MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 60 apologize

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When Zong Shao got home, he learned that Lin Wei was taking a shower in the bathroom, and asked in confusion, "Why is your mother taking a shower now?"

Because the climate of Yazhou Island is hot, it is mid-October, and the temperature has not completely dropped. So their family still takes turns taking a bath after eating, so that they can go to bed refreshed after washing.

The brothers had just been trained by their mother, so they didn't dare to say a word.

When Zong Shao saw it, he guessed that there was a problem: "What's wrong with you?"

When Rui Rui heard the words, she looked at each other with a consonant heart, and after a brief eye contact, Rui Rui gritted her teeth and said, "When Mom came back, we were playing games, and... accidentally sprayed saliva on her."

Zong Shao: "...What game did you play?"

"Spit the melon seed skin."

Forgive Zong Shao's poor childhood, he didn't understand what game this was for a while.

Seeing that my father was not angry, he clearly dared to speak, and explained quickly, "It's just the three of us who spit out the skin together after eating the sunflower seeds, and see who vomits the furthest."

"You vomited on your mother?" Zong Shao asked.

Mingming shook his head quickly, and then nodded again: "Mom suddenly came out of Xiao Shishi's house, and we spit the melon seed skin on her."

Yes, not only saliva, but also melon seed skin.

Zong Shao understood what was going on, got up and went to the kitchen for a turn. The rice was not cooked, the vegetables were not fried, the coal stove was still boiling water, and more importantly, there was no food at home.

Zong Shao has long heard that people in the south don't stock up on vegetables, and when they go to a vegetable market, they basically buy one or two meals. But it wasn't until Lin Wei joined the army that he confirmed this with his own eyes.

Although his ancestral home is Shicheng, he has been in the army with his parents since he can remember. At the earliest, his father was stationed in Liao Province with the army, and when he was seven or eight years old, he was transferred to the capital and has remained until today.

In Liao Province, the temperature is below zero for a long time in winter, and in the late winter, there are basically no green vegetables on the market. In order to eat a mouthful of green leafy vegetables, before the weather gets cold, they have to bring the whole car to the house to pull vegetables and store them in the old shígG duga cellar.

When I arrived in the capital, it was still a northern city. Even if everyone’s food was not as much as in Liao Province, it was common to buy a large half-car. Even in summer, people are used to buying food for several days at a time.

Zong Shao didn't know how long it took his mother to cultivate the habit of cooking vegetables when she went from Shicheng to Liao Province, but he knew that when she returned to Shicheng again, until she fell ill and died, she couldn't get rid of this habit.

Therefore, after going to the island, he went shopping with Lin Wei for the first time, and when he saw that she was buying vegetables for a handful, potatoes for a piece, and green onions for a root, he thought it was very strange.

Zong Shao also asked her why she didn't buy more at one time, green vegetables are not easy to store, but it's not a problem to buy potatoes and store them for a week.

Lin Wei asked back, "Is it bad to eat fresh?"

Although potatoes, eggplant, and other vegetables can be stored for a few days after they are bought, they are difficult to lose moisture after they are removed from the roots, and they will be a little wilted. It is edible, but the taste is inevitably worse. The vegetables bought in the vegetable market are basically freshly picked that day, and they are not far away, so she naturally prefers to go every day.

Zong Shao was stunned.

Therefore, if Lin Wei didn't go to the vegetable market that day, there would be no fresh vegetables at home, and the only ones that could be turned out were the eggs bought by the pound and the dried vegetables sent by his parents from time to time.

Going to the vegetable market now, you can also buy some not-so-decent green vegetables, and make do with two dishes. But now it's 6 o'clock, this will start to be done, at least seven or eight o'clock to eat, but it is not as fast as cooking noodles.

Zong Shao walked around the kitchen, returned to the main house, entered the living room, walked to the bathroom door and knocked on the door.

Before he knocked on the door, the faint sound of water could be heard across the door panel, and the sound of "knockkkaku" sounded, and the sound inside stopped. After about two seconds, Lin Wei asked loudly what was wrong.

Zong Shao asked, "Would you like to eat noodles at night, or dinner? I'll go to the restaurant to pack for dinner."

"It's fine." Lin Wei replied, transferring the decision to Zong Shao.

Zong Shao said ok, and after going out, he asked Mingming what Ruirui wanted to eat at night.

Mingming rolled his eyes and asked, "Dad, do you do it?"

Zong Shao said: "If I eat noodles, I will cook them, and I will go to the restaurant to pack the meals."

Mingming didn't hesitate: "Then I want to eat!"

Zong Shao: "..." His cooking shouldn't be so bad, right? Looking back at Rarity.

Rarity gave Dad face, hesitated for half a minute, and then chose to eat.


Zong Shao turned back to the bathroom door, knocked on the door and told Lin Wei of the decision of the two children, then walked to the drawer, took the key to open the door, and pulled out two dollars, two small food coupons, and one small Bring both the meat ticket and a seafood ticket, go to the restaurant to see what dishes are available, and then decide which ticket to use.

Because Lin Wei was taking a bath, Zong Shao didn't take the two children away, he took the lunch box and went out.

