MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 54 Fascinated

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Heron had a good attitude. The low-brow and docile look made Ao Li's face a little better, but he still did not forget to warn: "If you are here next time, this method of protection will not be necessary, and naturally there will be people. Take your place. "

He meant something, nothing more than the woman in red who had just stood in his place.

It was Zuo Hufa who came to serve him temporarily. In a few hours, he poured tea and poured water. He shivered and asked for warmth. From time to time, he presented a beautiful smile. If the person in front of him could please him like him, he I will not be sullen for a long time.

Herron didn't take it for granted. He repeatedly said that he set aside the things he had just bought, and then made a pot of tea to reduce his temper. He inadvertently said, "But the subordinates may like to be more with me. Here it is. "

Although the beautiful woman is very beautiful, she has no interest in seeing Ao Li.

You must know that when Ao Li is boring, he can read the weird bizarre character.

Ao Li was seen by him, sweeping the majesty for a moment, and deliberately cold-shouldered: "The beauty around this seat is like a cloud, and there are many civil and military generations, how do you know that this seat must be you? You are just a man. Serve, how can there be tempting fragrant nephrite in the arms? "

Heron was hit in such a way, and he touched his nose, and immediately denied that the words in his words were ambiguous, and Heron's face changed slightly. Don't dare to think otherwise. "

Originally thinking such a rhetoric, Ao Li snorted and stopped pursuing.

But his response was not small, and the anger that had just subsided showed signs of rising.

Ao Li tried to suppress this nameless anger and did not show it, but the internal work that spontaneously shipped from the body caused the wooden table under his palm to break instantly.

He could not bear it, and asked in a dumb voice, "Who is it."

Who……? Heron squeezed a sweat for herself. Couldn't Ao Li refer to the person he wanted? He didn't know why he made a mess, why Ao Li noticed this sentence so keenly.

"Thank you for your attention, but this is a private matter of your subordinate, and your subordinate--"

Ao Li didn't listen to his explanation, and a strong wind passed. He blinked in front of Heron in a blink of an eye, and easily lifted his collar. Although it was plain eyes, it was flashing fierce light again.

"Do you want to say?"

He didn't know where this strong strange emotion came from, but just thinking of this person's favorite person, he was suffocated in his chest, and couldn't help wondering what the other person looked like, figure, knowledge, martial arts, and why he was favored by him. ? And where is that person now? Has he already dealt with him?

These problems made his brain faint, but he didn't want to think any more, only raised a weak desire for anger and destruction.

Heron knew that this man had a strange temperament, fearing that his words would provoke him to cheer up, and he had to lower his eyes instead of looking directly at him, waiting for him to breathe out.

After a long time, Ao Li took a deep breath before reluctantly to calm down the magic in her heart.

Putting Heron down, he stared at the person in front of him with guilt. Because the person kept his head down, it seemed that there was a sense of weakness in his eyebrows. The slender eyelashes trembled under his gaze, as if also in him. Sweep on the apex of the heart.

Ao Li immediately let go of his collar, and his voice was still unknowingly lighter, "You'd better break your mind, manners, and people's mind now ... No, it's no one. This is the teaching. The believers are not allowed to become affectionate, and their children's private affairs will eventually mess up. "

Heron had nothing to say, but had to obey the ground and took out some strange things from the parcel to relieve Ao Li's boredom, which made him happy.

Ao Li saw that he was trying his best to please himself, and he was relieved, so he listened to his explanation with interest.

But some toys are really interesting for naive children, such as the rattle in front of them ... Ao Li didn't want to shake Heron's mind, but had to patience a few times before he hesitated: "Do you like it?"

Heron was also stunned, with a embarrassed look and a weak tone. "The subordinate thought the leader liked it."

He watched Ao Li shake the rattle for a long time, thinking that he really liked it, so he didn't dare to tell him that this was not what he bought.

"... I want to blow you out again."

"Ahem." Heron fisted his lips against his lips, holding back a smile from his lungs. "Subordinates leave on their own, without disturbing the leader's eyes."

His smiling eyes were crooked, and his eyes were surrounded by a starry river. This rare style fascinated Ao Li for a moment, and he finally remembered to order before he left: "You, move to this temple."

This order surprised Heron.

Ao Li is right and upright, picking up a rattle and shaking it half-lying, making a clear drum sound, "What you said on the ring ... to guard this seat, and so on ... then give you a chance to guard all the time." He said blandly, a pride of course that lingered between his eyebrows, and his tone of generosity was as if his devil would finally be compassionate.

