MTL - Seizing Dreams-Chapter 81 Mind

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It was a cool night, so cold and even chilly, it was only late summer, but it had a feeling of winter. The city of Bengbu quickly cooled down. Yu Yu felt that in the middle of the night, Zhou Sheng threw a quilt over him and covered him.

When he turned his head, he half-awake and half-awake, seeing Zhou Shengzheng holding his mobile phone, lying in bed and sending a message, the light of the screen reflected his handsome side face.

Once again, the sky was already bright, and Yu Yu found that he was covered with the autumn quilt that Zhou Sheng had pulled out of the cabinet. Zhou Sheng did not know where to go. The gas of last night has been cleaned up, and Yu Yu sat in bed with a little regret, thinking of his own anger last night, only feeling exhausted and exhausted.

"Can you go out?" Fu Liqun is sending a WeChat, looking up at Yu Yu.

"It is already completely good." Yu Yu jumped out of bed to wash, saying, "Is it hungry, Zhou Sheng?"

Fu Liqun said: "Is missing in the early morning, pick up people?"

Yu Yu is very spirited today. A small illness has to go quickly. Yu Yu and Fu Liqun have had breakfast and feel that they are alive again.

The crowd gathered in front of the Yamashita subway station, and Yu Yu saw Zhou Sheng and Huang Yuya. Everyone greeted Huang Yanya with courtesy. A group of college students, although not more than watching Zhou Sheng, had a lot more fun than before. Only the boys in the sports class who went out today took their girlfriends.

"Tread his shoes!"

"Tread the new shoes of the young master! Come on!"

A group of people began to step on the new shoes of Zhou Sheng, Zhou Sheng said: "Get out! Roll!"

Inside the subway, a large group of people began to squat, suddenly scared the security jump and thought what happened, Zhou Shengyi, it seems really angry.

"Who dares! Never!" Zhou Sheng angered, "Really! Don't think I am joking!"

The scene was a bit awkward. Zhou Sheng realized that he was overheated and said: "Take your brother."

Fu Liqun was so scared that he was hiding behind him, and he said: "I have been wearing it for a month! It is not a new shoe!"

Yu Wei: "..."

The entire train on the subway was occupied by them, all of them were pairs of students. The scene was magnificent and spectacular.

“Well?” Shanshan touched the head of Yu Yu, and Yu Yu’s expression was a little bit stunned, but he smiled and said, “It’s completely good.”

"What do you do for your brother to buy such a expensive gift?" Yushan shouted again. "Stupidly yelling at you every day, you will spoil him!"

Fu Liqun held the iron pipe on the subway and laughed and said, "Is your brother performing pole dancing?"

Yan Shan: "..."

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Zhou Sheng let me buy."

The two turned their heads together and couldn’t see the distant Zhou Sheng. Today’s Zhou Sheng is very handsome. He wears the jeans of Yu Yu, a white T-shirt, and the hair can be seen with a wax, carrying a one-shoulder sports bag. Putting his hands in his pocket, he was not awake, he was lazy, his feet slanted forward and squatting forward. The first time he put the pair of AJ out, Yu Yu discovered that the upper body of the shoe was really pretty and eye-catching. Suitable for Zhou Sheng.

Someone gave Huang Xiaoya a seat. Zhou Sheng leaned back against the carriage and stood beside Huang Yuya. She had a sentence with her, and she didn’t talk a little. The expression was very fragile, and occasionally responded with “hmm” or nod, it seemed that she could not hear. What Huang Qiya said was only looking at the subway station flying over.

"You can't do this in the future." Yushan taught again.

"Okay." Yu Yu smiled. "Know it."

When he got out of the subway station, Yu Yu deliberately walked behind Zhou Sheng and kept a distance from him. Walking and walking, Zhou Sheng suddenly looked back at him, and Yu Yu raised his hand and motioned me. Fu Liqun laid his hands on Yu's shoulders. Zhou Sheng's eyes were a little complicated, and he only turned around and turned.

Yu Yu joked: "Xunzi, guess, today, Zhou Sheng will take a roller coaster ride with a few times?"

