MTL - Starting Off Survival With A Small Treehouse-Chapter 547 I am the senior...

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Li Wenxi was lying on the window sill, looking out boredly.

This is indeed the most prosperous city in the human base, the streets full of traffic, and the constant flow of people made her a little bit in a trance while watching all of this.

It was as if she had returned to the city where she was born and raised.

Of course, no matter how you say it, this is a city after a thousand years, and there are still some obvious differences from the prosperous cities on Earth a thousand years ago.

For example, the number of floors of high-rise buildings here is generally much higher than that on the ground.

Every high-rise building here has a height of more than 30 floors.

Thirty floors is not too short. Most of the tall buildings have around fifty floors, and there are even quite a few tall buildings with more than one hundred floors.

You know, buildings with a height of several hundred meters were basically the landmark buildings of a certain city on the earth thousands of years ago, but they are very common here. high.

This should be related to the underground environment.

I talked with Xu Ying before, and the location here is the most suitable place they chose for survival. It is not in the crustal activity zone, there will be no natural disasters such as earthquakes, and the air circulation speed is also gentle and stable. Basically, there will be no problems. big change.

This also makes the buildings here are all built very high to maintain the growing population here.

Similar to the earth thousands of years ago, human beings in cities seem to live in birdcages.

She looked at the two statues again.

Although the statue is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the city center, the buildings around the statue are the smallest in the whole city.

The height of the statue is no more than a hundred meters, while the surrounding buildings are all lower than the height of the statue, and none of them exceeds thirty stories.

From the position of the statue in the center of the city to the outside, the height of the building shows an obvious step-like rise, reaching the peak about two kilometers away from the statue. The height of the buildings here has almost reached a height of three to four hundred meters.

There are even three buildings reaching seven or eight hundred meters!

You know, the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building on earth thousands of years ago, was only this height, and the second tallest building was directly reduced to the level of 500 meters.

And there are three buildings of this level in this city, surrounding the two statues in a triangular trend.

On these three towers, it seems that some of the highest status people in this city live...

Continuing outward from the position of the three towers, the height of the building gradually decreases again.

Near the villa where she was, it was already the edge of the city, and most of the buildings here were very low.

Compared with the 30-40-story buildings in the city center, most of the buildings here are less than 10-story, and they all look a little old, and they have even undergone renovation at a glance.

"Hmm... this is the old town, right?" Li Wenxi looked down.

Perhaps this is the exact location where humans built their homes thousands of years ago, but after thousands of years of development, the city center has moved to the vicinity of the statue a few kilometers away.

In contrast, the location of her villa is a bit special.

From a certain point of view, her villa is very luxurious, and it can be seen at a glance that it is different from other areas.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

Even from the perspective of her, who came from thousands of years ago, the layout and appearance of this villa are a bit retro.

This villa has probably been built here for a long, long time.

As for why she can see the whole city from a low villa...

That's because this villa is built on high ground.

The entire villa is built on a raised mountain. The mountain is not too high, about one or two hundred meters. It is not as tall as many buildings in the city, but it is enough to overlook the whole city from here.

Speaking of mountain peaks, the area of ​​this peak is not small, there are tens of thousands of square meters, as if the entire mountain was directly flattened.

And on this mountain,

There was only this one villa, and there was no one else around.

Because the mountain where she is located is already close to the edge of the city, the buildings are also sparse, and the old buildings around the mountain are basically dozens of floors, several floors, or even low bungalows, and there is no such thing as hers. The mountain was high, so her position became the highest point around.

"What the **** is this place?"

Li Wenxi went back to bed and lay down a little bored, looked at the chandelier on the ceiling and murmured, "I really want to go out and have a look, I really want to communicate with the humans here..."

What kind of personality would a person who has never seen the sun in his life have?

Do they really not yearn for sunshine?

However, what happened just now, she dared not go out until Xu Ying came back.

"Come back soon..."

Li Wenxi turned over on the bed, buried her head in the soft pillow with a hint of mint fragrance, and said in a muffled voice: "It seems that Xu Xin is also brought to see, he must not know that there is a statue of him here ..."

"No, no, he brought the Crystal City to the ground, so he should know it too..."

"However, seeing it with my own eyes is even more shocking, I really want to bring everyone here..."

She didn't know how long she had been lying on the ground, but she was about to fall asleep. At this moment, a strange sound sounded in the room.