After Zong Shao went out for a while, Lin Wei came out of the shower. She was sweating today and even washed her hair. She came out and wiped her hair and asked, "Dad is out?"

"Dad went to buy food." Mingming asked again, "Mom, are you still angry?"

Lin Wei hummed lightly, meaning of course.

Mingming looked embarrassed, scratched his head and asked, "Mom, how can you not be angry?"

"This..." Lin Wei sat on the sofa, pondering.

Mingming Ruirui followed, standing in a row in front of her, eagerly waiting for her answer.

Lin Wei admired their expressions for a while, then coughed lightly and said, "What should I do if I'm a little thirsty?"

"Mom, I'll pour water for you!" Mingming ran fast.

Rarity didn't rob her brother, so she stood back.

After drinking the water poured by her son, Lin Wei fanned the wind with her hand: "Oh, what if it's a little hot?"

"Mom, I'm going to get an electric fan." Mingming ran fast again and wanted to go upstairs.

Lin Wei hurriedly stopped the person. With his small body, his weight was not much heavier than the electric fan. Don't let the fan fall down when the fan was not removed.

Seeing this, Rarity picked up the homework book on their stool in class and fanned Lin Wei: "Mom, let me fan you."

Seeing this, he had something to follow, and he also picked up his workbook and fanned Lin Wei.

So when Zong Shao came back with the lunch box, he saw Lin Wei sitting on the sofa with a water glass in his hand, drinking sip after sip. Ruirui clearly stood aside and fanned her hard.

While fanning, the two children asked, "Mom, are you still hot?"

"A little bit."

"Oh." Continue to fan.

Zong Shao put the lunch box on the table, opened the lid and said, "It's time to eat."

Lin Wei responded and got up: "Let's eat."

The two children quickly followed, and when they sat around the table, Rarity asked, "Are you still angry, Mom?"

"Of course." Lin Wei nodded.

The little guy showed disappointment and asked tentatively, "When will you stop being angry, mom?"

Mingming was listening next to him, but he couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing his arm. His arm was sore when he fanned the fan.

Lin Wei felt relieved in her heart, but her tone was still light: "Look at your performance in the past two days." After speaking, seeing the two children's faces collapsed, she asked, "What? Don't you want to?"

Hearing the words, the two little guys immediately shook their heads like a rattle: "No."

After the meal, Lin Wei enjoyed the fan service from the brothers for a while. Looking at the time, she felt that they might be tired and were about to stop when Liu Dan came in through the back door.

Seeing the scene in the living room, she froze for a moment and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, why are you here?" Lin Wei stood up to greet Liu Dan, and then said to the two children, "I'm here today, you guys can go play."

finally liberated.

The two children cheered in unison, put down the homework and prepared to go out, but after just two steps, Rarity stopped, turned her head and said, "Mummy, remember to call us when it's hot."

Mingming, who was walking out holding hands with his younger brother, immediately released his hands and covered his face when he heard the words.

If he was a few years older and knew more, he would definitely say "Which pot can't be opened and lifted", but now, he just thinks that his brother is too stupid and can't carry it!

Seeing the little action of the eldest son, Lin Wei held back a smile and said, "Don't worry, my mother 'definitely' will not forget to call you."

When the brothers went out, Liu Dan asked, "What are your two boys doing?"

Before getting acquainted with Lin Wei, Liu Dan always felt that Rui Rui was very good. Her son compared them with one sentence. People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.

But after getting acquainted with them, Liu Dan found out that the two children, Mingming Ruirui, listen well when they are good, but they are not ambiguous when they are naughty.

Lin Wei also had a headache for them.

The good thing is that Zong Shao didn't throw his hands off the shopkeeper, and he was unambiguous about picking up the children. Unlike the one in her family, let alone help, she will be thankful for not holding her back when she trains the child.

When Liu Dan asked again, Lin Wei told the story of the three children spitting on her saliva and melon seed skin: "I was very tired in the afternoon, and they spit on me when I came back, but it made me angry."

After listening to Liu Dan, he laughed rudely and asked, "Why are you so tired this afternoon?"

"In the afternoon activity class, the teacher who took the class and the child is not feeling well. I have asked for a leave of absence. I will help you..." After talking about the weeding, Lin Wei rubbed her thigh and said, "When the farming was busy, I used to follow behind the adults, picking up rice for a day. Sui didn't feel anything, and it's less than an hour after pulling the grass, and the back pain is sore, even the children in the class are inferior."

Liu Dan said: "I have been sitting in the office for a long time. I worked in the workshop before joining the army. I was in good spirits after a busy day.

A seven- or eight-year-old child is active. Like his son, he doesn't feel tired after playing crazy all day. Compared with endurance, she is really not as good as him.

When the gossip was over, Liu Dan remembered his purpose for coming to Lin Wei, told what happened to Qi's family yesterday, and added, "Xiao Yang said that Qi Tao originally wanted the old witch to apologize to her, but she came to see the old witch later. I didn't feel that I was wrong at all, and I didn't apologize sincerely, so I changed my mind and sent the old witch back in advance."

Lin Wei asked: "Qi Battalion Commander is the mother willing to go back?"

