MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 932 1st person agreeing

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"I'm not giving your class to His Highness Yalin, but I'm telling you the fact that there are only two roads under the High House. One is to use coercive means to eliminate the pursuit of those noble children. For a good reason, stop them. "

"In my personal opinion, I am more inclined to the latter one. Although the order of the empire is now restored, the aristocracy is still a force to be reckoned with. If it is forced to stop for no reason, it may cause a rebound effect. Conducive to the development of the empire. "

Well, although Li Yalin did talk about Minister Jolly, yes, but what he said has some truth.

As he said, Li Yalin didn't have too many choices. In a practical sense, even for the stability of the empire, he had to come up with a reasonable reason to block everyone's mouth.

But the question is, in the end what kind of reason must he give up to perish those aristocrats who have cherished their hearts?

"Then according to Minister Jolly ... what reason should I take to stop their mouths?"

Since **** is still hot, Li Yalin felt that she might as well listen to the opinion of Minister Jolly.

"Actually speaking, the old man thought it was easy."

"His Royal Highness Yalin is not too young. As the regent of the empire, there are not many wives and concubines around him, and speaking out, all make our empire's face dull."

"That being the case, why did His Highness Yalin simply marry those adults? Even if they were only given a name, I believe that those who are not interested in the aristocratic children will retreat with difficulty."

In the face of Li Yalin's humility to ask for advice, Minister Jolly smiled slightly, and the expression on his face was that inexplicable.

Just after hearing what he said, Li Yalin's expression was choked directly. After all, he didn't expect that Minister Jolly would say such an unreliable opinion.

Married those girls? To block everyone's mouth?

Well, it sounds quite reasonable. After all, the empire is not a monogamous system. There are no restrictions at all, let alone Li Yalin is the regent, and marrying more wives is more desirable.

But the problem is ...

What are you doing here?

The tradition of the empire belongs to the tradition of the empire, but the girls I brought are from modern society. As women living in modern times, may they accept the setting of marrying the same women!

What a joke!

"Do you think this works?"

At this time, Li Yalin's face was covered with black lines. He really had the idea of ​​pulling the collar of Minister Jolly and questioning him.

He assured that the ghost idea from this old fox was definitely a conspiracy!

Otherwise, how embarrassed would he be?

"What's wrong with this? This is obviously the best solution."

If it wasn't for Li Yalin's principle of respecting the old and loving the young, then Minister Jolly would have no way to show that old fox-like smile today.

But the old man was really young, and Li Yalin couldn't really do anything to him, but he had no choice but to watch him continue to show that sly smile and listen to his serious nonsense.

"The best solution? I really believe you to be a ghost!"

She rolled her eyes silently. At this time, Li Yalin felt that it was a wrong choice to ask Minister Jolly to discuss this matter.

Sure enough, should I find a boss boss more reliable?

"Isn't it? His Highness Yalin, don't you forget, the nobles ... even the nobles who stand on our side, in the end, they still take their own family interests as the supremacy, as long as His Highness does not give those adults a reasonable identity, The pursuit of those noble children will never stop. "

"So Your Highness Yalin, you still have to consider the opinion of the old man seriously."

Regarding Li Yalin's white eyes, Minister Jolly regained the smile of his old fox and shook his head slightly.

At this moment, he can be regarded as admitting to Li Yalin.

Yes, as he said, even if the nobles of the empire are all their own, no matter how they are, they still have to give priority to their own family interests.

Whether it's Guanglijing or Tsangura Sakura, as long as these girls from the island world of the Academy are in the empire, they must be the bargaining chips for everyone. This will never change.

So the only option is for Li Yalin to announce their ownership, and only after they marry Li Yalin, those nobles will really give up.

Otherwise, either Li Yalin would take these girls away, or they would only be allowed to endure the harassment of the noble children in silence.

This is already a situation without a solution.

"Although this is said ... but ..."

I have to admit that in a serious state, Minister Jolly really talked about Li Yalin, after all, what others said was right.

The question is, even if Minister Jolly is right, does Li Yalin have to consider the choices of other girls?

Just because of this matter, marry them home?

Not to mention the significance of this, whether or not they are willing to do so is already a very serious issue.

At least in Li Yalin's opinion, such unreliable solutions will certainly not be agreed by other girls, will they?

"Oh, if His Highness Yalin still has concerns, then it would be better to leave the matter to the old man to deal with, I wonder how His Royal Highness is?"

Li Yalin's hesitant look was seen by Minister Jolly, and this old fox laughed cheerfully.

Although Li Yalin was worried about his performance, looking at Minister Jolly's side ... he seemed to have full confidence in it.

How can he be so confident and sure that the girls are willing to agree to this unreliable method?

Are you serious?

"Do you really think this works?"

"Just give it to the husband."

Okay ~ ~ Looking at Minister Jolly, he seems to have a good idea.

That being the case ... then look at the means of this old fox first?

"Sister Ci ... are you really willing to marry me?"

Facts have shown that Minister Jolly's speed is much faster than imagined. This half-day has not passed yet, and the old fox came with a smile and Sakura Tzu.

According to the old fox, Lord Sakura, the Minister of Education, had already promised to be one of the fiancees of Her Majesty Regency King Li Yalin.

Reasonably, this is quite unexpected for Li Yalin.

If the sister brought by Minister Jolly is Guang Lijing, Youyuan Xiaosheng, Xila Bija, and even exporting Tong Zi, he would not be surprised.

But sister Ci ...

How was she the first to agree?