MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 4 I grow corn for you

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  Chapter 4 4. I plant corn to feed you

  The yard of my hometown is quite big, and the concrete floor has cracked. In the winter, there is still a small purple flower that got out of the crack, and a small purple flower trembled in the cold wind.

  Song Tan stared at the flower, only to feel that the environment changed, and even this little wild flower looked beautiful.

  Song Sancheng put his luggage away in the main room, and hurriedly called to his daughter:

   "Tan Tan, it's cold outside, hurry up and go inside to warm yourself by the fire."

   Rubbing his hands and feet while speaking: "It's so cold to ride a motorcycle!"

  Song Tan took a moment to react—yes, cycling in winter is indeed very cold.

  But she didn't feel much.

   Spreading his hands, he saw his palms were as white as jade, presumably because he had tried his best to repair his body in the car accident, trying to avoid the fate of death, and because of this, his body was tempered to a certain extent.

  However, it is very limited.

  For example, at this moment, a gust of cold wind blew by, and Song Tan's body trembled uncontrollably. She was stunned for a moment, and then rushed into the room.

   This is a heated cabin.

  The area is not big. There is a tin stove in the corner near the window, with a square iron plate on top. The flue is long, bent at the ceiling, and spreads to the hole in the other wall.

  In this way, the flame in the furnace is raging, but the hot and sultry smoke is discharged out of the room through the flue. As long as the fire is lit, the whole room will be warm and harmonious, comparable to the heating room in the Northeast.

   Song Sancheng hasn't seen his daughter for a long time—it's not good to work in a big city, there are few holidays, and it's not easy to buy a ticket to catch up with the rush hour.

  The last time I saw you was Chinese New Year.

   But it was only three days off, and I went to work overtime on the fourth day of junior high school. It was very hard.

  He only got such a daughter when he was thirty-five years old. Every day, the daughter said what was what, even if his son was born later, it was also such a habit.

  I thought about it now, but I didn't know what to say, so I stretched out my ruthless iron hand and took down the roasted sweet potato from the stove:

   "Are you hungry? Eat a sweet potato pad!"

  He is not afraid of being scalded, and Song Tan is not afraid now. He reached out to take it at this moment: "Dad, you eat too."

   "I don't want to eat it!" Song Sancheng quickly waved his hand: "When I was a child, your grandma made us sweet potatoes every day. If you eat too much of this food, you will burn your heart and hurt yourself."

  Song Tan was silent for a moment.

  And Song Sancheng finally found a topic: "How long will you stay at home when you come back this time?"

  Song Tan opened her mouth, obviously in the world of cultivating immortals, she has always been a straightforward character who refuses to accept it, but at this moment, the words she uttered are as heavy as a thousand catties.

   "Dad, I quit my job and want to go home and farm."

  Song Sancheng fell silent for a moment, and after a while, he sighed: "Tan Tan, you don't know the hard work of farming."

   "I'm not afraid of being laughed at when you come back to farm as a college student, but you really can't bear that hardship."

  The implication is that I disagree.

  Song Tan was not in a hurry: "Dad, when I was young, I pulled peanuts, broke corn, picked tea leaves, and watered the vegetable garden. I also did farm work."

   "How many jobs can you do!"

  Song Sancheng pointed to the medicine bucket in the utility room opposite: "You can't even carry that bucket!"

  It was an old-fashioned blue plastic spray bucket, which weighed thirty kilograms when it was filled with water. You had to carry it around while spraying.

  But compared to digging tea mountains, cutting rice and transplanting rice seedlings, this is already an extremely light and economical job.

   Don’t think that people in rural areas don’t use pesticides. Cordyceps is highly resistant these days, and everyone else uses them. If you don’t use them, then wait for the food and tea to be eaten up!

  Whilst speaking, Ulan entered the room carrying a pot of milky white fish soup. The lingering fragrance filled the air. Even though there were still some impurities in it, it was much better than what he had tasted during the day.

