MTL - Scattered Immortal-Chapter 5 Ambiguous between women

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In the stone room, Shangguan Lingjing stood still, staring closely at the dark red weird stone in his hand, maybe it was a stone, but it was shaped like a heart, red all over, and more than ten lines of mysterious runes were carved on the surface.

"Sister Mo, where did you get this weird stone heart?"

What exactly is the heart of this stone is not clear to Shangguan Ling. She came to Yunmo to play with it a few months ago. I heard Yunmo said that this stone was very evil. At that time, Shangguan Ling did n’t believe it. My sister didn't lie to herself. As long as she touched the stone, she would have dreams of loving men and women.

"I found it by accident in a deserted temple in the ancient battlefield."

At this moment, Yunmo was holding a white jade writing brush with a length of about one foot, and was sketching some weird runes on the ground. It sketched very fast. The pen walked around the dragon, one rune followed by one rune. The stone room On the walls and on the ground, she drew various mysterious runes and mysterious patterns.

"I deliberately read a lot of ancient books and consulted many elders of Zongmen. They were not sure what the rune on the stone heart was." In order to crack the secret of this stone heart, Shangguan Ling has been They were all busy with it, but they found nothing.

因为 "Because the runes above are not ancient runes."

"Ah! What rune is that?"

"I also searched a lot of ancient books to learn that the rune above is a kind of rune."

"Dahuang Rune?" Shangguan Ling looked startled, because she knew what the word "Dahuang" meant. It was the most mysterious and chaotic era in the legend, but it was only due to some unknown reasons. Ruins are very scarce, so every piece of the Wilderness era is priceless.

"So that this stone heart is a great treasure?" Shangguan Ling was surprised and happy, and the inner excitement overflowed with words. When she saw Yun Mo nodded, she almost screamed with excitement, came forward and hugged Yun Mo, laughing. Non-stop.

哇 "Wow! That's great. This is a great treasure. If we can open it, wouldn't it make a fortune? Sister Mo, I love you so much."

She is not so excited that Shangguan Ling has not seen the world. On the contrary, she has a proud family background and is a disciple of Da Zong Men. She has seen countless treasures. The reason why she is so excited is that rare treasures are indeed rare in the world.

"Linger, don't be too happy first." Compared with Guan Ling, Yunmo seemed a lot more indifferent, she said softly, "This weird stone, who is touched, will fall into the dream of male and female love. , Which proves that this must be an extremely evil stone, and there is one important thing I did not tell you, do you know what the rune on this stone is? "

"What is it?"

"This is a kind of Great Wilderness Seal. As for what kind of a Wilderness Seal, I ca n’t know, but you can think about it. Everything that is sealed is an evil existence between heaven and earth, not to mention the most chaotic Wilderness era. . "

"Ah! Seal of the Wilderness?" Upon hearing this, Shangguan Ling's expression gradually became calm, but it was only a moment of relief, and he laughed, "Oh, sister, you must scare me. The Seal of the Wilderness is powerful. The contents of the seal may also It ’s very evil, but all seals have the effect of dispersing everything, and finally fall into the dust. Even if the sealed thing is even more powerful, the seal that has passed through this time will surely disperse into only one original source. "

"Well? When will our Linger start to learn?" Yun Mo joked.

"Hum! That's you don't know, I have always been very good at Shangguan Ling." Shangguan Ling raised his head, posing in a proud manner.

"Finally good."

Yun Mo closed her pen and wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeve. Drawing the array method was extremely exhausting. Although she was proficient in the array method and had a great spirit, she completed her sketch of 'Du Tian Jiu Xuan Zhen'. Some collapse.

"Sister Mo, the rune on the heart of this stone is a wild seal after all, so mysterious, can you really break this formation?"

"I'm not sure yet." Yun Mo took a deep breath and said, "If it is the complete Great Wilderness Seal, I must not be able to break it, but the Great Wilderness Seal on the heart of this stone, I have carefully understood that the Seal is broken, but There is nothing in it, but there is nothing in it, but I don't know why it turns out to be this way. "

"That's it, let's start!"

She Shangguan Ling looked very excited. She was looking forward to opening the secret in the heart of the stone, and was also curious about what was hidden in it. She would fall into the dream of loving men and women.

Yunmo placed the heart of the stone in the central position of the Duten Jiu Xuan Formation, then raised his arms, and the delicate hands began to dance. One by one, the Indian seals hit each position of the formation, and the three breathing efforts had already hit more than ten times. Taoist seal.

"All are shrouded in heaven, the mystery of Jiu Xuan, fight!"


Du Tian Jiu Xuan array is running, all the runes in the stone room flicker at this moment, sometimes twisted, sometimes transformed, and then flowed, even slowly rotating around the stone heart of the central formation, Yun Mo and Shangguan Ling The two stood silently, looking calmly, their eyes staring attentively.

As the rotation speed became faster and faster, the stone heart also gradually floated. When the mystery of the nine mysteries within the array began to touch in time, the stone heart began to shake violently, and a burst of crackling sounds also passed. Come.

"Sister Mo, is this normal?"

Although Shang Shangling has a proud family background and is a disciple of Da Zongmen, she doesn't know the playing method.