Heron shuddered and noticed something else, "Originally the leader watched the ring game of his subordinates? Remember that so clearly?"

"... has nothing to do with you, get out."

Ao Li glanced at him before he turned away and rubbed his hot ears.

Although this man is not good at martial arts, he is still too dangerous.


When Heron moved to Ao Li's dormitory, Ao Li's room was already out of light. Rarely, there were no disciples outside the door guarding him. He suspected that Ao Li had fallen asleep, took a bath, and immediately rested.

Unfamiliar with the new yard, he naturally did not find it, the side door was not closed, and the scene could be peered into while bathing.

When there was no movement in the hospital, Ao Li appeared like a ghost, came to Heron's bed, and rubbed his fishy nose.

He just took a look at the curiosity, but did not expect to see him in the bathing scene. He was like a betrayal, and he saw the process in the dark despicably, so it was not enough. In front of his bed.

While abandoning his behavior, Ao Li sat down beside the man's bed and stared at him for half an hour.

But for the past half hour, he was still upset, like when he was practicing magic for the first time, he almost had the irritability when he went into the devil, the five senses were disordered, and the breath was turbulent, and all this was just because the unarmed and vulnerable in front of him Someone who can be strangled by him directly.

Ao Li's pupils were slightly upright, and he slowly stretched his hands in front of his neck.

He wanted to solve this person directly. In this way, the source of his troubles would disappear as much as possible, and he would return to everyone's high and ruthless priesthood, and he would not be longing for the landscape described by this person, and would not be He was convinced in a few words, and would not worry about the person he liked.

He never expected that this person would have these effects on him, and when he was shocked, it was already what it is now.

For more than ten years, his father has been controlled by soldiers. He has curled himself up into a hedgehog. If anyone tries to keep him open, he will deliberately stab the other person and show his irritability, which is annoying. On the other hand, it forced him to walk away quickly.

But there was another deeper desire in his heart, and he kept telling his dissatisfaction, and his mind flashed every painting of him like a horse, and every beauty he said, also There was a smile on his face, and a scene where he was just alive and fragrant, with a narrow waist and narrow hips, so that his eyes were full of his beautiful body.

A heavy sigh sounded, Ao Li retracted his hand, stiffly doing an action he had never done before, and quilted him.

Although he is no longer a teenager, at this time he just realized the sorrows of a young boy who was in love. It turned out to be like this, it was not up to the bottom, it made people feel itchy, his heart was full of joy for a moment, but he was full of belly for a moment Makes him seem to be treacherous and cannot be solved.

Ao Li didn't always have too many expressions. At this time, the night was quiet, and he couldn't help showing the embarrassed expression to the culprit.

"Although you insisted on approaching, but do you know? If you don't leave again ... then there is no way to retreat, this seat is forbidden."

The person who has fallen asleep cannot detect his breath fluctuations, and it is impossible to answer.


Heron had a bad rest on the first night when he moved here. He went out tiredly, but encountered a lot of pointers. He saw Ge Tangzhu far from the training ground. He didn't say hello to himself, but He showed a strange look and nodded at him.

Just when he met a ghost doctor, he was holding a large bamboo sieve to bask in the medicine. When he saw Heron, he immediately rushed up and said all the words that made Heron confused.

"Hi! You don't know yet?" The ghost doctor patted his thigh, put down the medicine sieve and talked to him.

It turned out that the news that he had moved to the Bishop's Dormitory was spread throughout the school, and everyone today praised him for his skill.

Even the Left Guardian who has been teaching for many years has not received such a high treatment. In recent days, he has even been on a mission, not even near the master.

Wanting to come to Heron for less than half a year, he went from a fugitive to a low-level disciple, and then went straight up to the position of the righteous right-hand protection of the whole religion. It is really envious of others. It is impossible, and it must be another means.

Heron heard sweating and shook his head to clear.

He wasn't worried that someone would come to trouble, and it would be a big deal to follow Ao Li all the time, and who would dare to make trouble under his eyes.

At this time, he was most concerned about his downhill the day before yesterday, but unexpectedly, he still had the opportunity to find out his previous guesses carefully in the future.

The author has something to say: there are a lot of plots behind me, and I suddenly panic. I want to say tens of thousands of words each time to write a story, but my ear just likes the process of writing slowly. Now it is already my jump. Yes, if you do n’t hold it a little, this book is the rhythm of the 800,000 words that the editor said. [Kneeling] I really do n’t want to write fast-wearing. [Erase tears] The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, and everyone re- Favorite the new website, new m .. new computer version .., everyone will open it at the new website after the collection, the old website will not open in the future,