MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 82 Fireworks

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The Ferris wheel turned around and ended, and the staff opened the door.

The tears of the embers came out first from the box, almost rushed out of the exit, Zhou Sheng chased behind. Yu Li’s tears couldn’t stop. Fu Liqun took a mobile phone and gave a video to the two at the exit. When he saw Yu Yu, he was shocked, and Zhou Sheng was more than an “ok” action. Fu Liqun exaggeratedly “wow!” One.

“Less grandma!” Fu Liqun shouted. “Interview, what is the mood now?”

Yu Yu yelled angrily: "Are you already discussing it well!"

Yu Yu just wanted to hurry to find a place to hide for a while, Zhou Sheng chased it up, took a look at the waist of Yu Yu, the two stood in front of the restaurant, Zhou Sheng bowed his head, holding the embers, and did not hesitate to go to the embers The lips kissed up.

The restaurant was sensational in front of you! When Shanshan slammed her mouth, the people around her did not respond. Zhou Sheng went to the manager outside the restaurant and said, "I told you, it was not my girlfriend."


Yu Yu pushed away Zhou Sheng, hid in the restaurant, kneeling by the window, the sun was overwhelming. Zhou Sheng took a paper towel and handed it to him. Yu Yu squinted with a paper towel and the other hand blocked the Zhou Sheng. The voice shook: "You let me calm down, too sudden."

Zhou Sheng snorted in the opposite side of Yu Yu, and Yu Yu only heard his laughter, and at this time, he wanted to burst into tears.

"What's the matter." Zhou Sheng began to fight. "Happiness is too sudden? Isn't it a blind date? Still not eating the food I made?"

Zhou Sheng squatted on the table like a child, looking up at the embers, and Yu Yu licked him from under the table.

"Young Master!" Someone came in. "Please drink something! Have you succeeded in confession?"

"Isn't you invited you to drink?" Zhou Shengdao said, "Love is a pair of grandmothers who buy it in person, what do you have in your hand?"

Yu Wei: "You..."

The man had to go, and Shanshan and Fu Liqun were still taking pictures of Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng outside the floor-to-ceiling window. Zhou Shengdao said: "Fast, wife, laugh one? Brother and son shoot you."

Yu Yu sideways, the whole person almost collapsed, I thought you knew it early in the morning? ? Zhou Sheng stretched his hand and took the embers. He sideways and compared with Fu Liqun and Fu Liqun.

Yu Yu had a cold, and the head began to groan again. Zhou Sheng squatted on the table and said, "I didn't fall asleep last night, but you fell asleep."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Your mouth is really soft, I always want to kiss, but I always feel that this thought is quite sinful, just like a pervert, let me kiss again?"

Yu Yu had to stop, Zhou Sheng pulled his hand, and then came over and kissed him, and then he still tried to lick his lips.

"It's bad." Zhou Sheng said, "It seems to be a little overwhelming."

Yu Yudao: "Give me some water... I feel like I have to hang up."

Zhou Sheng hurried up, went to buy Yushui to buy a bottle of water to unscrew, Yu Yu slammed the next half bottle, and finally comfortable. Zhou Sheng added: "I went to the bathroom, don't go anywhere, wait for me here..."

Said that Zhou Sheng quickly went to the bathroom, and quickly returned. Yu Yu’s mind is like a few planets colliding together, colliding in a mess, blasting, putting fireworks, and what is in the body.

"I thought you and she had already talked about it." Yu Yu thought about it, and finally did not know why, said such a sentence.

"Who?" Zhou Sheng was a little embarrassed, and then said, "Oh... no, I refused her when I first saw her. She said, 'Be a friend first,' but I’m letting me... I figured it, this I can't say it. Her dad asked my dad for the address, and Bei Xiaozhou took her and ran straight to our bedroom downstairs. When she was taken away, I said that I would go to the playground today, and let me take it. Anyway, talk to her, talk about it, I think..."

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng tore open the band-aid on his finger, revealing a somewhat white wound, healed, he is seriously explaining to Yu Yu, Yu Yu is constantly moving away, the whole person is in a crash status.

"...or wear it today." Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Yu and smiled. "Oh yes, think of it, you have to give Bei Xiaozhou a reply."

"When I first met, I ran and refused to go." Zhou Shengbian said in a message, "But I only said 'I don't want to fall in love', it is not a reason. I have to say that I have someone I like, and I have to Explain who, if you say it, I am afraid that if her father knows, her dad has to tell my dad, I don’t want you to be hurt..."

