MTL - Seventy Couple’s Daily Routine-Chapter 109 Wu Shujuan

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It was only a week later that Wu Shujuan learned about Zong Shao's daughter-in-law from the old Qian's daughter-in-law next door.

After Chen Xinglan was transferred to the capital from Liao Province with Zong Ping, she has been living in this naval compound.

When Wu Shujuan brought her daughters to defect, Chen Xinglan obeyed her husband and took them to live at home. The old Qian's daughter-in-law also persuaded her to grow snacks.

But when Zong Ping found a job for Wu Shujuan and moved out, Lao Qian's daughter-in-law said nothing. Every time she brought her daughter to the door, she would greet her with a smile, and she really regarded her as a relative of the Zong family.

It was not until later that Chen Xinglan and Zong Ping divorced and Wu Shujuan brought her daughter into the hall, and the old Qian's daughter-in-law changed her face.

Although Zong Ping and Wu Shujuan were not caught, they came together after Zong Ping and Chen Xinglan divorced. There were still people who matched them, so it is not certain that they hooked up long ago.

But Lao Qian's daughter-in-law didn't believe these nonsense. Zong Ping and Wu Shujuan didn't know each other until after their divorce. When Wu Shujuan's man died, he took his daughter to the capital and lived in Zong's house. The two have been in close contact over the years. Who knows if they had an affair long ago and were divorced after being discovered by Chen Xinglan.

What's more, Chen Xinglan can be said to have taken Wu Shujuan as her own sister to watch over the years, and has always loved her daughter very much. In her first two years in the unit, Wu Shujuan was often too busy to stay home in order to be promoted, and her daughter almost always lived in the Zong's house.

Chen Xinglan can't describe Wu Shujuan's mother and daughter as digging her heart out and digging her lungs out.

As long as Wu Shujuan has a sense of shame and cares about Chen Xinglan's kindness, she should not come together with her husband after her divorce.

Therefore, the old Qian's daughter-in-law looked down on Wu Shujuan's behavior. After she married Zong Ping, she also discussed with her husband about moving, and was ashamed to be in the company of such a person.

It's just that Lao Qian always felt that he and Zong Ping had known each other for so many years, and he broke up with him for this matter, and he couldn't make a face. In other words, he was afraid of offending people.

Because of her husband's incompetence, the move didn't work in the end. Lao Qian's daughter-in-law could only hold her nose and become a neighbor with Wu Shujuan, but she didn't deal very much with Wu Shujuan for two years, and she couldn't help but stab people when she talked.

This time too.

Her son and Zong Shao were young, and later they went to the military academy together, so after Chen Xinglan and Zong Ping divorced, Zong Shao didn't come back very often, but the relationship between the two children has always been very good.

After graduating from the military academy, the two were not assigned to a place to serve as soldiers.

In fact, it is not that there is no chance to be assigned to one place at all. Both of them are excellent students, and the three major naval fleets have all cast olive branches to them. At that time, the two people's wishes were the same, and the chance of being assigned to one place was very high.

But Zong Ping listened to Wu Shujuan's ear, and didn't want Zong Shao to be too far away from home, so he asked an old comrade-in-arms to intervene in his son's whereabouts. After Zong Shao learned about this, he applied to go to Yazhou Island at the southern end of the motherland.

Although Lao Qian's son and Zong Shao are not soldiers in the same place, they have often exchanged phone and letters over the years, so they are very aware of each other's current situation.

The fact that Zong Shao was blessed with a daughter was mentioned by her son by chance when she called yesterday.

Although Zong Shao didn't come back many years after he went to Yazhou Island, the old Qian's daughter-in-law watched Zong Shao grow up and regarded him as her own son and nephew. Second, she said that Zong Shao was doing well, Wu Shujuan Her face is not very good, so she will pay special attention to Zong Shao's recent situation.

Hearing that Zong Shao was blessed with a daughter-in-law, Lao Qian's daughter-in-law asked a few more questions. When she found out, she met Wu Shujuan the next day and asked, "Is your father going out recently?"

When she first married Zong Ping, Wu Shujuan thought about getting on well with Lao Qian's daughter-in-law, but after hitting a wall several times, the relationship between the two froze.

It's just that Wu Shujuan needs face. Although she and Zong Ping have no personal relationship over the years and consciously sit upright, they can't resist all kinds of speculations about her.

In addition, she always felt that Madam Zong's position should belong to her, so Chen Xinglan took her favor in return for what belonged to her. So after marrying Zong Ping, she couldn't help comparing herself to Chen Xinglan secretly in her heart, thinking about overpowering her.

Therefore, Wu Shujuan has always valued her reputation. Even if she hates Lao Qian's daughter-in-law in her heart, she is always friendly when she meets people. Even if the old Qian's daughter-in-law was angry at her, she would laugh it off.

