MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 28 Affection

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Suddenly, Fu Zihan and Li Xiao overtook the Legacy four!

This is no wonder.

Although Du Yunxiu's four have their own characteristics, either handsome or **** or neutral and soft.

But they are just carp leaping through the dragon gate. Even if they can jump as high as they can, one day they can successfully transform the dragon ... they can't hide the bottom of the ordinary carp.

But Fu Zihan and Li Xiao are different.

The two were born with a golden spoon and were born with the life of Prince True Dragon. Coupled with an outstanding family history, studying abroad, coupled with a very handsome or cynical appearance of evil, and the wealth status represented behind it-is simply the ultimate dream of women!

If you say that Legacy is playing the Prince Charming in idol dramas.

Then Fu Zihan and Li Xiao are the real princes in reality! Not only do fans buy the bill, even the media have to give ESE and Crown Glory a three-point relationship, open their way, admire countless, and continue to be sought after!

As soon as Fu Zihan ’s fans came out with the slogan "Han is like a sea of ​​smoke", the fans here at Li Xiao held up and shouted "Happy in the world". It seems like a hiccup, in just over a month, the popularity of these two people has risen steadily.

Fu Zihan and Li Xiao's background certainly played a big role in it.

However, the situation that caused this sharp edge to be completely overwhelmed by others was also related to Legacy's internal contradictions.

Legacy is now completely devoid of the energy and fighting spirit of his debut.

When Fu Zihan and Li Xiao captured the show business and robbed fans, Legacy can be said that he easily let his own popular throne easily. Not only is there no effective action and full exposure, but it is on the dangerous edge of internal divisions, and the negative news of gossip playing big names keeps going.

The reason lies in Chu Feng and Amanda.

Amanda's handling of the last car accident by Du Yunxiu was not favorable.

But as long as the above said a few words secretly, Chu Feng and the three of them escorted quickly. Chu Feng does not need to say why; Fujisawa has always thanked Amanda for helping him deal with the gossip event, and even helped him properly handle a minor girl whose stomach was enlarged by him; as for Wei Yifei, the psychology at that time The doctor asked Amanda to ...

There are three popular artists who stand behind to help intercede. ESE can only make Amanda pay more attention and don't repeat it.

However, since Du Yunxiu and Chu Feng received the movie separately.

Fujisawa and Wei Yifei have some opinions on Amanda from the bottom of her heart, although she still holds Amanda high on the surface, boasting that she is the most capable and beautiful female agent.

With such boasting, Amanda never noticed that a crack had actually appeared.

Not long ago, the best newcomer award of the Jinbai Award was won by Du Yunxiu.

Chu Feng began to be indifferent to Amanda and had no good looks. Especially after newspapers and other entertainers used their stand up as a joke ...

All this is caused by the other party.

Amanda did not comfort Chu Feng:

"It won't necessarily be good to win the Best Newcomer Award! In the entertainment industry, it won't be long after winning this award. You see that there are some who are currently active in the movie industry and have won the Best Newcomer Award ... Even journalists who run the Kimberly Prize every year say that the best newcomer award is a curse. "

Despite Amanda's good words, Chu Feng still showed no signs of dying.

Even worse, attendance at the event began to be late.

When they were not famous, the four felt that the apartment the company had given them was pretty good and relatively high-end.

After the fame of these two years, the gap appeared, and I found that the place where I live is completely inferior to other star villas.

So each bought a house and no longer lived together.

As a result, four people, as a team of Legacy, were invited by the merchants to attend the event. Amanda could not go to the apartment like before, and all four were called.

This kind of time can only be controlled by everyone.

Chu Feng was late alone, and the associated Legacy was affected. Amanda continued to accompany the smile and apology to the merchants.

And the other three, even if not on the table, Amanda felt their dissatisfaction.

She persuaded Chu Feng several times in private.

The first two times were soft-spoken, and found that Chu Feng was not late because of an unexpected situation, but she was intentionally confronting her at all. Determined his current status and value, as long as he is not exceptional, ESE can't really take him.

Amanda was also a little angry, her tone gradually hardened, and she even made a spike on the spot!

Even if the two have a lover relationship.

But Chu Feng really felt like she was a soft persimmon! ?

Once this grievance is born.

Amanda's attitude towards Chu Feng became indifferent, the two were very stiff, and the atmosphere of Legacy became more and more depressed, as if it was coming at any time.