   "Tan Tan, drink more soup tonight. Your dad caught crucian carp from that wild pond. It is very nutritious. You should make up for it."

   Turning around, I saw the small piece of gauze on my daughter's head, and after hearing that it was accidentally smashed, I became more determined to give my daughter two more bowls of soup at night!

  Ulan put the pot on the iron table of the stove to heat it up, and in a blink of an eye saw the sweet potato in Song Tan's hand:

   "Tan Tan, don't eat the sweet potatoes yet. These are our local white-hearted sweet potatoes. They are choked with noodles. Save them for dinner at night. Don't wait until you can't eat."

   After finishing speaking, he hurried back to the kitchen without waiting for an answer.

  And Song Tan put the sweet potatoes aside, and looked at Song Sancheng with a complicated expression, so he picked up the heavy blue medicine barrel from the sundries, turned on the faucet on the side, and poured water directly into it.

   "Tan Tan!"

  Song Sancheng also came out—seeing her daughter's effortless movements, she felt sad for some reason.

  My daughter has been obedient and sensible since she was a child. She lived frugally, and was not willing to spend money while working outside, just for this family.

   Now that the child has a head injury, he said he resigned when he came back. He must have been wronged in Ning Province... Also, every time I make a phone call, I have to work overtime, and the house I live in is so small, how can I not suffer?

   At this moment, Song Sancheng has been shaken.

  If the children want to come back to farm, they can farm. If they really can’t bear the hardships, they will find a job in the urban area, which is close to home.

  Song Sancheng was just about to speak when he saw that the spray bucket had been filled, and the daughter who "can't bear hardships" was carrying it like a teddy bear.

  At this moment, Song Sancheng, a 58-year-old authentic farmer, looked at his rough hands, feeling at a loss:

  Why do I think that bucket is heavy?

   Am I getting old?


   And at this moment, a cheerful shout suddenly came from a distance:

"elder sister!"

  Song Tan turned his head subconsciously, and saw a young boy wearing a black cotton vest running from the road. He had very long legs and was about 1.8 meters tall, but he was on the thin side. But the skin is fair, and there is a small dimple on the cheek. At this moment, he ran over with a smile, and the whole person was filled with joy:


   This is her younger brother Song Qiao, who is eighteen years old physically and... six years old psychologically.

  Ulan gave birth to him when he was forty years old. There is no habit of birth inspection in the countryside. As a result, he was born like this, always retaining the mind of six or seven years old.

  But she is very obedient and sensible, and was brought up by Song Tan when she was a child.

   Until she left home to go to school, and then stayed in Ning province...

  Song Qiao stood in front of Song Tan, her eyes were shining, and she looked at her obediently, like a puppy.

  Song Tan stretched out his hand, the boy lowered his head obediently, and touched his cold face for her: "Qiao Qiao."


   "I'll be back with you, okay?"

   "Good!" Super loud.

  Then he looked at Song Sancheng hesitantly: "But Dad said, you have to earn money and you are very tired, so I can't pester you."

  Song Tan laughed, and went to check his hands again, to see whether the nails were dry or not—very well behaved, he didn't have to pick mud in winter.

   "Earning money is too tiring, my sister doesn't want to earn anymore, come back to stay with Qiao Qiao, stay with parents, let's go together. Okay?"

  Song Qiao didn't know what the meaning of the rare college students in the village came back to farm, he just cheered:


   "Sister, don't be afraid! I can grow corn, and I will support you!"

   Now, even Song Sancheng, who had been grimacing all this time, burst out laughing:

   "You will put corn kernels in the pit, and then break them off the pole, what kind of corn do you know!"

   Thank you Qianqiu for your reward, and thank you for your support! This article is still slow.

   Prices, villages, farming, environment, climate, each place has different living habits, I promise I didn’t write indiscriminately. So when you see different opinions, don't worry, just take a trip to a distant country.



  (end of this chapter)