MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 13

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"You have a kind!" The yellow-haired girl is called Qiao Lian, and she and Jiang Hanyu were mortal enemies in the past. Hearing Si Nian talking to himself first, he immediately pressed the desk to Si Nian. Go, when the edge of the table slammed into Si Nian's chest, it really made Si Nian hiss.

But soon, Si Nian hit back. Her movements were not very smooth, but she also freed herself from her position when Qiao Lian left the door of the classroom. Before meeting Jiang Hanyu, Si Nian never thought about who she would fight with, but now it's different. She seems to be on a different path than usual, and it's still the kind of deviant.

When the stack of textbooks in Si Nian's hands were all released, she clearly heard Wu Yumeng's exclamation from her tablemate. It's just that now how can she manage so much, and she has been bullied for nothing, where is there any reason to swallow her voice like this?

Si Nian doesn't know Qiao Lian, although this person does not have the broad deterrent power of Jiang Hanyu, but few girls in school dare to provoke her at will, especially those like Si Nian who do not have a small circle behind them With the support of the forces, she would hide when she saw Qiao Lian, how could she act directly when she couldn't breathe?

Qiao Lian was smashed by Si Nian, even because she was not prepared at all, and the weight of the stack of textbooks could not be ignored. Almost kneeled at the door of the classroom.

Si Nian didn't stand still, she turned around and left through the back door. Now standing here, is she waiting to be beaten?

Sure enough, when Qiao Lian, who was stunned, reacted, he immediately shouted, "Bitch! Stop for me!" Then he pulled his legs and chased in the direction of Si Nian .

Because she was beaten by Si Nian in full view of the public, Qiao Lian felt that her face was very dull, she didn't want to run after Si Nian now, it would make her look furious . She strode towards Si Nian, every step seemed to be filled with hatred and anger. But Si Nian was different. She didn't think that she could have a bit of force to compete with others. She trotted all the way.

Si Nian's goal is very clear, she will not complain to the teacher, but it is always ok for the teacher to protect herself? Thinking of this, Si Nian Xiaopao's footsteps paused at this moment, and Qiao Lian took this opportunity to instantly close the distance between him and her.

In Si Nian's eyes, there is only the room with the office metal plate hanging, while in Qiao Lian's eyes, only Si Nian is not far ahead.

Just when the two were only one step away, Si Nian dodged into the office. This was the only time she remembered breaking into the teacher's office without reporting. At the same time, Qiao Lian, who was closely behind her, also grabbed her with one hand. Without thinking, she followed Si Nian directly into the office, and before she could even see where it was, she had already said loudly: " Little bitch-man! Where else do you want to run away! Run away for me!"

Then the world seemed to go quiet.

The teachers in the whole office stopped their work and looked up at the two students standing at the door. And Shi Feiwan, who was sitting in the far corner and now wearing what seemed to be a pair of radiation-proof glasses, also raised her head.

When she saw Si Nian, Shi Feiwan raised her eyebrows slightly. She had an impression of Si Nian, to be precise, she had an impression of all the students in her class.

Si Nian saw that Shi Feiwan had stood up from her position, she tilted her head and smiled at Qiao Lian who was still dragging her behind her, "Okay, now we can talk here Clear."

At this point, how could Qiao Lian not understand what Si Nian was planning? Knowing that she had fallen into a trap, she was so angry that she turned around and wanted to leave, but unexpectedly, Si Nian, who had been avoiding her, suddenly grabbed her wrist and said, "What are you going to talk about, don't worry." The corner of her mouth He seemed to be smiling, but the light in his eyes was cold.

At this time, a teacher walked up to them and took them into the center of the office separately.

"What's going on! It's the first day of school, so what do you want to do!" One of the female teachers, who looked a bit old and had deep nasolabial lines, asked.

"Mr. Chen, one of them is my student, why don't you leave this to me?" At this time, Shi Feiwan came up and asked softly.

When the serious female teacher saw Shi Feiwan, a smile instantly appeared on her face, "It turned out to be Teacher Shi, okay, no problem, go and teach these two students, especially Huang Mao That! It's too vulgar to speak! Ask who the head teacher is, and take it down for a good education later!"

The face of Qiao Lian, who was called Huangmao, was almost green. She wanted to express her strong resistance to such an ugly nickname!

Shi Feiwan still had a gentle smile on her face, which was completely different from the disdain she showed when she was speaking in class before, like a different person. "Okay, Teacher Chen." As she said that, she turned her eyes to the two of Si Nian, and her voice instantly became cold, "Come and talk."

Of course, things can't be that simple, it's just a chat.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Shi Feiwan walked to her desk and stopped, looking deeply at the two female students in front of her.

Qiao Lian preemptively said, "Teacher, I swear I was wronged, it was her, she made the first move and threw books at me! If you don't believe me, you can still go back and look at the door of your classroom now, There must be books scattered all over the place, all of which she made!"

"I am not religious, so swearing by others can't add any trust to me." Shi Feiwan leaned against the desk, "What do you need to say? Is it?" She turned her gaze to Si Nian.

Si Nian is very calm, Jiang Hanyu wants to calculate her, of course she can't be calculated for no reason. "Mr. Shi, she came to the classroom to find me first and asked me to speak to Jiang Hanyu, but I'm not familiar with Jiang Hanyu, and I heard from the classmate next to me that this is likely to be a crowd fight, I don't want to get involved, so Rejected. But she did it, and I was fighting back in self-defense, so I hit her with the textbook. So, it's not like I did it first." Si Nian paused, and the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, "Actually, this man beside me My classmate is also a bit unlucky, she still doesn't know that Jiang Hanyu has put her together, Jiang Hanyu makes people think that I am very familiar with her, but in fact we are not." After Si Nian finished speaking, he turned to look at Qiao Lian, who was a little colorful. complexion.

Anyway, she was determined to drag Jiang Hanyu into the water this time! Why are you always being counted on yourself? Thinking of this, Si Nian straightened his head, just in line with the eyes of the head teacher in front of him.

She believed that what she said was the truth, and there was nothing to avoid, and she greeted the director's gaze magnanimously.

And then, just ask Minasang if you like to read in the morning or in the evening, I might set the time in a day or two, right? hhhhhh. If you don't mind, I'll set an old time~

Momoda cute mines and nutrient solution~