MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 110 blowing bubbles

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Mother Lin was very calm when she learned that the number of guests greatly exceeded the standard, and said, "You are just inexperienced. It is not uncommon for the number of guests to exceed the initial estimated number. You will know after a few more drinks."

Lin Wei and Zong Shao really have no experience in handling wine. When they got married, it was actually their parents who were in charge of inviting guests. Lin Wei also had classmates and friends to invite. Zong Shao really didn't know him in Shicheng. The feasts were actually all **** coworkers and neighbors.

Not to mention Ruirui's meeting, Zong Shao just ordered a holiday. Before he returned to the barracks, it was too hasty to prepare the wine, so he was too busy, so it was a normal full moon wine, and Zong Shao did not participate.

Lin Wei was at home, but her focus was on her two children at the time. Her mother-in-law and her own mother were the ones in charge of this matter. She had almost no experience at all.

Lin Wei said, "I don't know when I will go next time."

There are only so many reasons to have a drink these days, and she and Zong Shao are not the kind of people who invite friends and relatives all over the place. Next time, I might have to wait for Mingming Ruirui's entrance banquet, but that will be more than ten years later, and it is too far away, so let's do it first.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei asked, "Do you think there is anything else we need to pay attention to?"

Mother Lin said, "That's all, right, but remember to prepare more for the dinner banquet. It's half a table, it should be about the same."

"Half an extra table?" Lin Wei hesitated, and everything else is easy to say, but it's not easy to handle this meat dish.

"It's mainly because I'm afraid that there won't be enough to eat by then. If you want to make it better, it's best to prepare more," Lin Mu knew about Lin Wei's concerns and thought about it, "Isn't there a side dish like chestnut and potatoes in the chicken and duck? , put more, and there are enough vegetarian dishes, if there are too many people, the amount of dishes will not be insufficient."

"The number of people will exceed?"

"Of course, like our hometown, the wedding banquet is usually one area and two, but some people just don't realize it and bring a few more people. What can you do?"

Every place has its own rules for serving wine. The amount of gifts and how many people bring are all agreed upon. The host family prepares the banquet, usually according to the old rules.

But there are always those who love to take advantage of the small, and they have to drag their family to drink with their mouths when the money is not given much. It's just that although this kind of person is not conscious, the host family is not easy to care about. First, the other party gave a gift, and second, on the big day, you can only prepare more dishes, so as not to run out of food in the end.

Lin Wei thought about this and said, "I'll talk to him when Zong Shao comes back."

After hearing this, Zong Shao was not too embarrassed. Because of the increase in the number of people, he kept an eye on Lao Xu when he went to the vegetable market in the evening. After asking how many tube bones and pigs could be put into the water every day, he directly booked all the day's meals, and followed up with him. People said to pay tomorrow. In addition, chicken and duck can add side dishes, and it is easy to prepare half a table of dishes.

The day after the confinement, Lin Wei returned to work.

Lin Wei and Zhang Lan agreed to let her work until the full moon and then leave. In addition, her mother was also at home, so on the first day back to work, she did not bring the children to school.

Seeing her coming to school alone, Huang Aiyun was disappointed and said, "I thought you would bring the child here."

During Lin Wei's confinement period, Huang Aiyun and the others organized a group to visit her. Of course, not only a few people in the office but also several other offices went to her house in the end.

Huang Aiyun is a face control. Seeing that Lin Wei's daughter is good-looking, she refused to let go. Knowing that Lin Wei came back to work today, she was looking forward to it, thinking that Lin Wei might bring the child over.

No result.

Lin Wei said, "I won't bring it here for a few days. Let's wait until the full moon drink is over."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Zhao Yanhua asked, "Did your nanny just invite the full moon drinker?"

Lin Wei nodded and said, "Yes, please let her take care of me until the confinement is over, but I have to stay with her for a few more days because there are so many things at home these days."

"How is her work?" Zhao Yanhua asked again.

"It's very good, the work is meticulous, and the cooking is not bad." Lin Wei asked, "Do you want to hire a nanny too?"

Huang Aiyun heard the words and asked, "What do you want the nanny to do?"

Hiring a nanny these days is actually a very sensitive thing. It doesn’t mean that you absolutely can’t do it. It’s just that you will be criticized for being petty bourgeois and having an improper life style.

Therefore, these military wives in the family area are usually pregnant and giving birth to children. When there is really no one to take care of them at home, they will hire a nanny for a period of time.

Like Lin Wei, because she asked for a longer time than others, she was also talked about behind her back.

However, because Lin Wei had just been to the hospital before hiring a nanny, and she had hired two or three more months than others, it was not a big problem, and those people had discussed it a few times.

But if it's nothing to ask a nanny to serve at home, it's hard to say, so Huang Aiyun asked one more question.

Although Zhao Yanhua didn't answer after hearing this, her face showed a bit of shyness, and she didn't consciously put her hand on her stomach. Lin Wei had just given birth, and when she saw her appearance, she asked, "Are you pregnant?"