Once again, Chu Feng was on the show for more than half an hour.

Amanda just gave him a cold look and said nothing. However, when Chu Feng was out on a certain day and she was in a hurry, she called Chu Feng's assistant and asked her to call Chu Feng to return to the company to meet immediately.


At first Chu Feng thought it was impossible.

But ask the assistant to call Amanda, and Amanda's phone shuts down. Call other Legacy members, either don't buy his account and hit a soft nail, or just say yes, ambiguous, making him impossible to judge.

As for Yun Xiu ... although he may know more clearly if asked, Chu Feng will never call.

In this case, Chu Feng could only rush back.

And it turned out to show his worst fears-Amanda just meant to play him! Li Rui is on a business trip, and other senior executives have no intention of meeting!

Chu Fengzhang walked on the aisle of the ESE office building.

The fatigue of the location, the hours of driving, and the inability to say anything in this way made him look very ugly.

When passing by an office.

The office door suddenly opened, and Chu Feng was shocked, and immediately found out that this was Feng Jing's office!

Chu Feng met Feng Feng face to face.

After a few seconds, he greeted him coldly and warmly: "General Feng."

In fact, after the Kimberly Prize.

In addition to Chu Feng and Amanda's bad life, there is another person who has also been affected-that is, Fengjing!

Du Yunxiu's last car accident caused delays in the movie.

Feng Jing used ESE's right to put pressure on the director, and finally compensated for some lost-time expenses. He is not without power, but his power is not so great. Originally, these things were carried on the back of Li Rui, and the cost of missing work was only signed on the basis of a car accident.

But he was taken to Li Rui by Amanda:

"Originally the director had asked for a replacement, Feng Jing didn't agree! Yun Xiu said he could film in fifteen days, but Feng Jing asked him to start work after forty days-this was the main reason for the delay!

There is nothing wrong with letting an artist take care of his body, but letting the company pay for lost time ... "

Amanda talked about it.

Li Rui just waved his hand, indicating that he knew no more investigation.

Then the incident of the Kimberly-Clark Prize happened.

Mu Zhebai and Jing Jing asked guiltily to explain the cause afterwards, saying that he finally received a phone call from Feng Jing and spread the news of the other party. Xie Yi then switched to Yun Xiu ...

At first glance, Mu Zhebai and Amanda were clearly different from each other.

He is always cautious and cannot make any mistakes. Just like the suit he usually wears, under any circumstances, he can't see a trace of folds. Not panic and methodical.

Li Rui still waved his hands unpredictably, indicating that he knew.

No wonder Xie Yi and No Mu Zhebai. Someone, for the first time, abused his powers and challenged his authority for the second time ...

Things behind these.

Li Rui never talked about Feng Jing. Even if the two have dinner together, the attitude towards Feng Jing is no different from that before.

It was only after Feng Jing discovered that his permission was restricted ...

"Why? A bad spirit?" Feng Jing looked at Chu Feng with a smile.

Chu Feng heard a hum in his heart.

Of course not so good.

Original awards-lost because of you! How could it be okay? !! After Amanda "set" the reasons for the change in awards from Mu Zhebai, he was ...

"People who haven't won the best newcomer award, of course, can only work harder and shoot more movies."


This imperative tone surprised Chu Feng's back!

He just regretted what he said just now-a bit presumptuous!

Even if Mr. Huang of Pinyou Entertainment Co., Ltd. was interested in digging him during this time, his current contract is still at ESE. Feng Jing is still the director of ESE ...

"What's the matter?" The thought flashed, and Chu Feng immediately changed his expression.

"Come in with me."

Chu Feng's eyes changed slightly, but he obediently followed behind Feng Jing and entered the small conference room next to him.

There is a projector in the conference room, which is connected to the computer, and the white projection screen is hung on the wall opposite the long desk.

Feng Jing didn't even say "sit" to Chu Feng, so she turned on the computer and took a DVD of "TheLegacy" into the optical disc drive.

"Your idol."

Chu Feng looked at the other person and nodded, understanding what Feng Jing meant.

Feng Jing casually pressed fast forward to enter the middle of the plot.

When returning to normal speed, the plot just stopped at the scene where the actor played by Chu Feng was arguing with the heroine, and he misunderstood that the heroine liked Du Yunxiu.

"... Do you like him?" His hand waved to Yun Xiu, jealous and angry!

