MTL - Slag Shou Cultivating Manual-Chapter 53 Downhill

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Ao Li was sent to the mountains by his father since he was a child. He watched the Yuanyuan religion build up and was trapped by it for half his life.

Because of his physique and the strict discipline of his father, he did n’t stay at home, and he did n’t even know this Pingling Mountain. After he grew up, he became the devil who shouted. He was eager but afraid of the outside world. I just feel that I am the most absurd alien ...

Ao Li's expression changed several times, and she finally got a headache, and seemed to remember something, and her breath gradually became disordered.

Heron should choose to retreat, this is the safest.

But with his head down, after thinking for a long time, he came forward and unfolded the blank scroll.

Ao Li gave him a puzzled look, but Heron began to paint on his own.

Starting from the majestic and glorious palace paintings, he has a magnificent main hall in the distance, which is in stark contrast to the quiet small courtyard with heavy snow in the vicinity, and the blood stains on the deep snow in front of it are also fascinating, and it seems that there is something sad buried in it. s story.

This palace urn spread on paper, still in the deep palace, but the atmosphere was not the same. Once changed to gloomy, the main hall was filled with civil and military officials, apparently in the most honorable ascension ceremony.

Outside of the palace door that came out of this, there were hawkers selling sugar gourds and craftsmen who did carpentry. After this happy scene, it was amazing.

Seeing this, Ao Li squinted slightly and couldn't figure out why this was the case.

But after the blaze of fire, the following scenery surprised him even more.

Here, tall buildings are built, straight into the sky, and there are multiple wheels of transport. The number of passengers is different. The pedestrians on the street are weird. Women wear tight dresses and men wear cloth belts on their necks. The shops are colorful and the huge screen is dazzling.

This is a world that Ao Li has never heard of, and everything in the painting is new and strange, making him wonder whether this is real or Heron's imagination.

Then, with a turn of Heron's paintbrush, he sketched out a bustling world, with chivalry and four lines, a river and lake of pleasure and enmity. On the Pingling Mountain opposite Beidou Peak, the faintly visible architecture is extremely familiar. One of the tall towers.

After the painting was blank, Heron and Ao Li stopped and looked at each other.

Ao Li quickly looked down and swept through the painting again, as if on an immersive and wonderful journey.

"The subordinates used to stay at home, at most, they could only watch the flowers blooming in front of the hospital, and it was a lonely ten years ..." Heron's voice sounded slowly in his ears, raising a faint emotion.

"These are illusive—?" Ao Li came to interest.

"Yes or no, there is no way for his subordinates to know-but they are all adventures." Heron smiled, and didn't seem to think about it or worry about it.

In this one-by-one world, Heron experienced many things that made him depressed, but when he looked back, he found that so many landscapes were left in his mind, and there were events and people that seemed unthinkable at this time. Time is plentiful and I'm quite relieved.

"Subordinates just want to tell the leader that there are so many wonderful things in the world, and you need to be open and willing to accept them."

Herron conjectured that Ao Li's closeness to himself was also one of the reasons for his gloomy personality. If he could let him appreciate some of the human customs and normal interpersonal relationships, perhaps he could change his mind, and from this stereotype Get out of it.

Ao Li moved slightly, staring at the wet water, moving his fingers slightly, trying to touch the person's face in the painting.

At this time, his eyebrows were relaxed, and his eyes were more peaceful. Seeing that he seemed in a good mood, Heron also had the courage to apply for a chance to go down the mountain.

A disciple in teaching does not restrict his movement as long as he reports his whereabouts, but as a guardian of the law, he needs special approval from the leader to be able to leave.

Upon hearing his request, Heron's body froze, and the magic behind him rose again.

With a somber look, he easily clamped Heron's neck when he stretched out his hands, his brain was chaotic, and his voice was hoarse, "You're leaving ...?"

Ao Li's face was not good, and his eyes were slightly lowered, thinking whether he looked like a monster too much, so he finally hated and sullen himself in the demon and wanted to leave.

Heron was taken aback by this inadvertent stun and had to shake his head suddenly.

"Subordinates, buy painting tools down the mountain."

His painful voice shocked Ao Li, who realized his urge and put him down, as if ashamed at him, he hesitated for a few moments, turned his back, and replied, "Let the general chores go."

"They don't know what kind of painting tools and paint they need."

Ao Li paused, wondering if there was any difference between them, hesitated, and finally let go, "Just one day."

When Heron was leaving the next day, he whispered to him, saying that he would return tonight.

Ao Li knew nothing about it, but Helang snorted angrily when he turned around.


For safety's sake, Heron came down after disguising himself.

He first inquired about the recent events in the martial arts. Fortunately, Baidao's momentum in pursuing him has passed.

