MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 233

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As soon as Zhao Yan said this, the head of the owner of the Nanchang was shaking like a rattle!

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Nanchangism said sternly: "Only our suzerain is qualified to draw water from the patio!"

"Others can only watch, never touch the well water, those who trespass on the patio will be severely punished!"

"Furthermore, we also have rules for the extraction of well water in our patio, and we can only extract up to three buckets of water every day!"

"In recent years, due to the over-exploitation of the patio, the spiritual energy is nearly exhausted. The Sect Master personally ordered that only one bucket of water should be taken every day. This restriction will be broken unless there is a major event!" Zhao Yan is rampant and domineering!

"What does the rules of your Feiyang Dojo have to do with me, I'm not someone from your Feiyang Dojo!"

"I want to fetch water today, I'll see what you can do to me!"

Zhao Yan picked up the waist of the bucket to forcibly fetch water, and a group of people from the flying dojo standing on the side directly drew out their weapons to prepare for battle.

For Zhao Yan, the people in Feiyang Dojo are all garbage, so she doesn't care about what these people think.

The more the other party obstructed, the more Zhao Yan's interest increased.

And at the critical moment, Ye Hao stopped Zhao Yan: "Well, Zhao Yan, don't be rude, since we are on someone else's territory, we have to abide by the rules set by others!"

\"If you come here, you will be a guest, so don't let others see jokes!"

Zhao Yan pouted, still a little unhappy, but didn't say anything more.

If she can straighten her waist and show her prestige, isn't she following Ye Hao's power?

Without Ye Hao's support, in her identity as a corpse, it would be impossible for him to enter Feiyang Dojo.

Ye Hao came forward in time to prevent a conflict, and a heart hanging from the owner of Nanchang also fell into his belly.

At the same time, an emergency meeting is also being held in the elders meeting of Feiyang Dojo.

Hou Jun's mood is about to be completely split!

"It's really unreasonable, it's unreasonable!"

"This Ye Hao is really too much. It's hard to find a normal human being by his side. All of them are funny and charming, zombie demons, this is really crazy!"

"Yeah!" A field owner below immediately echoed, "Ye Hao is willing to fall, we absolutely cannot fall with him!"

"Not only can't we join forces with him, but we must get rid of him immediately!"

"This kind of mad villain, absolutely cannot stay!"

The following people were filled with emotion and righteous indignation, and all of them were determined to get rid of Ye Hao..

Hou Jun asked, "Which one of you has the ability to destroy Ye Hao?"

This time, a large group of people below went straight to the squib.

Everyone was dead silent, and no one stood up for a long time to say a word.

Ye Hao's power is really too strong, any of the field owners present is not Ye Hao's opponent.

The Feiyang Dojo was divided into twelve sessions, and each session had 500 disciples, and Ye Hao brought more than 3,000 people to the wedding banquet this time, which was equivalent to half the strength of the 12 sessions.

Those field owners, no matter how much they "hate" Ye Hao, they must have a clear understanding of their own strength.

Don't toss to the end, Ye Hao couldn't get rid of it, but instead put them in, it would be worth the loss.

When the following group of people was squib, Hou Jun 1.2 not only didn't get angry, but on the contrary laughed.

"Hehehe, all of you are the pillars of my Feiyang Dojo, and now I've encountered a little trouble, all of you are directly misfired collectively, it's hard for me as a suzerain!" The red dojo master surrendered Said: "Sect Master, please calm down!"

"It's not that we don't want to help the dojo, it's just that our strength is too scattered!"

"Any dojo among us, even with all our strength, can't settle Ye Hao!"

"On the contrary, once our intentions are exposed, Ye Hao will be devastated. This matter is not something we can solve at all. Only the Sect Master will arrange it in person to have hope!" Hou Jun said in a condensed voice: "Since Ye Hao is an extremely difficult guy, let's take this matter slowly!".

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Chapter 333: Innocent Laid Down

"At least for a short time, there is no obvious dispute of interests between Ye Hao and us. Let's wait and see what happens!"

"That's all it can do!\"

"I agree with the Sect Master's suggestion!\"

The following owners all expressed their agreement with Hou Jun's point of view, and no one raised any objection.

And this is precisely the genius of Hou Jun.

If Hou Jun advised everyone to give up their actions and live peacefully with Ye Hao from the very beginning, it would be difficult to convince the public. The following owners would think that Hou Jun was too cowardly and would have a very bad impact on Hou Jun's majesty.

But it's different now. It's the group of owners who can't deal with Ye Hao because of their limited strength.

Hou Jun is just pushing the boat along the way, and it has resolved everyone's embarrassment. Naturally, there are many people who support him.

In order to stabilize Ye Hao's mood, Hou Jun sent someone to give Ye Hao a big bucket of water that night.

And this bucket of water was drawn from the patio by Hou Jun, saying that he wanted Ye Hao to "try it early".

The patio well water is no different from ordinary well water in terms of taste.

However, the well water in this well is very "exciting" to drink.

This 02 o'clock is incomparable with ordinary well water.

After drinking the water from the well, you will feel that your whole body is full of strength, and you will never be able to use it!

Hu Na is very satisfied with the taste of this water!

"Husband, this well water is very beneficial to our cultivation, we should collect some more and bring it back to practice!"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid it's not that easy. Hou Jun sent us this bucket of water, which is already very generous. It is a fool's dream to want to manage him to get more benefits!" "

Zhao Yan pouted and muttered: \"After all, it's just a little bit of well water, what's the big deal!\"

"This guy Hou Jun is a miser. Tonight we can fetch water by ourselves!"

"Don't mess around!" Ye Hao glared at Zhao Yan and reminded, "This place is the old nest of Feiyang Dojo, and that patio is their lifeblood. If there is something wrong with the patio, the people of Feiyang Dojo will definitely not Let it go!"

