MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 232

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"I may continue to stay here for a while, senior brother, go by yourself."

Zhang Shichun's teeth were itchy, but the ghostly abyss was Ye Hao's territory.

Hu Na didn't want to go with him. He really had nothing to do with Hu Na.

Now Hu Na is of course unwilling to leave. The book Ye Hao handed to her, Hu Na has already cultivated to a relatively high level!

Cultivating the yin fiend tactics requires a lot of yin fiend energy. Is there any other place in the world with yin fiend energy that can surpass a place like the abyss of ghost qi?

This place not only has thousands of dark world creatures, but also has a huge world heart.

Besides, everyone in the Justice League now knows that Hu Na and Ye Hao are together.

Hu Na leaves the abyss of ghosts and meets (acbc) ± Justice League people, and she will definitely be "spit" by them.

There is no place to stay, and she has to hide in Tibet all day long. This is not the ending that Hu Na wants.

Therefore, Hu Na is more willing to stay by Ye Hao's side now.

Zhang Shichun is not a fool. He has lost power now, and is a complete loser. Even Duan Fei has betrayed him, not to mention Hu Na, betrayal is right. Watching Zhang Shichun walk away alone, a few clear tears fell from the corner of Hu Na's eyes unconsciously.

On the third day of returning to the Abyss of Ghost Qi, Ye Hao received a red post!

This red post was sent by a man named Hou Jun.

Hou Jun was going to get married in three days, so he specially sent a message to invite Ye Hao to attend the wedding banquet.

Hou Jun's identity is not simple, he is the suzerain of Feiyang Dojo.

The power of Feiyang Dojo is much more powerful than the Justice League, and there are many experts in Feiyang Dojo. They have a perfect cultivation system and have extremely valuable cultivation resources. In the headquarters dojo of Feiyang Dojo, there is a patio altar!

The patio in the center of the altar is very magical, and it can continuously spew out a large amount of spiritual water all year round.

Spiritual water is rich in vitality, which can provide valuable resources for cultivators to cultivate.

In an era when the cultivation resources of the entire earth are exhausted and spiritual energy is extremely scarce, Feiyang Dojo has not withered away, and that patio has contributed a lot.

"The Feiyang Dojo also prides itself on being famous and upright. How could they invite me to the wedding banquet? It's not normal!"

"If you want me to say, these Eight Achievements are a trap, a Hongmen Banquet!"

Zhao Yan said a word, and immediately got Ma Yuzhen's support: \"Right husband, Hou Jun must have set up a net at the wedding banquet, waiting for you to go to the net, you must not be fooled!" "Yeah!\" Ye Hao nodded and replied, "We must handle this matter carefully!\"

This invitation letter came too suddenly, and Er Yehao and Hou Jun were completely wrong.

Therefore, after receiving the invitation letter, it was immediately hidden by Ye Hao.

However, this matter did not end there.

The day after the invitation letter was sent, another concierge team in red robes came to the abyss of ghosts with great fanfare.

This concierge team was also dispatched by Hou Jun, and the purpose was to "invite Ye Hao to \" Feiyang Dojo for a feast.

The group of people in the flying dojo came to the abyss of ghosts with great fanfare.

Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan were in a hurry, but Ye Hao stopped them even when they were about to blast the group of flies away. .

Chapter 331: Take three thousand people to a banquet

"Forget it, since Mr. Hou is so polite, then we will attend this banquet!"

"But it's clearly a feast of Hongmen!" Zhao Yan stomped her feet in a hurry.

At this time, the others were also anxious and eager to dissuade Ye Hao from giving up this crazy plan.

But in the end, Ye Hao was the first to speak: "Since everyone thinks that this operation will be dangerous, then we will bring a little more manpower over there. Even if we encounter danger, we can still deal with it calmly.

"How many people can I bring to the wedding banquet, at best a few + people!"

\"Yeah, it's not to go to war, doesn't it mean that we are guilty of bringing too many people?"

"Besides, no matter how many people we bring, they may not be able to enter the banquet scene. They may all be blocked from the door!"

