MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 63

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Si Nian and Jing Huan are sitting in a taxi now, she found that the person she wanted to get close to before, now she can't wait to get away. Sitting together like this now makes me feel uncomfortable. Si Nian silently moved towards the door, as if he would be a little further away from Jinghuan.

Ke Jing Huan didn't seem to notice Si Nian's thoughts, but he approached her for two minutes, and even whispered: "Si Nian, do you still like me?"

"No." Si Nian answered simply.

Jing Huan didn't like the answer, "Why?"

Si Nian only felt that Jinghuan was not clear-headed now, she remembered that she had said it very clearly last time, "Would you like someone who has hurt you?" Si Nian stretched out his hand and pushed it away A little bit of Jinghuan, who is now very close to him, "Besides, have you forgotten that you said that my liking for you makes you disgusted and disgusting?"

There is always something unforgettable in life, otherwise, how can people grow up?

"But now I want your help." Jing Huan said.

At this time, Si Nian knew why people who had been sneering at him before suddenly became enthusiastic, and even pretended to himself that nothing had happened before.

"Do you know why I came to Nancheng now?" Jing Huan said, as if she didn't really intend to let Si Nian guess, she said to herself: "My parents divorced some time ago, I was sentenced to my mom, but now, she's living with another woman. You know what I mean? Another woman, like you. She cheated in marriage, but my dad doesn't know it yet. "

Si Nian pursed his lips and said nothing.

Jing Huan knew that she was still listening, and continued: "Just help me and let that woman leave my mother, I just have such a small wish, okay?"

Rao is prepared, Si Nian's eyes widened when she heard Jinghuan's words now, she seemed to think it was absurd, and she thought it was simply incredible, she never expected to hear it this request. "So, you want me to seduce your mother's girlfriend?"

Seeing Jing Huan still nodding, Si Nian suddenly burst out laughing, she suddenly patted the driver's seat in front, looking cold and angry, "Stop! Now! Immediately!"

The driver was taken aback by such a change, but seeing the madness in Si Nian's eyes from the rearview mirror, he hurriedly stopped on the side of the road.

Jing Huan wanted to understand that Si Nian wanted to leave, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed Si Nian's arm, but Si Nian had already opened the car door, broke free with his backhand, stepped out of the car, and then She walked out and looked coldly at the people sitting in the car, "Jing Huan, I think you're a lunatic!" Maybe only she could think of such an idea.

Si Nian left, she didn't think there was any need to communicate with Jing Huan at this time. But before taking two steps, Jing Huan actually chased after her, and wanted to hold her hand, but was avoided by Si Nian, "Si Nian, listen to me, listen to me, just this time, okay? You don't know that after the people in her hometown know about her, I, what kind of life I live every day, and now I finally come to Nancheng, I don't want to live the same life as before!"

"Then I want to!" Si Nian suddenly stopped, turned around, eyes full of sternness, looked at the person behind her, her eyes locked tightly on the person behind her, "Then I Just thought about the kind of life you brought me? You don't want to be criticized, so I should be talked about? Let me hook up your mother's girlfriend, this time, I think, what should you do Arrange me, I'm really shameless, not only like girls, but also a junior?"

"No, I won't say it, as long as you quietly..." Jing Huan was a little flustered, "Anyway, don't you happen to like women too?"

Si Nian suddenly took the schoolbag in his hand, "Jing Huan, I really want to hit you like this." Her voice was still calm, but extremely cold, "Who do I like? That's my freedom, but it's not a reason for you to attack me. Don't you feel ashamed that you came to me today? Not just for me, but also for your mother? ?"

I don't know where these words touched Jinghuan's mine-field, when she heard it, her emotions became out of control, and she shouted: "Why should I be ashamed! It should be you who should be ashamed, it should be She, not me! I'm not right, why should I be talked about!"

Si Nian looked at Jinghuan who had gradually become crazy, didn't want to pay attention, turned around and left.

I never thought that a group of people would appear from another alley at this time. Si Nian was not the one to cause trouble, but she forgot that when she came to Nancheng, she attended the cram school with Jiang Hanyu. This area was the original area.

When Si Nian had passed the group of gangsters who looked like they were social, suddenly one of them looked back at her, and then shouted: "That woman, So familiar, that time, who was with that girl, the one with that girl!"

Although these words were vague, after being heard by Si Nian, Si Nian reacted very quickly, and almost immediately knew who the person was talking about. It was Jiang Hanyu. Jiang Hanyu, Ling Yi and Ji Chunnian used to get together with the local snakes in this area. But now, as soon as she heard this, she subconsciously quickened her pace.

"It seems to be right! It's that woman! The person who is with the surname Jiang!"

