MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 61 cut

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Ever since she learned that Lin Wei has become a substitute teacher at a military district primary school, Gao Xiulian is not eating well and sleeping well, and she is always holding back her anger.

In fact, it wasn't the first time she felt this way.

In the past two years, whenever she saw those who joined the army later than her, but because of her high educational level, skipped her and entered a good unit, she always felt bored and unwilling.

But at that time, no matter how unwilling she was, she just thought about it in her heart and never thought about what to do.

until June this year.

On the first day Lin Wei went to the island, the two had a fight, so when Gao Xiulian learned that her household registration had not been settled, she decided to work in the hospital pharmacy, and she couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed to the military resettlement office. Yellowed her job.

If things ended here, Gao Xiulian might not hold such a grudge against Lin Wei, after all, she was considered a winner.

But Zong Shao told Zong Shao about this, causing their husband and wife to have a big fight, and Gao Xiulian was also slapped, becoming a laughing stock in the family area.

So in Gao Xiulian's place, things couldn't go away completely, and she began to regard Lin Wei as her own thorn in the flesh.

When Lin Wei is doing well, she is unhappy; when Lin Wei is not doing well, she is happy.

But so far, her unhappy time has doubled her happy time.

Although Gao Xiulian believed that Lin Wei couldn't compare to her in terms of man's ability or the number of children. But she also knew in her heart that Zhao Feng treated her not as much as Zong Shao treated Lin Wei. As for the child, Ruirui was clearly over three years old and could already recognize dozens of characters, and whether she was the eldest son or the youngest son, she was the last of the grade.

The girl's grades are not bad, but... a girl's film.

So when she first entered the state-run hotel, Gao Xiulian was very proud. Although her boys and children have their own shortcomings, there are also places where she is better than Lin Wei's husband and children. In addition, she has a job, and Lin Wei doesn't have a job, so she wins. .

Who would have thought that her job at the window didn't last long, so she was designed and transferred to the back kitchen. However, because of her high educational level, Lin Wei suddenly became a substitute teacher for the military primary school.

Although it was only a short-term job, Gao Xiulian comforted herself after learning about this incident, thinking that as soon as Teacher Chen was discharged from the hospital, Lin Wei would be kicked out of the school.

But every time she thinks about it, Gao Xiulian is still stuck in her throat, always wanting to mess up Lin Wei's work again.

It's just that when she found out about this, Lin Wei had been taking classes for a while, and the Military Relocation Office didn't take any action. It could be seen that Luo Shuzhi had acquiesced.

Gao Xiulian couldn't think of any other way to disturb Huang Linwei's work.

Until last Saturday, because she was too tired from work, Gao Xiulian lay down on a rattan chair when she got home. Although the living room and dining room of Zhao's family were very large, Zhao Feng didn't have the heart, and Gao Xiulian was reluctant to spend money, so her family didn't have a complete set like Lin Wei's. The wooden sofa, with only two rattan chairs, can barely lie down.

Gao Xiulian lay on the rattan chair for a while and felt a little thirsty, so she called out to the girl who was sitting at the dining table doing her homework and asked her to pour herself a glass of water.

Hearing Gao Xiulian's order, Zhao Mei raised her eyes and looked at her brother and brother, who were sitting cross-legged at the gate, playing filming, pursed their lips and stood up, walked to the drawer, picked up a teapot and a water cup, poured a glass of water and brought it to her mother .

Gao Xiulian stretched out her hand to take the water cup, and without looking at Zhao Mei, she raised her head and poured it.

Because she was too busy at night, she hadn't drank water after the location. When she first came back, she was too tired and didn't feel it. Now that her body has recovered, she felt that her throat was about to catch fire.

After drinking the water in the cup in one breath, Gao Xiulian felt that it was not enough. She stretched out the cup and shouted, "Pour me another glass of water."

Zhao Meidu went back to the dining table, sat down and picked up the pen, when she heard this, she turned her head and said, "Mom, I still have a lot of homework..."

Because of her dry throat, Gao Xiulian felt a little irritable. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Just pouring a glass of water can delay your writing a few words? Besides, I'm your mother, don't say it's homework, there are more important things. , I asked you to pour water for me, and you have to pour water for me!"

Zhao Mei's eyes were astringent when Gao Xiulian spoke, but she bit her lip but didn't move.

Originally, Gao Xiulian felt that things were not going well recently, but when she looked at her daughter's disobedient appearance, her heart couldn't help but burn up: "Hey, I still can't cure you, can I? I'll ask you again, you give Won't you pour me water?"