Her efforts were not in vain.

People are forgetful, and time will dilute many things. No matter how good Chen Xinglan's reputation was in the past, she has been forgotten for so many years.

When people talk about the wife of the head of Zong now, the first thing that comes to mind is not Chen Xinglan, but her Wu Shujuan. As for her friendship with Chen Xinglan and her marriage to Zong Ping, few people mention it.

Of course, it would be best if the old money wife could keep her mouth shut.

But the reality is that it is impossible for Lao Qian's daughter-in-law to shut up, and she, knowing that the other party has bad intentions, still has to greet them with a smile and ask, "What?"

Sure enough, the next second Lao Qian's daughter-in-law screamed strangely: "Ah, Xiao Shao's daughter-in-law gave birth to a daughter last month. You haven't heard about the full moon wine, have you?"

After get off work hours, there are a lot of people on the criss-crossed roads of the Navy compound.

However, when he heard the name "Xiao Shao", not many people immediately reacted, and people's memory was limited. As Chen Xinglan left, Zong Shao gradually didn't come back very much, and even he never came back in the past few years.

Gradually, Zong Shao was also forgotten.

If Lao Qian's daughter-in-law called Zong Shao with her surname and surname, everyone might react faster, but when she changed her surname, many people didn't react for a while. Not to mention those who have only moved in in recent years, perhaps heard the old shígG Dujia say that Zong Ping and his son have a bad relationship, but most people do not know what the name of Zong Ping's son is.

But other people don't know, Wu Shujuan can't be clear. Knowing that Zong Shao was blessed with a daughter, her pupils suddenly shrunk. She couldn't keep her gentle and helpless face any longer, and her lips pursed tightly.

Seeing Wu Shujuan's face, the old Qian's daughter-in-law knew something in her heart, and she said, "You really don't know? If you want me to say that you are also Xiao Shao's stepmother, how can you not care about him so much? You can do such a big thing. do not know?"

After speaking, without waiting for Wu Shujuan to answer, she suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot, before you and Zong Shao's father got married, he called you Aunt Juan for so many years, but Xing Lan married Lao Zong on the front foot, and you were on the back foot. As her stepmother, it's no wonder he's willing to tell you these happy events!"

There is a huge amount of information in what Lao Qian's daughter-in-law said, and everyone was in an uproar after hearing it.

People who didn't know the inside story looked at Wu Shujuan with shocked eyes, and those who knew the inside story remembered the past, and looked at Wu Shujuan with a bit more contempt.

Because of a few words from the old money wife, Wu Shujuan's many years of business were ruined again. But it wasn't the incident that made her angry, but the fact that Zong Shao got a daughter.

Last year, Wu Shujuan's daughter's condition worsened, and she was given a critical illness notice several times by the doctor, asking her to prepare for the funeral. But her daughter survived again and again, and she knew that her daughter still thought about Zong Shao and wanted to see him again.

Wu Shujuan thought that if Zong Shao was willing to come back to see her daughter, maybe her condition could improve, so she asked Zong Ping to call Yazhou Island to tell Zong Shao about it.

At first, Zong Ping felt embarrassed. Their father and son had not communicated for many years, but after a quarrel, he compromised and called Zong Shao.

But after the call was connected, Zong Shao directly asked Zong Ping whether to talk about private affairs or business affairs, and when he learned that it was the former, he hung up the phone directly.

After the call was hung up, Zong Ping made a fierce call at home, threatening to deny the son again, let alone call Zong Shao. And this time, no matter how much she made trouble, he didn't change his mind.

Wu Shujuan had no choice but to call Zong Shao herself, but this time, the call was not connected at all. After that, she began to write to Zong Shao in the name of Zong Ping, hoping that he would come back to see her daughter based on the past relationship.

The first letter was sent and there was no reply.

The second letter, the third letter, and the fourth letter were sent, but they were returned without opening them.

And Wu Shujuan, in the endless waiting and disappointment again and again, watched her daughter die.

But even so, she just felt that Zong Shao was ruthless and regretted the decision she had made. It was only at this moment that she began to hate Zong Shao when she learned that Zong Shao was blessed with a daughter.

Zong Shao's wife gave birth to a daughter last month, and the child was conceived in February.

And February was the Chinese New Year, so she sent the last letter, hoping that Zong Shao would come back. But he didn't come back in the end, and soon after her daughter died, she received a refund again.

Before her daughter died, Wu Shujuan thought she wanted a lot, status, fame, Zong Ping and a better life, she wanted all. She didn't know she was wrong until her daughter died.

Now she has a decent job and manages several people. Her husband, Zong Ping, is a high-ranking naval official. She has the status, Zong Ping and a better life. As for her reputation, even if it is a little difficult to maintain, there is nothing in the past. carry.

