MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 5

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With a "bang", the faded green lacquered wooden door of the private room collapsed, and the few people standing at the door looked familiar.

"Boss, let me tell you, our people are watching these guys here!" The head followed by a bald head smiled maliciously.


This person Si Nian doesn't know, but the person who spoke just now, Si Nian, has a little impression, isn't he the little ruffian who rushed out of the other alley during school this morning?

Now this group of people can bring a lot of people, there are no specific Si Nian, anyway, at first glance, there are more than four on Jiang Hanyu's side. Her face is not very good, since she was born, she has not encountered as many troubles since she met Jiang Hanyu.

At this time, Si Nian heard Jiang Hanyu's voice.

The voice changed, fierce and cold. The two billiard **** that were originally in her hands smashed towards the group of people standing at the door without warning at the moment her voice landed.

Immediately, two screams entered the ears of everyone.

"It's all up to Lao Tzu! A few students, Lao Tzu, don't believe me, but I can't help you!" Who!

The scene suddenly became chaotic. Even Jiang Hanyu's side knew very well that they were small, but none of them flinched, including Zhao Qiao, who had no fighting ability with Si Nian before. He waved his club viciously towards the group of people.

Don't talk about group fights, even Si Nian, who has no interest in watching other people's excitement, is now standing in the corner, frowning. The noise in her ears made her more sure that she wanted to get out of here safe and sound later, but it was not realistic. She can be ruthless, but it cannot change the fact that she has no fighting power.

But she didn't want to be beaten.

Obviously, someone on the other side noticed Si Nian standing in the corner who looked quiet and well-behaved. If he hadn’t come out in the morning, maybe Si Nian would not be missed, but it was about her Being with Jiang Hanyu is just incompatible with each other. When you follow Jiang Hanyu, nothing good will happen.

Someone saw Si Nian, "The one standing in the corner! They are also with them! Beat her up! She is the one who called the police in the morning! Quick!"

Si Nian: "…"

She only had a stack of textbooks in her hand, and she threw away the textbooks in her hand with a cold face when she saw someone come over.

However, the lethality of the textbook is not too great, and someone still found her in the melee.

Si Nian doesn't expect the people on Jiang Hanyu's side to help him, nor does he expect the other party to let her go by explaining a few words. She took out the only compass in the pencil case that could be used as a weapon, and saw someone come to tie one...

Si Nian didn't scream when someone pulled his arm, he stretched his slender leg and kicked desperately. go.

With a "pop", she was directly slapped in the face and flew off and fell to the ground.

When a shadow shrouded her head, Si Nian didn't even plan to cry out for help. Across her messy hair, she looked at the blood stains on the palm of her hand, and didn't want to look at that person. The feet are tied directly. Anyway, she thought about it, the big deal is to be beaten. However, there was a slight deviation from what Si Nian expected. She heard a scream from the people around her, but she didn't feel the pain of being hammered.

The shadow suddenly fell to the side with a "bang", and she was picked up from the ground unceremoniously, "Follow me quickly!"

It turned out to be Jiang Hanyu's voice, and Si Nian stumbled a little by her pull.

It is to be beaten, and then take the person out first.

Jiang Hanyu almost opened the way in front of her. The wound on her arm hadn't healed yesterday. Now, after this scale of tussle, it has already split open, and new injuries have been added. It's just that she doesn't care about these now, knocking over a group of people wherever the club in her hand goes, pulling Si Nian's arm and dragging her to the tennis room.

After a few people went out, Si Nian was pushed by Jiang Hanyu, "Find a place for yourself, I will go in and clean up those gang of turtle grandchildren!" She said, she did not wait for Si Nian to propose With other opinions, he turned back with Ling Yi and Ji Chunnian.

Only Si Nian and Zhao Qiao were left in the open space.

Si Nian burst out laughing. "You're still amazing!" She had a flamboyant smile in her tone, and her words were not as sarcastic as before. Anyway, Si Nian is now the one who fought with them, even if the latter was not willing at all. .

Si Nian didn't speak, she lightly looked away from Zhao Qiao, anyway, standing in this position is not suitable for chatting, there is no shield on the head, the sun at noon in midsummer is not a little sinister. Si Nian saw that there was a convenience store not far away, and walked straight to take it out.

Zhao Qiao didn't get her answer, and saw Si Nian's back, standing on the spot with a pursed mouth, "Honorable!" She deliberately spoke loudly.

The person in front didn't take a single step, "You won't die from the sun." Only a cool voice came.

Zhao Qiao: "..." Really cool!

When Si Nian said that, Zhao Qiao stomped his feet, and finally chose to hide from the sun first, and followed Si Nian to the convenience store.

The beautiful little skirt became dirty, not to mention, the naked-exposed limbs were rubbed on the ground in several places and were injured, and the little face that seemed to be well-behaved was slapped, and one side of the face was swollen. The obvious red mark, like this, really looks like domestic violence.

The cashier also raised his head subconsciously, and when he raised his head, the whole person was stunned.

Here, what's the situation?

The vigilance on the other party's face was too obvious, Zhao Qiao instantly lowered his face and choked: "You are not worth my crime!"

Cashier: "..." Looking at the quiet Si Nian, "This little girl, were you beaten by her? Do you need me to help you call the police?"

Si Nian: “…”

Zhao Qiao: "..." Knock your grandma!

The author has something to say: Si Nian→Zha Mama

Si Nian: Whoever provokes me, I will stab anyone!

Compasses: What did I do wrong!

Please collect and comment, hum hum, if you don't leave your comments, let Zha Ma Ma Zha Mu Meng!

Digression: Otherwise, the nest will be irregular? ? ? Can't squeeze out the manuscript every day, it's almost in the afternoon? ? ?