"It's not like I didn't pour water for you, and my brothers and sisters are here, and they're all right, why do you keep calling me!" Zhao Mei shouted aggrievedly, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Gao Xiulian was so angry that her waist was not sore or her legs were weak. She walked in front of Zhao Mei a few steps and grabbed her ear: "You little girl, you dare to talk to me! I will feed you, For you to wear, let you go to school, and let you pour me a glass of water? What's wrong with your brother and brother, they are boys, are you?"

Zhao Mei didn't say a word, but burst into tears.

Hearing his daughter's cry, Zhao Feng, who was standing in the backyard chatting with others, had to interrupt the conversation, and went home and asked, "What's wrong?" After asking, seeing Gao Xiulian pinching her daughter's ear, she quickly stepped forward and pulled her hand away.

Zhao Mei's ears were freed, and she immediately plunged into her father's arms and continued to cry.

Zhao Feng hugged his daughter and coaxed a few words, then raised his head and rebuked: "What are you doing with your daughter's ears? Look at the child's grievance, what kind of crying it is." He pinched the tip of his daughter's ear and looked back and forth, "It's so red. How much force was used."

Gao Xiulian fell to her knees with anger: "She's wronged? I still want to cry! I worked so hard to give birth to her in ten months of pregnancy, and she was pulled so big by a handful of **** and urine, and she would not be the boss if she poured me a glass of water. Willing!"

"I poured water for my mother." Zhao Mei cried and explained, "When my mother finishes drinking, and then ask me to pour it, I will say that I still have a lot of homework, and my mother will scold me..."

Seeing the girl's complaint, Gao Xiulian became even more angry: "I'm your mother, I've had a hard day at work, and I didn't drink enough water when I came back, so I'll ask you to pour another glass, can't you? Isn't it just to break your homework? Your mother is going to be thirsty. I'm dead, what are you doing later?"

Hearing her exaggeration, Zhao Feng frowned and said, "Just drink a sip of water, so you won't die of thirst."

"Zhao Feng! You don't know how to talk and get away from me!"

Because Gao Xiulian has been working hard recently, she has not caused any trouble, and the relationship between husband and wife has eased a lot, so Gao Xiulian dared to shout at Zhao Feng: "I am short of this sip of water, if I don't drink it, I will die, what are you doing!"

Zhao Feng felt that Gao Xiulian was abusive, and was about to speak, when his younger son Zhao Xuebing said heartlessly, "Mom, haven't you drunk this saliva yet? Why are you alright?"

Gao Xiulian choked, turned her head and shouted at her son: "I'm talking to your dad, why are you interrupting? Why don't you hurry up and take a shower for me? Believe it or not, I'll slap you?"

Ever since Zhao Xuebing's recollection, I have heard his mother say this, but the slap has never fallen.

Therefore, in Zhao Xuebing's mind, Gao Xiulian was just a paper tiger, and he was not afraid of her arrogance, sticking out his tongue like nothing else and saying, "That's how it is."

Gao Xiulian was so angry that she shouted the name of her youngest son: "Zhao Xuebing!"

Gao Xiulian was so angry that Zhao Feng thought that his son said it well, but for the sake of family harmony, he also thought about it and didn't dare to say it, he just said, "Okay, it's just a glass of water, I'll pour it for you. It's done."

As he spoke, he picked up the water glass that Gao Xiulian put on the dining table, ready to pour her a glass of water.

It's just that I don't know if the glass is not strong enough, or because Gao Xiulian put down the glass with too much force. As soon as he picked up the water glass, the glass cracked a little from the bottom to the wall.

Thanks to Zhao Feng's quick response, he let go of his hand in time, so that the broken glass didn't pierce his hand.

But several people in the room were so frightened that Gao Xiulian stepped back several steps and asked, "Why did the cup suddenly break?"

Zhao Feng asked back, "What do you think?"

Only then did Gao Xiulian react and defended: "How can I use such strength?"

Zhao Feng was too lazy to quarrel with Gao Xiulian, and said perfunctorily, "Yes, yes, I crushed the cup, okay." Walking to the drawer, he picked an enamel cup full of water and handed it to Gao Xiulian, "Enough to drink. Is it?"

Gao Xiulian had an intuition that Zhao Feng was mocking her, but with a smile on his face, she was not sure, so she reached out and took the enamel cup.