"At that time, they will start at the banquet hall, and the people we arrange outside can't help at all!"

The big guy talked a lot and put forward his own ideas.

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice: "As far as I know, there are about 8,000 disciples in the entire Feiyang Dojo. Among them, there are about 3,000 disciples in the main dojo of Feiyang Dojo!"

"For safety's sake, this time we will go to Feiyang Dojo for the wedding banquet, and let's bring 3,000 people there!"


"Husband, what are you saying, I didn't hear clearly.?...??"

"Bring 3,000 people to the wedding banquet? Did I hear it wrong?"

Ye Hao said a word, and a large group of people below couldn't believe their ears.

"That's right!" Ye Hao replied solemnly, "I just want to bring 3,000 people to the wedding banquet, but I want to see if this Hou Jun has the ability to accept my group of guests!"

Ye Hao brought so many people to the wedding banquet, and anyone with a discerning eye could see at a glance that this was to "do something".

If Ye Hao and Hou Jun had a deep friendship, it would be very inappropriate to do so.

It is very likely that the relationship between the two sides will quickly turn into evil!

But the crux of the problem now is that there is no hypocrisy at all between Ye Hao and Hou Jun.

Since there is no friendship between us, and we are in a state of hostility in terms of position, I don't need to care about your feelings at all.

Even if I do this and make you very unhappy, so what? It's all your own fault.

Ye Hao is the boss of the abyss of ghost qi. Since Ye Hao has already spoken, others will naturally follow him unswervingly.

The abyss of ghost qi is some distance away from Feiyang Dojo. In order not to delay the time for "eat dinner", Ye Hao followed the concierge team that greeted him and rushed to Feiyang Dojo.

Feiyang Dojo is located in a depression surrounded by mountains. This place has beautiful scenery and elegant environment.

But at this moment, the entire Feiyang Dojo was filled with a tense atmosphere.

Feiyang Dojo has gathered more than half of the top powerhouses in Feiyang Dojo at this moment.

In the uppermost position, sat a dignified middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has a thick beard, and his aura is particularly fierce.

This person is the suzerain of Feiyang Dojo: Hou Jun!

"This Ye Hao is really arrogant and arrogant!"

Hou Jun said loudly, "I invited him to Feiyang Dojo to attend my wedding banquet to give him enough face!"

"I didn't expect this arrogant boy who didn't know the sky and the ground to openly provoke me to fly to the dojo. I really don't know whether to live or die!"

"Yeah, Ye Hao is too arrogant, he brought T3000 people to the wedding banquet!"

"Where are you here for the wedding banquet? It's clearly here to show your prestige!"

"We Feiyang Dojo is not the place where he goes wild!"

"You have to give this kid a little color and let him know how good we are!"

The people below were talking a lot, and the emotions of everyone were very indignant. They wanted to teach Ye Hao a lesson and maintain the majesty of Feiyang Dojo.

However, the vast majority of those who speak harshly are ordinary elders. They seem to have noble status, but in fact they have little right to speak. The ones who really have the right to speak are the 12 "field owners" sitting in the front row. Everyone was in high spirits and wanted to compete with Ye Hao, but none of the twelve field owners followed suit.

Hou Jun waved his hand to suppress the noise of the crowd, and turned his attention to the field owners.

\"Masters, please tell me what you mean?"

The owner of the red leaf field was the first to speak: "I think this matter is very important, it is better to be cautious!"

0??For flowers...

"Those madmen under Ye Hao's hands are all scum from the dark world, but these guys still have a certain fighting power, not a mob!"

"We want to eat his 3,000 men and horses, and we have to pay a very high price!"

"Furthermore, Ye Hao's purpose of coming here this time is not to come to fight, but to attend the wedding banquet!"

"He still received a wedding invitation from the Sect Master and came to the wedding banquet!"

"We started at the wedding banquet, and the teacher is unknown???...? The reputation of our Feiyang Dojo is not very good!"

