MTL - Star Rank Hunter-Chapter 380 Don’t you worry that your grandfather is just selling Meng?

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The white ghost is worthy of the name of "ghost". Although there is no entity, although it can only be projected by outside, she is very free in those electronic systems.

In some form, she is more like a program virus for the Robert family on the aircraft. The Robert family can make the robot so good, and it should be very powerful in terms of system maintenance. However, just in the blink of an eye, the white screen of the control room is all white.

Robert Pollat, the man who spoke before, was so angry that he had not thought that the guardian "ghost" here would be so difficult to deal with, and did not think of the people who came here. There are people inside who can resist the interference and let the energy cover be stable. How can the garbage in the v-star area have such technology?

Porat clenched his fist. In any case, since I have taken this plan myself, I have to do it at all costs! In this case, go back to his own

On the research side, Porat is not comparable to Frenz, which is why his right to speak in the Robert family has never been compared to Frenz, but after working with the military, Borat relies on Beaver. Lenze’s much stronger diplomatic means was supported by the Eighth Army and some of the Robert family, and he took the execution of several action plans. The previous few times were done very well, and this place was also discovered by Borat inadvertently.

The first idea of ​​Porat is not to dig out the best energy mines. For the Robert family, the quality of their reserves of energy mines is not comparable to these best energy mines. But the number of wins is huge. For Porat, the attraction of the energy mine here is far less than the plan of his heart.

Like Xilin they thought. Porat is the behind-the-scenes player who is pushing this thing. He is also prepared to take this opportunity to eradicate some of the forces in the v-star area. This kind of merit is enough for him to get more support from the Roberts and the Eighth Army. He even thought that if the completion is good, the situation will stabilize afterwards. I may overwhelm Frenze and others to become the new generation of leaders of the entire Robert family.

However, the ideal is good, but the reality is that Borat is caught off guard. He would not have thought that the Freedom Army would join Xilin and they would come together.

Like many people in the Robert family, Porat is also a typical stubborn and conceited person. Too confident, too much to believe in the capabilities of these mechanical armies, Porat did not make a deep analysis of the eleventh team and the previous things. In the eyes of Porat, only this "ghost" can be counted as opponent.

For the control room to be fully occupied on the screen, Borat asked the subordinates to try to intercept, but found that they could not intercept, the other party has entered here, and many programs in the system have been extensively falsified and confused, even if solution. The light screen just flashed twice, but could not erase the white figure.

"Open the 'secret room'!" Pollat ​​told the subordinates.

The "secret room" is a system encryption area developed by the Robert family. It is like a secret room in the network. Everything outside can't enter here. On weekdays, the "secret room" is not open, and the controller is exposed outside the secret room, but once the "closed room" is opened, the controllers will be isolated from the external system.

The opening of the "secret room" will be a strong security defense, but it also increases the limitations. Many functional areas on the aircraft will be forced to stop. However, Porat does not care, as long as it can protect this "ghost".

Xilin looked at the situation on the ground. Although it was not clear what was going on in the aircraft, he could see some dense mechanical language. Through these mechanical languages, Xilin knew that there must be silent protests.

On the other side of the Freedom Army, Aikenness looked at the sky and looked at Xilin. He suddenly felt a little powerless. At the same time, he was also glad that he was called Xilin. Otherwise, he would encounter these mechanical armies. The people he brought were far from the robots slaughtering. Let’s not talk about the technical differences. The number of robots is similar to that of others. In addition, the combat power is several times higher than that on the side of the enemy. Look at the bodies and mechanical wreckage outside the energy cover to know what happens to the hard bump.

What should I do with such an army? Has it been shrinking inside this energy cover?

Just as Aikenth thought, Xilin looked in one direction, and the next moment, the white figure appeared there.

The blue light on the moon's surface flashed. "Little white, what happened?"


Although there are some ideas for this name, but everyone still resists no sound, joking, facing this ghost-like "thing", who is willing to provoke?

The white ghost did not look at the moon, but stared at the aircraft in the sky and said: "They have isolation measures."

"What do we do now?" Cary looked at the robots outside and asked Xilin. If you go out like this, they will definitely not be too good. Those robots are not the ones who have reacted "slowly" in the past. They can sweep everything in the air in such a short period of time. a tragedy.

Xilin had not answered yet. On the aircraft in the sky, a wave of Porat was heard through the speaker.

"Do you like to hide inside? Well, I will let you personally feel the mechanical army of our Robert family and feel what is the end of the day! Attack!"