"Really?" Huang Aiyun looked at Zhao Yanhua in shock, "Are you really pregnant? When did it happen?"

Zhao Yanhua said: "I just found out a few days ago, it's been more than a month."

Hearing Zhao Yanhua's words, several other teachers in the office also started to ask questions. Huang Aiyun looked up at the office for a while, and whispered to Lin Wei, "Does our office have good feng shui?"


"Look, there are so many teachers in the whole school. This year, you and Mr. Zhao are pregnant one after another, and they are all from our office. Isn't this Feng Shui?"

Lin Wei: "...Stop engaging in feudal superstitions."

Huang Aiyun regained his senses and said embarrassingly: "I just said it casually, just thought it was a coincidence."

While talking, the class bell rang, and everyone in the office was busy, packing up the textbooks and heading to the classroom.

Lin Wei and Huang Aiyun left together, but they were stopped as soon as they left the office, and they continued to ask her about the babysitter.

Lin Wei did not specifically praise Zhang Lan, but only told Zhao Yanhua her work situation in the past few months, and said that if she plans to hire Zhang Lan as a nanny, it is best to have a chat with someone before taking up the job to make sure. The other party is suitable in every way. After all, everyone's situation is different. She thinks that Zhang Lan is a good person and works diligently, but Zhao Yanhua may not feel that way after using people.

She was willing to tell Zhao Yanhua and Zhang Lan's work situation, but she didn't want the two of them to get along and blame her instead.

After hearing this, Zhao Yanhua said, "Then I'll look at it in a few months." She must have asked for a nanny after eight or nine months of pregnancy, and her mother-in-law has not yet confirmed whether she will come. Now I just want to feel at ease.

Lin Wei snorted, and walked into the classroom of the second class of the fourth grade separately from them.

I haven't seen each other for only a month, and the children haven't changed much. They just got a little excited when they saw Lin Wei, and said hello very loudly.

Looking at the smiling faces below, Lin Wei also had a smile on her face. After they said hello, she smiled, "Hello, classmates, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Teacher Lin!" the children said one after another.

After the voice fell, a child asked, "Teacher, are you coming back to teach us a lesson?"

One child took the lead, and the other children also asked, "Teacher, will you still ask for leave in the future?"

"Teacher, have you given birth to a baby yet?"

"Is the teacher a boy or a girl!"

Although many of the questions asked by the trend have nothing to do with study, Lin Wei answered them one by one: "I'm going back to class, I shouldn't take long vacations in the future, the baby was born a month ago, it's a girl..."

After answering the children's questions, Lin Wei picked up the textbook and started the class. Although she took a month off, she checked the progress with her substitute colleagues yesterday, and she also took time to familiarize herself with the content to be taught today, and prepared lessons, so the two classes in the morning went well.

But Mother Lin was obviously not at ease. She was afraid that her daughter would not fit in when she returned to work after taking such a long vacation. When she saw Lin Wei coming back, she asked, "How is the class?"

"Very smooth." Lin Wei said.

"Are the students obedient?"

"They're all good."

"What about the leaders of your unit? Did you say anything?"

Lin Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm asking for leave, and I'm not a miner. What will our leaders say? Don't worry, Mom, our principal talks very sweaty."

Mother Lin breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, "I'm not worried about you."

"I understand, but I'll take care of things at work," Lin Wei said.

Seeing how confident her daughter is, Mother Lin stopped asking questions and talked about her child with a smile: "She woke up once before you came back. I changed her diaper, filled her with milk powder, and fell asleep when she was full."

"Have the diapers been washed?"

"It's washed, Xiao Zhang and I, can we keep such a little work until you come back?"

"Yes, Mom, you are the best." Lin Wei said while holding the venue, and asked Mingming where Ruirui went.

Mother Lin said, "I'm looking at my sister upstairs, and Xiao Shi is also there."

Lin Wei heard the words, said "I'll go upstairs to see", and went to the master bedroom on the second floor.

In the master bedroom, the three children were kneeling around the baby on the bed. When Lin Wei walked to the door of the room on the second floor, she heard Xiao Shishi ask: "How can your sister sleep like this? ."

"You do not understand!"

After my sister was born, I clearly heard the elders say a lot about the newborn baby. Now I feel like a learned person, and my self-confidence is bursting. As soon as I know the answer to the questions asked by my friends, I have to bring "you don't understand" three. words, and then began to explain: "Children are like this, they have to sleep all day..."

I got stuck talking and couldn't remember how many hours my mother said, "Many, many hours, I will wake up when I'm hungry in the middle, and go back to sleep when I'm full."

Although Mingming didn't explain it clearly, Xiao Shishi didn't understand it even more. In addition, he believed Mingming's words very much.

"Of course, when she gets older, she won't be so sleepy, but she doesn't understand anything now and can't play with us yet."

