MTL - Right A? Excuse Me!-Chapter 21

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Su Wanxing was very scared.

She didn't want her sister to know about it.

So in the face of Shi Ning's gaze, Su Wanxing shook her head nervously, tears swaying along with her, she said with her mouth shape, no.

Shi Ning turned around, turned her back to Su Wanxing, walked to the balcony, and said aloud, "It's good." No one saw her, her hand was gripping the railing hard. "Nothing happened."

Su Ganxue was a little skeptical: "Really?"

Shi Ning smiled: "Really. What can happen?"

Su Fillxue explained: "I think Wanxing doesn't seem to like you very much. She has a childish temper, and you—"

Shi Ning: "What happened to me?"

Su Fillxue: "What character do you have, you don't know?"

Shi Ning: "So you already know my character."

Su Tanxue heard Shi Ning's tone of ridicule and ambiguity, and said calmly, "I'm good at understanding others, do you have any problems?"

Shi Ning shook her head: "No, what Miss Su said has always been fine."

When Shi Ning heard someone urging Su Tanxue over the phone, she said empathetically, "Go to work, don't worry, I won't be naive enough to be serious with your sister."

Su Danxue hummed: "Thank you."

Shi Ning said casually, "When will you be back today? Do you want me to pick you up?"

Su Qianxue pursed her lips: "No need."

Shi Ning didn't insist, she still had a mess at home waiting to be cleaned up, so she said, "Okay, I'll hang up first."

When the busy tone came from the phone, Su Fillxue stared at the phone, feeling a little strange. According to Shi Ning's usual character, she should show off her coquettishness now, and maybe ask her for a kiss or two. What, just hung up the phone?

The graduate student asked curiously, "Senior sister, who are you calling?"

"It's nothing, it's just family members." Su Tanxue opened the cabinet, put his mobile phone in the cabinet, took off his coat, prepared to change clothes, and asked while changing, "By the way, I asked you to help me collect information about the high temperature of the sundial and the temperature of the sundial. The paper on the heating needle, have you printed it?"

The graduate student nodded again and again: "Alright, alright, Senior Sister, I'll give it to you after the meeting is over."

"Okay, hard work."

Su Fillxue put on a white coat and a white robe to match her, showing her coldness even more.

Su Danxue put on his work card, which read, Chief Researcher.

She turned around and entered the venue with firm steps and a sassy figure.

In the old house of the Su family, Shi Ning hung up the phone, glanced at Jiang Ningran who was still tied and fainted, and then glanced at Su Wanxing who was caught in a self-blame. For a moment, the scene felt familiar.

When she was doing legal aid, she took on many cases of rape, fanaticism, and sexual harassment. Some female prisoners were kept in prison because of excessive self-defense in marriage, stabbed her husband to death with the backhand, and then got the death penalty and got into the game. I have also encountered that kind of girl who committed suicide after an accident. The parents couldn't accept it and wanted to sue the criminal.

Shi Ning's legal aid is to fight for their final rights.

From the perspective of fairness and justice, she should not be partial to either Su Wanxing or Jiang Ningran. But from a personal point of view, she has a better impression of Su Wanxing than Jiang Ningran.

Besides, Su Wanxing is Su Ganxue's younger sister.

Short protection is one of the few advantages of Shijie.

What's more, she is not a lawyer who is going to confront people in court now. Her identity is only that of Su Wanxing's sister... um, wife.

Shi Ning walked in front of Su Wanxing, squatted down, and looked at the little crying bag: "Why do you cry so much?"

Su Wanxing sobbed: "I, I can't stop crying, and I don't want to."

Shi Ning sighed: "It's cold on the ground, you sit on the sofa first. I'll give you a hot glass of milk, just drink it and calm down."

Su Wanxing was at a loss: "How do you know that I can calm down after drinking milk?"

Shi Ning: It was said in the book.

"I guess." Shi Ning asked, "Drink?"

I was a little tired from crying and a little dehydrated. Su Wanxing nodded obediently, and then became vigilant again, "You don't put anything in the milk, do you?"

Shi Ning wanted to laugh, laughing at Su Wanxing's innocence and stupidity.

"Why are you asking me this question?"

Su Wanxing pursed her lips, and was embarrassed to answer because she saw the "future" after she woke up. She always felt that although Shi Ning was a good-looking person, she was a bad person, much like the kind of beauties who abduct girls on the street. .

She was not easy to answer, and felt that her question just now was a bit offensive, so she apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

Shi Ning opened the refrigerator, found a whole box of unsealed skim milk, poured it into a cup, and then put the mug filled with milk with Su Wanxing's name written on it in the microwave to heat it up. She was distracted, thinking that one day Su Ganxue would have to write her a cup too. She recognized that the handwriting on the cup was written by Su Fillxue.

The air was quiet for a while, and the silence turned into a fourth person who appeared in the room.

Until a ding sounded, she picked up the heat-insulating gloves, took out the milk cup, and put it on the coffee table in front of Su Wanxing: "It's a little hot, wait a moment."

Su Wanxing glanced at Shi Ning secretly, reflecting on whether he should judge a person by the so-called "future" he saw before. Shi Ning doesn't seem to be that bad. She's also kind and caring for her. It's just... It's really a bit ruthless when he hits people, like the ignorant gangster Su Wanxing saw when he was a child.

However, she saw the content and told her that Shi Ning was the president and had a good family education, so there should be no time to be a thug. Or, is fighting also a must-have skill for presidents?

Noticing Su Wanxing's gaze, Shi Ning smiled and sat cross-legged on the ground. She reached out to touch the mug, and tried the temperature: "It's not hot anymore."



"Oh." Su Wanxing reacted, holding the milk and drinking it, thinking to herself, Shi Ning is so amazing, she is actually like her sister, adding a spoonful of honey to her when she warmed the milk.

Shi Ning saw that Su Wanxing's mood had stabilized, and she opened her mouth to guide her: "Do you still remember the question you just asked?"

Su Wanxing blinked: "What?"

Shi Ning: "You asked me if I would put medicine in milk."

Su Wanxing hurriedly apologized again: "I'm sorry, sister Shi, I just...I think too much, I'm sorry."

Shi Ning shook his head: "No, it's good for you to think like this. You are an omega, you can't help it, society requires you to be vigilant when you go out. And you don't like me at all, so it's normal to doubt me like this."

Su Wanxing pursed her lips, trying to explain: "I don't dislike you."

Shi Ning: "It doesn't matter, we all know if you like me or not. It doesn't affect what I'm going to say to you next."

Shi Ning put her right elbow on the coffee table and her chin on her wrist. She propped her face up, looked at Su Wanxing, and asked lightly, "Su Wanxing, I'm very curious. Why can you ask me like this, but not one? Ask Jiang Ningran."

Su Wanxing paused while holding the milk, she blinked blankly: "Sister Shi, what do you mean?"

The author has something to say:

Family, hey hey hey. Among the high-end players who take the flying sister, Iron Wolf Biss!

The next update is Monday at 0:00, I wish you a happy weekend.

My personal suggestion is that if you haven't read the previous post after the revision, you can go back and look back. I'm afraid there will be problems with the connection between the front and back~ (I'll be fine if you ignore it.

Thank you Xixibao and Lei of Shequamu, and thank you to Guijiang's Lei, I see, you said you are a puppy hh and thank you all for the nutrient solution! Two hundred soon! happy! So there are 21 chapters with 21 comments~ Is there any kind-hearted person to realize my dream.

Read Ultimate Level 1