MTL - Single Player Only-Chapter 3 Draw data and mission rewards

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She Yueqiang has always been sensitive to data, especially the character attributes in the game, he will remember very clearly.

Although this game does not give quantified data such as speed, agility, intelligence, health, mana, and rage, as in general games, it has other minds besides the slightly normal "game data" of strength and physical fitness. Financial data, personality charm, these data are more similar to the single-player game of "The Sims". Yue Qiang still remembers these data and the system's description of these data clearly.

He did not recall the data of the character creation interface, but he still remembers the instructions given by the system.

According to his inference, the average value of each attribute of this game should hover around 10. The data description given by the system I see now is very different from the description given by the previous character creation interface.

According to the instructions of the current version, the average value of each attribute in this game should be around 20.

Why are the "explanations" of the character attribute values ​​that are called out when entering the game and in the game different?

She Yueqiang remembered her attribute value, or the data just before (that is, before buying instant noodles). Even "Character Charisma" was 15 points obtained by adding 7 points to 8 points to freely control the attributes. But the two completely different attribute explanations given by this system really left him scratching his head.

When He was thinking, he suddenly remembered something.

Wait ... Charisma ...

He suddenly remembered that the second time when he went downstairs to buy instant noodles, his wife's attitude unexpectedly became very charming and coquettish, and she had the feeling of taking the wrong medicine. Want to come now, is it because of their own charm? And the reason for this change is that all the 8 points of freely assigned attributes have been attributed to "character charm"?

Ji Yueqiang shook his head. He felt that he had taken the wrong medicine because of this absurd idea.

At the same time, Mr. Chen Zihan, the teacher in the game picture, seems to have discovered Yue Qiang's lazy behavior. This time, instead of preaching Yue Qiang through the roar of magic lion, he took out a teaching ruler from his arms, carried his posture, and struck Yue Qiang's head heavily.

There was a loud bang.

I have to say that the sound effects of this game are too realistic. At this moment, Yue Qiang felt that if it was a real person sitting there, his head must be knocked out of a big bag by this ruler. Mr. Chen Zihan, who is a teacher, looks thin and thin, and has a lot of strength.

Tong Yueqiang right-clicked Mr. Jiaoshu. Just patronizing the various items in the room just now, but I didn't expect that clicking on Mr. Jiaoshu would pop up a status box.

Character Name: Chen Zihan

Occupation: Mr. Teaching (Poor scholar, who lives by teaching)

Strength: 22 (Because of corporal punishment of students all year round, the strength is slightly greater than ordinary people)

Physical: 12 (reading all year round, frail and ill)

Memory: 25 (Familiar with the Analects, Music and other books)

Huh? ? :? ?

Huh? ? :? ?

Huh? ? ? :? ? ?

Sure enough, the inference just now is correct. The average attribute value of these NPCs is 20. Even the strength of a teacher has reached 22. And his character strength value is only poor 12 points. But this was resolved, and more new questions emerged.

Now it's just the beginning of the game. The first NPC that appears, there are three attribute values ​​displayed as "?" Hidden status. This is one of the first. Second, as a player, there are only five attributes, but only Mr. Chen Zihan, an NPC teacher, has six attributes. In addition to this NPC may be an important plot character, it also explains from the side the size of the game, I am afraid that it will be far beyond imagination.

As a stand-alone game enthusiast, Yue Qiang is very clear. The more such a seemingly bland start, the more interesting it will be to play later.

原因 One reason is that game makers disdain to use equipment level moves and other elements as eye-catching elements, and another reason is that many details, powerful rationality and balance will make the game very interesting and very playable.

In my opinion, this game maker has a great plan.

Ji Yueqiang thought so, and clicked on this teacher Chen Zihan again, hoping to find more interesting things.

Sure enough, after receiving a ruler, click on Mr. Jiaoshu's head and an option box appears:

Mr. Chen Zihan, the teacher of the book of teaching, issued a task to you: Study the Analects, is it acceptable?

Ji Yueqiang knows that this is probably the main task. With a mentality of trying, he chose no.

I had another ruler on my head.

There was a loud bang.

System reminder: You are attacked again by the ruler of Mr. Teacher Chen Zizheng. Because your constitution is very low, you have entered a state of syncope.

System prompt: Mr. Jiaoshu reissues the task to you: Study the Analects, is it acceptable?

Looking at the two bruises on the brain of the guy who looks exactly like himself in the game screen, Yue Qiang feels that his brain is also aching. He thought about it and chose "yes".

System prompt: You have accepted the task: Study The Analects.

Task background: Mr. Chen Zihan, a poor teacher, was entrusted by Yue Gong (your father) to teach you the Analects of Ruling the Country.

Mission Objective: Pass the assessment of Mr. Chen.

Mission rewards: None.

Ji Yueqiang looked at the big "None" behind the mission reward colon, and hesitated for a long time, then suddenly came back to Weier, this is not a typical domestic stand-alone game.

Story flow, promote the game through interaction with NPC, as for this mission system, I am afraid that the game makers learned from Western large-scale stand-alone games and online games. After all, domestically-made stand-alones did not have any task system at the beginning. The promotion of the story relied on dialogue with the NPC. Sometimes it was stuck in one place and didn't know how to clear the customs. Talk to a key plot character. The worst thing is that early games will not give you any tips.

