MTL - Right A? Excuse Me!-Chapter 22

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The room was eerily quiet. Shi Ning didn't answer, just looked at Su Wanxing with her usual casual eyes, but at this moment, her eyes were full of sobriety.

Su Wanxing's breathing became rapid, her hand holding the cup almost turned white, because she was too emotional, so she shed a few beautiful tears: "Sister Shi, what do you mean... Jiang Ningran, she..."

Shi Ning said firmly: "This is a speculation, after all, many things in this world have multiple possibilities for development. Isn't it?"

Su Wanxing bit her lower lip, she raised her hand and took a sip of milk, as if she wanted to use this warm and sweet taste to calm herself down and cheer her up.

she was thinking.

Thinking back on everything that happened that day.

She saw Shi Ning at home that day and was shocked. She pushed open the door and wanted to leave, but met Jiang Ningran at the door. Jiang Ningran took her textbook and wanted to return it to her, and asked her to drink coffee. Su Wanxing remembered that she was trying to get rid of Shi Ning, and she wanted to talk to Jiang Ningran about what she had temporarily marked while camping.

At that time, although she had already seen the "future", she still did not regard Jiang Ningran as a bad person. After all, for so many years, Jiang Ningran has been her junior girl since her high school. The two were admitted to an art university. She studied photography, and so did Jiang Ningran.

It can be said that Jiang Ningran constitutes her youth and is her best friend.

Su Wanxing told Jiang Ningran about the person she liked in adolescence, and shared with her the sourness of her young girl and the troubles of life.

She thought that it was possible that Jiang Ningran was not what she looked like in the "future".

But later, at the coffee shop......

She drank coffee and seemed to be out of control again.

The surrounding area almost caused a commotion because of her estrus, so she begged Jiang Ningran to take her to the hotel next door to avoid it.

and then?

Then...... Jiang Ningran gave her an inhibitor, and she fainted. When she woke up, she was undressed, and so was Jiang Ningran. The body's reaction told her that something seemed to have happened to her with Jiang Ningran.

At that moment, when she saw Jiang Ningran sitting on the side and admiring her mobile phone, she realized that maybe, it is possible that the current Jiang Ningran is the person in the "future".

The maniac who imprisoned her, ripped out her glands, and tortured her.

However, the things in my mind appeared too suddenly, and those things were too absurd. What seven alphas. Su Wanxing was going crazy. Her small head, which was originally not enough brain capacity, was almost scrapped by these things. So even if Jiang Ningran told her that the inhibitor was out of control, she pestered Jiang Ningran again......

There was no way she could refute it.

After all, Su Wanxing saw the "future" in which she was in a state of embarrassment when her estrus was out of control.

She decided, well, maybe, she would be like that now.

Su Wanxing proposed to go home. Although she was instinctively afraid of Jiang Ningran, she could not refuse her directly and forcefully.

In the end, there is everything that Jiang Ningran came to the Su family later.

Su Wanxing was too immersed in the blame for himself after knowing the "future" in advance, so he didn't even think about whether what Jiang Ningran said was true or false.

Jiang Ningran said that she took the initiative, that she was pestering herself, that she was begging.


Shi Ning looked at Su Wanxing's increasingly solemn expression, knocked on the coffee table, and the glass made a crisp sound: "So, do you remember anything?"

Su Wanxing still wanted to drink milk, but when he raised his glass, he found that the glass was empty. She put down the mug, folded her hands and covered her forehead, her voice full of tiredness and panic: "I don't know."

"I found that I couldn't remember anything."

Because she had foreseen the "future" and had seen her like that in her mind, she didn't have the courage to infer and refute Jiang Ningran's words.

She cried again, and the little pearls fell one by one.

Shi Ning sighed: "If you go on like this, when your sister comes back and finds that your eyes are swollen from crying, it is estimated that you will scold me to death."

Su Wanxing sniffed: "No, my sister doesn't scold people."

I don't know how many times Shi Ning was scolded by Su Ganxue: ......Really? So being scolded is the special treatment she enjoys, isn't it?

Su Wanxing spoke timidly, and Shi Ning could hear that her voice was trembling. When looking at her, this little girl was also afraid: "Sister Shi, I mean, I mean if."

"If Jiang Ningran really did something to me... Can I, I let her bear the consequences?"

"Of course." Shi Ning said without hesitation, "I am here."

Su Wanxing whispered, "I didn't mean to let you beat her, I mean...will she be punished by the law? It's wrong for her to do this, right?"

Shi Ning wanted to answer yes immediately, but she thought of the fact that the legal terms of the two worlds were different, so she quickly picked up her mobile phone and searched for the relevant regulations. After reading it in one glance and ten lines, Shi Ning knew what to do.

"Well. It's an obvious thing." Shi Ning looked at Su Wanxing with serious eyes.

Su Wanxing felt that she was probably too dizzy or too collapsed. Looking at Shi Ning, the most unreliable person, she felt that this person seemed to be very dependable. It seems that Shi Ning's eyes can give people strength.

Su Wanxing always felt that she was comforted.

