MTL - Resurrection of Terror: My Eight Magical Skills Will Be Automatically Cultivated-Chapter 203

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"I don't want to answer these tricky questions you asked, you are a devil!"

Chen Dongkai started roaring hysterically, if anger could kill people, Ye Hao would have been burned to ashes now! Ding.

Chapter 272: Reversing Black and White

Unexpectedly, Chen Meimei asked: "Chen Dongkai, tell the truth, in just a quarter of an hour, if you are not ready, can you quickly set up four altars?"

"I..." Chen Dongkai glared at Chen Meimei and asked, "What do you mean, stinky girl!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Meimei suddenly became cold and severe this time: \"I just want to find out the truth now!\"

"According to what you just said, you didn't know the time of our death in advance, and you didn't have enough time to set up the altar!"

"After discovering that we were killed by Ye Hao, you made us into corpses in order to preserve our bodies!"

"But refining the corpse requires setting up an altar, and it requires a lot of materials!"

\"Without any preparation, in this vast desert, where are you looking for materials to set up an altar? After Ye Hao killed us, you took and transported four corpses from him. It takes at least five minutes!\"

"You only have 10 minutes to set up the altar. How did you do it in this vast desert?"

"Even in the calm desert, you don't have any materials for you to set up the altar, let alone the black wind that is filled with wind and sand?"

"I, I..." Chen Dongkai could say something besides stuttering at this time?

Ye Hao did not discuss about murder, but about corpse refining, and there was no doubt that Ye Hao was an insider and was very familiar with the secret technique of refining corpses. This face-to-face confrontation, going around and around, really got him around!

He was unable to answer the series of questions that Ye Hao was currently raising.

Even if you want to lie, it's not true.

However, Chen Dongkai knew very well in his heart that if he couldn't justify what he said today, these girls would probably turn their faces on the spot and smash him into tens of thousands of pieces. This was definitely not the situation he wanted.

But things have come to this point, and there is nothing left to say about continuing to reason!

The game has to continue to be played, and Chen Dongkai can only play emotional cards.

He did not continue to discuss the issue of refining the corpse, but changed the subject and changed the topic!

"Chen Meimei, you heartless girl, have you forgotten who raised you?"

"Now you actually believe in an outsider instead of your own father, you are really guilty!"

If it was before, Chen Dongkai said this, Chen Meimei would definitely kneel on the ground and kowtow to admit her mistake, but now Chen Meimei is no longer the old Chen Meimei, she is now a corpse!

There are only some incomplete fragments left in the memory of his lifetime!

And after turning into a corpse, her mind and will have also been seriously polluted.

Chen Dongkai's kindness for her upbringing has long been thrown out of the sky by her!

Now what Chen Meimei is thinking about is to find out who is the murderer who killed her. There is no doubt that all the doubts now point to Chen Dongkai, and Chen Dongkai has not been able to produce valid evidence to deny all this. .

After this embarrassing situation lasted for nearly a minute, Chen Meimei continued: "Chen Dongkai, I'm not your biological daughter, and now I don't want to listen to your nonsense at night, what I need to know is the truth!" "Who is it? , I killed four of our sisters, I must take revenge!"

Chen Dongkai suddenly felt ruthless and refuted: "Ye Hao is the initiator of all this!"

"Since you want to know the truth so much, then I'll tell you the truth!"

"The truth is that after Ye Hao killed you, he wanted to refine your corpses into beautiful corpses to satisfy his animal desires!"

"If you don't believe it, you might as well take a closer look. What kind of things are the women around Ye Hao?"

"Ma Yuzhenli] Zhao Yanzhe$ is a corpse, Zhao Fangbei is a ghost|\"

"These women are all beautiful and attractive, but none of them are normal human beings, but from this, it can be seen that Ye Hao is a man with an extremely distorted mind. Possessing your body and refining the corpse is the best way!"

"It happened that I broke through his evil deeds, Ye Hao fled in embarrassment after I exposed the conspiracy!"

The materials used for refining the corpse were all prepared by Ye Hao in advance, and the altars were also arranged by him in advance!