She was all too familiar with this voice.

It's the voice of the portal!

She immediately turned her head to look, and saw a purple-black whirlpool the size of a person appearing on the wall.

"I'm back!" Li Wenxi immediately sat up.

Immediately, a leg stepped out of the purple-black vortex, and then Xu Ying walked out of it.

She frowned, with doubts on her face, and her mouth was still muttering: "Who the hell..."

The purple-black vortex behind her also shrank from the wall immediately after she walked out, shrinking into a point, and finally disappeared.

"What's the matter, did you find anything?" Li Wenxi was no stranger to this, and asked directly.

"Well... it's still a little rewarding." Xu Ying went to the bed and sat down, holding her head, feeling a little headache, "I went to the aristocratic family that my brother and I have been in contact with to check it out. How should I say it?" , at least that side can still be trusted.”

She still has a trustworthy and reliable organization in this human stronghold.

A big family that controls part of the real power in this underground human stronghold.

This can be said to be one of Xu Xin's legacy to her. Otherwise, she alone, no matter how strong she is, can't make any waves in this underground human base.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

One of her previous plans was to take Li Wenxi to the other side, but she was not relieved after what happened just now.

She was the one who pulled Li Wenxi over here. If something happened to Li Wenxi, how would she face Xu Xin in this world!

"...Huh? What do you mean?" Li Wenxi was slightly taken aback, "You and... your brother, are you from a family that you have been dating?"

When did Xu Xin interact with people here?

Still have a relationship?

"Ah..." Xu Ying knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and laughed aloud, "I made a mistake, it's because I have a relationship with them."

Can this be a slip of the tongue?

Li Wenxi looked at Xu Ying with some doubts, and then her eyes slowly widened.

"You can't be..." She covered her mouth with a surprised expression.

Regarding Xu Xin's matter, Li Wenxi is quite sensitive. She was still hallucinating what that hundreds-year-old Xu Xin looked like and what kind of personality she had.

Xu Ying's words naturally reminded her of Xu Xin.

It's a fact that Xu Xin has been in contact with people here.

And the one who can call that Xu Xin his elder brother is...

"Ah? What?" Xu Ying pretended to be stupid, "What's wrong with me?"

But in my heart I cried out badly: "It's over, it's over, it's known..."


Although I have been convincing myself that the last group of survivors has been in this world for more than ten years, it is indeed possible to be this strong, but..." Li Wenxi looked at her suspiciously, "but you are too strong, and you really know a lot Ah, the last survivors, do they really know so much?"

"Also, you are used to calling me sister-in-law, and you are familiar with my various habits..."

The suspicious eyes gradually turned into unbelievable shock.


Xu Ying was already having a headache because of what happened just now. Seeing that her true identity was discovered, she leaned back in distress and lay down on the bed. I admit, I am indeed that Xu Ying!"

"Ah? Really!" Li Wenxi's eyes widened in surprise again, she stood up abruptly, covered her mouth and looked at her, "You..."

"Hey, you're deceiving me, sister-in-law!" Xu Ying stood up suddenly, a little dissatisfied.

"I... I just guessed casually, I didn't expect you to really admit it..." Li Wenxi was still immersed in shock.

Now the girl in front of her has...

More than 1,300 years old? !

so old!

no no no...

She should only be over three hundred years old!

The thousand years here have been spanned by her through time travel, and she stayed at most a few days in each time period. Although the actual time has passed a thousand years, her physical age should not have increased much.


Three hundred years old is an exaggeration!

Three hundred years old!

It was the first time she saw someone over 300 years old!

Well... outrageous!

"...Sister-in-law, what kind of eyes do you have..." Xu Ying moved to the other side of the bed with some fear, "It seems like you want to eat me... Ah, what are you doing!"

"Let me touch it and see what it feels like to have a 300-year-old skin, and a 300-year-old curious!" Li Wenxi's eyes lit up, and she rushed over to get her hands on it.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Don't, ah! Sister-in-law, you can't tell this matter! Especially when my brother comes in the future, you are not allowed to tell him! Otherwise, you will..."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, but since I already know, let me see it first!"

"Don't, don't, ah! Well, let's talk about the business, since I have confirmed that there is no problem over there, I will take you to meet them first, and your ability can be best displayed there..."

"let me see!"

"Uuuuuuu...I'm the senior..."

On the other side, on the ground.

