MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 381 I agree with you to join the team.

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Star Hunter 381_Star Hunter Full Text Free Reading _ Chapter VIII I agree that you entered the team from

The gray cat has a lot of resentment against the Robert family, because the aircraft has been blown up before it has been harvested. / / Baidu search to see the latest chapter / / If it is the previous, the energy mine above the aircraft can also be pulled out, after all, worth some money, but now there are so many of the best energy mines on the ground have not been dug, the number is relatively large, on the aircraft These can't enter the eyes of the cat.

Looking at the air-blasted aircraft, the gray cat slammed and returned to the ground to continue the mining industry. Even the eyes were not given to other people. Others also did not know how to provoke the cat.

Only a few sporadic robots are still struggling, and the frequency of falling objects in the sky is also much lower. Because of the different composition of the atmosphere, the fallen debris does not burn for a long time, and the sky returns to its original dim state.

Xilin looked at the various wrecks on the ground and looked at the robots still fighting. They were not affected by the destruction of the aircraft. They were relatively **, but they were able to follow the master’s orders, except In addition to their own thoughts, such a mechanical army is really very good, but they are not lucky enough to run into the family and meet these families.

There is only one Xi Kai in the back of the metal squad, but it is also a ghost. Now the Robert family can't win, it will be harder to estimate later, because the secret of Ah Yue will make the house cheer up, though Did not say anything in the month, but Xilin has this feeling.

Some of the Free Army have begun to clean up the battlefield, and others continue to mine, and now the enemy has solved it. I can go to mine with confidence.

A Free Army man is holding a tool and is preparing to start with a relatively large mine, who knows that he is just getting close. A pair of cat paws appeared on the heap and then revealed the cat head that looked harmless.

The gray cat clasped the claws against the heap. Looking at the man who was holding the tool, he licked his teeth toward the man. After the other person slammed, he quickly turned around and ran away. Seeing the other side knowing each other, the gray cat does not continue to press and continue to mine.

Several Freedommen looked at each other and grinned. Forget it, don't mess with the cat. Didn't you see how the metal people were turned into slag?

The Freedom Army attributed this behavior of the gray cat to the animal's territorial consciousness. In fact, everyone in the eleventh team knows that the territory is a fart. Conscious of a wool, these minerals in the eyes of the guy is a pile of fish biscuits, but!

Aikensis negotiated with Xilin and divided the area. Xilin’s side occupied the big head. After the division, it was mining faster and there would be no conflict.

The people of the Free Army are not dissatisfied now, and the metal soldiers are still floating in the sky. If one is not good to fight, then it is absolutely self-sufficient to lose. Not as good as honest, so you can also get some benefits, can be brought by Aikenness, in addition to better skills, the mind is better than many v-zone madmen.

The danger was lifted, and there were metal soldiers in the air. The old man also wandered out and explored the terrain and the surrounding environment. What others care about is mineral deposits, and Mo Heng is more concerned about why such mineral deposits can be formed here. Although Mo Heng is not proficient in these. But before he had studied similar projects for some time, after reviewing it, Mo Heng had a guess. He felt that some people used the environment and magnetic field to reuse some technologies to catalyze the formation of this kind of mineral deposit.

As for how to catalyze, Mo Heng does not understand, but there are traces of artificial modification, but it has been a long time, some are not obvious.

After Mo Heng said this doubt with Xilin, Xilin smiled and let Mo Heng not have to go deeper.

Master Mo sighed, "Surely, there are top geniuses in any era, but some have been discovered, became famous overnight, and some have been unknown."

Xilin did not explain things to Mo Heng with Mo Heng, but Mo Laozi was squatting and confused. In the same period of the eleventh team, Mo Heng also speculated that there are many things, but the face does not show it. The things here are not known. Xilin said that he does not have to go deep into it, but Mo Heng did not find it.

There are a lot of wounded, and a few of the eleven teams are okay. Except for the red paws, the others are only slightly injured, even if they are injured. The people of the eleventh team also provided assistance to the Free Army. If it were not for these help, the Freedom Army would kill more because of the injury. For this, Aikenence is grateful.

In many places on the planet, especially where the mineral deposits are densely distributed, some projectors are installed underground. Therefore, in many places, white nights can be projected in the form of projections. Just like now, White Night is lined up with Ayue and Sigma. As for what they are talking about, everyone will not know, it is a silent conversation, and ordinary people can't hear anything at all.

After a period of exchange, Ayue entered the aircraft with white nights, and the gray cats had already circled the mines and no longer stared at them, playing with them.

"You call it White Night?" The gray cat stood on a high shelf and looked down at the white projection. It is more and more like to stand on a high place and overlook the feelings of others, with a special sense of superiority.

White night did not answer, just looking at the gray cat, after the previous melee, she already knew the difference between the cat.

The gray cat hooked the tail. "I also know a white night in the wilderness, but it is a man, and his eyes are black and white, like a fool, ah, you actually have the same point. That is, both of you are face to face."

White night, A month: "..."

Can the cat talk about it when he speaks? !

Although there is not much expression in the white night, Ah Yue knows that the white night is still very concerned about the gray cat. Moreover, her own name is only one word, that is, "white", and later because of those minerals plus "creative mythology" In the case of the Ori Luo incident, etc., the label "White Night" was posted.

"In fact, there is nothing. After all, Star Alliance and Lisa are so big, there are many people of the same name and same name." Sigma explained quickly.

"White ghost."

"What?" The gray cat leaned sideways and looked at the white figure below.

"I will be called White Ghost in the future, and White Night is the name of the energy mine." White Ghost said.

A month licked his arm and turned around the white ghost. "I will call you Xiaobai anyway."

A month told the gray cat about the white ghost. Now that the white ghost has been completely released from here, she does not have to guard the energy mine here. The people in the family should gather together. This is the month of the month. Reason, therefore, the white ghost should of course be with Ayue and Sigma.

The gray cat slowly licked his tail and stared at the white ghost for a moment. "Seeing you is not a bad person. Well, I will agree to join you!"

I was listening to the gray cat in the card that came in with the tool. I licked my mouth and knocked the gray cat's cat's head with a tool. Then I quickly dropped the tool and slipped.

The gray cat that had been knocked on the cat's head licked his teeth toward the back of the card, and the claws extended and retracted. When it was time to settle the bill, it decided to smash all the storage cabinets in the card.

The white ghost looked at this scene and didn't know what he was thinking. Although in the eyes of others, she is only a virtual character composed of programs, but like the original robot, the white ghost has her own thoughts, which is also a place where Xi Kai is amazed.

Bending the forelimbs and pulling the hair that was messed up by Cary on the head, the gray cat looked at the white ghost again. "Right, when did you become the girlfriend of Xiying?"

White Ghost: "..." Who is Xiying?

The white ghost looks at the moon that is heading down to the finger, then looks at the sigma looking left and right, and says, "I want to know."

Star Hunter 381_ Star Hunter full text free reading _ Chapter VIII I agree that you entered the team to update!

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