Not to mention, the bunch of nonsense that Chen Dongkai made up after jumping off the wall is really convincing..

After speaking directly, he shied away the responsibilities on himself, and he even covered up the few questions Ye Hao just said and raised.

The ability of this old guy can really be called a cunning and cunning!

Unfortunately, no matter how perfect a lie is, it is still a lie.

Since it is a lie, there must be loopholes!

I really want the lie of my in-laws Chen Dongkai, it's too simple.

"Chen Dongkai, are you overestimating yourself?" Ye Hao replied with a sneer, "If I really killed a few of them to refine their corpses, do you think you could take the corpses from me or what? "

"Since you are so confident in your own strength, now the two of us are fighting. If you can defeat me, I will admit that you have the ability to take the body from me?"

"If you don't have the ability to defeat me, why would you take the body from me?"

"And you stole four corpses at once. Why didn't you kill me on the spot when you were so powerful, and you were so embarrassed by me being chased and killed?"

"I..." This time, Chen Dongkai was really embarrassed.

It must also be said that Ye Hao's understanding of the corpse is much more thorough than his Chen Dongkai.

Yan Zombies are ruthless killing machines. In essence, they are just beautiful zombies!

1.2 It doesn't make any sense for you to talk about feelings with them. All the issues that Yan Shi considers will only consider the basic elements of this issue from an objective perspective. Now Chen Meimei and the others only care about who their enemies are. What kind of family, friendship and so on, in their opinion, it's all bullshit, and it doesn't make any sense.

Chen Dongkai played emotional cards in front of them, which was obviously "showing weakness", and this handle was also perfectly captured by Ye Hao.

"How's it going?" When Chen Dongkai was speechless, Ye Hao continued: "Is it true that I mentioned the pain point, and I am speechless?"

"Chen Dongkai, let me warn you, a scumbag like you who is insane and inhumane is really something everyone gets and kills!"

"If you don't get rid of the sky, you will get rid of it!"?

Chapter 273: The last stubbornness

"Today is your day of death, if you are able to come to your senses and tell the truth, I can also consider giving you a decent way to die, otherwise, what awaits you can only be a death without a corpse! "

Chen Dongkai sternly refuted: "Ye Hao, don't confuse the public with slanderous words here!"

"All of this is planned by the first-hand director, even if you die 10,000 times, you will not be able to wash away your sins!"

"Chen Dongkai, I trouble you to find a mirror and take a good look at it!"

"Look at your ugly appearance now, as well as your ugly and dirty mind. You will only attract anger and resentment if you continue to live in this world!"

\"Now your best destination is death, I advise you??..."

"Go to hell!" Before Ye Hao's words were finished, Chen Dongkai stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards Ye Hao's neck.

Chen Dongkai's current attack is purely a random bite in the case of a dog jumping over a wall.

It may be effective against ordinary people, but in front of Ye Hao, this is purely a joke.

As long as Ye Hao is willing, killing him 02 is really as simple as killing a dog.

The sad thing is that Chen Dongkai still had to come up and give people away. This is the last bit of stubbornness when he faced failure, right?

"Bang!\" Ye Hao grabbed Chen Dongkai's wrist and pushed him to the side with one hand.

When Chen Dongkai wanted to continue chasing him, Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan rushed forward and pinched him.

"Ye Hao, you shriveled tortoise, if you have something, you will fight me to the death, don't let these dirty things disgust me!"

"Guru!\" Ma Yuzhen put on a disgusting look and let go of Chen Dongkai's wrist.

Afterwards, she said extremely exaggeratedly: "Chen Dongkai, you disgusting toad, can you be a little self-aware?"

"Look at the way you are covered in poisonous sores, rotten and stench, and you call me dirty!"

"Is there anything more disgusting than your smelly zombie?"

This guy Chen Dongkai is also wonderful. When he was just under the control of Ma Yuzhen and Zhao Yan, he claimed to fight Ye Hao to the death. Now that Ma Yuzhen let him go, this guy ran away without looking back.

This old guy really took the concept of shameless to the extreme.

This time, there was no need for Ma Yuzhen and the others to chase after Chen Dongkai, but Chen Meimei and the others directly chased after them.

