MTL - Song Tan Jishi-Chapter 365 365. Trademark registration

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   It's getting late now.

  Sun Shouping's resentment has disappeared under the temptation of Song Tan's roasted eggplant in soy sauce, fried cowpea with stewed minced meat and cold noodles.

   But after all, it was someone else's dog. He didn't dare to let go and stay on the mountain like this, so he still dragged them back.

  Da Bao and Er Bao obediently turned their heads and got into the house to rest in the shade.

  The three dogs struggled desperately, whining and barking, their paws almost digging ditches on the grass. It was such a scene of [the original partner of the bad chaff struggling to keep her husband], so that even he fell into the rhythm of a bitter scene.

  When going down the mountain, I couldn’t help sighing:

   "You see, our General William still has a treasure. The name is domineering, but he is actually so infatuated. It is love at first sight and a thousand years at a glance! If this is a relationship, he will definitely look down on other dogs."

  Song Tan also nodded: "Indeed. But the problem is that my eldest and second treasure are so good, it's normal for them to look down on other dogs."

  She is so confident!

  Sun Shouping was even more unwilling to reconcile what he had said. He gritted his teeth secretly: "Don't worry, when I go back and find out, there must be something that can tempt them."

   "There is also the king. I have recently contacted several Kangao masters. When I choose the best, I will definitely be able to choose a beautiful wife for him!"

  Song Tan glanced at him: "Kangao is so delicious, if you are not 100% sure, you should not bring it here."

  Sun Shouping:…

  He is not so picky when he travels thousands of miles to bring a dog on a blind date. How can he be so stingy with the food in your family? Can eating one more pot of bran still make you poor? !


  Two people and three dogs dragged each other, and when they returned to Song Youde's courtyard, they saw that Brother Zhang had already started packing pickled green peaches.

  Song Tan couldn't help wondering: "By the way, I didn't have time to ask you before, why do you want 100 catties of green peaches?"

   "Hey hey hey," Xiao Zhang scratched his head in embarrassment:

   "My daughter-in-law is pregnant, and everything is good after eating your green peaches that day, so I recommend it to the Baoma group."

   "As a result, everyone wants to buy—"

  He said this, and quickly explained: "I am not a middleman to make the difference. I sent the link to your store. If you don't believe me, I will go back and let my wife take a screenshot for you to see!"

"But everyone's treasure mother said that it would be too expensive without free shipping, and I can't be your master... No, my daughter-in-law told people that I do express delivery. After everyone discussed it, an order that is not overweight will add 6 yuan , we will deliver the goods."

   At the end of his speech, he smirked.

  Song Tan: …

  An order is 6 yuan, and Brother Zhang must earn at least two or three yuan. But he did the packing himself, and the money for the packing box...

   It's really a job that doesn't make money. It seems that it's really for his wife's social life!

   "Okay," Song Tan also said with a smile, "That's also for our family to sell, otherwise, every 100 catties will send 5 catties of green peaches to my sister-in-law, and you don't have to pay for it yourself."

   "All right, all right!"

  Brother Zhang was overjoyed.

  Anyway, he didn't feel that he was outselling others. As far as the taste of Song Tan's stuff was concerned, that is, the first wave of sales hadn't recovered, otherwise he would have to increase the order until Feiqi.

   Besides, the green peaches on the mountain will be gone soon, and there are not many cans in stock in the yard. He is really embarrassed to say that he is selling for others...

   Just thinking that I am about to have a child, I couldn't help but giggle while putting the tape on.

   Qiao Qiao looked at him while patting garlic cloves, and then whispered: "Brother Zhang is smiling so strangely now, I will definitely not have children in the future."


  Although in Qiao Qiao's state, his family didn't plan to let him get married and have children, but what he said himself made people curious.

  Qiao Qiao whispered: "I think people will become stupid when they have children. Look at Brother Zhang, he is not so quick to put tape on now, he always takes time to laugh and laugh..."

  Everyone froze for a moment, couldn't help laughing, and then nodded together: "Yes! We, Qiao Qiao, can understand!"


  While talking and joking, Zhang Yanping prepared his lunch and sent it to the pond as usual. When he came back, he was already dripping with sweat, his face was getting darker and brighter from the sun.

  At this moment, he washed his face again before proposing:

   "Tan Tan, it's getting too hot this day, so the pond is not open for fishing yet?"

  Song Tan was a little puzzled: "Don't you want to save more money?"

   It is not her who does not open fishing losses.

Zhang Yanping smiled wryly: "Everyone wants to make money, but in hot weather, they don't do much fishing during the day, it all depends on night. But there are many insects and snakes in hot weather, I am afraid that if I am bitten by poisonous insects or snakes at night - after all It’s our own pond, and it’s not worthwhile to take care of it.”

   Besides, even if there are no worms and snakes, it is not appropriate to heat people up after going back and forth.

   Simply reject all of them.

  Although this group of fishermen has been working for a long time, they haven't caught a few fish in total, but the fry that Tantan put in in the early spring are now growing, so let's give it a more stable environment.

  Song Tan didn't expect that insects and snakes—reiki to disperse shocks, is what she often does at night, especially for those bugs around, so that their things in the house haven't been infested by insects... This point has never been considered.

  But what Yan Ping said makes sense, and it’s hot, so he still refuses to worry about everything.

  Anyway, word-of-mouth of her good stuff has already spread, and there are only two or three groups of people fishing back and forth.

  Ba Pisong sorted out the questions in it, and lost interest in them, so he nodded in agreement.

   And Zhang Yanping quickly started sending out notices

   But Seventh Cousin couldn't help but nodded: "It's pretty good, and there are less than a dozen people's meals, and this group of fishermen is too good to eat."

  The branch secretary Xiao Zhu who was "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ate the eggplant with soy sauce after thinking about it, but couldn't help saying:

"Song Tan, I have already discussed this procedure in the village. You have to think about it. If there are more people working in the family next year, it will be fine if you don't pay for the meal. It's okay to distribute it to the people in the village. .”

   "If you provide meals for the workers, the chef has to think carefully about it, and find someone who can handle the cooking."

  No one knows the price of Song Tan's things this year, but it won't be sure next year.

  If the person in charge of the kitchen is not a trustworthy person, it is easy to cause a lot of troubles if he comes and goes.

  It’s not bad to fill your own pockets, but if you turn around and sell it again, something goes wrong, or it’s mixed with good or bad that affects word of mouth...

   That's really not worth the candle.

  You must know that it is not easy to start a brand’s business now, but it is easy to destroy it.

   "Also, next you should worry about trademark design registration and packaging. Looking back, the peaches on the mountain are ripe, there must be something iconic, so that people can deepen their impression!"

  365 chapters. I miss your three hundred and sixty-five days.

  Good night Sloppy King.

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