MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 204

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Once the fusion is successful, the strength of this guy will double and become a heaven-defying existence.

It's a pity that his current fusion is only half successful. Under Ye Hao's intimate pursuit, there is no time to complete the final fusion.

The soul body and the zombie body are entangled together, and the stick cannot be forcibly separated.

It means that he was bound by his own plan, which completely matched the meaning of the word "cocooning oneself".

Under strong pressure, Chen Dongkai could only reveal his overall plan!

Before entering the desert, Chen Dongkai had no problem!

The real problem happened on the night when Ye Hao collected the sunflowers.

That night, Ye Hao went deep into the ditch of the dead to collect scorching sunflowers. Ye Hao knew that the ditch of the dead was dangerous, so he specially took care of Chen Dongkai and the others not to take risks, but Chen Dongkai still insisted on it.

Later, Ye Hao met the powerful Fire Ghost King in Deadman's Ditch, and the situation was extremely dangerous!

In order to ensure the safety of Chen Dongkai and the others, Ye Hao asked the ghost general to take Chen Dongkai and the others away from the ditch.

Halfway along the way, the ghost general found a red-clothed ghost moving around, so he went to kill the red-clothed ghost.

Just when the ghost general went to kill the red-robed ghost, Chen Dongkai and Chen Meimei were all possessed by the ghost.

The one possessed by Chen Dongkai was the most powerful Jihai Ghost King, while those possessed by Chen Meimei and the others were several red-clothed ghosts under the command of the Quhai Ghost King.

The reason why Ye Hao couldn't find the clue, as long as the reason is still on the sunflower.

Lieyang flowers belong to the most yang and strong things. Chen Dongkai and the others only need to carry the blazing sunflowers on their bodies, and they can use the yang energy emitted by the blazing sunflowers to cover up the yin qi emanating from the zombie evil spirits. .

The purpose of Chen Dongkai following Ye Hao has always been to find a way to kill Ye Hao!

He had tried poisoning, hitting sap, and other methods to attack Ye Hao, but all of them were unsuccessful.

Moreover, this old guy was very treacherous, the attack plan failed, and he was able to continue to disguise himself through some small tricks.

Chen Dongkai believed that as long as he lurked around Ye Hao long enough, he would be able to kill Ye Hao successfully!

What I didn't expect was that an accident happened in the middle, and Chen Dongkai was scratched by a black zombie.

Chen Dongkai was originally possessed by a ghost king. He used the scorching sun flower to cover up the yin qi to be able to hide the sky and cross the sea, and deceived Ye Hao's eyes. In addition, everyone had been walking in the black wind for a while. The wind and sand were very strong, and Ye Hao was not in the mood to go. Carefully observe the clues in him.

But after being scratched by black zombies, this secret can no longer be hidden!

Everyone knows that people who are scratched by black zombies will also be infected with corpse poison and become zombies!

It is true that corpse poison infects the mind and induces corpse transformation, but those legendary methods that can cure corpse poison are fictionalized by film and television dramas. The real corpse poison infection cannot be cured!

If Chen Dongkai was infected with corpse poison and did not become a zombie, Ye Hao would definitely be suspicious!

With Ye Hao's strength, as long as Ye Hao is a little suspicious, he will be able to see through Chen Dongkai's tricks.

From the moment Chen Dongkai was infected by the corpse poison, his plan was considered a complete failure.

The failure of the plan caused Chen Dongkai to feel very depressed, which also accelerated the pace of his exposure.

In the future, there is no need for Chen Dongkai to describe, Ye Hao already knows!

"So that's how it is." After listening to Chen Dongkai's narration, Ye Hao suddenly realized, "I said, tiger poison does not eat offspring. Although these girls are not your own flesh and blood, they were raised by you!"

"How can you bear to be so vicious to them, now it seems that the person who is playing the trick is not Mr. Chen Dongkai at all, but you, the ghost king of the sea!"

"Jie Jie\"

Chen Dongkai laughed wildly again: "Yes, it was me, not Chen Dongkai, who killed these four girls, but I am now entangled with Chen Dongkai's soul. If you kill me, Chen Dongkai's soul will also follow me. destroy!\"

Chen Meimei replied decisively: \"Mr. Ye Hao, kill this scum right away!\"

"I don't care about Chen Dongkai's life or death, I just want to kill this scum to take revenge!"

At this time, Ye Hao looked back at Chen Dongkai, his eyes full of sympathy!