Susan suddenly laughed and said, "You didn't move to their bedroom last time. We came to the playground to play. He sat alone twelve times."

Yu Wei: "..."

This playground has been visited many times, and it is the place where Zhou Sheng worked together with Zhou Sheng. Fu Liqun went to collect the tickets, and Shanshan took out two lucky charms and handed them to Yu Yu.

"The word for you in Hokkaido." Yanshan said with a smile, "One for you, one for Zhou Sheng."

I was busy and thanked and cherished it. When I looked at Zhou Sheng, I saw Zhou Sheng on the bench, holding a bottle of red cows and drinking, sitting side by side with Huang Yuya.

"I will go back and give it to him." Yu Yu said, "Is it a love symbol?"

"Yes, ask for love." Xiaoshan smiled softly, and the two also sat on the bench. Yu Yu felt that if he was a straight man, he would really fall in love with Shanshan. This nephew is really wonderful.

“Isn’t that the sun will come out today?” said Shan Shan. “It’s still cloudy.”

Yu Yu looked up at the sky, and it was raining for several days. The clouds were densely covered and layered. There was a little white light in the clouds, and the wind blew.

"Is you cold?" Yu Yudao.

Fu Shan put his hand, Fu Liqun came back, issued the admission ticket, everyone has received the coupons, got up and entered the park, there are quite a lot of people on the last day of the summer vacation. I haven’t been here for half a year, and I’m reminded of the last time I used Shi’s to play.

He took a cell phone and photographed Zhou Sheng and Huang Yuya, especially when they lined up. Many of the projects are for two people and two people. Yu Yi wanted to be alone. The classmates were all lovers, and they planned to go to the single channel. Both Shanshan and Fu Liqun had been pulling the embers.

When they lined up, the team reciprocated back and forth. Yu Yu often crossed the shoulders with Zhou Sheng and Huang Yuya. Occasionally picked up the mobile phone and helped them to take a picture. Zhou Sheng was looking forward to seeing Yu Yu in the gap between Huang Yuya’s patience. Yu Yu smiled at him and motioned that they would not care about themselves.

"I don't want to ride a roller coaster..." Yan Shan looked depressed. "I really don't like it. Are you going to go?"

"Come on." Fu Liqun said, "Not terrible."

Yu said: "Yes, scorpion, it feels terrible when you line up, but it will be like when you sit up."

Fushan’s expression is like going to the execution ground. Fu Liqun lifted his mobile phone: “I took a picture hahaha!”

Yu Wei and Susan raised their heads slightly. Fu Liqun adjusted the self-portrait mode. The mobile phone reflected the three people in the queue. Yu Yu suddenly saw the background, not far away, looking at his own Zhou Sheng.

“咔嚓”, Fu Liqun pressed the phone and took this photo. The sweet and sweet smile disappeared without a trace, and lamented: “Can you not sit!”

“It’s here soon!” Yu Yu smiled. “Keep it up!”

The team went to the end, Yu Yu said: "I have a cold, I am afraid of sitting a headache, I am not sitting, you play." Then he drilled out from the rope.


Behind the team, Zhou Sheng stopped him.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Shengdao, "Are you leaving?"

Yu Yu smiled and said: "I am waiting for you outside!"

"I will go to the Ferris wheel later." Zhou Shengdao.

Yu Yu nodded, the roller coaster "bang" started, and a hundred meters away, Yu Yu can hear the scream of sorrow, just think it is too funny. He went outside the exit and waited for them to come down, and kept reminding himself that you should not be too mournful, otherwise everyone would be unhappy.

But sometimes Yu Yu also found out, in fact, his mood can not really affect who, sometimes people always think of themselves too important, maybe today, Zhou Sheng, Fu Liqun and Yan Shan are not too concerned His mood, but he is very happy?

"Ember!" The manager shouted outside the grilled chicken wing pavilion.

Yu Yu snorted and smiled and greeted him. The manager was very impressed with them and said, "I saw Zhou Sheng, you come to play."

Yu Yu used to sing a few words with him, and the manager asked them why they didn't come to work during the summer vacation. After a short time, a group of people came down, and Yanshan stood still and gasped. Yu Yu said to the manager: "This is my nephew."

“Zhou Sheng!” The manager saw Zhou Sheng and Huang Yuya and said with a smile, “Oh, your kid, have you made a girlfriend? Introduce?”

"Not a girlfriend." Zhou Sheng said in public, "I will ask you to take down your store."

Suddenly everyone was a little embarrassed, and Yu Yu had to pretend that he didn't hear it. Zhou Sheng said: "The old high help hits 18 cups to face each other. I will come over later, and you will pay the money."

"Is it all right?" Yu Yu observed the face of Shen Shan, for fear that she was scared.

"Come on again." Yanshan took a deep breath, "Go! My sister likes it!"

Fu Liqun: "..."

Everyone laughed at the same time, Fu Liqun said: "I will be fine once... Hey! Wait! Wife!"

Susan directly dragged Fu Liqun away, and Yu Yu laughed. She took out her mobile phone and took photos of Fushan and Fu Liqun. She sang: "I will be with you once, I will accompany you to the old days..."

"Go in the Ferris wheel." Someone suggested.

“Is it free to move?” Zhou Sheng said. “My brother’s nephew ran away.”

Xia Lei said: "Is not eating together at night?"

Zhou Sheng thought for a moment, everyone seemed to listen to him, Zhou Sheng looked at the eyes and then said: "No, you will remember to get a drink later."

So everyone went to the project to play, but the most recent game is the Ferris wheel. There are not many people waiting in line, and everyone has grabbed the position.

The Ferris wheel is a couple sitting, two people, and Zhou Sheng shouted: "Ember!"

"I am going to get a drink." Yu Yu said.

Zhou Sheng looked at Yu Yu and looked at Huang Yuya. Finally, he said, "Let's do it."

Yu Yu went to the outside of the restaurant and saw Zhou Sheng carrying Huang Qiya to arrange the Tianlun. The younger put a cup of drink on the countertop, and the embers began to count and pay the bill.

The manager looked at the students who lined up in the distance and saw that Zhou Sheng and Huang Yuya entered the Ferris wheel. They were very emotional: "Young is so good, is Yu Yu falling in love?"

"No." Yu Yu smiled sadly, two, four, six ... playground summer vacation out a couple of printing cups, which is a special "love pair to touch", buy one get one free, Yu Yu count Next, 19 people, Zhou Sheng only ordered 18 cups, nine pairs.



The manager asked again: "You should be singular?"

"I am a single dog, what do I drink this?" Yu Yu smiled and put two cups of two drinks together, got them on the bench, and waited for them to come over.

After the Ferris wheel, the rest of the people came over to get drinks, and some people went to buy hot dogs. They said, "Thank you, Master."

"The young master said that you are welcome." Yu Yu laughed and replied.

He sat on the bench for a while and began to flip the photos of Zhou Li in his mobile phone. There were many photos of Zhou Sheng in the mobile phone. Most of the time, he was clearly shooting, and Zhou Sheng saw it and ignored him. Yu Yi turned over one by one and saw himself sneak shot Zhou Sheng to sleep.

Fu Liqun sent a photo of the queue, and Yu Yu saw the photo, standing on the corner of the team and watching his own Zhou Sheng.

Zhou Sheng’s eyes are a bit lonely.

Yu Yu thought, Zhou Sheng should also like himself a little, but they are not clear. If in the historic day, let him define this relationship, Yu Yu feels that Zhou Sheng is more like himself than his friends and brothers. Just like that night, Zhou Sheng asked him: "You said, what are you?"

This question, Yu Yu can not answer, Zhou Sheng can not answer.

Since he liked to rise last week, he often watched many people's emotional sharing on the Internet. In every emotional experience, he fell in love with the **** of the straight male brother. In the end, he was motivated by graduation and work. After many years, he had deep feelings. Once again, once the family was established and the children were raised, it gradually became the most beautiful memory.

