MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 4 10,000 red dust (4)

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At the foot of a mountain, the sound of the sword was slammed, and Yan Beihong, who was approaching, quickly pulled Miao Yi down after a big stone. I saw a dozen people playing fiercely at the foot of the mountain, and the screams continued to ring.

On the side of the mountain, a blooming Qiongzhi jade leaves exudes a soft radiance, and why these people are strangled and obvious.

Fairy grass? Miao Yi stared at the soft white light on the mountain and brightened her eyes. She was about to stretch her fingers to remind her, but Yan Beihong quickly reached out and covered her mouth, indicating that he would not speak out.

Yan Beihong just took a look at the grass, and his attention was concentrated on the crowd that was strangled. He held the handle and waited quietly.

There is a master in the killing, a person leaping and dodging to cut down more than a dozen people, and finally the sword looked around and confirmed that there was no opponent, only to go to the mountain grass.

At the moment when the other party's mental state slackened, Yanbei Rainbow rushed out and pulled out, jumping in the air and arrogating.

The man reacted very quickly, and ‘铛’ returned to the first sword and quickly turned and fought with Yan Beihong.

In an instant, the two men’s swords and swords are hard to beat. The man is obviously taller than Yan Beihong’s skill. Just after a fierce battle, there is still a strong force to block Yan Beihong’s heavy knife attack, and the speed of shooting is better than Yan. Beihong is faster.

In a short while, Yan Beihong had already hanged his color, and the knife in his hand was kicked by others.

As soon as a sword slammed into the neck of Yanbei, Yanbeihong struggled to grasp the other's wrists. The thighs were wrongly kicked by the other side's legs, and the other's body was put together to hold the sword's front that had cut his neck skin. The mouth hangs blood and smashes.

The two people were deadlocked at a critical juncture, and they couldn’t help but see Yan Beihong. The man suddenly squatted.

boom! Miao Yi, who rushed to attack, was thrown out.

But the man had a pig knife on his lower back, and the blood was in the back.

The man grabbed his lower back and tried to look back at Miao Yi who had struggled on the ground for a few times. He couldn’t help but look angry and his eyes were red, as if he were going to eat human beasts.


The other party's strength is slack, and the machine can't be lost. Yanbeihong screams and grabs the other's sword wrist. An elbow hits the other's chest and knocks the opponent back.

The Yanbei Rainbow, who took the sword in his hand, jumped up, holding the sword in both hands, and remembering the light.

Hey! Directly put the master to the slanted shoulders.

Bloody flying dragonfly, the victory and defeat has been divided, Yanbei Hongqi sword standing, big mouth gasping, looking at the corner of his mouth hanging blood and holding a chest pain, Miao Yi laughed.

This feeling of escape from the dead made him laugh and be happy.

Tear off the clothes and simply wrapped the wounds. Yanbei Rainbow licked the other food left by the other side. He walked over to Miao Yi and leaned over and grabbed Miao Yi’s wrist to smash him.

After giving Miao Yi a pulse, she suddenly took a shot in Miao Yi’s abdomen.

"Wow..." Miao Yi spit out a large mouthful of blood, but the chest tightness and shortness of breath in the abdomen of the river was a relief, and the feeling of breaking the breath before was instantly eliminated.

"You and I don't know each other, is it worth it for me?" Yan Beihong asked, staring at the white-faced Miao Yi smile.

Miao Yi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gave him a white look. He had never seen such a wolf-hearted guy. He didn't have a good air: "You are strong, I need you to be my bodyguard."

Yan Beihong’s sword pointed to the person who had just fallen. He asked: “His skill is better. Is it safer for you to help him?”

Miao Yi said with no expression: "Because his skill is stronger, I don't need my help, and I saved your life now!"

"Count your kid to know each other, haha!" Yan Beihong Yang Tiantian burst into laughter, then patted Miao Yi's back, "Don't be a pitiful little lady, suffered some internal injuries, can't die!"

The vigilance that he had always maintained for Miao Yi in his eyes finally disappeared completely. He returned to climb the mountain and took the grass to the hand. He took it down and enjoyed it.

This fairy grass is only half of the chopsticks long, nine branches and nine leaves, crystal Ying Yu Run, can be described as Qiongzhi jade leaves, exudes a halo. The tiny particles of light on the surface of the surface are floating like a group of small fireflies flying around and staring at the stars in the night sky. It is estimated that this is the origin of the name of "Xinghua".

Both of them saw this baby for the first time, and the nose was close enough to smell a faint scent of the heart, unlike the scent of wildflowers, it was easy to attract butterflies.

"Good things! It is not a fairy grass." Yanbei Rainbow 啧啧 two sounds, let Miao Yi smell the smell and appreciate it and then received it back.

Miao Yi, who had widened her eyes, watched him wrap up the grass with a piece of cloth and stuff it into his arms.

Seeing that Miao Yi was stunned by her own eyes, Yan Beihong’s fist was turned into his own mouth without the permission of the partners. It seemed to be a little embarrassed to say: “That’s why, this I, the next one is yours."

Miao Yi looked at the road and asked: "You have got the grass, don't you go back?"

"Do you see me as a person who doesn't talk loyalty?" Yan Beihong pushed his face and pushed Miao Yi forward. "I will continue to be your bodyguard. When you grab your share, let's go back together. But the bridge." Returning to the bridge, returning to the road, your kid is not allowed to remember me to play this yin, otherwise don't blame me."

Miao Yi is speechless. Who told me not to win someone else. If the strength is changed, will the other party dare to accept the grass without their consent?

Yan Beihong did not say anything. The next day, he continued to see people and robbed. It seems that he really wants to grab a fairy grass for Miao In his words, let's become a fairy together!

However, the people who are still looking for them are almost always 'poor people', and they have not adopted the grass, and they are also robbed.

No wording is just the beginning, and finally Yanbeihong is still eating.

The two have already reached the farthest point on the safe area of ​​the map. At the end of the safe area, go inside again. The ghost knows what is going on inside.

The two stood on a hill and stopped at the end of the safe area, and the mist twitched around.

The place shrouded in the fog in the distance is so mysterious. Yanbeihong seems to say to himself: "Brother, it’s not my words. Go back. This ghost place has only been open for a month, and now it has been half a month. I still have to spend a lot of time on the way back. I will not be able to go out later. On the way back, I try my best, maybe I can grab a fairy grass."

Miao Yi can understand his thoughts, and the other party can accompany him to come here is also a benevolent, but...

“Have you heard any sound?” Miao Yi suddenly stunned, screaming at the opposite unfathomable danger zone. “It seems to be from inside.”

"Sound? What sound?" Yan Beihong stunned, constantly tilting his head and ears, and his brow gradually erected: "I didn't hear anything!"

"Don't hear?" Miao Yi was a bit strange, listening again.

The sound of a 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 如 如 如 如 的 的 的 的 的 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚 叮叮咚咚

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