No one can complain that Chen Dongkai ended up like this today, he can only blame himself.

The girls in the Chen family were originally very filial, and Ye Hao saw this in his eyes.

However, Ye Hao still felt that Chen Dongkai was too sad. It was not him who really wanted to kill the four girls, but the sea bream ghost king. The ghost king of the sea bream only borrowed his hands to kill.

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Now the evil spirit of the Ghost King of the Sea is entangled with the soul of Mr. Chen Dongkai!"

"If you kill him like this, Mr. Chen Dongkai will also be wiped out with him!"

Chen Lele said sternly: "We don't care so much, as long as we can take revenge!"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "It's definitely not right to do this, I have no grudges with Chen Laoxian (Li Nuo's) life, and it directly kills people's souls and makes people never go beyond life. I can't do it"

Ye Hao's attitude has just slowed down a little bit, and the Sea Ghost King immediately started to be arrogant and domineering again!

"Ye Hao, since you dare not kill me, let me go, you useless coward, you really laughed at me!"

Ye Hao looked back at the sea ghost king with a smile and said, "Don't worry, sea bream ghost king, since you like to play and stimulate so much, then I must satisfy your hobby, you just don't worry, I will let you You are dead ugly!\"

"Then hurry up, what are you waiting for?"

At this time, Ye Hao was not in the mood to quarrel with a ghost king, so he took out a magic talisman from his pocket and placed it on his forehead. After the magic talisman was pasted on his forehead, the Ghost King Quhai's body immediately froze on the spot, struggling for a long time but still unable to move. .

Lei I*

Chapter 275: It is difficult to break the mirror

Chen Lele asked curiously: \"Is he considered dead?"

"No, I only temporarily sealed him, I haven't killed him completely!"

"How can I kill him completely?\" Chen Lele said angrily: \"If Mr. Chen can't kill this scum, just hand him over to me, I will kill him myself!\" Ye Hao smiled bitterly and replied, "It's not that I don't want to kill him, it's that he's dead now!"

"Everyone is already dead, how can you let me kill him?"

"Although he is dead, he can continue to disgust us. How can this be?"

Chen Yanyan shouted loudly: "If you want me to tell you, we will burn him to ashes with a fire. If you don't see it, you won't be bothered in the future!"

"I've already said it just now, it's not Chen Dongkai who really poisoned you, but the Ghost King!"

"Destroying this body completely now will not make the chicken sea ghost king disappear, on the contrary, it will let the body sea ghost king escape!"

"What should we do, in short, we must take revenge, and we don't want to worry about Chen Dongkai's life or death now!"

These little girls now have a typical cold and murderous character. They don't think about the life and death of innocents, but only care about their own hatred. This is very in line with Yan 590 Corpse's selfish character.

"The safest way now is: completely imprison the black zombie, and then use Taoism to strip the evil ghost from the body!"

"It's enough to kill the body sea ghost king in a targeted manner. Mr. Chen Dongkai should let him enter the reincarnation of reincarnation normally!"

Chen Yanyan quit: "Ye Hao, why are you a mother-in-law, we all said that we don't care about Chen Dongkai's life or death, now we feel extremely disgusted when we see his face, you just need to kill him, nonsense So much for what?"

Ye Hao replied coldly: "What's the matter, are you teaching me to do things?"

"I..." As soon as Ye Hao said this, the expression on Chen Yanyan's face suddenly became extremely restless.

Ye Hao's strength, they know it, it is too strong, and their little sisters are not Ye Hao's opponents when they join forces.

Chen Yanyan didn't dare to confront Ye Hao, but Ye Hao refuted her a few words!

"You girls are a little too much, your fighting strength is mediocre, all of them are my defeats, and each of you has a big temper, and you (acbc) were defeated by me, and you are qualified to teach me how to do it. Something happened?\"

Ye Hao's attitude suddenly became tough, and at the same time, Zhao Yan stepped up and reprimanded: "You little girls, you really don't know the depth!"

"My husband has put up with you for a long time, but you guys don't know how to advance or retreat at all!"

"Others save face for you, you still have to slap your nose on your face, right?"

Of course, Zhao Yan and Ma Yuzhen couldn't hold back the four corpses, but Chen Meimei and the others were in awe of Ye Hao.

After Ye Hao successfully suppressed the corpses, he asked Zhao Yan and the others to take away Chen Dongkai's corpse.

