MTL - Salvation Began from Cafe-Chapter 931 Did another guy with a blind eye propose to you?

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The school island world has completed the unification, so Li Yalin has nothing to do when he comes to this world. Basically, he spends his time with Aestes, grinning, and occasionally counts Zhu Xia. The three men's "battle" or something made him very happy.

However, it is impossible to stay in this world. After all, Li Yalin can't really leave the Lord for too long, and the rest of the world really needs him to see it.

For example, to cut the pupil world, he must always go around, after all, don't forget, he also has a task to rebuild a brand new empire, which has not been completed so far.

Of course, it was said that it was not completed, but Li Yalin did not submit the task. In fact, as long as he was willing, this task could be announced long ago.

Just because the reward of this task is unknown, it will increase or decrease as the task completes, so why do n’t he expect a richer reward than the general reward?

Then ...

After a long period of reconstruction work, the empire in the pupil-cutting world is obviously new than it was when it first came.

The changes among them are especially the greatest in the imperial capital.

By the way, the empire can undergo such a huge change, and the girls from the isolated world of the Academy are undoubtedly the biggest contributors.


Today, Sakura Takashi has become the Minister of Education of the Empire, and is fully responsible for the education of the Empire, while Qingzi Shizi formed the Medical Association and served as the Minister of Medicine.

In addition to the two of them, as the Minister of Literature's Linghe Principle, as the Minister of the Academy of Sciences, Xila Bijia and other sisters, I will not introduce them one by one.

All in all, everything they have created in the empire has become a miracle.

Those girls from the isolated island world of the academy rose up in the empire. Li Yalin was naturally happy to see this, but how about it? Although the identities of the empires are high, the troubles they encounter are not the same Will be less.

In addition, the troubles of the girls can't be stopped if they want to stop them.

"Why? Someone with a blind eye propose to you?"

As the regent of the empire, Li Yalin found that he has really been a little too low-key recently. Perhaps he does not show up often, and many people have forgotten how he got this identity.

For the time being, let ’s talk about it now. Let ’s take a look at the classmate Guang Lijing who is “complaining” to himself with an unpleasant expression. Li Yalin can't help but speechless.

Another imperial imperial noble proposed to the sister of Guanglijing?

Yes, it is again! This marriage proposal is not the first time!

In fact, it is no wonder that the so-called gentle ladies are good, not to mention that the girls like Guang Lijing have already controlled a lot of real power at the high level of the empire, and it has become a normal thing for many noble children to pursue.

However, for the pursuit of the noble children, Guang Lijing and other girls from the isolated world of the Academy clearly did not feel happy, on the contrary, they felt very distressed.

After all, the outlook on life and the outlook on the world are completely different. They, who have received modern education, are not likely to see a group of aliens from a backward empire who grew up in feudal education, anyway?

Especially those vicious pursuits, they make them feel straight and sweaty at first glance.

Accept your pursuit and become one of your wives?

What a joke!


Although the girls do not like the pursuit of the noble children, it is an empire here. After all, even if they are in a high position and face the pressure from the aristocratic group, they will feel very troubled.

Faced with this situation, they obviously have to find a way to solve it, otherwise, God knows that they will still be troubled by this problem.

When Li Yalin was absent, they could only seek help from Minister Jolly or the girls who attacked at night. After all, they were all their own, and it was convenient to ask.

But when Li Yalin returns ...

We all brought you here, and now we are in trouble, don't you plan to help us solve it?

"I see. I'll talk to Minister Jolly about this."

Regarding the distress of the girls, Li Yalin also had a headache and pressed his temples. Besides the headache, he was also considering how to deal with this matter.

It is true that if you want to avoid the trouble of your sisters, as his empire regent, as long as you show up to warn yourself, the effect will definitely be better than anything.

But how to say it, it's possible to come out and warn, but it also needs a reason, right?

After all, this is not the original chaotic empire. After the establishment of a complete judicial system and a harmonious order, the wanton operation has obviously become a prohibition, not to mention that the opposition aristocratic forces have already been killed. After a complete cleanup, the aristocrats remaining at this stage are basically counted as their own.

For such aristocrats, it is definitely impossible to do it by hand, so if you ca n’t do it rough, you must say something.

Just make sense ...

How can this truth be explained?

The remaining aristocrats of the Empire at this stage, except that they have no case, are relatively clean. It is more important that their existence can ensure that the Empire can be more stable.

And as the guys who can survive the big waves, there is obviously no one who is a fuel-efficient lamp.

It appears that the noble children are pursuing Guanglijing and the girls, one by one, with their own careful thoughts, to put it plainly, that is also for their family interests.

Obviously they should all know that these girls are all brought by Li Yalin ~ ~ But even so, they are still pursuing ...

Alas, should I talk to Minister Jolly?

"For the nobles, family interests always come first, and they will do such things without any surprise from the old man."

"Then, what you need to do, Your Highness Yalin, is to come up with the most suitable reason to stop their mouths and let them retreat. Otherwise, they will definitely not give up on them. Pursuit. "

"I said Minister Jolly ... I came to you to ask you to come up with an idea, not for you to teach me ..."

Well, although Li Yalin found Minister Jolly, looking at this old fox, he actually taught Li Yalin in turn.

Although you are right, the question is, do you think I can't think of such a thing?

What I want to hear now is not these, but the solution. Hey!

Read The Duke's Passion