MTL - Shen Yin Wang Zuo-v4 Chapter 283 Prelude to jihad (middle)

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Long Haochen smiled slightly and continued: "Safa Province is the farthest province in the Central Bank of the Mozu territory. (1_1) Devil Emperor, unless it is only the leader of the Devil, plus all the devils If you come at a time, otherwise, it will take at least 20 days from the Central Bank of China to lead the army to us. Break through the defenders outside the Yulongguan, at least the nearby five or six Mozu provinces are all exposed to us, defense The power is extremely limited. What we are most afraid of now is that the demon gods are desperate to lead the army directly to attack the nearest southeast fortress and the beasts of the central bank. Therefore, we must attract the attention of the demon god."

"Being the first pillar of the demon, the devil of the other demon gods must be able to feel. In the federation, only my strength can destroy the demon pillar. Therefore, I believe that the demon **** feels the demon **** After death, I can clearly know that I am on the Yulongguan side. But the Mozu army is completely broken and wants to convey the specific situation back, at least five days. This is still the fastest estimate. Plus the need to come Twenty days. Therefore, we have plenty of time now. In this abundant time, we must let the demon **** know as much as possible about our actions."

Xiao Huodao: "Xiao Long, what are you going to do? Killing the Mozu in several provinces?"

Long Haochen shook his head and said: "No. The Holocaust has hurt the world. Moreover, among the Mozu, the true pure Mozu is only part of it. I have contacted an organization of the Mozu, this organization is They are composed of demons and mulattos. They secretly resist the demon gods and accumulate some power. Moreover, I have heard that the head of this organization is a very important demon in the Mozu. This power may not be enough to affect the entire battle. But if we can pull them together, our grasp of victory will be greater. If we rush to launch a massacre, we will certainly let this organization not dare to contact us, and it will raise the hearts of the same enemy."

Shu Shudao: "Will you get a skin with the tiger?"

Long Haochen said: "It should not. The ultimate goal of this organization is actually more willing to integrate into our humanity. The member I contacted told me that if humans finally defeated the Mozu, they just hope to leave them to these people. A mixed-race child can be autonomous. It doesn't have to be too big. Then in the interaction with human beings, it is gradually assimilated by humans."

Caier said: "What do we do?"

Long Haochen said: "The war is cruel. Even if the massacre is not carried out, we must attack the main force of the Mozu. (1_1) and want to give the Mozu a sufficient degree of damage in the shortest time. Then we will Need to divide the troops. Look."

As he said, his right hand continually clicked on the map a few times, all in the vicinity of some of the provincial capitals of the Mozu.

"The most powerful resources of the Mozu people are also gathered in the capital. The Mozu has always been strong outside, the external defense is powerful, and the real internal power is relatively empty. Is the Demon Emperor not taking a lot of devils away? We will take this opportunity to destroy their roots. Therefore, I will target the six provincial capitals of the province that are closest to Yulongguan. Kill the main force of the demons in these provincial capitals. The destruction. We don't need to kill too much, but to plunder or destroy the resources of these capitals is enough to make the devil smashed."

"There are twenty-four provinces in the Mozu, and the six provinces in the north account for a quarter. According to the characteristics of the Mozu, most of their resources are gathered in the capital of each province. If the plan is successful. It is difficult for the Demon Emperor to directly shut the Southeast Fortress and the Beast. He must consider the factors that attack the Federation while the rear is unstable."

For Long Haochen’s strategy, everyone nodded, but before the expedition. There is already a rough battle plan. Long Haochen just said more in detail at this time.

Caier said: "That's it. After the rest is over, we will split the six roads and go deep into the Mozu to fight."

Long Yuchen said: "The six groups must maintain close contact with each other. Once you find that the province has left the demon, keep me informed. I will rush to destroy the Demon Pillar as soon as possible. Compared to the resources, the Demon Pillar It is the root of the Mozu, and the basis of the existence of the Mozu."

Lin Xindao: "The most feared thing now is that the demon **** is desperate for desperation. If he ignores our actions, he still needs to force the army to attack the beasts or the southeast fortress, and use this as a breakthrough to penetrate the inside of the federation. We will also be very passive. The key is that the federal resources are much richer than the Mozu, we can grab them, and they can do the same."

Long Hao nodded in the morning. Road: "I have seriously considered this problem. It is possible to happen. After all, the Emperor of the Devil wants to lead the army to come over and needs enough time. Therefore, I estimate that the biggest possibility of the demon **** is that the soldiers are divided into two ways."

Xiao Hu’s eyes lit up. “How do you get two soldiers?” The simple four words of Long Haochen coincide with what he thought.