It's just that when she asked Zhao Mei to pour water just now, she still felt that she was very thirsty, but after arguing, she was no longer thirsty. After picking up the enamel cup, she just took a sip and said, "I'm angry, it's not because she didn't pour it for me. Shui, it's because of my attitude. I'm talking about my brother and brother in everything. Don't think about it. They are boys, and they want to marry daughters-in-law. Your father indulges you, and waits for you to go to someone else's house to see who cares for you."

Zhao Mei is less than eight years old this year, so she doesn't know what to get married. When she heard what her mother said, she reached out to grab her father's loose pants and said pitifully, "I don't want to go to someone else's house."

Military trousers are confiscated at the waist. In order to make it easier to put on and take off, the size will be placed a little bit and tied with a belt. But Zhao Feng disliked the belt and didn't like to use it, so he took off the belt when he got home.

When the girl grabbed the leg of his trousers, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He quickly pressed the waist of his trousers with his hand, and then pulled the girl's hand and said, "If you don't go, you won't have to go to anyone else in the future," blaming Gao Xiulian, "their age You're still young, what are you talking about now... What's wrong with your hands?"

As he asked, Zhao Feng opened his daughter's hand. When he saw the layers of red marks on it, with two blood scabs between them, his expression became serious: "What's going on?"

Gao Xiulian was about to argue with Zhao Feng, but when she saw the injury on her daughter's hand, she asked, "What happened to this injury? Did Lin Wei hit you?"

After asking Zhao Mei, before waiting for an answer, she said bitterly: "I knew that Lin Wei's **** was gentle on the surface, but she was actually a snake and a scorpion. You are still a child, how could she be so cruel and beat your hands like this? "As he spoke, he wanted to take his daughter's hand from Zhao Feng's hand and take a closer look at how she was hurt.

But as soon as she touched her daughter's hand, Zhao Mei quickly retracted her hand and said behind her back, "Mr. Lin didn't hit me. The wound on my hand was pulled by weeds."

"How is that possible! It's not the first time your school has organized weeding. You were fine before. Why did you get hurt so badly when Lin Wei became your substitute teacher?" Gao Xiulian said without thinking, "Daughter, don't be afraid, Mommy will take you to school tomorrow and talk about it, and promise to let your principal tell Lin Wei to get out!"

Gao Xiulian thought that her daughter was afraid that Lin Wei would continue to take revenge on her, so she did not dare to tell the truth.

But I didn't expect that after hearing her words, Zhao Mei not only did not dare to tell the truth, but also loudly defended Lin Wei: "No! Teacher Lin is very kind to us, and the lecture is also very fun, and the students in our class like it very much. She!" Afraid that my parents wouldn't believe me, I specially emphasized, "Mr. Lin is also very good to me, and my favorite teacher is Mr. Lin!"

Unlike Gao Xiulian, Zhao Feng was anxious to catch Lin Wei's mistakes. He no longer doubted when he heard what his daughter said. He just continued to ask, "Then what's the matter with the injury on your hand?"

Zhao Mei lowered her head and said embarrassedly, "When we were pulling weeds today, Mr. Lin came and just squatted beside me, pulling weeds with us. I, I don't want her to think that I'm lazy. Pull it really hard, and then, and that's it."

After the little girl finished speaking, she mustered up her courage to look up and said, "Mom and Dad, Teacher Lin is very good, can you please not let the principal drive her away."

Knowing that the injury on the girl's hand was not caused by the teacher, Zhao Feng's expression softened: "Don't worry, Mom and Dad won't go to your principal."

Hearing her father's promise, the little girl whose eyes were red from crying because of her grievance finally showed a smile on her face.

And when Gao Xiulian saw the smile on her daughter's face, her originally not-so-good face became even more gloomy.

She was pregnant in October, and her daughter, who was born so hard, was reluctant to pour her an extra glass of water. But in order to earn performance in front of Lin Wei, he pulled the weeds and got blood dripping from his hands!

What's more important is that it had only been so long since Lin Wei went to the primary school in the military area to take over her daughter, and even all the students in their class. After she has finished teaching for three months, will those children be willing to let her go? If they are reluctant, will the school leaders make an exception for her to become a regular?

When she thought that Lin Wei might become a regular teacher and become a full-time teacher, Gao Xiulian became crazy with jealousy. She felt that she had to stop this from happening.

How to stop it?

Gao Xiulian thought, her eyes gradually fell from her daughter's face to her hand, and then slowly raised the corners of her lips.

On Monday morning, as soon as the morning reading class started, Gao Xiulian took her daughter into the principal's office of the military primary school and cried, "Principal Feng, you have to decide for my daughter!"

The author says:

one more

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy