MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 6 Sealed evil curse!

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Tang Qing did not care about the actions of the two women. At this moment, all his attention was focused on the stone heart. He could see that the rune on the stone heart was a kind of wild seal, and even knew that it was not an ordinary wild seal. It is the famous Great Buddha's Seal of Great Destruction. He knows even more that the Great Buddha's Seal of the Great Depression era is the seal of the Buddha.

What is it that made the Buddhist masters of the Great Wilderness era seal with the Great Buddha's destruction?

"Death Stick!"

A arrogant voice came. When Tang Qing raised his head, a sharp sword had already reached his neck. The sword holder was Shangguan Ling. She was very angry, biting her teeth and opening her eyes. , Staring at Tang Qing fiercely, "How are you here!"

"I was just resting outside, and suddenly the whole manor started to shake, and no one agreed, so I came over to check it out." Tang Qing responded honestly, his face indifferent as if nothing had happened just now. .

"So you saw everything just now?"

"If you know that your two women are playing ambiguous ... I wouldn't come over at all!" Tang Qing shook his head helplessly, saying at this time that even he felt a bit weak, "I really didn't mean to look at you ... "

"Your death stick! Death prostitute! I killed you today!"

When Shangguan Lingqi gritted his teeth, at this moment, Bai Ying flashed, and Yun Mo suddenly appeared, stopping her.

"Linger, he is also unintentional."

"Sister Mo, our bodies have just been seen by this death stick!"

The words spoken by Shangguan Ling could not help but make Yunmo a bit embarrassed and a little shy, saying, "It's because we are not careful, and we can't blame him. Let him go first."

"No!" Shangguan Ling had originally seen Tang Qing displeased, and now she was seen again, how could she not be angry.

"Two girls! Listen to me first." You have lost all your strength, and your body is too weak. When you meet a brutal and overbearing woman like Shang Guanling, don't say it, but you still run into such a thing, Tang Qing really feels Headache, shook his head and sighed, and said, "Did you just want to open this stone?"

"You don't need to control it! Bring the stone!" Shang Guan Ling was so angry that he found the stone heart in Tang Qing's hands and immediately demanded it.

"Two girls, this stone is too dangerous. You still let me throw it away."

Although Tang Qing couldn't see what the heart of the stone was, the atmosphere inside made him feel very, very uncomfortable, and he dared to conclude that the stone was an ominous object, and there must be an extremely strange creature hidden in it. thing.

"What are you talking about? You **** **** stick still show me! I killed you directly."

I saw that Tang Qing didn't mean it, and Shangguan Ling was too lazy to reach out and grab it directly, but Tang Qing put his hand behind his back right now.

"Death stick, you haven't even repaired anything at all, dare to openly rob yourself? I think you're really tired?"

Not only was Shangguan angry, but even Yunmo couldn't understand it. "Tanggong Tang, what do you mean?"

"Two girls, I have no intention of robbing. I do n’t have any interest in knowing what is in this stone, but this stone is really dangerous. I urge you to leave the stone and leave here. Otherwise there will be danger to life. "

Tang Qing has carefully examined just now that the Great Wilderness Seal on the Heart of Stone has been forcibly broken and is gradually falling apart. It won't take long. When the Great Wilderness Seal is completely broken, the Stone Heart will be opened. If something powerful is hidden inside, That's really impossible to run away. I can't imagine what evil would be sealed by the Great Buddha.

"The fool will believe your evil words, bring it to me!"

The Shangguan Ling naturally did not believe Tang Qing, the **** stick, forcibly took it back from Tang Qing and handed the stone to Yun Mo.

Jin Yunmo took the stone and said with a light sigh, "The Great Wilderness Seal has begun to fall apart. It will not take long for the secret of the stone to be unlocked."

"Really?" Shangguan Ling was pleasantly surprised.

"Since the two are obsessed with looking at what exactly, you can just watch it, but can you let me go?" Tang Qing is really about to collapse. He has just passed the ninth severe disaster and has not enjoyed a good day. Falling into the hands of the **** Shangguanling had already given him enough headaches. If there was any evil thing in the heart of the stone, it would be unfortunately unlucky.

"Want to leave? There is no door, when we open the secret of the stone, the new account and the old account will be with you!"

The secret of Stone is about to be opened, so Shangguan Ling is too lazy to deal with Tang Qing for the time being.

"Linger, let him go." Although Yun Mo was also angry that her body had just been seen by an unfamiliar man, she also knew that Tang Qing did not intend it.

