MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 283 Prelude to jihad (on)

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The 218th chapter of the prelude to jihad (on)

After listening to the answer from Caier, Shu’s eyes finally became gentle again. “Your understanding is OK. However, I want to tell you, but also to emphasize. The true meaning of the assassin is not three, only one, that is ,one strike."

"The repair of this tree devil is inferior to me. I want to kill him in various ways, even without consuming 50% of the power. Why should I go all out and spend a lot of time on myself? You think about it. This is not only the true meaning of the assassin, but also the habit that the assassin should master. The attack of the assassin can never be a second time. Otherwise, it is failure."

Shu Shu said that there are not many, but this short sentence has opened a door to the peak of the assassin in the heart of the children.

The gaze of the beam was suspended in the air in the middle of the battlefield, and there was a slight change in his eyes.

He must have discovered my attack. Otherwise, he will not turn a blind eye to the field of the tree demon. However, how did he find out?

The huge battlefield of more than 200,000 people has changed rapidly. At the same time that the scorpion killed the tree demon, Long Haochen also had action.

A group of green light illuminates in his chest, and then the green light turns into a striking beam of light in this dark night sky and goes straight to the demon pillar of the tree demon.

The green light draws a ray of light in the air, falling straight on the pillar of the god.

Suddenly, the demon pillar that had previously been turned into a giant tree man was suddenly frozen, and then it swelled at an alarming rate.

The bronze lasted for three seconds, and the moment the light disappeared, Long Haochen flashed a layer of green halo.

Long Hao morning emptiness stepped out in the air, the purple gold light shining on the forehead, a palm was shot at the top of this demon pillar.

The scene that shocked the entire battlefield appeared, and the demon pillar of the tree demon trembled fiercely. Then, a crack began to appear on the body.

These cracks should not be obvious in the night, but they have a purple-gold halo that has to be noticed.

In the midst of a loud bang, the demon **** was turned into countless pieces and scattered, and Long Haochen was still standing proudly in the sky. A huge milky trial light broke out at the same moment, setting off his proud figure and mystery. The eternal terror of horror and the **** of creation, the throne, will guard all the hundreds of tree devils just below the Devil's Column.

This is already destroying the third demon pillar in their hands in Long Haochen. It has not been released, but Long Haochen has its power of destruction.

On the battlefield, the most important thing is the military heart. When the demon **** fell and the demon pillar was destroyed, the army of the 200,000-strong army of the Mozu was broken.

In the distance, the sharp knife army sneaked into the night and quietly killed it. It only took ten minutes at most. The first round of collective magic bombardment would fall in the core of the Mozu army. The magicians of the Mozu, under the pressure of the eternal and creative **** of the throne of the creation, have never been able to fight against the system, and it is even more impossible to lock these nine-order powerhouses in the air.

"I just saved that ability." The sound of the night tears rang in the ear of the dragon, and then the green light flashed on his chest. A small figure was drilled from the light and fell on his shoulder. on.

Three inches high, exquisite and compact like a jade carving, soft life is not strong, but a pair of dark green eyes are full of wisdom and brilliance.

This is the night of the night tears, but also the dragon's wisdom furnace. (-<书海阁>-网.)

The light element is elves to the Elven King of Light, but he has a brand new elf of God.

"You can store skills?" Long Haochen was very curious to see the night tears falling on his shoulders.

The little tears smiled and said: "The people are the wisdom furnace, of course, the most powerful. I am not only able to store all the natural attributes of the skills, but also can use your power to promote their evolution. Later you will I know more and more how much I help you. For example, your domain skills that control the course of life have evolved greatly. Even the power of the eternal and creative **** of the throne, the part that fits with me is also Will evolve under my influence."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: "When I have a chance, I will definitely find a suitable body for you. I still like you in the original human form. You follow me, you are wronged."

The little tears shook his head gently. "Thank you for your kindness. But you don't understand. I was very happy when I lived in a dream paradise, but I was very insecure. Follow me, I am very happy, don't Drive me away. If I really want to leave you, I don't need anything for you."

When a huge golden sword swayed through the kilometer, and a group of middle and high-level **** demon magicians who were hard to gather together were all killed, the Mozu army was finally overwhelmed by the last straw and began a big defeat.

The Sharp Knife Legion has arrived at this time, and it is really inserted from the rear like a sharp knife. Under the leadership of Zhang Yin, who has the throne of wisdom and spirit, he is fully attacked.

