MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 5 Scholar (1)

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Miao Yi looked at the depths of the fog and looked at it again. She was surprised: "Someone plays the piano inside!"

"Playing the piano?" Yan Beihong is speechless. Seeing that Miao Yi is not lying, the little finger hurriedly rubbed his ears and calmly concentrated on listening.

Why didn’t you listen to a fart and didn’t even hear a fart, let alone a piano sound, and couldn’t help but confess: “Brother, think more?”

Miao Yi confirmed that she had not misunderstood, and she said with excitement in front of her: "Someone plays the piano inside, which means that the front is also a safe area. We will look at it again. There are fewer people in front, and it is more likely to find fairy grass. ""

Looking back, I found that Yan Beihong’s face gradually sank and didn’t know what he was wrong.

I don’t know that Yanbei Hong has not heard any sounds. He is a person with a lot of grievances. This kind of person often has no sand in his eyes.

I don’t want to pull him to be a bodyguard. It’s good to say it, but Miao’s ‘excuses’ let Yan Beihong feel that Miao Yi’s heart is not correct.

Before Miao Yi had used the knife to kill people, Yan Beihong had already taught it. Now she is pregnant with fairy grass. If this kid has mourned, it will make trouble in his gutter.

Therefore, Yanbei Hong is not easy to establish a trace of trust in Miao Yi. There is no such thing as a moment. On the spot, he untied the parcel that he had grabbed and took a little food. Most of the food was thrown at the foot of Miao Yi with the parcel.

"Since the younger brother does not listen to advice, what I can do is this, we will have a period!"

Yan Beihong threw a sentence and strode away without going back.

This move made Miao Yi a bit inexplicable. How do you turn your face when you turn your face?

After seeing Yan Beihong's figure disappear completely in the fog, he still didn't understand what was going on. He could only think that Yanbeihong didn't want to take risks with him.

After half a month has passed, I have not found a fairy grass. Is it to catch up with Yanbeihong, or continue to search? With Yan Beihong’s skill, it’s safer to go back with him as a companion...

Miao Yi stood alone on the hill and hesitated for a long time. When she thought of the future of her younger siblings, she looked back at the place where Qinsheng came. She whispered to herself: "Where do people dare to go where they dare to go?"

Yang Tian took a deep breath, cleaned up his mood, strengthened his will, picked up the shoulders of the parcels on the ground, and marched toward the mountain in the direction of the music.

As soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, the sound of the piano came from a far crying, but it quickly returned to normal.

After Miao Yi walked for a while, she found that the terrain here seemed to be extremely flat.

He walked in the direction of the music, but after a long way, the music seemed to be always in front of you. You seem to be inaccessible forever, so he had to wonder if he had got it wrong. It was not a piano sound. .

Miao Yi could not help but hesitate.

Not far from him, above the towering peaks surrounded by fog, Pingtai, a stone table, a giant guqin with more than a foot.

On the ancient piano body, the reliefs include the sun, the moon and the stars.

The three faucets came out of the Bohai Sea and looked back at the sun, the moon and the stars.

The dragon body of the three dragons is a string of three colors, exquisite.

Close to the four dragons that can see the dragon scales and curls on the strings, plus the fascinating faucet, and accidentally mistakenly think that the strings are shrinking.

It can be seen that there should be eight such dragon strings on the Guqin. Somehow, such a cleverly crafted Guqin actually destroyed five strings, leaving only three.

A tall man stands next to the stone table guqin, a plain white Confucian robes, and a plain blue cloak that looks like a whitish whitish whitish dress. The clothes look very ordinary. If it is not a haircut, it is easy to let People misunderstood into a cold-skinned scholar.

The long, clean hair is draped over the back, and the heavens are full and clean.

It is a pity that the black hair of the head is full of hair, and the beauty is not the beauty of the frost.

Two white hairs were gray, and each of them fell on both sides of the chest, and each of them was divided into white hair and closed behind the head. A small bow was placed on the back of the head, restraining the black hair on the back and not being scattered.

Although the face of this ‘study’ is a mature appearance of a middle-aged man, it is handsome enough to be almost indescribable.

The nose is good, the eyebrows are soft and soft, and the eyes are like Danfeng, and if they are cold stars, the cheeks are resolutely revealing the tenderness of the river, and the soft and soft kiss of the lip line can be drunk.

The whole person can't tell what it feels. At first glance, righteousness and demonism coexist, noble and ordinary are in the same place, domineering and gentle symbiosis, chivalrous and tenderness are not lacking, and there will be an inexplicable momentum in the world.

There is a kind of word called style, but his style is different from that of a woman.

There is also a word that describes a woman can also be used on his body, that is, the wind is perfect!

This is a man of genius, it is hard to find in the world!

The misty mountain, the 'study' stood straight beside the stone table guqin, witnessing the distance, one hand back, one hand and five fingers cloud light and light, gently plucking three strings, the sound of the piano that Miao Yi heard was From his hand.

Within a radius of twenty miles from the center of the mountain is a basin The sound of his voice is like a bat sound wave, and no one can escape his ears.

He could not confirm whether Miao Yi was attracted by the sound of the piano, or he might have misunderstood the situation, but he noticed the hesitation of Miao Yi.

Easy to pluck the strings of the five fingers, the back of the back of the hand to the chest, gently pull the cloak of the ribbon knot, untie.

The cloak was not divided automatically, floated, drifted away from his shoulders, drifted away, and drifted into the fog.

Miao Yi, who hesitated, found that the piano sound seemed to be moving and changed to the other direction.

How is this going? Miao Yi scratched her head and looked around in a sly look. Finally, she ran her head to the place where Qinyin came again.

The squatting eyes of the ‘Schoolson’ on the top of the mountain flashed a bit, and slowly looked at the direction of Miao Yi.

He confirmed that Miao Yi was indeed disturbed by the sound of the piano. He was not shocked on the surface, but his mood seemed to be affected. The speed of the five fingers was a little faster, and the sound of the piano became a bit of a sudden.

The tone changed direction several times. It seems that someone is running with the piano. Miao Yi is seduce and speeds up. I want to see who is actually playing the piano here.

He may not have noticed himself that he has been rid of a ‘zeep’ line.

In addition to the 'Zhi' line, one is only holding a 'sickle' body that is huge and terrible, and has stabbed limbs, like wearing armor, whiskers, some mating, The **** body of the hunter was bitten by a sharp, cheeky mouthpart.