"Sister Mo, this death stick has seen our bodies, if you let him go, it would be too cheap for him."

"Okay! Even if you don't let me go, shall I go to the front yard?"

擎 Tang Qing sent his knees on the ground with his head and called grandma. Unfortunately, Shang Guanling's sword was still against him, and he had to step back and see how far he could hide. He really didn't want to provoke this evil ominous stone.

"As a man, can you be brave? How dare you be so courageous?" Shang Guanling stared at Tang Qing, besides his anger, he had a bit more contempt.

"Your uncle! I'm too lazy to care about you! You are playing with fire and self-immolation, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Tang Qing is definitely a good-tempered guy, but this time he was really angry. He turned around and ran away, but unfortunately, he had lost all his strength, his body was weak, and he had encountered a arrogant and overbearing man like Shang Guanling. Lord, before two steps, he was dragged back directly by Shangguan Ling.

"Do you dare to call yourself Laozi in front of your aunt?" Shangguan Ling reached out and touched Tang Qing's chest twice, closing his acupuncture point, raising a corner of his mouth with a funny evil smile, despising Tang Qing, and saying, "Since you are so You are timid and afraid of death. Today your aunt will do it for you. If there is danger in the stone, you will die first. "

擎 Tang Qing didn't speak any more, just sighed.

Yunmo shook her head. She was really helpless about Ling Er's willfulness. After seeing Tang Qing's helpless and painful expression, somehow Yunmo's heart had a little ecstasy, probably because she was also very I'm worried that my body was seen by a stranger.

"Sister Mo, look!"

With Shangguan Ling's surprise cry, the Great Wild Seal completely broke down, the stone heart became more and more strange, more evil, and more red. Because they had suffered a loss just now, Yunmo and Shangguan Ling saw this strange Yin When back in red, they retreated and offered magic weapons, ready to resist at any time.

The red stone began to twist and change in an unexpected way, forming a strange faint energy like Yin-Yang Taiji, Yin-Yang, Yang in Yin, Yin in Yang, and then Yin-Yang intersect. Such strange energy is distorted and fuzzy. Like a red spring eye.

Yunmo and Shangguan Yun retreated to the distance and watched quietly, but Tang Qing was clicked on the acupoint and couldn't move. Looking at the increasing energy of yin and yang, he was about to spread to his feet. Tang Qing could not help cursing. Grinning sneer, "Isn't you two brave enough. What do you run that far? Come here!"

Ying Shangguan Ling was embarrassed by Tang Qing. Suddenly, Bai Ying flashed, Yun Mo leaped, and reached out to unlock Tang Qing's acupuncture point.


Tang Qing had only helplessness in addition to his bitter smile. His voice had just fallen, and he made a sound. The whole person disappeared without a trace as if he had fallen into a deep pool. Yunmo was no exception, and fell directly into the mass of yin and yang energy. in.

"Sister Mo!"

Seeing Yun Mo falling into it, Shangguan Ling panicked and jumped in without any hesitation.

Uh ...

There is no sky above and no earth below. There are all kinds of strange reds everywhere. What is this place? Shangguan Ling doesn't know, Yunmo doesn't know, and Tang Qing doesn't know.

"Sister Mo, are you okay?"

Ling Shangguan Ling looked around, and he couldn't help feeling a little scared, because there was nothing here, just like standing in an endless void, and the quietness made people scared, especially the dark red everywhere, even more horrifying.

"I'm fine."

Yun Mo shook his head to look around, Liu Mei's eyebrows were wrinkled, and his eyes were full of suspicion. Here and there were dense golden runes running up and down, and these runes were extremely mysterious, floating in the void, somewhat distorted, and a little fuzzy Hiddenly, it made her even more surprised that there were nine bones here.

Nine corpses were faintly golden shimmering, all sitting cross-legged, gathered together in rounds, and holding hands with weird gestures.

"Sister Mo, what's going on with these bones."

"They should all be seniors in the Wilderness era, but I don't know why they would sit here and die naturally ..."

At this moment, Tang Qing's face was very ugly, and even a little iron-colored. Yunmo didn't know the identity of these bones, but he could see that the nine were far more simple than the seniors in the Great Wild Age, but the Great Wild Age. The strong man who built the Golden Buddha, the Golden Buddha, has the great magical power of all beings. If the guess is good, the seal of the Buddha ’s strongest Buddha on the stone is also from the hands of nine of them. What Tang Qing did n’t understand is The seal of the Great Buddha's destruction has already been laid out. Why didn't these nine people leave? Instead, they sat here and even died.

Then there is only one possibility. The thing they are sealing is extremely horrible. It is so horrible that even their nine golden Buddhas exhibited the seal of the Great Buddha's Great Buddha's destruction. They were not sure to completely seal that thing.

What exactly is?

Tang Qing's muddy eyes were now full of light, glancing at the dense golden runes around them. These runes are the seals of the Great Buddha's destruction, and he found a special rune beside the nine bones. These runes It does not belong to the seal, but conveys a certain meaning.

擎 Tang Qing is quite proficient in runes, carefully sensing the meaning of this rune, but the more he senses, the more ugly his face is, and even his eyes gradually show a deep shock. To this day, Tang Qing has gone through the disasters of Jiuxian Sanxian. To be honest, there are not many things that can move him between heaven and earth, but at this moment, the heart is beating madly at that rune.

This rune of wild waste was left by a monk named Mojue.

Tang Qing also heard something about the history of the Great Wilderness Period, and he was as thunderous as the name of Mojue. That was the first master of Buddhism in the Great Wilderness era, and the other eight were also famous Golden Buddha masters in the Great Wilderness era. The seal of the Great Buddha's Great Extinction was used to seal a curse. This curse is the source of the chaos in the Wilderness era and the culprit of the end of the Wilderness era.

The reason why Tang Qing was shocked was not because of the identity of Mojue and others, nor the secret that Mojue said, but that the curse that nine people vowed to die and sealed was actually between heaven and earth, known as the four major curses. The curse of Yin and Yang.

The heavens and the earth are yellow, the universe is flooded, and there are many magical existences between the heavens and the earth. They evolved from the sky and were formed as the times require. The curse is one of them.

Since ancient times, there have been many legends about curses. Among them, the four major curses are the most legendary. As for what kind of curse is, Tang Qing is not very clear, but one of his old friends once had one. Little curse, the kind of little curse that made his old friend unable to survive or die, the seven tricks of cultivation that can be repaired, and he fell into Jiuyou on foot, often suffering from nightmares, and finally became crazy and his whereabouts are unknown.

A small curse can torture people like this, let alone those big curses, and now this is one of the four major curses in the legend. What exactly is this yin and yang curse? Tang Qing really does n’t know, but Mojue said The reason for the chaos of the Great Wilderness era was the end of the curse of yin and yang. Just thinking about it with your toes knows that this thing must not be provoked.


Looking at the looming golden runes around him, Tang Qing knew that these runes were on the verge of collapse, maybe they would collapse in the next moment, and then the curse of yin and yang would be born, thinking, he took a deep breath, almost using I begged and begged, "You ... Does anyone know how to leave this broken place, two girls, you can do it, take me out? Okay? What do you want, what do I give, isn't it just one thing? Is it a great treasure? Can you let me go out, UU reading, I'll get you seven or eight, how about it? "

"Hey! Death stick, aren't you scared? You don't have any monsters here, what are you afraid of, what a coward!" Shang Guanling also found Tang Qing's ugly face, could not help but despise, "It's just a few corpses Look at you, it's so ugly. "

"Is my face ugly? Ha ha!" Tang Qing's face showed an extremely helpless, complicated but unwilling wry smile, which was a broken expression, "If you don't leave again, I can promise to meet you His face is much uglier than mine! "

"What do you mean, wouldn't it be scary?"

As soon as Shang Guanling's words fell, the nine bones on the field seemed to be weathered, gradually disintegrating and disappearing. At the same time, the dense golden runes around it were disintegrating at a very fast speed.

擎 Tang Qing really wanted to cry without tears, because he didn't know how to leave this ghost place.


The magical red in the market flashed wildly, Shangguan Ling just said a word for you, and then somehow, he just felt numb, and then his consciousness disappeared directly and softened to the ground.

"Linger ..."

She Yunmo just called and she was completely unconscious.

Tang Qing has the body of Jiuzhong Sanxian, and his resistance is extraordinary. Forcibly taking a few steps, he is aimless, struggling to death, taking a few steps, but can't hold it anymore.

"God! It's bad luck in my life to provoke the sky disaster. There are three people here. Don't look for me after the birth of the curse of yin and yang!"

Suddenly the thoughts passed by, and Qing Qing's consciousness disappeared.

PS: Chongbang! !! !! Dear friends, please vote for some recommendations. Thank you, Xiaojiu! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

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