"I just like Yun Xiu ?!" Obviously the eyes were red, but stubbornly refused to drop tears.


The two quarreled for a while, and at last Chu Fengqi got out of the door. The door slammed into the wall with a bang.

"What do you think of your acting?"

Chu Feng felt that he was acting well.

The feeling of anger and sadness was felt when filming.

But Chu Feng didn't understand what medicine was sold in Fengjing gourd, so she just slowed down her tone: "You are professional in this field. I try hard to figure out the role, but I don't feel right when I look at myself.

Feng Jing turned his head back, his slender eyes narrowed slightly, and bent into a beautiful arc.

"The opinions of others are not necessarily objective, so ..." Feng Jing said as he turned off the stereo. "So it's still like this."


Chu Feng is a little bit puzzled-watching a mime?

Although he didn't understand what Feng Jing wanted to do, he still looked at the projection screen.

A minute passed ...

Ten minutes passed ...

At first, he found nothing wrong.

Anyway, there are still impressions in the plot. Even if he doesn't know what the people in it are saying, he knows how the story develops. But it ’s been a long time ...

Chu Feng knew he was tall and photogenic.

It is easy to attract the attention of others in the lens. But after ten minutes of screening, he suddenly found that although his posture and movement were exaggerated and exaggerated, but after a long time, he would be very monotonous, always those few moves ...

From beginning to end.

If you don't know the whole plot, once the lines are missing, the performance can't be connected together.

And Yun Xiu.

Although I couldn't hear the lines, I didn't pave the way for the previous plot.

But in just ten minutes, his eyes had tenderness and sorrow, and his body language was not as exaggerated as himself, but he was very rich. Every movement seemed very natural, unlike him now, looking back at himself, in some places, he still didn't know how to put it.

Even if it's just mime ...

Yun Xiu's performance can also make the audience feel the emotion he wants to convey.

After Chu Feng discovered this, he could not help but frowned, and Feng Jing had a new action.

This time, he turned off the projection screen and turned on the speaker.

No image is visible. Just hear the sound.

Chu Feng heard his own line and reprimanded the hostess with a domineering tone:

"Why are you so stupid! It's fine for us to be a man like this. What kind of hand do you have for a girl! Doesn't a man exist to protect women ...

Although after the audio was turned off, there was no line to set off, his performance did not seem as vivid as Yun Xiu.

But this time only listening to the voice, he felt that his tone was still in place. Chu Feng looked at Feng Jing with confidence, but Feng Jing just held the coffee, took a sip, and smiled at him.

Just, the longer you listen.

The more Chu Feng felt wrong, although the lines could push the plot forward, let the audience understand the story, and understand what was going on between the characters.


Yun Xiu, unlike him ...

It seems that the other party is dealing with lines.

Every pause, every turn, every stress, the more evocative it sounds, even the beginning and end of a tone can be two different intonations ...

This effect.

He's only heard it with professional voice actors.

The more Chu Feng heard, the more shocked.

When Yun Xiu said these lines, did he know how to deal with them? ...... Like him, memorize the lines according to the plot, the tone, etc., is only affected by the mood of the character at the time.

If it is the latter, it may just be that Yun Xiu is stronger than his feeling ability.

If the former ...

He always thought he was on par with Yun Xiu's acting skills.

But at this moment, Chu Feng was stunned. Or, to be aware of something.

Feng Jing pulled the hair from the cheeks back to her ears, tied it again with a silver hairband, and made a handsome hairstyle, then turned off the computer and the projector.

All images and sounds disappear.

"What do you think?" Feng Jing's smile sounded in the empty conference room.

Chu Feng was shocked, raised his head and looked at Feng Jing.

There was a light of humiliation under his eyes, and finally he bit his lip and walked out of the conference room without a word, out of the ESE office building ...


Probably it was a relationship that had been rectified once by Amanda.

Chu Feng was never late or playing big names, but just became a little different than before. The former Chu Feng was more like a young and invincible foal, but now it has become a quiet and strong adult horse.

There is a change coming from the heart ...

For Du Yunxiu, there is no such situation as the harmony between people before and the ignorance of people behind the Jinbai Awards.

But this point, Du Yunxiu didn't feel it very clearly-because he was arranged by ESE to play the TV series "G.I.B" with Crown Glory Fu Zihan, Government IssueBoys.

Although ESE and Crown Glory are in a relationship of enemy and friend in this circle.

