." The girl said, "Just call me No. 228. No one here has a name. You should forget your name as soon as possible. The number is easier to remember."

No. 228…

Shi Wanyun was silent.

In other words, there are at least two hundred people like her here.

"It's a dormitory, but it's almost like a prison. If I don't open the door, you won't be able to get out of that room. It's equivalent to being imprisoned."

"So, I actually live in other places, only newcomers like you will live here temporarily."

"However, with your strength, as long as you have been baptized, you probably won't stay here any longer. Ah, number 359, you're here too?"

Another girl who came to me responded as she walked: "Oh, I also have to be responsible for guiding newcomers. There are so many newcomers recently. Why are there so many people here suddenly? Could it be that the threshold for our place has dropped?"

The girl passed by, Shi Wanyun tilted her head slightly, and saw the layers of scales on the back of her neck.

Along the way, girl No. 228 greeted many people, but, in order to save time, she did not introduce Shi Wanyun to others, and Shi Wanyun was not interested in talking to other people here.

"How do you feel... are they all women?" Shi Wanyun asked softly.

"This is the women's dormitory, of course they are all women." No. 228 laughed. "We are not allowed to have contact with the opposite sex."

"Is there such a request?" Shi Wanyun was a little surprised.

"Well... Actually, it wasn't like this before, but if those of us who have undergone genetic modification combine to produce offspring, the mutation of the offspring will become uncontrollable, and sometimes some big problems will arise. There were some incidents at that time."

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"After that, the residences of men and women are completely separated, and they cannot contact each other." No. 228 shrugged.

Shi Wanyun nodded, and the two continued walking.

During this journey, she saw many more abstract and weird human beings.

If the girls seen in No. 228 and before are still very similar to normal humans, then the further you go forward, the wider the corridor becomes, and the people in the corridor become more abstract.

For example, the one with the head of a dog seems to be unable to speak, and even greets with a barking sound.

For example, all the limbs have turned into spider legs, and thick and fluffy spider legs have grown from behind.

If the bird girls before were only different in their hands, now these people are simply orcs!

"This is a higher-level dormitory." No. 228 pointed to those humans who looked like synthetic beasts around them.

"Don't look at their strange appearance, they look very strong, but in fact they are equivalent to the failure of genetic mutation, and they are the lowest-level labor force here."

"That's why they live in this area, which is only a little bit more advanced than the temporary residence area for newcomers just now."

Shi Wanyun glanced over these people.

Sure enough, although they looked very powerful and mighty, when No. 228 passed by, they all lowered their heads very humbly and made a low profile.

Obviously, their status is much lower than that of No. 228 who led her, and it is obviously inferior to those girls just now.

"Will I mutate too?"

"Well, everyone who comes here is eligible to participate in the mutation plan, and we are all here to participate in the plan and to contribute our own strength." No. 228 explained.

"It's an honor for you to come here and contribute to the mutation plan."

Shi Wanyun frowned slightly. This is not pleasant, and she doesn't want to contribute to the mutation plan.

"But you're only going to be baptized now

That's all, the matter of mutation will not be so hasty. "

No. 228 stretched her neck, as if showing off her complacent neck: "Generally speaking, newcomers need at least a week of observation period. If there is no problem, they will be eligible for mutation."

"Of course, obtaining the mutation qualification is the first step. There are also some important points to be aware of during the mutation process, but the most important thing is to persevere, otherwise, you will become like them. .”

No. 228 tirelessly introduced the process of mutation.

It seems to be like a college student entering the university, explaining the process and precautions of the college entrance examination to candidates who are about to take the college entrance examination.

Between the lines, there is a sense of pride that I have taken the college entrance examination and that I have been admitted to a university. I also sneer at those who failed the college entrance examination, and at the same time convey the importance of this exam.

But she didn't know that the woman in front of her, Shi Wanyun, didn't have any desire for mutation at all, she even wanted to run as far as she could!

However, Shi Wanyun breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Hearing what she said, this kind of baptism is not a mutation.

That would be great, she doesn't want to turn into a monster directly.

After passing this section of the road, she saw a lot of people with different looks living here, and she suddenly felt that the situation like No. 228 is indeed better...

She doesn't want to grow a dog's head!

However, some of these people seem relatively normal.

For example, the girl in front of her now.

Cat ears grew on the head, the hands and feet became cat claws, a tail grew out, gray fluff grew on the neckline, and the pupils turned into bright red vertical pupils, which did not give people a strong sense of disobedience. .

cat girl?

Shi Wanyun was a little surprised.

If this form is placed in her original world, I am afraid it will be super popular...

Speaking of it, the humans here don't seem to have any blood marks on their bodies, but various characteristics show that they have indeed mutated the blood marks.

For example, the blood-red pupils of this catwoman are obviously the characteristics that will only be possessed after the mutation of the blood lines.

After seeing No. 228 passing by, Catwoman bowed her body to salute cautiously, but No. 228 ignored her and walked straight over.

"That kind of mutation should be more popular with men." No. 228 smiled at Shi Wanyun, "It's just that men and women are not allowed to contact each other now, and her appearance is useless. UU Reading is just a mutation It's just a failure."

Shi Wanyun was silent for a moment, then said, "Did you just say that if something goes wrong during the one-week observation period, you can't mutate?"

When she wakes up, she finds that her activity is done, so she is no longer limited by the time limit for running out of time.

But that means she might be here for a while before she finds a way out of here and back to her treehouse.

She doesn't want to become a monster. If she can't find a way to go back, she'd better make sure she doesn't mutate!

"Well, if there are problems during the observation period, you will naturally not be eligible to mutate, and you will be kicked out of here directly." No. 228 nodded.

"Just get out of here?" Shi Wanyun's heart skipped a beat.

"Just?" No. 228 pointed to the direction outside: "You know what's going on outside, right? What will happen if you get out of here, don't I need to say more?"

...Oh, people who have problems during the observation period will be sent outside to feed those advanced mutant creatures.

It's not impossible.

But she'd better find her way back to her treehouse here.

"Okay, here we are."

At this time, No. 228 stopped, and in front of the two of them was an... elevator door.

"Next, from the moment you enter the elevator, you should stop talking, keep quiet, just follow me, understand?"

Shi Wanyun nodded, mentally

Highly tense up.

She wants to see what kind of place this place is.

What kind of existence is the master she just mentioned.

(end of this chapter)

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