MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 62

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Qiao Lian looked at Jiang Hanyu like she really wanted to see a ghost, even now she knew that Jiang Hanyu was the one who slapped him twice in the bar last night while he was drunk, but now Seeing Jiang Hanyu's unconcerned appearance, Qiao Lian couldn't help but feel angry.

"What are you doing standing here? Do you want to call back?" Jiang Hanyu frowned lightly and finally looked up at Qiao Lian.

Qiao Lian: "Forget it, I don't remember the villain, for the sake of you taking me out, I won't hold you accountable for the time being!" After all, Jiang Hanyu helped himself last night a big busy.

Qiao Lian left Jiang Hanyu's side, turned around and walked towards her class.

Jiang Hanyu glanced around in front of her. When she saw the empty seat in the second row, the pen cap in her hand poked on the back of Zhao Qiao who was sitting in front of her who was ready to sleep . Zhao Qiao shivered when she poked her, and turned to glared at her: "Jiang Hanyu! What are you doing!" Zhao Qiao can't forget the "magic voice" of Jiang Hanyu behind him in class every morning.

Jiang Hanyu didn't see the anger in her eyes, just pouted in front of her, "What about her?"

Zhao Qiao muttered "Who is it", then turned his head, followed Jiang Hanyu's line of sight, and saw that there was no one in Si Nian's position, "How do I know? I guess there is something going on, or the toilet !" However, soon, she had an idea, stood up holding the textbook, and made a gesture to walk towards Si Nian's position.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Hanyu pulled her.

Zhao Qiao snorted twice, "I'll go to Si Nian's seat, at least the people around me don't endorse as loudly as you! Big brother!"

Jiang Hanyu: "..." As if thinking of something, Jiang Hanyu let go of Zhao Qiao, "Alright." She said.

"What is it?" Zhao Qiao looked confused.

"Fuck you, why are you talking so much?" Jiang Hanyu didn't want to explain. After Zhao Qiao heard it, he left with his mouth shut.

When Si Nian came back from the bathroom, when he saw Zhao Qiao sitting in his seat, his brows could not help but wrinkle. Originally, she wanted Zhao Qiao to return to her position, but when she saw that the latter had closed her eyes, she was not sure whether Zhao Qiao was asleep now, so she finally had to walk in the direction of Jiang Hanyu with the textbook.

To be honest, Si Nian doesn't really want to sit with Jiang Hanyu too much now.

When Si Nian was sitting in front of Jiang Hanyu, she heard Jiang Hanyu's voice, Si Nian felt even more confused, every word in the book seemed to dance in front of her eyes, she didn't want to read it, Can't even see it. I don't know when the reading sound behind her became much quieter, and then, something swept towards her neck with Jiang Hanyu's unique breath.

"Where did you go?"

No doubt, Si Nian knew this was asking himself. She wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but at the next moment, she heard a whisper in her ear that was so gentle that she couldn't ignore it, "Si Nian..."

Name and surname, Si Nian understood that this time, Jiang Hanyu would inevitably need to answer. But when she thought that Jiang Hanyu was with that girl named Qiao Lian last night, and that there was something more intimate than them, she couldn't hold back her emotions, and when she turned her head to answer, her voice was full of coolness, "You Does it matter?"

Jiang Hanyu frowned, she wanted to say something, but when she saw Si Nian's pale profile, she silently swallowed the words she wanted to get angry. "Is it because of this morning?" Jiang Hanyu could only come up with this reason, otherwise, she really didn't know where she had provoked Si Nian. However, she didn't do it on purpose, and didn't she apologize afterwards?

Si Nian's reading voice was interrupted for a while, in fact, even now thinking of her being held under Jiang Hanyu's body in the early morning, her heart still throbbed. But when she was immersed in such memories, she hadn't forgotten the same perfume smell that she smelled on Qiao Lian and Jiang Hanyu just now. The throbbing stopped, and her heart became sour and sad. "You think too much."

Faced with Si Nian's indifferent answer, Jiang Hanyu didn't know what to say.

As soon as the early self-study was over, Si Nian couldn't wait to stand up from Zhao Qiao's seat. She didn't know why she was sitting in front of Jiang Hanyu, so she didn't read aloud. This whole session of early self-study, she It's not okay to behave quietly.

I don't know if it was because of the two unpleasant conversations in the morning. When they got home this day, they didn't say a word before. The second day, the third day, again and again. At first, Zhao Qiao secretly wondered what was wrong, but the answer he got was just a cold look in Jiang Hanyu's eyes.

Until this day, after class, Si Nian met Jinghuan again.

Or she didn't meet her, but Jing Huan took the initiative to wait for her at the school gate.

Si Nian saw the only girl in the crowd with a different school uniform, subconsciously frowned and wanted to avoid, but Jing Huan had already seen her for the first time and strode towards her .

"Si Nian!" Jing Huan called her name, reached out and grabbed the hand of Si Nian who was still trying to avoid, "I've been waiting for you for a long time! Let's go out to eat tonight, we It's been a long time since we got together!"

Si Nian's frowning brows never opened, she resisted Jing Huan's proposal. Subconsciously, she tilted her head and glanced in Jiang Hanyu's direction.

What disappointed Si Nian was that Jiang Hanyu seemed to have not seen her side at all, put one hand in his trouser pocket and the other on Ling Yi's shoulder, joking with Zhao Qiao and others walking towards the other side.

"What are you looking at? Is that the person you like now?" Seeing that Si Nian hadn't answered himself, Jing Huan followed her line of sight and looked towards Jiang Hanyu's back. Jing Huan squinted slightly, the back seemed to be a little familiar, "Isn't that saying I came to find the person you were with last time? Why, you are arguing now? She ignored you!"

Si Nian, who was in a panic at first, was hit by Jing Huan's words and felt even more uncomfortable. What she knew in her own heart, why did she need someone to understand? She wanted to hide the secret of a person, where does it need to be dried in the sun?

"You're thinking too much." She said coldly, "I'm going back now, who are you going to have dinner with to find someone else, I don't have time."

"That's not good." Jing Huan took Si Nian's hand and didn't let go, "Look how long we haven't sat at a table and chatted, if you don't let me do it now If so, maybe I will come to you every day, Si Nian, okay?"

Jing Huan really hasn't changed at all. Whether it's her current expression or voice, it's like an intimate conversation between close friends.

Si Nian can't help, "I'm going to dinner with you today, so you won't pester me?"

Jing Huan nodded suddenly, as if making a promise.

Si Nian compromised, "Let's go." She also wanted to know, why did the people who hated her so much back then suddenly want to be with her when she transferred schools like this? And, so active.

When Si Nian turned around and walked side by side with Jing Huan, at this time, Jiang Hanyu who was standing on the side of the road turned back, his eyes were chasing not far ahead, but he was still running away from him the back, "follow up and have a look."

"Ah?" Zhao Qiao hasn't reacted yet, obviously Jiang Hanyu just said that he was going to the newly opened hot pot restaurant in the city tonight, why did he suddenly change his mind?

But Jiang Hanyu didn't give her an answer, and already beckoned to get in a taxi, determined to follow the two in front.