MTL - Single Player Only-Chapter 4 Tips for stand-alone games

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Wu Yueqiang clearly remembered that he had added all the points of freely assigned attributes to "characteristic charm". So where does this extra freely assigned attribute come from? Is this what Chen Zihan refers to as the "precise element value"?

I'm afraid so!

In other words, if the task of this game is normally completed, then it will not be rewarded; if it is completed very well, such as copying it on Baidu mobile phone like yourself, except for the phrase "uncle can not stand it" In addition, all other Confucius quotations are correct when they complete the task with high grades, and they will get an extra reward for "discipline attribute points", which is what Chen Zihan calls "fine element value".

Freedom of attribute points is absolutely a good thing, no matter what game, it is a rare and rare resource.

At this time, Yue Qiang remembered his ridiculous guess just now.

Do you want to continue adding points to "Charisma"?

In the game, it is a general principle to specialize one to add when adding points. Because attribute points are rare resources and are generally scarce, when it is impossible to add all the attributes to a high level, training one attribute to a high level has become the choice of most gamers. Moreover, Yue Qiang still has such an absurd conjecture. Therefore, he wanted to know what kind of change would happen if personality charm 15 became 16.

It is extremely difficult to change the attribute value from 15 to 16. In archaic terms, this situation is called a hundred-foot pole. If you use modern mathematical language, the normal distribution takes a value of 6 or more, which is a very small probability event. This is like a normal person's IQ hovering between 80-120. If it increases from 80 to 90, or from 110 to 120, it belongs to the range of normal people. It is not unusual, but if it increases from 150 to 160, it means that Man has become an incredible genius from his original genius. And the value of IQ can no longer accurately reflect the development level of this person's brain.

Ji Yueqiang thought wildly, adding this point up.

The system prompts: Once the precise element value is assigned, it cannot be changed. Do you want to continue?

I didn't hesitate and chose "yes".

分配 The situation of assigning attribute points this time is different from before.

提示 System prompt: Personality charm has reached the limit threshold and will be temporarily solidified.

At the same time, the personality charm attribute value has been distinguished from the other several lines of attributes, and it is displayed in a gray, unchangeable font.

Is 16 the limit that the system can give? While thinking, Yue Qiang took out his mobile phone. He wanted to verify his absurd conjecture.

I took out my mobile phone and hadn't had time to dial it, but a strange number had already come in. Yue Qiang pressed the answer button, put the phone in his ear, and heard a nice female voice:

"Hello Yue Qiang, this is Rao Xiaoting, our class's classmate."

"Yue Qiang, I always feel that you are a very classmate. Your speech in the QQ group is not funny but humorous, silent and exquisite, long and full of imagination. I have always wanted to be a friend with you but I did not swell Courage. Today, I took the liberty of pressing the number to call you just to listen to your deep and magnetic voice. "

"Yue Qiang, can we be good friends?"

Ji Yueqiang murmured: "The difference between 15 and 16 is really huge."

"What are 15 and 16?" Rao Xiaoting asked curiously.

"Nothing, I mean, of course we can be good friends." Yue Qiang said, eyes staring blankly at the number 16.

About 20 minutes after the encounter, Rao Xiaoting kept telling her on the phone how much she admired Yue Qiang. The occasional expressions posted by Yue Qiang in the QQ group were said to be cherished like words, sleeping in class was said to be new, and playing games at home was said to know the world without leaving the house. Yue Qiang never knew he would have so many advantages.

I put down the phone, and he left behind those advantages Rao Xiaoting said, only remembering the first sentence she said: "I'm Rao Xiaoting from our class."

Ji Yueqiang instinctively felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but after thinking about it carefully, she didn't know where the problem was.

The current situation is obvious. Under normal circumstances, Rao Xiaoting will never call herself somehow, let alone say what she admires. And if your ridiculous conjecture is true, then everything can be explained, and the boss lady who sells instant noodles can somehow explain why she winks.

So, if you finish the task in this game constantly and complete the task in a perfect way, will you not be invincible in real life?

Ji Yueqiang faintly felt that this matter was not so simple.

I forgot about it for the time being.

He refocused on the game. Yue Qiang plans to play his game with all his strengths, instead of being half-hearted. First of all, there are some tips for stand-alone games that only old players can master.

For example, open the treasure chest.

The use of the treasure chest is usually a one-time use. After removing the items, the treasure chest will be marked as open on the map. It is impossible to remove the same item again by clicking on the treasure chest again, and some system-friendly games will also give the explanation that the treasure chest is empty. However, Yue Qiang knew that after an old-fashioned domestic large-scale stand-alone game triggered ten consecutive times that the "treasure chest was empty", the protagonist would remove the treasure chest in anger, and then obtain very precious materials in the game.

This is where the domestic stand-alone eggs hurt.

Another example is the response of NPCs to players.

Usually, the existence of each NPC has its meaning, such as buying and selling items, teaching skills, important plots, and so on. Talk to the NPC. The NPC will respond with a fixed routine. No matter the dialogue is one, ten or one hundred times, the NPC's response is exactly the same. UU reads But Yue Qiang knows that in some domestic stand-alone games that have an eggache, talking to an NPC more than 20 times will lead to learning hidden skills.

Ji Yueqiang once thought that this is because the production level of domestic games is limited, and the producers have to add some surprises to players in these small places?

With a mentality of trying, Yue Qiang began to talk to Mr. Chen Zihan repeatedly.

"Please ask Mr. Chen to continue to teach the boy to govern the country," Yue Qiang said.

"The son of the Confucian Analects has the essence of the Analects, and old age is beyond teaching." I saw a dialog box appearing below Mr. Jiao Shu, with the action of a beard and a beard, the image of the downcast scholar was quite vivid.

Ji Yueqiang tirelessly talked with Chen Zihan over and over again. Under the control of a realistic expression simulation engine, he found that although Chen Zihan said the same words every time he answered, his expression was not a fixed smile but a response, but he gradually appeared impatient.

I have a door!

Tong Yueqiang clicked on the chair next to it and chose the drag option, dragging the chair under Chen Zihan's ass. Then select the dialog option again.

"Mr. Chen, please sit down and ask Mr. Chen to continue to teach the boy to govern the country." Yue Qiang's lines quietly changed.

一次 This time, Mr. Chen Zihan's expression also changed, the impatient expression disappeared, and a proud image of a handsome man appeared on his face.

"The sister-in-law can also teach. For the devotion of the son's heart, let's pass on a masterpiece to you as an old man."

System prompt: Chen Zihan teaches you "Guidu Arithmetic", is it acceptable?

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