She seems to have everything, but she feels that she has nothing, and her most important baby is no longer there.

If her daughter had gone peacefully, she might have done it, but it wasn't.

Thinking of her daughter suffering from illness, but praying for Zong Shao to meet again, he is arrogant to that woman, and Wu Shujuan hates it!

Because of her hatred, Wu Shujuan ignored Lao Qian's daughter-in-law and went home in a hurry.

When Wu Shujuan learned that Zong Shao was going to host her daughter's full moon wine, Lin Wei was checking the guest list for the day with Zong Shao, mainly to count the number of people.

The supplies are limited these days, and even if it is a treat, it can’t stand waste. The number of banquet tables is basically strictly based on the number of guests.

They used the big round table that they used to eat at home, and if they were not enough, they borrowed it from the neighbors. Although the tables are not exactly the same, they are pretty much the same. A standard table can seat 12 people. If you squeeze a little, 14 people can sit, but no more. When you eat, your elbows touch your elbows, so don't fight at that time. .

There are four tables in total, and it can seat forty-eight to fifty-six people in total.

Fifty people seem to be a lot, and the last time they came out to invite only twenty households. It is customary in the family area that a household who is invited to hold a wine can go to a maximum of two people. Unless the relationship is really close, discuss it by yourself.

The number of people they counted was multiplied by two, and even if some families had one or two more people, it was almost enough.

The problem is that after the news that they were going to hold a wine spread, many people who were not invited asked about Zong Shao. They are all comrades-in-arms, and they all live in the family area. When others ask enthusiastically, they are sure that he will invite him. What can he do? I can't always say sorry to people, I didn't plan to call you.

If you are not familiar with it, Zong Shao won't be able to pull that face down, and this kind of person will generally not come to him to mention this matter.

The problem is that the people who come to ask are basically not so good, but they are familiar people, and they usually get along without contradictions. It is really hard to refuse!

Not only Zong Shao, Lin Wei also has such people.

Since Lin Wei was discharged from the hospital, people have come to visit her and her child one after another. After the news spread that they were going to hold a full moon wine, the people who came to visit inevitably talked about it.

The most embarrassing thing is that among the people who came to visit, some she invited and some did not. After all, they only planned to hold a four-table banquet, and the number of people they could invite was limited. Of course, she invited people from a good relationship.

But for those who were not invited, if you said that Lin Wei had a bad relationship with them, that's not true, it's just not that good.

The problem is that even if it's not that good, and everyone else comes to visit her and talk about it again, she can't continue to pretend to be deaf to exclude people. In order to meet in the future, Lin Wei invited people.

When adding new guests, Lin Wei and Zong Shao both communicated with each other. It's just that there is one more person on my side today, and you invite one more person tomorrow. Seeing that there are not many people, you will add a pair of chopsticks.

But today they talked about who and who would attend, and they were not quite right. They only planned to prepare four tables of banquets in total, but how could the number of guests exceed so many?

Then Lin Wei got up from the bed, took out a notebook from the desk, opened it and started registering people.

The more they registered, the more serious their expressions became.

The number of guests they invited did not exceed the standard, but greatly exceeded the standard. They originally planned to host four tables of wine, but now they have to go to six tables. After the registration is completed, there are indeed six tables of wine, and some tables have to be squeezed.

After the calculation, Lin Wei was still at a loss: "Why did we invite so many people?"

Zong Shao coughed lightly and said, "Just... before you know it."

"Then do you think we have enough tickets on hand?"

Zong Shao thought about it and said, "There are enough seafood tickets, but not enough chickens and ducks. I'll ask Lao Zhou to borrow some. The big deal is to pay them back next month. As for the pigs and bones, I will talk to Lao Xu another day, and let him give them to him that day. Let's stay a little longer."

If this is the case, they have to save some seafood next time, chickens and ducks can be bought from people in the surrounding brigade, and the same is true for eggs, and the rest do not need tickets. As for the meat ticket, he didn't plan to move it from the beginning, so it didn't affect it much.

After listening to Zong Shao's analysis, Lin Wei also felt that even if the banquet was increased to six tables, the problem would not be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Lin Wei said, "You won't add more people there, right?"

Zong Shao counted the people he invited and said, "It shouldn't be. Those who weren't invited before were basically invited. What about you?"

Lin Wei thought about it and said, "I'm pretty much the same here."

Zong Shao nodded: "Okay, then I'll find someone to borrow some tables, stools and tableware tomorrow."

"I'll tell Mom and Xiao Zhang about this tomorrow, so that they can be mentally prepared," Lin Wei said, not at ease, and asked, "Should there be no goodbye?"

"Should be gone."

The two checked it out again, and after confirming that there was no problem, Lin Wei closed the laptop. When the lights were turned off, the two let out a long sigh of relief, thinking, I hope there will be no more problems!

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