The owner of the green leaf field also echoed: "Doing it directly at the suzerain's wedding is also a blasphemy to the majesty of the suzerain, it's not right!"

"Yeah, the ghost abyss is not weak. If we want to destroy the ghost abyss, we will inevitably suffer huge casualties!"


"This matter, it's better to think about it in the long run!"

"Please think twice before the Sect Master, I don't recommend a full-scale war!"

This time, Hou Jun was directly caught in a dilemma.

Most of the owners of the twelve games did not support the war, and the remaining few remained silent and abstained. No one supported the war. Even if Hou Jun wanted to fight, he would not be able to fight.

What's more, Hou Jun doesn't want to go to war now!

At the very beginning, Hou Jun really planned to use the wedding banquet only to settle the hidden danger of Ye Hao.

Ye Hao led the team to besiege Tianque Peak, Hou Jun has always maintained a high degree of attention.

Although Ye Hao did not attack Tianque Peak in the end, through secret investigation, Hou Jun discovered that the Devil May Cry Alliance led by Ye Hao was too powerful.

The only way to get married and eat dinner is to invite Ye Hao to Feiyang Dojo, and then gather a group of masters to tell Ye Hao to kill or control it. Ghost Qi Abyss has lost Ye Hao, the soul character, and will soon decline. Hou Jun's idea was quite "good", but unfortunately Ye Hao didn't get on it.

Ye Hao directly brought 3,000 people over to the banquet. If Hou Jun wanted to make a move, he would have to stand in full force.

Since the sneak attack plan cannot be performed, it can only choose to give up.

At dusk that day, Hou Jun personally brought a large number of Feichang Alliance personnel and greeted Ye Hao with extremely high specifications at the foot of Feiyang Mountain. Ding.


Chapter 332: Follow the rules of the game

"Hahahaha, Lord Ye Gu has come from a long way, it really makes me fly the dojo, the grass is full of brilliance, it is infinite glory!"

The meeting ceremony was very special. Hou Jun directly brought two glasses of wine, handed one to Ye Hao, and he kept one for himself.

After Ye Hao took it and was caught, Hou Jun also stepped up to clink glasses with Ye Hao.

After the two enthusiastically touched a glass, they each took a drink and drank it.

"Sect Master Hou is really too polite!"

After putting down the wine glass, Ye Hao also responded enthusiastically: "Everyone is a friend, you can send someone to receive us at will. I am flattered by such a big commotion!" At this time, Hou Junren I can't stop feeling the urge to scold my mother.

You said that the battles I made were too big, so the battles you Ye Hao made were not big, "630"?

I came over for a banquet and brought 3,000 people over here. Are you trying to eat me to the rhythm?

If he were an ordinary little person, he really couldn't be able to receive a large number of guests like Ye Hao.

That is, the deep-rooted power of Feiyang Dojo can play such a "game".

But even so, Ye Hao's behavior still made Hou Jun feel infinitely mad.

If anger could kill people, Ye Hao would have been burned into nothingness by Hou Jun's anger long ago.

After a brief courtesy, Hou Jun and Ye Hao entered Feiyang Dojo together.

Since Ye Hao came to Feiyang Dojo, he must have a look at their dojo patio. Is this thing as magical as the legend?

Ye Hao put forward his ideas to Hou Jun. Although Hou Jun agreed, he did not accompany Ye Hao to see the patio. Instead, he sent the owner of the south farm to accompany Ye Hao to visit the patio.

From the appearance point of view, there is no essential difference between a patio and an ordinary well.

The diameter of the wellhead is about one meter five, and a white marble fence is built around the wellhead.

Standing at the mouth of the well, taking a look in the well, you can sense a strong wave of spiritual energy.

This patio is indeed extraordinary, but compared with Ye Hao's Heart of the World, the gap is not even a star.

Therefore, after visiting the patio, Ye Hao lost interest in this thing.

Ye Hao got up and was about to leave, but Zhao Yan suddenly said, "I heard that the well water in the patio is very magical. Why don't we get a bucket of water and taste it?"

Read The Duke's Passion