MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 14

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"Furthermore, Teacher Shi, I think that since this classmate has a dispute with Jiang Hanyu in our class that has not been resolved, it would be good to call Jiang Hanyu over now and let them have a good chat here. ." Si Nian unceremoniously counterattacked on the spot, Jiang Hanyu designed her, she has no reason to forgive her like that! Besides, this is not the first time!

"You!" When Qiao Lian heard this, she couldn't wait to cover Si Nian's mouth. She believes it now, and believes that Si Nian said those words that she was not familiar with Jiang Hanyu before. In this way, Si Nian is afraid that Jiang Hanyu will be annoying! And he has completely fallen into Jiang Hanyu's trap, and has been implicated!

Shi Feiwan, who was leaning against the desk, had a hint of interest in her eyes, "That's okay." She ignored Qiao Lian's changed face, and stopped a student at the door to go to the classroom door. pass the word. "Then we will wait for the result?"

Qiao Lian's face flushed, she never thought that one day she would stand in the same boat as Jiang Hanyu! And now the person who caused this situation turned out to be Si Nian! She doesn't know if this counts as pushing herself into a dead end.

"Teacher, I, in fact, I was joking with this classmate, but I haven't seen Jiang Hanyu for a long time, and I miss her a little, but when I went to their class, I saw that she was not there, so "..." Qiao Lian can't wait to bite off her tongue, ahhh, how could she miss Jiang Hanyu? Her brain is not burnt out yet!

Shi Feiwan had already sat back to her seat, she continued to organize the lesson plan, and pretended not to understand Qiao Lian's apparently pleading words, "No hurry, if you want to have a heart-to-heart talk, at You can do it in the teacher's office, too!"

Qiao Lian: "..." Did you beep a dog today? I don't want to talk to Jiang Hanyu!

Si Nian put her left hand on the elbow of her right arm, she was thinking that Jiang Hanyu might not be at school now, what will she do when she leaves the office door. Just when she was distressed, a somewhat condescending "report" came from the door. Si Nian turned around in astonishment. She was a little surprised to see Jiang Hanyu appearing at the door at the moment.

"Come in." Shi Feiwan had already raised her head, while Jiang Hanyu strode towards them, her gaze swept across Si Nian's face, her eyes provocative.

This look made Si Nian feel more and more uncomfortable. Sure enough, Jiang Hanyu did it on purpose.

"Jiang Hanyu, right?" Shi Feiwan said calmly, "I read the evaluation of the student files sent by your junior high school teacher, you seem to be famous?"

Jiang Hanyu grinned, "The teacher also gossip!"

Generally speaking, most teachers will be angry and angry, like now, there are already several teachers around, looking at this rather lawless student sternly.

Shi Feiwan is not the case, she chuckled, "I don't want to gossip too much, my task is to teach you your homework, what kind of person to be, I always feel that the school should open a separate course Course. This is before I came to school. Many teachers I know talked to me about you, and naturally I remembered it."

Of course, those reviews are not very good. Usually they are unruly, difficult to train, disobedient to discipline, deviant, bad girls, etc. But Shi Feiwan doesn't care much, she only wants to teach, not to educate people. "You know? It's like your age is the worst to discipline, thank you, and I don't really want to care. What kind of person you will become in the future, good or bad, that's what your parents are worried about, and it has to do with me. It's not big." She said bluntly, and the expressions of the three students present at this moment changed.

"Okay, there's nothing to discuss about this issue, let's talk about the current affairs?" Shi Feiwan raised his hand and stroked his long hair, "Jiang Hanyu, did you know Si Nian before? "

Jiang Hanyu tilted her head and glanced at Si Nian, who was drooping his eyes at the moment, the corners of his mouth turned up evilly, "Junior high school? I don't even know her, teacher, do you think we are familiar? "

This answer made Si Nian quickly raise his eyes and look in Jiang Hanyu's direction.

At the same time, Qiao Lian glared at Jiang Hanyu, for nothing, but now she was even more angry, and once again deeply realized the anger she felt after being played by Jiang Hanyu.

Shi Feiwan nodded, "Then this matter was a misunderstanding from the beginning, but this classmate, it's wrong for you to go to our class and get angry at Si Nian, now you should apologize to her. "

Qiao Lian knew what Shi Feiwan said to herself, "..." Stupid! But now staring at so many eyes and still in the office, she had to bow her head to Si Nian, "I'm sorry."

Si Nian nodded, but did not say any words of forgiveness.

Shi Feiwan glanced at Si Nian with interest, with long straight black hair, at first glance, it was the image of a good boy, and there seemed to be a proud and stubborn soul inside. "Okay, that Si Nian, you go back to class, you are also a disaster."

Si Nian left, leaving Jiang Hanyu and Qiao Lian in the office.

"Then talk about you now?"

Qiao Lian's palm was sweating, she couldn't be as calm as Jiang Hanyu, "Teacher, I, I'm really just joking with that classmate, I just want to catch up with Jiang Hanyu."

Shi Feiwan looked at Jiang Hanyu, obviously wanting to hear from her what was going on.

Jiang Hanyu still looked lazy, she nodded in agreement with the director's gaze, "Yes, Teacher Shi, we just need to exchange some little secrets, she might be a little too joking, if If it's okay, then we can go too?" Jiang Hanyu really couldn't wait for a moment at this time, she just wanted to find Si Nian, and asked her what was going on! Don't look at what she looks like at the moment, she doesn't care about anything, but her heart is already on fire.

Shi Feiwan didn't want to pursue anything at first, "Well, you can leave if you have nothing to do, but I remind you that if you get together in school to fight, you will be punished. If you don't want to be punished for the past three years Too much, it's better to be quiet. Let's go and go back to class."

Although Jiang Hanyu and Qiao Lian both said that Shi Feiwan would let them go, they didn't expect Shi Feiwan to let it go so simply, they looked at each other. "You don't want to go now?" Shi Feiwan raised her head and asked.

In three seconds, the two instantly disappeared from the office.

When she left the office, Qiao Lian breathed a sigh of relief, but when she turned around to meet Jiang Hanyu's face, she instantly turned fierce, "Jiang Hanyu! Are you cheating on me?"

Jiang Hanyu's face is also bad, hasn't she been tricked? Now she didn't have time to pay attention to Qiao Lian, she stretched out her hand and pushed away the person standing in front of her, "See you at the playground tomorrow, I have to leave now." She didn't give Qiao Lian a chance to think about it, and there was only one person left.

Jiang Hanyu returned to the classroom with anger, Si Nian was in the first row, the last self-study class had already started, but she didn't seem to know, and rushed directly to Si Nian , without saying a word, dragged the person away directly.

The author has something to say: sell cute and ask for comments~~ 嘤嘤嘤 becomes a 嘤嘤 strange, then me. . hum. . . All right. . .

Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~