This place is already the outer area of ​​Heifengkou, and Ye Hao simply walked out of the Heifengkou area with the corpse.

In an oasis, Ye Hao and his party stopped, and along the way, Chen Meimei and the others followed Ye Hao.

Chen Meimei and the others never thought of following Ye Hao. The key is that they are eager for revenge.

Now that Chen Dongkai is in Ye Hao's hands, it has not been completely scraped off. If Chen Dongkai is not dead, Chen Meimei and the others will not avenge their great revenge.

Yan Zhe's heart is full of hatred, the purpose of their existence is to seek revenge, and revenge is the meaning of their existence.

Unless they are allowed to see Chen Dongkai vanish with their own eyes, they will never give up.

But Ye Hao couldn't let him and the others get their wish easily. The reason is very simple. Ye Hao's current purpose is to recover them as his "gold medal" thugs, and directly destroy Chen Dongkai. , how to recover it?

In the desert, Ye Hao found a dune with plenty of sunshine, exposed Chen Dongkai's body to the sun, and used the yang energy in the sun to kill the corpse poison in his body.

Doing so will not bring Chen Dongkai back to life, but it can make the ghost king feel extremely painful.

The black zombies in the desert are not afraid of the sun's rays, but the ghosts in the abyss of ghosts are still very afraid of the sun's rays.

The Ukai Ghost King came out of the abyss of ghost energy and is very sensitive to sunlight. In turn, the chicken blood that black zombies fear is ineffective for the ghost king.

Evil creatures living in different regions have very different lifestyles, and naturally the things they fear are also different.

After three days of exposure under the scorching sun, a black ghost finally floated out from Chen Dongkai's body.

After the ghost qi escaped from the corpse, it immediately fled in the direction of Heifengkou at a lightning speed.

It's a pity that no matter how fast the Sea Ghost King escapes, it's still not enough to see in front of Ye Hao.

The speed of Ye Hao's action was faster than the speed of the ghost's escape.

The ghost figure had just escaped for more than ten meters when Ye Hao grabbed his neck and caught him back on the spot.

The Sea-Eating Ghost King roared sharply: \"Ye Hao, you scum, kill me if you have any, you useless coward!"

At this time, Ye Hao didn't have the time to gossip and waste time with the ghost king of the sea. He directly took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket and forcibly stuffed the ghost into the porcelain bottle.

Then Ye Haoyou stretched out his palm and put his grace on Chen Dongkai's forehead.

Five minutes later, Ye Hao's palm slowly lifted.

An old illusory figure appeared in front of Ye Hao.

This illusory figure is none other than Chen Dongkai's soul.

\"I... am I already dead?\" Chen Dongkai glanced at the world around him, his eyes filled with confusion.

Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Chen Dongkai, you are indeed dead, but your body has been occupied by another Specter. Now your soul is in a polluted state, and you cannot enter reincarnation and reincarnate!"

"In any case, you and I are also friends, and I still want to help you. You persist in the sun for seven days to get rid of the filth and miasma deep in your soul, and then you can reincarnate into reincarnation.


"Me??..." Chen Dongkai asked, "How are my daughters?"

Chen Meimei suddenly rushed up and refuted sharply: \"Chen Dongkai, you old dog, don't think we don't know what you are!"

"My sisters, and today's fate is all caused by you!".

Chapter 276: I have eyes but I don't know Mount Tai

"As of now, you can only apologize with death, hum!"

"Meimei, what's wrong with you, I'm your father!"

The person who poisoned the four girls was not Chen Dongkai, but the Ghost King!

Chen Dongkai burst into tears with excitement, but Chen Meimei didn't take this set at all: "In my eyes, you are my enemy, and we sisters ended up like this, all because of you.

"Forget it!" Ye Hao comforted Chen Dongkai, "The matter has reached this stage, there is no way to undo it!"

"You also go to reincarnation early!"

"Hey!\" Originally, Chen Dongkai was still a little worried about the four girls, but now he has completely given up.

"That's it, I'm leaving!"

Chen Dongkai's soul gradually disappeared at the end of his vision!

Chen Meimei didn't take a second look at Chen Dongkai who had gone away, but now she is more concerned about her own revenge: "Mr. Ye Hao, the chicken sea ghost king is the murderer who killed several of our sisters, now you can kill him!\"

"This...?..." Ye Hao couldn't help frowning.

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