With the arrival of Porat, the robots in the sky and on the ground began to attack the energy hood. Although they can withstand the fire of guns, the energy field shock caused by the violent attack makes the people inside feel the fainting, especially those of the Free Army, they are not as good as the eleven teams, they have no armor. The protection, the protective clothing on the body can only resist the harsh environment on the planet and can not withstand such a strong energy field shock.

The people on the Free Army side have begun to endure. I am going to go out and fight with the metal guys outside, they would rather let go and not be willing to endure such suffering.

Aikenness looked to Xilin. Ask for advice, after all, the control of the energy hood is on them. If Xilin did not agree, there would be no way for Aikens, unless the two sides did one. However, the alliance that was finally formed, Aikens did not want to destroy.

"Let them endure for a while, at most half a minute." Xilin said.

Xilin has already let Xi Kai and the curtain begin to operate. Also let Cary landed on the fighter plane.

The people on the side of the Freedom Army are becoming more and more violent. The air inside the energy cover is filled with a lot of charged particles because of the vibration of the energy field. Such charged particles make them feel uncomfortable, just like thousands of fine needles pricking. They are on the surface. The temper that had not been good was provoked, and if it wasn’t for Aikenth, they would have started playing.

In this half minute, Xilin’s eleventh team began to reorganize their equipment. The weapons against the robots were different from those of the counters. The bullets used were different. Cary and other people wearing armor came out of the fighter plane. Cary used to install shoulder guns on his shoulders, folded wrist knives on his arms, assembled firearms, and armed with guns.

At the time of the twenty-third seconds in Aikens. Farther into the sky, there is a beam of high-energy beams. The target is not the energy cover they are in, but the robots outside.

Not just in the air, it comes in all directions.

It didn't take such a long time for these robots to come from the starship, but it was a little more time for Xikai to make a better deployment.

The Freedom Army people were a bit stupid. Not long ago, they saw a scene of a group of mechanical troops slaughtering several other forces in the v-star area, and now. Similar light points to the group of mechanical forces outside.

who is it?

Inside the air vehicle, Porat looked very bad. The aircraft he was in was also shot a few times. Just now he almost stood still and fell, letting people open the shield, but only Just a little better.

Because the "closed room" was turned on, some of the detectors could not be used, which made them not aware of the new enemies that were attacked in the first place.

"That is... robot?!"

Borat’s men exclaimed.

The group of guys in the distance are getting closer and closer, and the silver-white appearance is faint in the dim sky.

Yes, everyone who saw this scene knows that this is a robot. And these robots look at the appearance of the light, and now these mechanical giants in the hands of Borat are similar. There are bird shapes, human shapes, and other animal shapes.

"How does Star Alliance have a mechanical arm like the Robert family?" said Inresen next to Aikenness.

"Qing" looked at Xilin, whispered: "This is their mysterious place."

The robots on both sides are getting closer and closer, and the robots that had been besieging the energy hood also pointed their guns at the new guys. Although not much can be seen outside, but Porat soon found that the new batch of robots has strong strain, more like some well-trained soldiers, they know how to arrange, know how to cover, how to better To cooperate with the ground. For example, when the robot firepower is concentrated on one side of the robot, there will be a large robot there to expand the light shield, and at the same time, the smaller robots around will quickly avoid the light shield and the big robot behind After that, almost squatting at the point in time, just after the round of the sweep, the robots that evaded the rear began to madly counterattack.

This kind of thing is simple to say, but it is very difficult to combine the flying speed of those robots. Although the program commands embedded in the robot allow them to do this, but Porat always feels that these new guys are not quite right. Now he can't say why, but he feels a little upset.

In the upset of Porat, under the gaze of the people inside the energy hood, the two sides ran into it.

Porat always felt that the mechanics of his own team were the best of the entire Star Alliance. The money that the Robert family spent on them was enough to make any of the top families in the Star Alliance look like even the Eighth Army. On top of this.

However, all the pride of Borat was shaken by the brief collision between the two sides.

A group of robots were hit and some were stabilized after they collided. But the big depression on the body shows their failure, and look at each other. Even if there are depressions, there is no depression to the extent that it is too scary, and it recovers in a very short time.

The same is a memory alloy. There is a significant difference in the speed of rebound. It's not just a matter of material, it's about other aspects. Even though Porat did not have a deep understanding of research, some knowledge of robots is still known. From this short collision, Borat saw too many things.

When a mechanical beast with a flying eagle slammed into the other mechanical beast, he did not think that he was separated from the other side by internal collision, but at the moment of contact. Suddenly turned, from a flying eagle to a python, the mechanical beast was tightly entangled, and a lot of serrations appeared on the tight snake. The tip of the tooth carries a high-concentration laser, and then the prey trapped inside is cut into several segments during the winding process.