Zhou Sheng was a bit incoherent, and explained a lot of things in the end. Yu Yu just couldn't help but nod. Finally: "In fact, it is not important now."

After Zhou Sheng sent the news, he took the phone and only looked at Yu Yule.

Yu Yu also laughed, Zhou Shengdao: "Is it in a good mood?"

Yu Yu whispered: "The mood has always been good."

Zhou Sheng suddenly said: "Do you remember that high school student child?"

Yu Wei: "Ou Qihang?"

Zhou Sheng said: "Today I finally remembered, where I have seen him. The last time we were working here, I was roasting chicken wings behind the counter. You got off work and sat at the window waiting for me. He took a cell phone and photographed you. Lao Gao! Is there someone coming over the phone?"

The manager replied "哎" and said: "There is a person who says that he is a younger brother and wants to consult with your school."

Zhou Sheng: "Mom, it really is you! Lao Gao! How can you mess with someone's phone?"

The manager said: "He also worked for us for several days, a very simple high school child, looked at the registration form in the office, there are two calls on the top, not what I gave him, he was a mess. turn."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng smiled and said: "It’s quite a matter of mind. I guess it’s not for you. It’s estimated that I want to do something. I will come to you next time and see how I deal with him.”

Yu said: "I have no money, I am stupid, can I fool me?"

Zhou Sheng: "Forget it, I will protect you."

Yu Wei did not pay attention at all, but as Zhou Sheng said, these are not important.

Yu Yu still had a little bit of trouble, and his hands turned over and overplayed the music box that Zhou Sheng gave him.

"I reported a class and did it for a long time." Zhou Sheng added, "The movement always runs, but I didn't let the teacher fix it for me."

Yu Yu laughed and screwed the music box, and "Little Lucky" rang again. The two people in the corner of the restaurant were bathed in the sun.

"When do you want to do this." Yu Yudao.

"It’s just a summer vacation." Zhou Sheng replied, "I like your words, is it earlier? I think when I first listened to you singing in the college, it was a bit... a little... I like you. I I feel that 10,000 pairs of you do those things, a little... a little abnormal."

"Actually, you don't have to... I mean, don't...prepare these." Yu Yu said, "Even if you say it casually, I also... I also..."

Yu Yu gradually recovered, Zhou Sheng said seriously: "You think too much, if I just open it, you will be afraid that I will sympathize with you, I will promise you. But I am not, I want you I know, I really like you, I love you, Ember."

"Don't say it." Yu Yudao, "I have to cry again..."

Zhou Sheng said with a smile: "If I really don't feel it, I will only refuse. I am not a central air conditioner."

Yu Yu tried to calm down, and Zhou Sheng was so rude and straightforward every time, and the skylight was directly worn.

"What the **** you did the day before?" Yu Yu said, "I thought you were bothering me."

Zhou Sheng: "I am bothering myself? I am closed, Medusa can't beat it, I have seen it all, I thought I can." He sighed again: "I am afraid of my life." I can't really beat myself."

Yu Yuran understands that Zhou Sheng has been fighting against the inner self. He wants to overcome the shadow of childhood and family, get rid of all this, and then confess to him and go to run a beautiful future together.

"Do you think we will quarrel because of this?" Yu Yu said, "No, Zhou Sheng."

"Can you call your husband?" Zhou Sheng said with expectation.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng did not speak, his mouth slightly tilted, his eyes turned to the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Old... husband." Yu Yudao.

"Hey!" Zhou Sheng laughed and smiled so sunny. Yu Yu Xin Dao, do you know that you are a husband? Forget it, anyway, as long as they can be together, they can do whatever they want.

"I am still angry with the Rubik's Cube."

After a while, Zhou Sheng slowly said: "After the six faces are put together, the patterns are serialized together, which are I, L, O, V, E, U."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng said: "Now I have the right to be jealous? I am going to start jealous! Then I will see who dares to talk to you!"

Yu Wei: "..............."

"You eat." Yu Hao had to answer, he knew that Zhou Sheng was only joking, and surely Zhou Sheng laughed again and reached out and touched the face of Yu Yu: "Make you play, can be with you, I will There is no need to be jealous."

After Yu Hao came down from the Ferris wheel, he was always stunned by Zhou Shenglianzhu. Today is a day when his life is shaking and the earth's crust is changing. It can be like dreaming.