Just like these photos, let it stay forever. After many years, when we meet again, we will mention this past event, at least for us to be beautiful and happy.

Yu Yu looked up at the height of the Ferris wheel, and in the sky above the cloud, the clouds gradually dispersed.

"Hey." Yushan came back, sitting next to Yu Yu, and took a heavy breath.

"I can't do it." Fu Liqun said, "Let me slow down for a while."

Yan Shandao: "Yu Yu, give your brother a drink and pressure, and continue later."

Yu Wei: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Fu Liqun said: "My heart is high! The brain is hypoxic! Don't come!"

Yan Shandao: "You said it yourself, I want to sit with me several times."

Fu Liqun only said: "Well, OK, fight with you today. Thank you, Grandma, please."

"Less grandma is on it." Yu said, "Don't make fun of me."

Yanshan looked at Fu Liqun reproachfully, and Fu Liqun was laughing again. The two men drank some drinks. He asked: "I haven't got it yet? It's been an hour."

Yu Yu thought to right, only when he did not notice the exit of the Ferris wheel, Zhou Sheng should have finished sitting long ago, forget it.

"You go to the Ferris wheel." Yu Yu said, "I will sit here again."

"Right right." Fu Liqun hurryed, "work and rest."

Yan Shan got up and took Fu Liqun away. Yu Yu looked around again, thinking that Zhou Sheng should go with Huang Yiya, and looked down at the mobile phone. Zhou Sheng made a message.

【Where are you? 】

Yu Yu took a drink with his mobile phone, and six glasses did not take it away. Zhou Sheng went back to the sentence: [wait me. 】

In the sky, the dark clouds raged, the light rain flew in the wind, and the sporadic raindrops fell on the face of the embers.

"Not finished yet?" Zhou Sheng sat on the side of the bench, breathing a little quickly, like just running.

"The Chaoyang and the elder brothers don't know where to go with their daughter-in-law." Yu Yu said, "It is estimated that it is still waiting in line, what about Yuya?"

I wanted to say "Less grandma", and started to make jokes, but he knew that Zhou Sheng didn't like others to say so, and he converges.

"Go back." Zhou Sheng took a drink and said, "Just sent her away, cold? You just caught a cold, wearing my coat?"

Yu Wei: "It's okay."

"Sit in the Ferris wheel?" Zhou Sheng said, "Whether they are, drink the drink here, love to drink or not."

Yu said: "Don't go, I will return later."

Zhou Sheng opened the lid of the drink and looked at the embers. He poured a half cup in one breath and was obviously thirsty.

"You drink in another cup." Yu Yu smiled.

Zhou Sheng put down the cup and turned to look at the couple who came and went in the playground.

"I want to sit with you again for the Ferris wheel." Zhou Sheng turned his head and looked at Yu Yu's eyes and said seriously.

Yu Wei: "..."

Zhou Sheng’s tone was very serious, and he was as serious as they knew in their dreams on the first day.

"Let's go." Yu Yu smiled, and some words, just to talk about it, made a formal break, although he knew that each other should be very clear.

Zhou Sheng took the lead to go to the queue, and Yu Yu followed, and Fu Liqun and Xiaoshan didn't take long to go down. Wei Shan whispered to the two people melodiously.

"The scorpion is really enough to fly myself today." Zhou Sheng smiled.

Yu said: "You can accompany her to a roller coaster ride later and sit down at the playground."

Zhou Sheng: "If you don't like to sit, just say, don't dig at me, can't life be a little hobby?"

"I don't mean this." Yu Yudao.

"You have become mad at me in the past few days." Zhou Sheng said, "Do you think I don't know?"

"You are not changing the way I am?" Yu Yu suddenly did not know why, a little can not control himself, this angry sudden, impulsive to make himself unable to guard against.

"I haven't said it." Zhou Shengdao, "I will be quarreling later."

Yu Yu did not speak, the two were placed in front of the Ferris wheel, the staff released, and Yu Yu and Zhou Sheng drilled into the box, each sitting well, closing the door outside.