Now, much attention has been paid to the fact that the Genkong Sword School, together with several factions, attacked the mixed Yuan Demon, and the news of their defeat has become a topic of discussion.

In addition, Heron went to inquire about another thing. It is said that the number of missing children is more.

Worried, he had no intention of buying painting tools, and he came to the town where the youngest child disappeared.

On the way, he noticed many anomalies.

If you go to Pingling Mountain, there are multiple routes, but there is only one route to the location of the mixed Yuanjiao, and these places where the disappearance of young children happened happened to go through the mixed Yuanjiao.

This also has to make people blame all this on people in the devil.

These villages are not far from the mixed Yuan religion, but after Heron asked a few farmers, he had another conjecture.

From their mouths, Heron learns that because of better combat, there are regular people in the Xuankong Sword School every day to come and survey the terrain of Pingling Mountain, and every time they go, they will bring some gifts to these township people. While compensating them, while scolding the evil things that the devil did, he prematurely put these things on the people in the teaching.

After seeing Ren Bozhong's plots and tricks, Heron had to think more about the disappearance of these young children may be related to Ren Bozhong of the Xuankong Sword School.

If they are in the name of upholding justice and then come to investigate the terrain, are they waiting for an opportunity to kidnap young children? He still remembers that Ren Bozhong wanted to get Ao Li to absorb his skills, so who knows if he doesn't want the pure blood of these young children.

In addition, there are strict guards outside the demon religion. They are covered by artificial mist all day long. It is not easy to see through them. If anyone is really close to the investigation, the disciples who observe the customs must be aware.

These honest farmers deeply believe in the people of the Genkong Sect. They think that they will help them to eradicate demons and have no alertness to them. It is not difficult for them to do this silently.

Although the Xuankong Sword School professes the righteous generation, the newly recruited disciples each year are also young and enthusiastic, and have great ambitions. However, Ren Bozhong is an old-fashioned master. If he has the intention to instruct, whitewash the peace, and create an excuse for indignation Unreasonably used by him.

He tirelessly asked the appearance of the disciples in the village. Although he didn't know all of them, when he heard what the leading man looked like, he instantly thought of Fu Yifei, a disciple who was embarrassed by Ren Bozhong.

Heron said nothing about this, secretly amazed, did not expect to investigate so many things, it is not a worthwhile trip.

But when he looked up, it was already dark, and he had to hurriedly return to the town in the center to purchase painting tools.

However, the mountains of Pingling Mountain were covered by natural radon, and some people came out of traps and poisonous mists during teaching. It was really not suitable to go back. Heron had to find an inn to rest for the night.

The next day, when Heron rushed back, he went through the market and bought some messy gadgets, planning to go back for joy.

When he returned to the temple, Ao Li sat in his previous position, flipping over his previous paintings, but left and right sides stood with the left guardian, and a woman in red with a graceful figure.

The woman looked at her eyes, Heron guessed that she might be new, but also saw her slack, leaning on Ao Li's very close distance, intentionally or unintentionally revealing his intimacy, and seemed to be a senior in teaching.

Zuo Hufa saw him come back and looked dumbfounded, and immediately disciplined him as a senior, "You know what's wrong! As a law guard, he didn't return on time and didn't know how to arrange the education carefully. Yesterday he let him No one is waiting for the leader! "

Ao Li looked up at the two of them, and then looked back, intending to let go. Staying by his side for his duty, this man should really scold.

After Zuo Hufa said, he glanced at the woman in red again with admiration, and it was the beauty who knew the current affairs and knew how to handle affairs.

The woman got his admiration, and when she was happy, she covered her face and smiled, her eyes were silky, her laughter was lingering, and the silver bell on her wrist was swaying slightly, making a clear and sweet sound.

Seeing that Helang was almost counted, Ao Li said, and asked, "Do you know how to come back?"

He clearly remembered how the man said he only went for one day.

Zuo Hufa thought that the leader was angry, so he had to teach Heron for him, "Yes! Annoy the leader! What sin should you do!"

Ao Li snorted, suspecting that he was nosy, and did not want Heron to be seen as a joke by others, he impatiently dismissed Zuo Hufa and the woman in red.

Zuo Hufa stopped talking and finally retreated with the unwilling Maggie.

When Heron saw the situation, he immediately stood by him, admitting his mistake incidentally, "his subordinate knew the mistake."

The author has something to say: Langlang becomes soft against the big devil ~

Looks like everyone except the University Party is starting ...? Good luck in your studies, and when you have time, remember to come and see lonely ears. The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone recollects the new URL, the new m .. the new computer version .., everyone opens it at the new URL after the collection, the old URL will not open in the future,

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