All this is just a matter of blinking.

The situation with this flying eagle beast is that they can choose the best way and form according to the opponent they encounter, and then "kill" the prey.

Several mechanical small mechanical beasts on the ground are also confronted in a similar way. When faced with a huge opponent, they quickly gather together to form a large individual, even larger than the other. Xilin felt that the new combination of King Kong-like big guy waved its big fist and screwed a robot in front of it into two halves, then flexibly turned to give the guy ready to sneak a hammer, the sneak attacker was the King Kong The hammer directly hammered his head.


With the shooting of a cannonball, the big mechanical diamond chest broke a big mouth, but it did not fall down, but split into several small mechanical beasts and continued their "hunting" mission.

"That... what?" Some of the Freedom Army looked straight.

Inside the energy hood, Xi Kai put the micro controller on his hand. "It's not perfect yet, I can only use the rough embryo to fight first."

Xi Kai's tone is very regrettable, but the rising angle of the corner of his mouth shows his pride. Look, even a rough embryo is enough to deal with this garbage.

After observing the battle situation, Xilin said to the curtain: "Go ahead."

In a short while, in the area where Xilin was located, some large-scale energy mines were pushed up with small protective covers to protect the mines of the energy mines. Otherwise, the availability would be low.

Since "White Night" has been released from here, Xilin does not have to continue to be in this area. After making a gesture, the 11th team will quickly prepare to start their respective actions. This cooperation has been contacted many times. The new Mojas and others have also adapted very well.

After notifying Aikenness, Xi Kai closed the big energy cover outside.

With the restraint of these robots from Xikai, there are also fewer mechanical soldiers in the Robert family.

Cary cheered and rushed out. They were familiar with the robots. Sometimes they had nothing to do in the starship. When Sag was not playing against them, Xikai would let his robots be a sparring. Therefore, a person who rushed into the eleventh team on the battlefield quickly entered the state.

However, chopping and chopping, Cary saw a monkey-like robot not far from the side bouncing up, avoiding the other side's shooting, and when it was twisted in the air, the arm twisted the opponent's neck, and then by the neck The rotating force is accelerating with another arm when it is landing. After crossing a curve, it pushes its opponent into the ground.

Both Kari and Shusag, who saw this scene, smoked.

How do you feel so familiar?

It seems that they had been playing in the training room on the starship not long ago, but it was Cary who was picked up at the time, and now the robot of the Robert family was screwed directly into the ground by the other side. The geological hardness of this planet is relatively high. If it is a human being, it will definitely not be such a spectacular sight. Even if it is smashed, it will not be able to see the whole body.

This is not satisfied, Xi Kai's monkey-shaped robot has added two feet. If it weren't for a robot from Robert's back, Cary thought that the guy would definitely pop the cutting light knife on his arm and make up for it.

The robot that was smashed into the ground by the neck did not know what the card was. Anyway, the robot didn’t get up for a long time. Only the electric light that came out from time to time showed how embarrassing it was.

Gray cats did not want to mix this war. In the eyes of it, only the energy ore here is the most important. As for how many opponents' robots are not in the range they care about. but. After a small energy quarry next to it that was not protected by a protective cover was broken, the cat fell.

"I have a slap in the air. Don't you worry that your grandfather is just selling Meng?!"

So, everyone saw a scene in which a round fat cat became a mighty mechanical beast between the blinks.

Then, the maddening big cat unfolded its wings, slammed into the air, and then opened his mouth.

This vented like a sigh, so that people who heard the snoring felt a pain in the eardrum. Even helmet protection with protective clothing can't stop it.

The gray cat's voice is never just a sound wave. The robot around a large area of ​​the gray cat, whether it is the Robert family or the new robot made by Xi Kai. There is a sluggishness, but Xikai’s new robots are much slower than those of the Roberts, which is the small gap that has affected the tragedy of the Robert family’s robots.

After a wing flew a few robots, the gray cat began to vent. On the speed, even these robots made by Xi Kaixin are not the opponents of the gray cat. Moreover, although this cat is not very reliable, the brain's reaction is very fast at the critical time, starting from its participation in the battle circle. There was almost no bullet, and at most it was just rubbed.

The gray cat’s claws let Rayson shake and shake when he saw this scene, because that paw is just a paw, and the big guy who beat himself and others is half-waist. .

Mo Heng, who was also in the ground, was poked at Xi Kai, who was watching the outside situation. "When can you make a robot or a mechanical beast like Xilin's fat cat pet?"

Xi Kai pulled the corner of his mouth and did not speak. The previously proud face also disappeared.