"Then when will she be able to play with us?" In fact, Xiao Shishi didn't expect too much about his sister's ability to play with him, but he would ask habitually when he said this.

"She won't be able to play with us until we're this old." Mingming asked, "Do you know how old we were when my sister grew up to our age?"

After asking the question, he deliberately said to his younger brother, who had never spoken, "Don't say the answer."

Rarity, who looked at her sister with her hands on her face, snorted, thinking he didn't intend to answer.

Xiao Shitou counted with his fingers, and after a while, he asked uncertainly, "Eight years old?"

"That's wrong, it's nine years old!" Mingming immediately knelt down and said, "We are now four and a half years old. When my sister grows to our age, it will take four and a half years. Four plus four equals eight, and half a year plus half a year equals one year. Eight years plus one year is nine years old!"

Xiao Shi's learning progress is the same as Ming Ming's. He has never learned decimals. Plus Ming Ming is four and a half years old, four and a half years old, and eight years old and one year old. The two units of measurement are mixed together, and he can see gold stars in his eyes. foggy water,

Seeing him dizzy, he explained it again, and then asked, "Do you understand?"

"I don't quite understand." Mingming scratched his head and said honestly.

Mingming's eyes widened: "Why don't you even understand this, I understand it after listening to my brother once!"

Xiao Shi was very ashamed, and he lowered his head.

"Don't bully Little Stone." Lin Wei walked in and patted Mingming's head, then said to Little Stone, "Don't listen to what Mingming said, Rarity explained it very clearly, so he understood it all at once, he didn't say anything. Well, it's normal that you didn't understand all of a sudden."

Xiao Shishi was relieved after hearing this, it turned out that he was not that stupid.

Mingming couldn't believe it and asked, "Am I not good enough?"

In fact, Mingming's explanation is not bad, and everyone who understands can understand it, but Xiao Shishi didn't understand it at all, and it made him even more dizzy when he went around, so his explanation was naturally not good.

But in order to take care of her son's self-esteem, Lin Wei said, "It's not bad, it's just not clear enough. If you don't believe it, let Rarity explain it again and see if Xiao Shi can understand it."

He was clearly appeased, but he didn't understand what he didn't understand, so he asked his brother to explain it again.

Rarity was speaking to Little Rock in decimals, and the content was a bit out of line, but it was easier to understand than the obvious two units of measurement mixed together.

Seeing Xiao Shi suddenly realized, he was obviously hit hard, and it really was his problem.

Seeing Mingming's head drooping, Lin Wei said softly, "Actually, Xiao Shishi can understand, and it's not entirely without your credit. If he didn't have the foundation of what you said twice, he wouldn't have understood so quickly."

Hearing the words, Xiao Shishi also echoed: "Yes, in fact, I think about it now, obviously I understand what you said."

Under the consolation of his mother and Xiao Shishi, he quickly recovered himself, and he said, he is so smart, how could Xiao Shishi not understand what he said!

Lin Wei: "..." Confidence is a good thing, but isn't her son a little too confident?

After returning to work, Lin Wei set the alarm clock again, and her schedule was forced to be regular.

It was a little difficult to get up in the first two days, but after three days, the situation was much better, so the girl didn't stay in bed much on the day of the full moon wine, and she woke up as soon as the alarm clock rang.

But that's it, Lin Wei is still the last one to get up at home.

Mother Lin and Zhang Lan had been busy in the kitchen for a long time, and Zong Shao also took back the pork bones and pig water from the vegetable market, and was squatting in front of the faucet to wash them.

Even Mingming Ruirui had finished breakfast, and one person was blowing bubbles with a half straw in his hand.

Seeing Lin Wei come out, Rarity leaned in front of her brother, dipped the straw in the ink bottle he was holding, then turned around, puffing out her cheeks and blowing at her.

Seeing his younger brother's actions, he clearly followed suit and even walked closer to Lin Wei.

Just as the sea breeze came in, she pushed the colorful bubbles to Lin Wei. Her brows and eyes widened, and she reached out and poked one, one after another. Soon, most of the bubbles blown by the two children disappeared.

Seeing that the bubble was about to be poked, the two children blew harder, and the play became a contest.

It's just that Lin Wei can poke the bubbles and move his hands, but the brothers need lung capacity to blow the bubbles. It didn't take long for them to be out of breath, and the situation turned into a downturn.

Lin Wei didn't give in at all, she almost cried when she saw her grandmother came out and complained, "Grandma! Mom poked all our bubbles!"

Mother Lin's eyes blushed when she saw her grandson, and she scolded her daughter angrily: "How old are you, and you are still competing with your children, so that they can't do it?"


Lin Wei spoke, and when her eyes swept over the smug little expression, she couldn't help putting her hands on his head, rubbing it and saying, "You will still sue, right?"

Mingming told Lin Wei the answer with practical actions, opened his mouth and screamed: "Grandma! Mom is bullying me and my brother again!"

Rarity, who was not affected by the war but was dragged into the water by her brother: "?!"

The author says:

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