After their group went through a fierce fight, Chen Dongkai was carried back by Chen Meimei and the others.

"Pfft\" A loud noise came, and Chen Dongkai was thrown to the ground roughly.

The good thing is that now Chen Dongkai's physical state is also a zombie state, even if he is thrown to the ground, it doesn't matter. If he was changed to his previous human form, he would have to fart on the spot if he was thrown so hard. Chen Dongkai struggled to get up from the ground, but Chen Meimei stepped up and stepped on his neck.

"Tell me how you killed us!"

It has already reached this point, and Chen Dongkai even wants to deny it: "Chen Meimei, you unfilial son, have you forgotten who brought you up, an ungrateful **** like you will not end well. !\"

"Hahaha!" Chen Meimei also laughed in anger, "Chen Dongkai, please wake up!"

"I have not forgotten the kindness of your upbringing to me. On the contrary, I remember it very clearly!"

"But what about that? Like you said, people like me don't end well!"

"And I have already had a very bad end. I ended up today, not because I was ungrateful, but because I believed in you too much, and I valued my feelings too much!"

"I treat you as my father, and you just treat me as a tool you use!"

"I am no longer the me I used to be!"

"In order to repay your kindness to me, I have already handed over my life to you. Now I am no longer alone, I am a zombie with no soul and no feelings!"

"You see me as a person, it's your own stupidity, and you keep declaring your upbringing grace, it's shameless!"

"Since you have fallen into my hands today, don't think about leaving safely!"

"Humph!\" Chen Dongkai suddenly put away his sad expression, showing a hideous face, "What can you do to me?"

"I'm already a zombie now, I'm already a zombie, you can't kill me even if you slap me with a thousand cuts!"

"I have the power to transcend reincarnation, you stupid woman, in my eyes, you are nothing but an ant!"

Chen Dongkai directly put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by water. Chen Meimei was furious and took out the knife and slashed several times on him in a row.

It's a pity that Chen Dongkai's body was already rotten and turned into a corpse.

At this time, Chen Meimei really had nothing to do with him.

Chen Lele suggested: "We set him on fire and burned him to a pile of ashes to see if he died?"

"It's useless!" Ye Hao said in a condensed voice, "Chen Dongkai's current state is not actually a black zombie in the strict sense.

"His real state should be a ghost king. The ghost king 590 possessed Chen Dongkai's body in the form of possession. It happened that he was scratched by a black zombie during the possession stage, and his body was infected into a black zombie.

But the will that controls this body is still that brutal Specter!

"Hahaha!" Chen Dongkai laughed loudly, "What's the use of you talking nonsense now, just set me on fire!"

Ye Hao shook his head and sighed: "I've set fire to Chen Dongkai's body now, and you will be able to escape from the confinement immediately!"

"Conversely, if I don't kill Chen Dongkai now, your will will be imprisoned in Chen Dongkai's body and cannot escape!"

"As long as you are still under my control, I have 10,000 ways to make you disappear without a place to be buried!"

"So now the initiative is in my hands, you are smiling so happily now, is it too early to be happy!"

Chen Dongkai refuted sternly: "Ye Hao, you son of a bitch, if you have the guts, you will kill Lao Tzu!"

"If you dare not kill me today, you are not a man, you are a **** without courage!"

"Haha!\" Ye Hao replied with a sneer, "Your superficial aggressive tactics are useless to me!"

What Ye Hao didn't know was that the communication between him and Chen Dongkai directly scared the crowd of zombies present! Could it be that this is the legendary death begging? ?


Chapter 274: You are not qualified to be arrogant

Now if Ye Hao kills Chen Dongkai, it will free him!

Without the shackles of his body, he can escape quickly in the form of a soul body. This guy has the strength of a fiery ghost king, but he is much more powerful than an ordinary ghost king. If he is determined to escape, Ye Hao may not be able to stop him. But as long as his body is still there, his soul body cannot escape.

Chen Dongkai used another sorcery to forcibly fuse the body of the black zombie using the soul body of the Fire Ghost King.

Read The Duke's Passion