There is no good or bad without comparison. Compared with the robots of the Robert family, these robots made by Xi Kaixin are undoubtedly the winners. but. After the emergence of the gray cat, Xi Kai’s attention was removed from the two robots fighting, placed on the gray cat, right, and the Western Shadow.

Unlike the high-profile of the gray cat, Xiying has always been like a shadow, and his sense of existence is very low. He has already made too many surprising things when others are not paying attention.

Among the people wearing protective clothing and armor, the western movie wearing casual clothes is like an alternative, an alternative that can't help but marvel. He doesn't need a knife. He uses his own hands. He has no wings, but the speed is not slower than those of the robots in the sky. There is no eye-catching beam of energy, but the place he has passed has already fallen too many robots.

When can I make a robot like this? When can I create a mechanical army like this?

There is a long way to go.

Mo Heng looked at the side of Xi Kai's atmosphere from high to heavy, grabbed the white hair, smiled a few times, sat back and continued to watch the battle displayed on the screen. He is old, and he can only look at the battlefield outside in a similar space. However, it is not that he has left the battlefield. He has created fighters for Kari and others and created improved firearms weapons for the eleventh team. The children with such equipment on the battlefield, he feels the same. The heart is no longer young, but the blood is still so easy to boil.

Xilin held the slender knife and cut off the robots. On the other hand, the inferno thunder snakes were like snake kings in the hunting ground, swallowing one opponent.

The robots in the Inferno Thunder snakes screamed and screamed. They always noticed that the Aikensi tribe of Xilin also discovered this phenomenon: around Xilin, there are a few robots that are not close at all. The ground exploded, and many of these robots did not have a gun at Xilin.

Aikenness recalled that when he was on the passenger starship, if there was a conflict at that time, he must have died. Not to mention the West Shadow, just a single person in Xilin, it is enough to let the three of them go to hell. Moreover, Aikenth also believed that at that time, the gray weird fat cat was also on the starship.

I am really glad that I am not enemies with such people. Such a team, with only a few stars, can always give a big surprise.

Cooperation, we must continue. This is the firm determination of Aikenence after this time.

Different from Aiken's point of attention, Qing noticed the knife of Xilin. Others don't know the origin of the knife, but Qing knows that her righteous father was once a big man in the v star area, but was later assassinated. From the notes of her righteous father, she knew about the star hunter Oscarlo, and also knew Oscullo's slender knife.

When I saw Xilin took out the knife, Qing was somewhat suspicious, but gradually, as Xilin cut down those robots one by one, the expensive knife that he and others were not easy to do, that The knife is easy.

Yes, that is the knife!

Osculo was killed. This news is passed on to the entire v-star area. However, there has been no conclusion as to who killed Osculo. Some people say that it is another star hunter. Some people say that it is the day of the army. Warriors, because of their level of people, no one can imagine being killed by others.

But now, Oscarlo’s knife is in the hands of Xilin. How can this fact not shock Green?

Xilin, who is it? !

In addition to the newly joined Shikai's mechanical army and the 11th and Freedom Army, there are occasional thorns, or tooth clips, or other traps on the ground. These are controlled by white nights. There have been many people who have been here, and they are now buried in this area, even the bones are not left. Now when the opponent is a robot, the most traps may not be the best, but it is also a small boost.

In the battlefield, the situation began to tilt, and Porat almost grabbed the hair he had been carefully managing, but even if he scratched himself into a bald head, it was useless, the subordinates had arranged to flee, and Bollard stared. The scene displayed on the screen, the eyes are covered with red blood, a slap will open the persuaded subordinate fan, and the mouth will emit a paragraph of incoherent whispers.

The subordinates who are bleeding from the corners of the mouth will no longer fan, and several others have left Polatra there. Their main task is to protect Borat, the task given by several high-ranking people in this family. If Borat died, a group of people and their family members would have to be buried.

Half an hour later, a flying saucer-shaped aircraft was disengaged from Borat's mother aircraft, and Porat was forcibly dragged by several core men.

The small aircraft was obviously specially made, and the outside robot also shot at it, but between the blinks, the aircraft was gone.

"Hey, let him escape!" The gray cat grabbed a robot that blocked it, vented the robot and swallowed it a few times, then chewed a pile of metal slag.

Xi Kai, who saw this scene, couldn’t help but lick his forehead. It’s too **** to make such a mechanical beast!

The Lord fled, the rest of the soldiers were all cannon fodder, the gray cat did not pay attention to the robots, it rushed into the abandoned mother aircraft to search for it, to see if there are valuable goods left.

The fastest update, please.


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