"Are you didn't describe it wrong?" Xu Xin touched her neck, and her throat rolled, "The neck of a human is very long, stretching directly in front of the face..."

Thinking of that scene, he couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body.

"So... is it really a human? Or a non-human monster?"

"...It's a human and a monster. Listen to me."

Shi Wanyun continued to talk about her experience.

When the girl walked in from the door, she experienced the coldness and fear of falling into an abyss for the first time.

If it was an extremely ugly monster, or other animals, it wouldn't give her such a sense of fear.

But as her familiar human form, she did such a weird and frightening thing, she couldn't even make a sound for a while, and could only subconsciously take a step back.

For the first time, she felt a little weak in her legs from fear.

This is not a question of whether the opponent is strong or not, but a dimensionality reduction blow from the spiritual level.

Is this the uncanny valley effect?

This girl in front of her is definitely a monster!

But she is so human-like, she is exactly like a human being. She uses a human body to do that kind of behavior, and anyone will be shocked mentally!

The girl opposite looked very normal at this time, and even walked towards her very naturally.

Shi Wanyun subconsciously took two steps back again

, and then his legs reached the edge of the bed, his legs softened, and he sat down on the bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry to scare you." The girl apologized, "I really didn't mean it. However, you will get used to it in the future. Every time a newcomer comes, you will be scared like you. You To be frightened here is to be a little psychologically prepared.”

The girl's words and her friendly tone made Shi Wanyun feel a little baffled.

However, the girl's friendly attitude made her somewhat unstable spirit normalize. She glanced at the girl's neck quietly, and she was no different from a normal person at this time.

But because of the scene just now, even if the girl is normal now, she has the image of a ghost in her mind.

"Well, are you... human?" she asked cautiously.

Shouldn't it be?

Could it be some other species masquerading as a human?

...for playing with humans?

"You are really rude!" The girl said with some dissatisfaction, "Isn't it just to scare you, why am I not a human? Of course I am a human!"

Is it human?

The girl looked at her suspiciously: "You don't know, you really came here without knowing anything?"

"...Didn't I just say that I don't even know where this place is?" Shi Wanyun explained.

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【Survival start a small tree house】【】

"Really? I thought you were joking..." The girl scratched her hair in distress, "Ah, what should I do? I brought a Sanwu personnel back?"

Her head swayed from side to side as she grabbed it, and her neck showed a very strange arc that seemed to be broken again and again, making Shi Wanyun's eyelids twitch and her teeth clenched.

"...What do you mean by the three non-members?" Shi Wanyun asked softly, "Do you need some proof to come here?"

"Oh, it's an undocumented, unlicensed, and no special gene. Since you don't know anything, you should be this kind of person?" The girl sighed, "Really, how did you get in here? what?"

...In this way, with the degree of danger of the outside environment, normal people really can't get close at all.

If she hadn't asked Xu Xin, the strongest in District 188, for help, she wouldn't have come here.

"It's just...forcibly passing through the area outside." Shi Wanyun decided to tell the truth, after all, this is an event task given by the mysterious voice, and it should be in line with the regulations here. UU reading

"Ah?" The girl was shocked, "You really came through that group of beasts?! My you so strong! I can't even deal with the following ones, but you can directly ..."

The girl looked at Shi Wanyun's eyes suddenly became respectful, with a hint of longing: "You are really strong..."

"...Not that strong, I came here by trickery." Shi Wanyun asked softly, "Well, aren't you... a survivor?"

"Survivor?" The girl was slightly taken aback. "It's such an old-fashioned term. It's been a long time since I heard this term. It's been decades, right? It's really nostalgic... Wait!"

The girl suddenly looked at her: "Could it be that... you are a new survivor? A new batch of survivors is here again!"

Shi Wanyun's eyes moved.

The message contained in the conversation just now is already obvious.

She also knew who this girl was.

...It turned out to be the survivors of the previous batches!

Inexplicably, she met the survivors of the previous batches!

Be the pioneer figure to survive in this world!

It lifted her spirits.

It seems that she can know some secrets about this world again!


The girl in front of her stretched her neck out of surprise, her neck once again showed an unbelievable length, her head leaned forward, shaking slightly in front of Shi Wanyun's eyes.

The expression is quite normal, like a curious baby.

It's really... extremely inconsistent.


to say...

How did the previous batches of survivors turn into a... monster with an elongated neck?