"What are you doing! Hurry up and catch me!"


There were hurried footsteps behind her, Si Nian secretly thought that she was not good, and she didn't know if she could go out today.

But soon, she heard that the series of footsteps seemed to stop and became messy, mixed with exclamations and shouts.

"Fuck! There are people behind!"

"Isn't that Jiang Hanyu!"

"Let me go!"

Si Nian seemed to hear the three words "Jiang Hanyu", she stopped subconsciously and looked back, the scene at that moment made her feel a little tearful.

In a desperate situation, seeing a familiar figure, is it so easy to feel moved? Si Nian just stood there in a daze, looking at Jiang Hanyu who punched and swept his legs in the crowd, his face seemed to be crying or laughing.

Jiang Hanyu, why are you here?

Si Nian doesn't know, the only thing she understands now is that Jiang Hanyu is there, she doesn't need to be afraid or worry.

Jiang Hanyu has been following Si Nian the whole time. She originally planned to turn around when she saw Si Nian and Jing Huan get out of the taxi one after another, but she saw that the two seemed to be having an argument. She didn't get too close, I couldn't hear what the two of them were saying. Then, Jiang Hanyu saw the group of people coming out of the alley.

At that moment, Jiang Hanyu realized that the situation was not good, and he didn't think that he would reveal that he was following Si Nian at this time, and immediately got out of the car and ran to the opposite side. Sure enough, the group of people she saw in the car were the ones who wanted her to "borrow some money to spend money" during the summer vacation, but they didn't "borrow" and were repaired instead. Seeing that this group of people was chasing after Si Nian, Jiang Hanyu asked Zhao Qiao to call the police this time, and then he did something with him.

These people were not her opponents before, and naturally they are not now. When the police came, Jiang Hanyu and several others had already squatted on the ground to teach others a lesson.

When the police took away this group of people, Zhao Qiao ran up with his mobile phone and wanted to ask Jiang Hanyu two questions, why did the people who never called the police actually call the police now? Didn't they all play well before? When did it become so "just"?

But when Zhao Qiao was about to approach Jiang Hanyu, Jiang Hanyu took a quick step and walked to Si Nian not far away.

"Are you not injured?" Jiang Hanyu asked.

Si Nian shook her head, "It's okay, it's fine, but why are you here?" When she started to leave the school, she clearly saw Jiang Hanyu and Zhao Qiao and the others were going in the other direction.

"Passing by." Jiang Hanyu said.

There seems to be no words between the two, and at this time, Jing Huan, who started to lag behind Si Nian and was almost implicated, suddenly walked towards Si Nian. Jing Huan recognized that the person standing in front of Si Nian at the moment was the woman she had seen twice. When she walked up to Si Nian, her complexion had returned to normal, without the hysteria she had when facing Si Nian alone. "Si Nian, are you a friend? Why don't you introduce me?" Jing Huan opened his mouth and looked at Jiang Hanyu repeatedly.

After what happened just now, Si Nian almost forgot there was someone like Jing Huan. Now hearing the latter's voice, she pursed her lips unpleasantly, "I thought you should leave now."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hanyu asked.

Si Nian glared at Jinghuan for fear that the world would not be in chaos. Her relationship with Jiang Hanyu was not very good recently. Now if Jiang Hanyu knew what Jinghuan wanted her to do, even if she didn't Agreed, fearing that it would make her even more annoyed. "It's alright, you don't have to worry about it." Si Nian said firmly, and then stared at Jing Huan again, "I said I won't promise you, and you won't need to find me in the future."

After she finished speaking, she really threw Jiang Hanyu and Jinghuan down and left alone.

When passing Zhao Qiao, Zhao Qiao also asked her if she wanted to go to dinner together.

After watching Si Nian's back disappear, Jiang Hanyu also prepared to leave.

"Are you the person she likes now?" But a word suddenly came from her ear, which made her stop.

Jiang Hanyu tilted his head and frowned at the person in front of him, "What do you mean?"

Jing Huan shrugged, "Don't you know the girl she likes? Or is she approaching you as a friend now?"

Jiang Hanyu may not have understood it before, but when he said this sentence, everything in his mind became sober. She suddenly took action, and before Jing Huan was prepared, Jiang Hanyu grabbed the neckline suddenly. "I warn you." Jiang Hanyu's voice was cold, "It's best not to spread rumors!"

"I didn't spread rumors! Don't you know she likes women?" Jing Huan shouted, trying to break free from Jiang Hanyu's incarceration, but to no avail.

Jiang Hanyu was upset when he heard it, and pushed Jing Huan almost to the ground. "I know, I like her, what do you want to say?"