MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 3 Let's go back to our hometown to farm

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  Chapter 3 3. Go back to your hometown to farm

  Song Tan came back to his senses and took his own takeaway—this is a fine meal from a private restaurant with the best reputation worth 188.

  However, as soon as the box was opened, the aroma of vegetables and the turbid smell were equally mixed, as if she was particularly uncomfortable with the air.

  Song Tan only felt her stomach churning, no matter what, she couldn't eat anymore.

   Just at this time, the boss who was respected by the employees as "Wang Papi" walked in, and when he saw this, he immediately said angrily:

   "Song Tan! You are still in the mood to eat, what about the PPT I want? I tell you that if you can't hand it in before 2 o'clock, don't do it!"

  Song Tan seemed to be handed a wonderful step, and immediately stood up:

   "Thank you boss, please remember to punch in your salary on time, I will resign and go back to my hometown now!"

  The whole office was stunned.

  Seeing that Song Tan had already started to pack his things, Wang Papi stood there, at a loss and aggrieved at the moment:

   "I...I didn't mean that either..."

   It is not easy for him to find an employee who is obedient, hard-working and capable.

  Huo Xueying stopped eating, and came over to persuade Song Tan not to be impulsive. Nowadays, the general environment is not good, and it is not easy to change jobs.

   As a result, he suddenly saw the bald hair on the other side of Song Tan's head, and the gauze attached to it. At this moment, he felt aggrieved for some reason:

   "Let's go! Tan Tan, I'll help you pack your things! You first cultivate your body, and I'll go find you after get off work!"

  Song Tan's words just now are the wish hidden in his body for many years. After saying that sentence, she quickly recalled the green mountains and green waters at home, the fat hen that was cooing, and the big fat pig that was humming...

  She doesn’t know if the pigs in my hometown have impurities, but they must be better than those in the city, right?

  At this moment, she couldn't wait to go home.

   "No, I'm serious, I will go back to the rental and pack it later, and then go straight back to my hometown!"

  At this moment, Huo Xueying was also dumbfounded.


  Song Tan packs very fast.

  Isn't the hard work of two lifetimes just to have a better life?

   Now that I have the ability of self-cultivation (although I haven’t started to practice yet), isn’t it uncomfortable to be self-sufficient when I go home?

  After taking the temporary documents from the police station, she took a taxi back to the rental house with the box in her arms.

  In a small house of 20 square meters, there are a few clothes hanging by the window, and a stack of books on the desk, all of which are study materials related to work.

   On the small bed measuring 1.2 meters, the cotton 4-piece set still has the wrinkles from when I went out in a panic yesterday. Looking at it, Song Tan couldn't help remembering how frugal he was before.

   She sighed silently.

   I dug out the cardboard boxes I didn't want to throw away, packed some simple toiletries, unpacked the four-piece bedding set, a box of clothes, and three pairs of shoes.


  After tidying up a bit, she called the landlord to leave early, the deposit will not be refunded, and the excess rent will be refunded.

  Forget it, there are still 63,500 yuan left!

  Go back to my hometown!


  High-speed rail, taxi.

  For four hours, Song Tan, who was willing to spend money, was no longer the same as before, passing by train and bus all the way.

  At this moment, she was also standing on the side of the road five or six hours earlier than usual.

  Looking at the gurgling stream on the other side of the road, breathing the air that is different from the city (although it is still a bit turbid), the whole person finally got out of the swaying state.

  On the road on the hillside in the distance, a motorcycle roared over, went downhill, passed through the fields planted with tea trees on both sides, and finally stopped in front of her.

  The short, dark-skinned man looked at her with a smile on his plain face:

   "Tan Tan, why are you on vacation?"

  The middle-aged man got out of the car, put the huge suitcase on the iron frame at the back of the motorcycle, tied it tightly with rubber band ropes, shook it again, and then said:

   "Get in the car, Dad will take you back home, your mother baked sweet potatoes at home, I caught some crucian carp for you to stew yesterday - what's wrong with you?"