Wu Yueqiang remembers very clearly that when he was playing Lao Xianjian, he had been in the maze of a forest for a long time. The reason was that a monkey blocked the way and couldn't get through anyway. Later, I searched the strategy guide and asked my classmates. I learned that I had to investigate in a banana tree in the town, find the item "banana", and feed it to the monkey to cross the maze. This is where the typical domestic stand-alone game eggs hurt.

As for "mission rewards none"?

There is a so-called task reminder which is not bad!

When Yue Yueqiang was thinking about this, the assessment of Mr. Chen Zihan, the teacher, has officially started. The assessment itself is not troublesome, it is nothing more than some sentences on the Analects. Even if elementary school texts cannot be memorized, is there still a mobile phone Baidu? The computer can't access the Internet, but the mobile phone can. Yue Qiang is _____ without knowing it. Fill in "Do not hesitate". After the gentleman had no dispute, he wrote "Must shoot too". The uncle was unbearable after Hachiman Mai Yuting.

The next thing shocked Yue Qiang. This task was countless times more complicated than expected. Yue Qiang originally thought that he could simply copy a few sentences to complete the task, but he knew that the game system really asked him to knock out the hundreds of words of the Analects. This is not to look at option ABC for multiple choice questions, but to fill in the blanks. Furthermore, this time, Yue Qiang started the game and started the game directly. He didn't connect to the Internet, and of course there was no pinyin thesaurus. All kinds of isolated characters really made Yue Qiang feel dizzy.

Qi Yueqiang did not expect that the first mission of this game would be so abnormal. However, in the mentality of a game enthusiast, he still brazenly filled in hundreds of the analects from beginning to end. Because he knows a rule, in a stand-alone game, the more difficult it is to complete the task, the larger the reward will usually be. Since this task is so frustrating that it has to hit so many remote self-checking materials, its task reward will never be a big "none" word given by the system.

As it turns out, after spending more than an hour, Mr. Chen Zihan, the teacher, finally evaluated the entire Analects. He looked at the answer sheet given by Yue Qiang, his expression was very surprised, the system was afraid that the player did not notice his expression, and even added a big exclamation mark on his head.

Chen Zihan: "The son is really a dragon and a phoenix. Although he is bad and not enterprising, he is really clever. He has a strategy in his chest and endorses it invisibly. I admire the old and admire it."

Lame classical Chinese, Yue Qiang directly ignored the compliment of the NPC, quickly click the mouse to see if this NPC will give any hidden task rewards. Sure enough, I saw this Chen Zihan continued: "His son is a very talented man, and he offers a hint of fineness. Please ask my son to smile."

Jing Yuan? What it is? ,

She Yueqiang originally thought that the system would give the specific use of this "fine element". How could I know that this task ended like this without any further details.

I clicked on the dialogue with Mr. Chen Zihan again, and the old man just said, "The son has already got the essence of the Analects, admired, admired." It has been the case several times.

This game is a bit fun.

From the beginning, Ji Yueqiang's mind did not want to play at all, and now some changes have taken place. We must know that the current game industry, especially the online game industry, has been completely occupied by brainless elements such as automatic pathfinding, class solidification, and RMB players' bombing. For stand-alone games, although the screens become more and more beautiful, the configuration requirements are getting higher and higher, and the systems, moves, equipment, and nouns are becoming more and more complex.

What is "Reiki"? Yue Qiang couldn't say it too accurately. He just felt that playing the game now is just "playing". Simply upgrade, fight monsters, practice, PK. He remembered that when playing a stand-alone game before, in order to walk through the maze and solve puzzles without looking at the strategy, he would rack his brains and think, but with the gradual increase of the age of the game, it was no longer possible to find that feeling.

However, this game is different.

Although the installation process is a bit rogue, the task system is a bit mentally retarded, and the classical language is a bit lame, but ... it's a bit interesting.

As an elderly stand-alone gamer, Yue Qiang's desire to explore was inspired. He instinctively shook the game image with the mouse. Sure enough, there is a very small red, green and blue progress bar on a very inconspicuous position at the bottom right of the screen. When you hover the mouse cursor over it, the cursor indicated by the mouse changes.

I have a door!

Su Yueqiang suddenly remembered.

红 This red, green and blue progress bar is a hint that exists in the character creation interface of the game. UU read the book because it was too small and I ignored it at the time. Now it seems that the game's graphics are so beautiful, but the progress bar is very dull and rudimentary, which is itself a questionable place.

Xu Yueqiang observed carefully and found that the red and green two-color progress bar had no changes at all, while the blue progress bar moved forward inconspicuously. The position where the mouse cursor changes is, to be precise, also on the blue bar.

Does this blue progress bar have anything to do with the "reward value" of the task reward?

He carefully adjusted the mouse position, and made a hard jab on the blue progress bar.

Sure enough, an interface was opened.

界面 Yue Qiang is familiar with this interface.

Is the interface for creating game characters, with Yue Qiang's name, character, 5 attribute points, and attribute descriptions on it. The most important thing is that this attribute shows that the one that Yue Qiang first saw. Attribute values ​​based on 10:

Strength: 12 (you have a lot of strength, you can move the bricks)

Constitution: 6 (you are frail and sick)

Mind: 14 (You are not insulted, the dark real life cannot affect your mood, you can always find comfort in the virtual game world)

Wealth: 2 (You are a poor light egg)

魅力 Charisma: 15 (You are loved, flowers bloom)

Below the description of these attributes, a line of obscure italics shows the answer to the question he has been looking for:

属性 Disposable attribute points: 1

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