Long Haochen still reconciles the whole situation in the air, and the light morning hunters and the eternal heroes all put the attack on the route of the Mozu escape. Try to rely on their powerful attacks to gather the Devils who want to be defeated, and delay the speed of their escape.

These 200,000 Mozu army are the elite of the Mozu! Keeping them here as much as possible is a huge blow to the Mozu. Especially in the 200,000 Mozu army, the main force is the demon and the bear demon. How great disaster will these two strong war races bring to humanity on the normal battlefield?

This battle looks like Long Haochen, they win easily, but in fact, how many strong players did they dispatch? Nearly 30 strong nine-strong players, the field strength is more than twenty. Such a force must be treated with caution even if it is a demon god. What's more, is there only one Demon army led by a demon god?

Of course, this Mozu army has not fully exerted their combat power. If it is not the reconnaissance failure, give them enough time to respond, and it will cost a lot to get rid of them.

From the night to the day, the sharp knife army chased nearly three hundred miles. In the end, there were more than 150,000 enemies, and only tens of thousands of Mozu remnants were able to escape.

Among the strong humans, the most killing is not the main attacking magician Lin Xin, but Ya Ting.

Although the heart disease meteor shower covers the largest range, but the speed of killing Ya Ting can not be fast! Her king's sword field is invincible in the Mozu army, and no one Mozu can resist her attack. A hundred meters long sword swept across the chaotic army of the Mozu is hundreds of casualties. After this battle, I am afraid that Ya Ting directly killed more than 10,000 enemies. The eternal heroes who have seen many great worlds can't help but look at it. Ya Ting's ability is special, repaired and strong, plus the elves, so there is no eternal hero to choose her to inherit. But her destructive power and near-infinite spiritual follow-up have greatly shocked these eternal powers.

Relatively speaking, the eternal heroes almost did not take full advantage of their efforts. They were more assisted by the morning light of the hunters, and all the images of Wei Guangzheng were given to these young people. This is also the place where the eternal heroes are old. Who said the situation on the battlefield? If the enemy has reinforcements, is the reinforcements strong enough? They retain sufficient strength to be fully responsive.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented victory for mankind against the Mozu.

In the past 6,000 years, the Temple Alliance can certainly win in some parts, but in order to prevent the rebellion of the Mozu, in the war with the Mozu, humans not only take the initiative to attack less, but once the Mozu retreats Not going too much.

But now it is different. The eternal hero's participation and the demon ruined two titles of the hunter, and called more than 50 demon gods to launch a full-scale attack. The federation naturally does not need to converge half a point. Fighting the Mozu as much as possible is the goal of the Sharp Knife. It is also painful to hit the demon gods, they can fully attract the main force of the Mozu army, and achieve the purpose of eventually bringing the decisive battle to Yulongguan.

After a full night of fighting, even a professional will feel tired. Long Haochen ordered the sharp knife army to rest in the jungle of the Mozu territory, and let Han Yu, who was responsible for the care of the horses, lead the left-behind army to bring all the horses. At the same time, we gathered the morning light and the eternal heroes to meet.

The exquisite sheepskin map spread out in front of him, and Long Haochen was so squatting on the ground, and clicked on the map, saying: "We are in this position. Before this battle, we almost annihilated the Mozu stationed in Yulong. All the main forces outside the customs. Our army has little damage under the treatment of enough pastors."

The fighting power of the Sharp Knife Legion is stronger than that expected by Long Haochen. The perfect combination of the six occupations of the six temples also proves the absolute advantage of multi-career joint operations for the first time.

"Continue to march east, we will enter the Safa province of the Mozu. The Sa Mozu is a relatively weak race among the Mozu, except for the extreme cold resistance, they have almost no strong combat power. In the previous war In the middle, most of them are the tasks of transporting materials for the Mozu who are stationed outside the Yulongguan. Han Yu, Yulongguan, the news passed over?"

Han Yu nodded and said: "The news of our victory has been sent back in the first time. Yulongguan should soon send people to clean up the battlefield and collect the spoils. The granary reserve of the Mozu is quite bad, especially All kinds of seafood foods are very good."

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: “The province of Samag is the farthest province in the Central Bank of the Mozambican territory.”


Calm before the outbreak. Seek monthly ticket, recommended ticket.


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