Zhou Sheng added: "You are thinking, my wife?"

Yu Yudao: "Don't talk, let me stay quiet for a while."

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng, only that he was so handsome, Zhou Sheng's ridiculous smile gradually gathered, and he seriously looked at him.

"You look so good." Zhou Sheng said, "Sometimes I look hard."

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng: "Well, don't talk."

The two just looked at each other. At the end, Zhou Sheng couldn't sit still, and suddenly said: "Beyond who laughs first, I can't help but laugh and even lose."

Yu Hao laughed and laughed and squatted on the table, feeling that he was a neuropathy today.

"I cried too much today." Yu Yu said, "Cry and cry, too embarrassed."

Zhou Sheng only smiled at him, and looked at it for a while. Yu Yu said: "I like you very much, Zhou Sheng."

When Zhou Sheng heard this, his eyes were a little red, saying, "Me too, I don't know what happened to me. When did you enter my dreams and stole my heart?"

Yu Yu took a deep breath and calmed down. He felt that everything that shocked him today would last at least for a whole month.

"You are thinking about it." Zhou Sheng asked again.

Yu Yu said: "It was just my first kiss. I was gone without any mental preparation."

Zhou Sheng: "It is also my first kiss."

Yu Yu "hmm" sounded, Zhou Sheng said: "Let's kiss one more."

Yu Wei is trying to look around, but Zhou Sheng is very embarrassed. No matter whether there are people in the restaurant, he will come over and kiss his lips.

The warmth of the lips and the soft touch make the embers feel addictive, and I want to kiss again.

"What are you thinking about?" Yu Yudao.

"Do you really want to know?" Zhou Sheng put together his jeans and said with a smile.

Yu Yu looked at Zhou Sheng with suspicion, Zhou Sheng said: "I am thinking of taking you to open the house."

Yu Yu was shocked, want to... is it so fast? Zhou Sheng added: "My brother asked me to prepare in advance, but I was too nervous and not ready..."

Yu Yu immediately said: "Is this not a hurry? I also... I have to be mentally prepared."

I have seen some pictures before I went to the forum. Those pictures are a little scary to him. Most of them are from foreign countries. It must be very painful and uncomfortable! I was originally a **** who needed to do self-construction, let alone Zhou Sheng, a type that originally had no sexual fantasies for boys.

Yu Wei: "That... old... old..." It's a bit out of control.

"Well? What happened to my wife?" Zhou Sheng was very screaming.

"I want to ask you." When Yu Yu wanted to come and think, he always felt that he would have to confirm it again. At this time, he suddenly understood why Zhou Shenggang had said that he should seriously tell himself. I don’t have a lot of self-confidence.

"Say," Zhou Sheng replied.

"Do you really...have a feeling for boys?" Yu Yu said, "Is there sexual desire?"

Zhou Sheng: "Oh? Do you want to discuss Freud's **** and love psychology now?"

Yu Yu said: "No, I am just afraid, afraid of you..." said to meet the eyes of Zhou Sheng.

"No for my brother, they don't have Xia Lei." Zhou Shengdao, "No for Kaikai, no more for Xue Long..."

Yu Yu almost squirted a drink. Zhou Sheng continued: "Only for you."

What is the feeling of Yu Yu’s thought? Is this Zhou Sheng being bent by himself? He felt a little sorry for Zhou Sheng.

“I feel very irritating.” Zhou Sheng saw from the expression of Yu Yu that he wanted to ask, and thought about it and said, “I may be a bisexual? Do not believe you kiss me, I will let you touch you and you will know me. I didn’t lie to you."

Yu Wei was supposed to say no, but turned to say: "Okay."

Zhou Sheng spread his hands, closed his eyes, and Yu Yu turned his head and looked around. At dusk, there was no one in the restaurant. He crossed the table and bowed to kiss Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng pulled up the hand of Yu Yu and pressed himself. Yu Yu knew that he really did. Have a feeling for yourself.

When the lips are divided, Zhou Sheng blinks and his eyes are smiling.

"You want to put fireworks." The manager said, "Don't go play some more projects? Go there again."

Yu Yu’s face is flushed, Zhou Shengdao said: “What happened to your love in the store? No consumption!”

The manager said: "Give you a set of love to face it, you have to fight!"

