MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 366 366. Is this for feeding chickens?

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  An adult meal, even if there is only cold noodles, everyone will talk about their careers while eating.

   Waiting for everyone to come up with their ideas in a hurry, from buns to registration to trademarks...

  Jojo had already put the empty bowl on the table first, and then said loudly: "I'm done eating!"

   Immediately, his eyes looked at Song Youde eagerly.

  Song Youde: …

   He was half reluctant, half distressed, and took out the car key from his arms: "You must be careful."

  Jojo grinned, stretched out his hand and took the key away, full of confidence: "Okay! I have practiced many times!"

   Then he shook his head and sang: "Ride on my beloved little motorcycle..."

   It’s no wonder that the child is so excited, it’s been so long, and the family is finally willing to allow him to ride on grandpa’s tricycle.

   Now, he swiftly put two buckets of pre-mixed dog food onto the back seat of the tricycle, and then drove the car steadily out of the yard under the nervous and worried gaze of everyone.

  Sitting there watching, Xin Jun couldn't help sighing: "It's really a joy to be a child."

   Who says no?

  Zhang Yanping and him looked at each other, and couldn't help lamenting: "He doesn't even need to take the public examination."

   "He doesn't have to be a waiter at night and he doesn't get paid until early in the morning..."

  The two nice boys who were forced to leave home sighed together.

   In other words, the family definitely didn't want Qiao Qiao to take risks by riding a bicycle, but this child rides around the yard every day, and his proficiency and stability are stronger than Song Youde.

   What's more, with the hot weather, feeding these seven dogs and seven pigs is not an easy job.

   Therefore, under Jojo's pleadings, everyone let go.

   It was Sun Shouping who put down the empty bowl in a daze, and touched his stomach at this moment, only to realize later:

   "Qiao Qiao went to feed his treasures, what about the three in my family?"

  Look at the three General William and Treasure tied to the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard, they kept humming and chirping while eating, their eyes longing, not to mention how miserable it was.

  I don’t know, I thought they had been **** like this for several years.

  Sun Shouping laughed, and then decisively took out his mobile phone to take a video and sent it to several owners:

   "Look at your baby, how hungry are we for lunch?"

   "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

   Someone replied immediately.

   They eat takeaway by themselves, but the dog at home may eat raw flesh and blood, which is much better than human food. How could they be so greedy?

   Cough, well, I will still be greedy.

   But isn’t this look too exaggerated?

  Sun Shouping thought to himself: You don't know the taste of Song Tan's stuff!

   No, he scratched and pulled the empty plate with his chopsticks, and finally pulled out three shredded cucumbers.

   Now put the phone away, walked up to the three dogs, and wrapped the cucumber shreds in front of their noses: "Come on, let's see which one you want to eat!"

   Good guy! What puppy can resist this temptation?

  I saw the three dogs rushing forward together, humming, chirping, rubbing their tongues, licking, whimpering and whimpering... all kinds of methods were used to give a full shout!

   Just for those three poor cucumber shreds!


  After a long while, someone finally sighed: "It's no wonder that other people's dogs look down on them. If they are so greedy, I can't look down on me."

   "By the way," someone remembered again: "What do they eat for lunch? You can't treat our baby badly! Take a picture of the food."

  "Yes, yes, yes, let me be healthy—I also understand that the village is not very willing to give up meat, and ordinary dog ​​food is also fine. Occasionally eating a meal is like eating snacks, I can accept it."

  Another wondered in the group: "It shouldn't be! Their dogs don't look like they don't eat meat. The food must be good. Hurry up—"

   "Brother Sun, take a quick photo and let me see what the dog eats. It's a good breed!"

  Sun Shouping:…

  He put down his phone in an instant, staring at the old and uneven old stainless steel basin that Ulan specially prepared for a few dogs, his eyes were numb.

   "That is to say... Song Tan, in order for the blind dates of the next few Bao'er to go smoothly, is it possible to feed them something good at noon?"

  Song Tan's eyes froze—

   "What do you want to feed when you say [Hello]?"

  Seeing her like this, Sun Shouping became more and more weak.

   "Just... a few cucumbers? Can you get a few pieces of meat? Don't add rotten vegetables..."

  He is not happy, Song Tan is not happy yet.

  How can there be so many vegetable gangs, 7 dogs and 7 pigs in the family are not enough, so I really don’t add them.

  They mixed dog food in a pot, and rice bran and wheat bran in a pot.

   "Considering that we are guests from afar, I also left them a pot of peeled vegetable leaves and a pot of watermelon rind!"

   As for the meat…

  The meat is stewed in a pot of water every day at home, but it is all for the family. Usually there are meals, but today the food is simple, so I scooped up a few chopsticks and noodles.

   These few... Forget it, let’s have a dog and a big bone. After eating these, go to the meat pot to fish.

  Sun Shouping's face turned green.

   "It's okay," Song Tan comforted him: "It's an indisputable fact that my dog ​​is well-raised. Even if you really take pictures of this, everyone won't mind."

  Sun Shouping seemed to be inspired, and held up his mobile phone at this moment. However, after trembling for a long time facing the messy things in the basin, he still lowered his hands in a decadent way:

   "This is really impossible to shoot."

  Ten levels of beauty and filters can't make up for the ugly fact.

   Just as I was about to change the subject, my phone rang again, and this time it was a video call that popped up.

  As soon as he connected, the young man's face appeared in the camera: "Brother Sun, turn the camera over and let me see what our treasures are eating today!"

  Sun Shouping hesitated and changed the subject: "Then what...their new house has not been built yet, and now they live in an old house, the place is a bit narrow, the dogs are tied under the tree, there is shade, but it is a bit cramped..."

   "It's okay, why do dogs have to be so delicate? It's more energetic to go back to the countryside and run. It doesn't matter if you tie it up when you eat."

  Young people are very reasonable.

  But Sun Shouping became more and more guilty.

  He turned the camera carefully, and the other party didn't mind, but after shouting "treasure" a few times through the screen, he looked curiously at the yellow, green and green things in the large stainless steel basin:

   "Brother Sun, come closer, let me see what's in this pot?"

   Now, there is no way to avoid it.

  Sun Shouping took a deep breath, and then pointed the camera at the pile of things like breaking a jar.

But the next moment, the other party laughed: "Watermelon rind, rice bran, vegetable leaves... Is this going to be chopped up and fed to the chickens later? My classmate's grandma feeds the chickens at home, and they all chop these up—hey, this Is the chicken for sale? It must be delicious!"

  Sun Shouping: ...I really don't treat dogs like this...

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