"We are in the abyss of ghosts, how can we be afraid of his small flying dojo?"

Ye Hao could only respond to Zhao Yan's tough attitude and give her a cry or a laugh!

"With our strength, of course we don't need to be afraid of Feiyang Dojo, but there is no big grudge between us and Feiyang Dojo. Why do we have to bully others and make enemies for ourselves?"

There is a huge difference between Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen's way of thinking and Ye Hao's way of thinking.

After all, neither of them are normal human beings, but both of them are still very willing to obey Ye Hao's orders!

Since Ye Hao had said that they were not allowed to go to the patio to steal water, the two of them stayed at home and slept honestly that night and didn't go anywhere.

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong!"

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Hao was still lying on the bed and sleeping, but was woken up by a hurried knock on the door outside.

When Ye Hao got dressed and came to the front living room, Ma Yuzhen had already opened the living room door.

A fat man with a big shoulder and a round waist came in from the outside and drank righteously: \"Arrest all these shameless thieves for me!"

After the big fat man gave the order, he rushed forward one step ahead, grabbed Ma Yuzhen's wrist and wanted to put Ma Yuzhen on the ground.

But when she heard a crisp sound of "bang", Ma Yuzhen slapped the big fat man's stomach with a savage punch. The punch came directly and hit the fat man's chubby body. on the ground.

Fatty struggled violently on the ground for most of the day, but was unable to stand up again.

The group of thugs behind him also swarmed up, trying to suppress Ma Yuzhen with the advantage of numbers.

As a result, Ma Yuzhen called out, and a large group of corpses rushed out of the room.

The group of people from Fatty and the others completely lost their numerical advantage.

In addition, the little leader, Fatty, was also subdued by Ma Yuzhen with one move.

At this time, Ye Hao walked to the door and greeted: "You guys, what are you talking about early in the morning?"

The fat man struggled to get up from the ground and asked sharply, "Ye Hao, you ungrateful little man!"

"Yesterday, our sect master gave you a bucket of holy water from the patio. You don't know how to be grateful. You are still greedy. Taking advantage of the night to steal water from the patio, you also hurt the guards of our dojo. It's really lawless!"

"Today, you villains, one of you must die!"

Ye Hao rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "You guy is not very capable, and your tone is really not small!"

"Just because you want to kill us all, do you have that strength?"

"Ye Hao, an ungrateful white-eyed wolf like you will definitely not end well!"

Fatty's emotions are extremely impulsive, even if he is under Ma Yuzhen's butcher's knife, he still has no fear.

This makes Ye Hao feel very appreciated.

But even so, Ye Hao couldn't tolerate this guy talking nonsense.

"Why do you say that I stole your holy water, is there any evidence?"

"The guards who are responsible for guarding the patio have seen with their own eyes that those who plunder the holy water are the evil spirits of your ghostly abyss!"

"Now that 630 people are afraid of the evidence, you still want to deny it. Can you think that we are all fools?"

"That's right!\" Ye Hao returned loudly, "Not only do I think you are a fool, you are indeed a fool yourself!"

"If I go to your patio to fetch water, I'll use it secretly. How convenient is it for me to go grab it directly?"

"Just relying on the **** of your Feiyang Dojo, do you think they have the ability to watch me?"

\"Ye Hao, you are so crazy, do you really think no one can cure you?\"

"Go away!\" Ye Hao said angrily, "I don't have time to talk nonsense with a idiot like you, there is something for your sect master to come to me in person, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!" Fatty wanted to say something. What, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan grabbed his arms one by one and threw him out of the room.

Although Fatty was reluctant to give in, the difference in strength between him and Ma Yuzhen was simply too great.

Even if he fights his own life, he cannot defeat Ma Yuzhen, he will only bury himself! "

Under such circumstances, Fatty had no choice but to go back and report the situation to his master.

Ma Yuzhen still felt indignant as she watched Fatty's back disappear gradually!

"Damn fat man, you can run fast!\"?

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Chapter 334: I'm not happy

Last night, the holy water in the patio was indeed stolen.

Moreover, the group of people who stole the holy water also injured the guards while stealing the holy water, and they were extremely arrogant.

You must know that a few days are Hou Jun's wedding day. The thief chose to commit murder and steal at this juncture.

Hou Jun lost all his old face, just because today was a big day, in order for the wedding to continue, Hou Jun had to restrain his emotions and temporarily suppressed this matter. If the wedding is messed up again because of this matter of food, then it will be a loss for the wife and the army.

Hou Jun has not launched a comprehensive accountability operation for the time being. He plans to wait for the successful conclusion of his wedding to pursue the culprit in a drastic manner.

The fat man just now came to Xingshi to ask his guilt under the behest of the owner of the north field.

"Let's go, let's go to the Sect Master's wedding!" Ye Hao greeted everyone to act according to the plan.

Hu Na asked weakly: "We have already started, is it necessary to attend this wedding?"

"Of course, we're here to eat dinner!"

This time, even Hu Na fell in love with Ye Hao's admiration.

This has already developed to this stage, and you are still in the mood to eat, but it's really not easy, my brother.

Ye Hao came to Feiyang Dojo one day in advance, and Hou Jun also had some time to prepare.

The west square of Feiyang Dojo was entirely covered by Hou Jun's simple greenhouse. Hou Jun held a banquet here, and all the 3,000 diners who brought Ye Hao over were arranged here.

The woman who married Hou Jun was named Zhao Hong'e, and she seemed to be about the same age as Hou Jun. Her appearance was not very high, but her aura was very strong.

Hou Jun and Zhao Hong'e bowed three times in the lobby, and then began to toast to the guests present.

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