MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 6

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"Cough, thank you, but no need to thank you." Si Nian said, then glanced coldly at Zhao Qiao, who was following him with messy hair, "She just embroidered pillows, she has no fighting power, real."

Cashier: "…"

Zhao Qiao: "..." I'll knock your grandma too!

Si Nian took alcohol, cotton swabs, and disposable gauze, etc., and put them at the cashier to check out, and finally took a bottle of mineral water after thinking about it. After she went out with her things, she sat at the simple table at the entrance of the convenience store. She had just opened the cotton swab to wipe the wound on her body, when suddenly the door of the convenience store at the entrance was pushed open from the inside.

Zhao Qiao stood at the door with a tangled face, his eyes were so hot that Si Nian couldn't help but feel it.

Si Nian raised her head to meet the other's gaze, raised her eyebrows, wondering what Zhao Qiao meant now.

& nbsp; Looking at Si Nian's eyes, he finally said, "Um, you, lend me some money. Then, my bag is still there, I have no money..." When I checked out, I suddenly found that I had no money. It was embarrassing now. She was thirsty to death, and what was even worse was that the cashier looked at her with the eyes of the robber, which made Zhao Qiao unbearable! Anyway, since she was a child, she has not been short of food and clothing. This kind of gaze makes her sick! I feel my face being rubbed against the ground by a cashier! But now that he asked Si Nian to borrow money, Zhao Qiao actually felt that it was a pain in the ass! Choosing one of the two, she still asked Si Nian to borrow money...

Zhao Qiao thought about 108 ways that Si Nian would make things difficult for her, but she did not expect Si Nian to directly ask her how much she needed.

Walking out of the convenience store again, Zhao Qiao held the soda and sat down beside Si Nian awkwardly. Before sitting down, she asked stupidly, "No one sits here. Oh?"

As a result, I received a look from Si Nian that seemed to be mentally retarded. Zhao Qiao: "..." Why is she so short of breath in front of Si Nian all of a sudden! Isn't it just because I spent a few dollars on a bottle of soda! What a **** embarrassment!

Si Niancai ignored what Zhao Qiao was thinking now, she felt very uncomfortable. From childhood to adulthood, let alone fights and injuries, I rarely stumbled and stumbled in my daily life. I have never experienced such a tragic injury like today.



Si Nian was biting her lips, she already felt enough pain, how could she know that there was a fool-like Zhao Qiao "dubbing" her, she was not well ok! Si Nian raised his head and glared at Zhao Qiao coldly, Zhao Qiao said that he was really bored!

“…I’ll help you breathe, it hurts to look at.” Zhao Qiao said,

Si Nian: "Shut up!"

Zhao Qiao: "..." Her expression was very indignant, and she whispered in her heart, if it wasn't for borrowing a few dollars! she! Never! Si Nian's look made him not dare to speak!

The scar on the calf is relatively easy to deal with. Si Nian put on a disposable gauze and wrapped a "well" with medical tape. She threw the discarded cotton swabs into the trash can, and when she looked up again, she saw the three figures of Jiang Hanyu on the other side of the road, they were walking towards her.

Si Nian found Jiang Hanyu, and Zhao Qiao also saw them, the latter stood up immediately and waved and shouted.

Soon, the three of Jiang Hanyu came over.

Si Nian glanced roughly and saw Ji Chunnian, who was walking at the back, carrying a few backpacks in his hands, guessing that they might have won in the end. To be honest, Si Nian was a little surprised. After all, from just now, there were many people on the other side, and among the three, Jiang Hanyu was still a girl. Are girls that great too? She didn't know, she didn't have any communication with people like Jiang Hanyu before.

"Is everything resolved?" Zhao Qiao asked.

"Well, a group of trash and straw bags, that is, because there are so many people, it's a little tiring to pack up." It was Ji Chunnian who answered her.

Jiang Hanyu has already pulled up her dark brown curly hair, revealing a slender neck, but now there are bloodstains on the slender neck, it should be the slender neck on her neck traces of the necklace.

Jiang Hanyu swept his eyes and sat directly next to Si Nian. She didn't sit like Si Nian, but raised one leg, put her foot on the opposite stool, and put her hands on her knees, "What's for lunch? Let's order takeout."

The rest of the people took out their mobile phones. It was past twelve o'clock noon, and they also felt hungry. Si Nian continued to hold the front to wipe the wound on her arm. The elbows of both her arms were damaged to varying degrees. Especially on her left elbow, she was pushed to the ground twice in a row and repeatedly injured in one position. When she dipped the hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab, she could feel the sticky mass of flesh and blood. It really hurts!

But it was too inconvenient to use one hand to bandage the other. She tried several times, forgot to cut the medical tape, and almost lost the gauze. Suddenly, Si Nian felt an extra breath beside her, and the gauze she had just put on her elbow was taken away...

Jiang Hanyu didn't know when she saw her stupid and stupid movements. "Can't you ask others for help?"

Si Nian pursed her lips and said nothing, she felt that she could, but she needed to try a few more times.

Jiang Hanyu just thought she was arrogant and disdain to talk to him, and threw her book that had become crumpled like a pickle in front of her, "Ho!" The atmosphere became tense again.

"Han Yu..." Zhao Qiao suddenly said, sitting next to Ji Chunnian, "Maybe she doesn't want to talk."

Zhao Qiao's maintenance of Si Nian made Jiang Hanyu raise her eyebrows unexpectedly. She remembered that not long ago, the two wanted to tear each other apart. Jiang Hanyu stared at Si Nian, trying to find the answer from her face, but Si Nian didn't show any expression, and finally Zhao Qiao took the initiative to speak—

"I lent her seven dollars and fifty cents, but she's alright..."

Jiang Hanyu: "..." Look at this! Defection for seven dollars and fifty cents! There is simply no position at all!

She glanced back again, and unexpectedly found that the corner of Si Nian's mouth was slightly raised at this time. When Jiang Hanyu wanted to take another look to confirm, Si Nian became cold and indifferent again. Suddenly, Jiang Hanyu wanted to see Si Nian's face blushing and jumping, her eyes fell on the half-drinking water bottle in front of Si Nian. Reaching out, Jiang Hanyu took her mineral water directly, unscrewed the cap, raised his head and took two sips...

The author has something to say: catching insects~~~

What a cute little mine