Zhou Sheng took a pair of confrontations in the past, whispered a few words, and took the embers away. When I left the restaurant, a gust of wind blew, the sunset was golden, and Yu Yu had a sense of unreality in the world. From now on, I was with Zhou Sheng? What are we going to do in the future? What will the future look like?

Zhou Sheng took off his jacket and handed it to Yu Yu. He said, "It's a bit cold. You just have a cold, put it on."

Yu Yudao: "I have a coat..."

"Do you listen to your husband's words?" Zhou Sheng looked at him and gestured to Yu Yu to see the couple's cup in his hand, meaning that we were all together.

I am so sad, how can I fall asleep tonight? The head started to hurt again.

Zhou Sheng’s low-haired news asked Fu Liqun where they were and asked Yu Yu: “Can everyone watch the fireworks together?”

Yu Wei: "Of course..."

"I am afraid that you are a little embarrassed." Zhou Sheng said to himself.

There will be a fireworks display at 7:30 in the evening. Today is the last day of the summer vacation. The fireworks display is more grand than usual. Zhou Sheng looks for a bench and sits down and shoulders the shoulders of the embers.

"Cold?" Zhou Shengdao, "Hold me if you are cold."

Yu Yan smiled and said: "Don't be so embarrassed, I can't control it."

"What happened? I can't be jealous before, but now I can finally let go." Zhou Sheng looked at the distance, and Fu Liqun came in twos and threes.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Shengyi mobile phone, flexible finger turned the phone around, turned on the selfie, and lifted it upside down, Yu Yu thought he wanted to shoot the Ferris wheel in the sunset, Zhou Sheng but turned his head, kissed Yu Yu, press the self-timer button.

"Someone looks at it." Yu Yu said.

"Take them." Zhou Sheng has nothing to do.

The night fell a little bit until the sky turned into a purple-red, and Zhou Sheng looked at the phone and said, "Xue Long squats in the room tonight, can't go out."

"I also want to go back to the bedroom." Yu Hao was stunned by love today, and he almost rushed to vomit. "When you finish reading, go back."

Zhou Sheng urged Xiaoyan to raise his eyebrows and said: "When I prepare in advance, I will study and learn."

Yu Learn? Sex education can not teach this. ”

Zhou Sheng: "You can find Kaikai Consulting."

Fu Liqun’s voice was behind him: “Young Master, you are a bit bullying too much.”

Yu Yu was shocked, Zhou Shengdao said: "When did you come over?"

"When you go to learn and study." Fu Liqun said.

Yushan laughed and fell down, Zhou Shengdao said: "The nephew is too arrogant today, sitting a few roller coasters?"

"One afternoon, it has opened the door to the new world. It’s so fun." Yan Shanzheng said, Fu Liqun’s face was white, obviously it was a bit bad.

Fu Liqun said: "Yu Yu, poor and poor disabled, give his brother a position."

Yu Yi was busy getting up and said: "You sit."

Zhou Shengdao: "Hey! I know my brother has a look, thank you!"

Yu Wei: "???"

Yu Yuzheng is going to stand aside, Fu Liqun and Zhou Sheng tacitly sit on the bench, Fu Liqun sat down, reaching for the waist of Yanshan, let her sit on her lap, Zhou Sheng is holding the waist of the embers Pull him over and let him sit on him.

Fu Liqun: "Who is who you are, you are welcome!"

Yu Yu was flushed and thought about your tacit understanding. Zhou Sheng reached out and put the shackles on the shackles. The two of them cuddled together and the fireworks rose. The sound of "砰" bloomed and turned bright. The face of the person.

Yu Yu looked at the fireworks with ecstasy, but Zhou Sheng looked at Yu's face with a smile in his eyes.

"This is for you." Yu Yu whispered, taking out the love letter from the pocket, Zhou Sheng looked at the embers, just laughing, not picking up.

"That character is used today." Yu Shandao, "You can throw it."

Yu Wei: "But isn't this for love?"

Zhou Sheng: "You are love, what love?"

Yu Wei: "........."

"Oh, my mother." Fu Liqun said, "Zhou Sheng, don't be like this, Laozi sleeps alone tonight! Poor me!"

Immediately after the fireworks, the fireworks followed, and under the night sky, like thousands of broken jade and falling stars, the earth and earth were reflected in the sky, and the ferris wheel spurted a gorgeous colored flame. All the people in the playground cheered together.

"I like this Ferris wheel too much." Yu Yu said to himself.

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