"It's just Su Wanxing, I want to remind you." Shi Ning said, "If you choose legal means to resolve this matter, everyone, I mean, everyone you know, everyone you don't know, they will know about it and will judge you for any detail of the disclosure process."

"Even so, are you willing?"

Su Wanxing hesitated: "I don't know."

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid that things are really what Jiang Ningran said."

When Shi Ning looked at her, she knew the torment of such a lawsuit and how much courage it took.

She asked, "Do you really remember nothing? Where did you and Jiang Ningran drink coffee?"

Su Wanxing thought for a while: "...the one in the south of the city, the one next to the hotel, what's the name one, one..."

Shi Ning: "One thought?"

Su Wanxing's eyes widened: "Yes, that's it, how do you know?"

Shi Ning smiled with ease: "Of course I know."

"This coffee shop belongs to me." If Su Wanxing hadn't reminded her, Shi Ning would have almost forgotten that she was not a lawyer after wearing a book, but a president who could rank among the top of the rich list, "By the way, the hotel next door. , and mine too."

Thinking of this matter, Shi Ning felt that things were much easier to handle.

"Wait for me." She said to Su Wanxing.

Su Wanxing nodded dumbfoundedly, her eyes were red from crying, and her nose was also red.

Shi Ning stood up, paced in place, and made a phone call, "Hey, help me check something."

The other party replied: "Mr. Shi, you said."

"I'll send you a photo of the two of them, and you can help me find all the surveillance cameras in the Yinian Cafe in the south of the city and the hotel next door as soon as possible."

Generally speaking, ordinary people cannot arbitrarily call for monitoring of business premises. But when these places of business are back, there are no such terms.

The other party replied respectfully: "Yes, may I ask Mr. Shi, which time period is needed?"

Shi Ning clicked on the phone's calendar, checked the taxi time from Su's house to Yi Nian Cafe, thought about the store where Su Wanxing suddenly returned that day, calculated the approximate time line, and said calmly: "Nine at night on the 7th. After half past o'clock. I'll give you thirty minutes, can I find it?"

The other party thought for a moment: "Ten minutes, Mr. Shi, I will ask people from our department to look for it together."

"Okay." Shi Ning said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mr. Shi, this is what we should do."

Shi Ning hung up the phone and looked at Su Wanxing who had been paying attention to her call: "It's resolved, just wait."

"Okay." Su Wanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

For Su Wanxing, these ten minutes were probably the most difficult ten minutes in the world. She felt that there were about 1,000 needles under her buttocks. It wasn't even for her to sit or stand. She could only feel extremely anxious. She grabbed her hand and ripped off the dead skin around her index finger. .

Ding dong.

When Shi Ning's cell phone received the news, Su Wanxing looked at her and asked nervously, "Have you found it?"

Shi Ning nodded.

The truth was clearly in front of him, but Su Wanxing was scared.

She bit the corner of her mouth: "Sister Shi, look first."

Shi Ning: "You don't want to watch?"

Su Wanxing smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid, afraid to see that things are really the same as what Jiang Ningran said."

Shi Ning: "What if it's the same."

Su Wanxing did not expect such an answer: "Huh?"

Shi Ning explained with a smile: "If things are really the same as what Jiang Ningran said, then Su Wanxing, I will be happy for you. Because this means that you have a relationship with Jiang Ningran, which is really what you and I want. It also means that you haven't experienced a nightmare that no one knows about. If this is true, it doesn't mean anything to you. Su Wanxing, the world has asked you enough, don't put shackles on yourself. "

"Okay, let's watch the video."

Su Wanxing summoned his courage: "Then, Sister Shi, can I still watch it together?"

"Of course." Shi Ning put the phone flat on the coffee table, then pushed it between the two of them, and turned the front of the screen towards Su Wanxing, "This is your life, of course you can watch it."

Su Wanxing nodded lightly, and when she looked at the phone, she only saw the chat history between Shi Ning and the other party.

Opponent: [Video]

Shi Ning: [transfer 200,000 yuan]

Shi Ning: It's hard work, accept it, and share a point with the people in the department. In addition, this quarter's bonus will be distributed to your department one more, thank you.

Seeing this, Su Wanxing thought, Shi Ning is probably the most polite boss to employees in the world.

Seeing that Su Wanxing was still in a daze, Shi Ning asked, "Do you want to open it yourself?"

Su Wanxing gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, and tapped the video on the screen lightly.

The video is zoomed in, and then, the picture begins-


The author has something to say:

Shi Zong: Carrying his wife on his back to solve the mess.

I am desperately trying to save the manuscript, so the next update will be at 0:00 on Wednesday, and at 0:00 on Thursday, 10,000 words will be dropped. After V, I try my best. If you don't have ten thousand one day, don't kill me! Thank you for your nutrient solution~ It actually broke 300! I thought I was going to stop at 250 for a long time! There are also Muzai Guzai 990 and chocolate mousse and ka's Lei~ (One-click thank you is too long and I can't do it a bit, so I can only thank everyone in such a simple way. And you guys are awesome! I I was craving just one 21 reviews, but there are 42! Love you guys!