This is the largest Ferris wheel in Central China. It took half an hour to turn around in a circle. There was music in the box. Zhou Sheng turned off the music and looked at Yu Yu. Yu Yu looked out the window.

"Look at the scenery." Yu Yu smiled. "See what I do?"

Zhou Shengdao: "I haven’t gone up yet, look at Mao."

Yu Yu said: "Let's be together with Yuya."

"Do you not like her?" Zhou Shengdao.

Yu Yu said softly: "No, I like her very much. As long as you like someone, I like it."

When I heard this, Zhou Sheng’s eyes were instantly red, and when Yu Hao said that he was exporting, there was also a strong feeling that tears would come out.

Zhou Sheng took a deep breath and tried to calm down and said, "But I don't like her. What should I do?"

Yu Yi was a little bit crying and laughing, and said with a smile: "I don't like to bring her out? I know that you are afraid of me, it really doesn't matter..."

Suddenly, the voice of Yu Yu stopped and the whole world was quiet.

Zhou Sheng took out a silver, heart-shaped metal music box from the bag, like a beautiful gem, with a pair of angel wings on the box.

I didn't talk, and I watched Zhou Sheng give a clock to the music box. Zhou Sheng turned it over, and behind the rising "Z" of Zhou Sheng and the "Y" of the embers, Zhou Sheng made a clockwork and raised his eyes nervously, staring at the eyes of Yu Yu, nervous his fingers. Trembling, the buzzing sound, is the "Little Lucky" that Yu Hao once sang.

It turns out that you are the lucky one I want to keep the most. It turns out that we and love have been so close...

"Give it to you." Zhou Sheng handed the music box to Yu Yu and said, "I did it by myself. I did it for three months, just to... today... put it... give it to you, you Will it be accepted? You will, are you?"

Yu Yu took the music box subconsciously and looked at Zhou Sheng a little overwhelmed.

Zhou Sheng said: "I want to say... Yu Yu, I... I..."

Yu Yu’s breathing was rushing. In the sky, the wind blew over the dark clouds, and the thick clouds receded. The Ferris wheel rose to the sky, and the sun shone down like this.

"I... I think I like you." Zhou Sheng looked at Yu's eyes and said, "Yu, do you still like me? I have been preparing for a long time, that is... I don't know how to say, I said that day. I want to discuss with you... Yes... Let's do it, don't try it together... If you don't want to abandon me, I want to be with you, I think I... I won't be in my life... And... except for you, I won’t like anyone anymore.”

The Ferris wheel is very quiet, only the sound of the music box, and the tears of the embers are almost out.

"I was bent by you." Zhou Sheng finally red eyes, smiled and said, "Yes, you love not to love me, give an answer! Cry hair? Speak!"

Yu Yu held the hand of the music box in front of the nose, could not help but choked, nodded, Zhou Sheng reached out and held it, one hand covered the hand of the embers, the other hand pressed his back neck, the two put their foreheads Together.

In that eternal silence, Zhou Sheng slightly hoarse voice gently, gently said:

"Ember, I love you."

The city has gradually been bathed in the sun, from far and near, the sun shines through the earth in an instant, and the clouds in the distant Yunding Mountain are scattered. In the space wheel of the Ferris wheel, the sun is shining obliquely, just like bringing the embers into a dream.

Yu Yu said, "I have always liked you. I... No, it’s too sudden, Zhou Sheng."

"I know that I have not done a lot of things, but I have no way, my parents, my family, just, they always do, I want to overcome these, I want to take care of you, I am willing to work hard, I want to take my totem Get it back, turn it into this music box, and hand it over to you, it’s too hard, it’s too hard, I’ve not succeeded. I’m afraid I’ll wait any longer, you’ve’ve... or we’re the first Do you work together? I think, at least I know in my heart, I am fighting for what."

Yu Yu has not heard the words of Zhou Sheng again. His consciousness is completely blank, and only Zhou Sheng’s handsome face is in his eyes.

Zhou Sheng raised his eyes and quietly looked at Yu Yu, then went forward and kissed Yu Yan's side face.

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