"Of course I don't want to. It's been a lot of trouble at home, scolding Qi Tao for being unfilial, and saying that I'm going to sue him in the army." Liu Dan's face was "why are you so naive".


Lin Wei returned a string of ellipses, thought for a moment and asked, "Does she really plan to sue?"

Unfilial piety can be a small thing or a big one. The former is that parents are soft-hearted and refuse to publicize it. That is family affairs, and at most people will talk about it. But if the parents are tough enough and report directly to the unit, then the problem will be big, if the trouble is bad, the future will be over.

"Looking at her posture, she really wanted to sue, but Qi Tao just said that if the old witch really thinks he is not filial, then she will sue. I even told the old witch which department would be most useful to sue."

Seeing Liu Dan's high-spirited appearance, Lin Wei knew that Mrs. Qi must not have sued, and asked in confusion, "Then why did she give up again?"

"Why, it's for the money!" Liu Dan curled his lips and said, "Qi Tao told which department was in charge, and then he told the consequences of the complaint. If this matter really broke out, he was detained for being disobedient, and he had a good character. The hat of the problem, the future will definitely be ruined in the future, if the situation is good, it will be transferred, if not, it will be a job change, and even if it is worse, it may be possible to live in the bullpen."

Speaking of this, Liu Dan felt aggrieved for Qi Tao. His own father died early and his younger brother was young. It can be said that he supported the family alone. Of course, Yang Yi was added later.

But this does not reduce Qi Tao's efforts over the years, and even for the sake of the Qi family, he almost entered his own small family. But that's how, when the mother and son disagree, the mother still scolds him for being unfilial and has no conscience, and goes to the army to sue him.

But what makes him worthless the most is Mrs. Qi's reaction after hearing the consequences of his complaint.

"At first, the old witch was very proud. She felt that she had a way to control Qi Tao. When Qi Tao said that he might be unable to protect herself after he was released, she couldn't send her living expenses every month. She was dumbfounded." Tao also said a lot, but Liu Dan felt that living expenses were the most important thing for the old witch.

Thinking of Qi Tao's uncomfortable, but not so unexpected expression at the time, Liu Dan couldn't help but say, "I really don't know what wrong he did in his previous life, and he has only cultivated such a mother in this life."

"Some people may be born with shallow parents, and it's a good thing to be able to see clearly."

"That's true. When the old witch is gone, they will relax."

Lin Wei nodded, remembering that Liu Dan had missed someone from the beginning to the end, and asked, "When we quarreled yesterday, was the younger brother of Commander Qi not here?"

"I didn't see him, what happened?"

"It's nothing, I just think it's a bit strange," Lin Wei explained when she saw Liu Dan's puzzled face, "You think, the younger brother of Commander Qi has only been on the island for half a month, and he doesn't have any good friends. Staying at someone else's house all the time? But if he's at home and there's so much noise outside, it's impossible for him not to hear at all."

Liu Dan frowned: "It seems a little strange for you to say that, but he has nothing to do with this, right?"

Lin Wei thought how could it be okay, there were only two children in the Qi family, and it was obvious that Mrs. Qi favored the younger son, but she didn't come alone to visit the eldest son who was not favored, and the younger son came with her.

If the younger son does not have a job, there is nothing wrong with following his mother to visit his elder brother. However, he is a regular worker in a state-owned factory. He takes a month or two off to visit non-immediate relatives. Can the unit have any comments? Even if the unit has no opinion, isn't Mrs. Qi worried about affecting her younger son's work?

Lin Wei felt that Mrs. Qi and her son went to the island in the name of visiting relatives this time, 80% of them had other purposes. Maybe it's all because of him.

But even if Qi Tao's younger brother is innocent, these matters have nothing to do with him, if he was at home last night and hid in his room...

Lin Wei said: "When he came out to help Battalion Commander Qi, I would think that this person is quite reasonable. If he only knows how to persuade peace and mud, I can barely say that he is an honest person, even if he favors Mrs. Qi, he There is also the advantage of filial piety. But he can't hide, I can only say that he has no responsibility."

And in this matter, is Qi Tao's younger brother really innocent?

Lin Wei didn't know what other people thought, but she didn't believe that he was innocent. Therefore, she felt that Qi Ze was not only irresponsible, but also had a bad character.

What kind of person Zize is, Liu Dan really doesn't know.

Although the two families are quite close, she has to go to work, and if Qi Ze wants to find someone to chat with, the first choice must be men, so there is no communication between the two.

Coupled with the hatred of Mrs. Qi, before today, Liu Dan really didn't think about what role Qi Ze played in it.

But Liu Dan felt that as long as he could send the old witch away, it didn't matter whether Qi Ze was good or bad, since his mother had left, he would never be able to stay on the island and continue to be a demon.

Lin Wei said this because she was worried that Qi Ze was taking advantage of these few days to make troubles, but she thought about it, Qi Tao's eyesight was clear and even his own mother could stop him, so could he still be unable to deal with his younger brother?

was relieved.

It was only very soon that Lin Wei found out that it was too early for her to be relieved, but this time it was not Yang Yi, but herself.

She was reported!

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