   This is her father, Song Sancheng.

With tears in his eyes, Song Tan looked at this ordinary man full of worries, tried his best to smile, and then pretended to carelessly touch his head: "It's okay, I knocked it when I got off work, but recently the company has to work overtime, so I just came back rest for few days."

   "Then you have to rest, otherwise what should you do if you fall into the root of the disease at a young age?"

  The ignition rod of the motorcycle was stepped on a few times, and then there was a roar. Song Tan subconsciously held the rear frame with his backhand, feeling the fresher smell of the wind blowing on his face.

  Climbing up the mountain, bending, more and more dense trees, even in the cold winter, you can see green tea mountains and pine forests...

   This is her hometown, Qingxi Town, Yunqiao Village.

  A hometown with mountains and water and four distinct seasons.

   This is her new life.


  The motorcycle traveled over the mountains and ridges for more than ten minutes, and finally approached the village after a long downhill.

  Yunqiao Village is in the mountains. Although there is a village road and a daily shuttle bus, it is not a problem to go out, but the winding mountain road still brings inconvenience. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer young people in the village.

  The old people are gradually passing away, the young people are leaving, and the people staying in the village have become more and more sparse.

   It's full of money, and now there are no more than 30 families in the surrounding area.

   But, so what? Cultivator, why haven't you stayed in the deep mountains and old forests? It can take months or decades to retreat, it doesn't matter if there are people.


  Song Tan got off the motorcycle, only to feel a strange feeling in his body that was about to move—it was the fluctuation from the spiritual root. To have this reaction proved that the deep mountains and old forests were indeed more suitable for cultivation.

  Thinking of his ability after recovering his cultivation base, Song Tan became more and more sure about the future.

  In the world of comprehension, she has dual spiritual roots of water and wood, and she cultivates two systems of exercises, which are the most vital.

   It's just that the way of heaven is difficult, and golden pills are hard to achieve. If she doesn't become a golden elixir, the weak in the cultivation world will be preyed upon by the strong, and she will not be able to control her own destiny.

  In order to seek a breakthrough opportunity, Song Tan has planted spiritual plants in the back mountain for a hundred years, carefully savoring the prosperity of life and death, wind, frost, snow and rain, sunshine and morning dew.

   The ability to nourish vegetation with one-handed aura is almost exhausted by training.

   Now that she is lucky enough to live another life, she will not ask for anything else when she returns to the countryside, so let's grow something she can eat first.

   This mortal food is so filthy, she really can't swallow it!

  Thinking of this, the stomach that has not eaten for a day is getting more and more hungry, and there is a tangy aroma first.

  A pudgy woman also came out of the kitchen on the other side of the yard:

"Tan Tan, what do you want to eat tonight? I stewed crucian carp soup and cooked a few more. Let me scramble an egg for you. Don't you like eggs? It's too late to kill chickens, and I'll stew them for you tomorrow—Old Song, go and pull two handfuls of coriander, and put it in the fish soup later."

   Coriander is coriander, and Song Tan's family loves this taste.

  Song Tan looked at her mother Ulan, and laughed too: "Let's add two more big fats. Ning province never eats fish like this. I've thought about it for a long time."

  The locals like to put this when they eat fish, and the aroma is unique. Song Tan didn't know until he went to work in Ning Province that the scientific name of this "big fat" is Huoxiang, and it seems that outsiders (especially Ning Province) don't eat it.

  Ulan laughed out loud: "Is it delicious to cook in a restaurant outside? But in this winter, there is no big fat, so let's use coriander."

   The new book is released, I hope you can collect, comment and vote for it!

   In the future, this book will be updated every day. At the end of "Help", there will be many free extras. "Mermaid" and hp doujin belonged to mood-adjusting works from the beginning, and they will be finished well, but updates will follow the fate.



  (end of this chapter)

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