Yunmo frowned, a pair of quiet eyes shook his doubts, shook his head slightly, and was about to speak. Suddenly, the stone heart trembled even more, and the many runes around it began to distort, even inexplicably collapse, just Instantly, all runes were in chaos.

"Why is this happening? The Great Wild Seal has been shrouded in Du Tian Jiu Xuan Formation, and the mystery of Jiu Xuan has begun to weaken the seal. Why does the formation method suddenly become confused?"

云 When Yun Mo was puzzled, the runes within the formation method disappeared one by one, and then the entire Shishi began to shake.

Yunmo's expression changed suddenly, and she yelled, "Not good! Du Tian Jiu Xuan Zhen has collapsed, Linger, retreat!" Her voice had just fallen, and the stone heart floating in the central position suddenly released a monster. Yin red light, demon strange light instantly wrapped Shangguan Ling and Yun Mo two.

Jin Yunmo noticed something different, and was shocked in her heart. She was about to speak, but she felt numb, her consciousness disappeared, and Shangguan Ling was just as soft and unconscious on the ground.

Uh ...

Outside the manor house, Tang Qing was lying on the grass leisurely, and a loud noise suddenly made him wake up from his sleep.

Is it the three-eyed white elephant with crazy hair?

擎 Tang Qing didn't think much, opened his eyes suddenly, stood up immediately, and found that the surrounding land was trembling, and he was puzzled. What happened? Looking back, it was found that the center of the vibration came from behind the manor.

What are those two girls doing? If this continues, the outside formation will not be able to withstand a gradual collapse.

Tang Qing shouted badly. If he could leave, he would turn around without hesitation. Unfortunately, now he has lost all his powers and has no ability to leave here. After thinking about it, he decided to see what the two women were doing. .

The manor is not large, Tang Qing strolled around in the circle, and finally stopped in front of a stone room door in the backyard.

The door was open, but he didn't dare to go in, because the scene inside made him a very embarrassed and extremely embarrassed guy who thought he was quite knowledgeable.

Su Yi wins the snow, the quiet and gentle Yun Mo is like a nine-day fairy, but at this moment she is disheveled, her graceful figure is even exposed, she is holding her head up, eyes closed, cheeks bursting into red tide, her mouth slightly open, her arms Hanging on Shangguan Ling's neck, Shangguan Ling was also disheveled, and her proud and full body was clearly visible. She was hugging Yunmo's small waist and was kissing Yunmo's Shuangfeng.

"This ... what's the situation?"

When Tang Qing's frail body saw the blood spattering behind the scene, he was dizzy. He lives to this day. I do n’t know how many years he has lived. He has seen a lot of anecdotes and miracles. For the first time, he saw it in person.

Is this era now open to such a terrible degree? Can two women do this unbridled?

old! Really old!

For the first time in his life, Tang Qing felt that he was really old, and the old one was out of touch with this era.


Oh no!

Tang Qing feels wrong. The two women are not weak. Standing here, they cannot be noticed. Even if they are hungry, they cannot reach such a level of forgetfulness? Upon closer inspection, he noticed a strange breath, which made him extremely uncomfortable, glanced over, found the floating stone heart in the stone chamber, walked over, grabbed it, and looked at it carefully.

When Tang Qing grabbed the heart of the stone, Yunmo and Shangguan Ling both stopped intimate movements. Yunmo first opened her hazy eyes, which seemed a bit fuzzy. When she found that she was holding Linger's neck, she was a little confused. When she found Shangguan Ling naked, she couldn't help but be surprised. When she found herself naked, she finally shouted in surprise!

Her call also awakened the opposite Shangguan Ling. Shangguan Ling opened her eyes for a few seconds, and UU reading issued a sharper scream than Yunmo.

"Damn! It must be the ghost of that stone again!" Shang Guanling just made that kind of evil dream of love just now. Although she didn't know what happened, she must be related to that stone and hurriedly finishing it. Suddenly, in his own clothes, Yunmo exclaimed.

"Sister Mo, it's just a ghost made of that stone. Why are you crying so loud, I've not seen your body, I just kissed your neck, what a fuss, really!"

Since Yunmo and Shangguan Ling are sisters, their relationship is naturally close. The two usually hug each other, even if kissing is not a big deal. Moreover, Yunmo is indifferent and very quiet, but at this moment she never Can't be indifferent, can't be quiet anymore, because he saw a man, and he saw a man when she was disheveled and close to nakedness. If it didn't stop her from breaking down, she had just finished intimate with Ling Er If she meets another man after the move, she can no longer bear it.

"Why! Sister Mo, rest assured that I am responsible for you, from now on, you are my woman."

Shangguan Ling raised her head with a smile, and found Yunmo looking behind her with a horrified look, wondering in her heart. When she turned around, her beautiful and cheek was instantly white, pointing at Tang Qing, sending out extremely harsh Screaming, the two women panicked, and never dared to stay half a minute. They both left with a thunderous thunder.

PS: Dear! At 12 o'clock in the evening, if you do n’t have a rest in the middle of the night, remember to vote for me! !! !! !! Xiao Jiuzi is polite! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!