Long Yuchen said: "The devil wants to be quick to remove me, and we are stirring the wind in the north. He will not let go of the opportunity to deal with us. Therefore, I estimate that he is likely to lead a group of the strongest Mozu. In the shortest time, we will come to a decisive battle with us. These moguls are probably part of the 54 demon gods he mobilized and part of the anti-dragon, the demons, and the demons. Absolute confidence, therefore, he will not bring too many Devils to come over. The total number may not even exceed one thousand. In fact, under normal circumstances, such power is enough to defeat us. Because the devil is It is not clear that there are ancestors joining."

"On the other side of the two sides, the Devil's attack is most likely to target the Southeast Fortress. The Mozu may have discovered that we are dispatching troops. But for some important deployments within the Federation, he knows impossible. Too accurate. It must be considered that the southeast fortress where the Warrior Temple is located is still the weakest. It is not known that we have averaged the occupations of the six temples. Moreover, before the departure, we also arranged the Assassin Temple. Part of the strength is reinforced to the Beast Pass and the Southeast Fortress."

"The horror of the army of the demon gods will also leave at least twenty devils in charge of commanding the army. If they go straight to the southeast fortress, it is a huge threat to us. However, the southeast fortress is not so good. After the last jihad, the major fortresses strengthened their defenses. At the same time, once the specific movements of the Mozu army were known, the nearest Beast Pass and Jialingguan, which are closest to the Southeast Fortress, will also send support at the first time. The most important thing is Now, every major fortress has nine ancestors sitting in the town. Once the fortress is attacked, the strength of the ancestors can reach the fortress in one to three days. Concentrate the power of more than forty ancestors. Even if the enemy is strong There are more than twenty devils leading the way. But it is not so easy to break through our glory. It may even be a big loss."

After listening to the analysis of Long Haochen, everyone can't help but move.

Xiao Huo's face can't produce expression, but the appreciation and admiration in the eyes is very clear. In my heart, it is not fortunate that Xiaolong can become the first person in the Federation so young! He is not only very talented in cultivation, but also thoughtful and meticulous. With this child in control of the federal situation, this time the battle with the Mozu may be much bigger. Long Qichen’s guess is exactly the same as what he thought in his heart. He will not say more, just silently watching the dragon’s morning arrangement.

Strategy and tactics are determined, and the next step is to divide the troops.

The Jiandaojun regiment is divided into six roads, which are led by Long Haochen, Caier, Chen Yinger, Wang Yuanyuan, Han Yu and Zhang Fang. Each army has three eternal heroes sitting in the town. Sima Xian followed Chen Yinger's group, Lin Xin followed Wang Yuanyuan's group, and remembered to follow Han Yu's group. Yang Wenzhao followed Zhang Fang's group. Ya Ting followed a group of children. The soldiers are divided into six roads and set off at the same time.

Long Haochen is responsible for one of the six central provinces in the province, which is also convenient for him to rush to the other provinces where the devil is in the first place to destroy the demon pillar.

Although Long Haochen’s group did not follow his partner, he was the strongest and had Xiao Hu’s assistance. The overall strength was never under the other five groups.

Originally, only the knives of the knives of more than 10,000 people were completely reduced, and they became more flexible. Just like the real six-handed knives, they were inserted directly into the northern hinterland of the demon.

The game between the Temple Federation and the Mozu is finally in full swing.


Mozu, Magic Palace.

"The tree demon **** cloth is dead, and his demon pillar is also destroyed." The devil's face is very ugly.

He felt it the first time the Demon God of the Tree Devil was destroyed. This is already the third demon column that has been destroyed.

There are dozens of demons standing next to each other. Each has a strong atmosphere, they are the root of the Mozu, and the most powerful group of the Mozu, the devil!

However, these are all powerful in the Mozu, but at this time they are all afraid of breathing, standing quietly, even dare to look up to the demon god, only a few in the front row A few.

The tree demon **** cloth is dead. He is responsible for staying in the Yulong Pass. The destruction of the Devil's Column will undoubtedly mean that Long Haochen will be shot.

"Your Majesty, I have already told you to get accurate information over there as soon as possible. It is just that the city is too far away from the province of Samag, and it will take three days to get accurate news." Moon God Agales respectfully Said. He is very clear that the most eager to know about the Devil's Emperor is Austin, Griffin or Long Haochen. If Long Haochen is destroyed by the blood of some Austin and Griffin, then the problem is still relatively small. But if Austin and Griffin are not dead, then the problem is big.

The evening update will tell you a good news. (To be continued.)


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