One of the two companies is mainly in filmmaking, most of them are actors, the other is the release of records, and the signed artists are mostly singers. But in this era of performing while singing, singing while performing, an era in which artists perform multiple roles, ESE and Crown Glory still form an intersection, not without a competitive intersection.

However, Li Rui is very fond of this younger brother.

The mother gave birth to a child at an advanced age, so Li Xiao was frail and sick as soon as she was born. I was thin like a little cat from a young age, and I only had a small amount of food throughout the day. When I grow up, I feel healthy. And after his mother died, Xiao Lixiao only turned around him. Before going abroad, Li Rui could almost be said to have raised Li Xiao himself and raised him.

Compared with the half-brother Li Chen.

His concern for Li Xiao, even when Feng Jing had the closest relationship with him, he was jealous when he met ...

Because Li Xiao wants to enter the music scene.

So even if there is competition with Crown Glory in some places, Li Rui can ignore it, and personally call for the grandfather of Crown Glory to drink tea, and ask the other party to take care of Li Xiao, bring the younger generation, and go to the other party's programs.

ESE is doing a good job in film and television.

But in the singing world, crown glory is the boss.

And Fu Zihan, the grandson of Grandpa Fu, is interested in acting.

After Li Rui learned about it, he immediately arranged for him to play with Chu Feng, and even invested heavily in "G.I.B" with a lot of action scenes. There are location shows in South Korea and Japan.

However, Fu Zihan named Yunxiu.

Although Li Rui didn't know whether the other party was young or proud, he relied on the crown glory behind him and became the master of his own site.

However, Yun Xiu has just won the Jinbai Award for Best Newcomer. The first TV series to be filmed after winning the award will indeed attract more attention and cause more conversation.

So Li Rui agreed with the other party's designation.

For such a candidate change.

Chu Feng was unexpectedly not dissatisfied, just nodded and accepted. He did not ridicule or neglect Yun Xiu in the background.


It's a bit surprising that the company will make such an arrangement.

But this is really a big production, director, photographer, props group, stylist, all very senior staff. In order to highlight the momentum of many scenes, he also rented helicopters to take panoramic views.

It's just that he and Fu Zihan played special forces in this play, and the scenes of blasting and blasting are indispensable.

This action play is different from Tang Yunqi.

It is not necessary to exercise in the gym, but more to train in the field of physical fitness and skills.

The first day of filming.

Because of the requirements of the script, Yun Xiu and Fu Zihan would drag a stupid heavy tire, tie it with a twine and tie it around his waist, and run on the playground in the sky full of yellow dust ...

The dust dragged by the tire is sometimes too large, which affects the shooting of NG.

The two ran several laps over and over again, almost a few kilometers, before they shot this one.

A few days down.

Du Yunxiu was so tired that there were a lot of red and swollen marks on his body.

He was not Chu Feng's strong man. I haven't filmed this kind of drama for almost ten years in the past life. Although it has become a young body, this body is just an ordinary person.

But that Fu Zihan ...

The side of the party at that time made him feel good about this young man. Later it became known that he was the grandson of Father Fu, the heir to Crown Glory. He originally thought that the other party was just playing tickets, but he did not expect that in the past few days, the other party did not have the kind of new people who ca n’t bear hardships, and the rich man ’s habit of putting on display.

All the scenes were done by myself, and even the assistant arranged a stand-in, which was never used.

As I thought about it, the doorbell rang.

Du Yunxiu opened the door and Fu Zihan was wearing a white casual Tee. He came in with a bottle of medicinal oil in his hand.

Du Yunxiu was a little surprised.

Although he filmed the scene together for a few days, he did not take the initiative to chat with Fu Zihan, and the relationship between the two was not very familiar ... more importantly, he did not want to give Fu Zihan a kind because of the identity of the other party, and immediately approached illusion.

Fu Zihan was not at all restrained, and walked into the room with ease.

They are now filming outside, staying in the hotel suite, Fu Zihan lives next to him, the room layout is similar.

"In the past few days, some places have been scratched. My grandfather was so worried that he had sent two bottles of medicinal oil." Fu Zihan said, shrugging, a helpless look.

His tone was a bit exotic, with a bit of inaccurate sound, which sounded a bit unbearable. On such a night, listening to this tone of speech, can't help but let people relax and alert ...

"Sit down, I'll get you a bottle of drink." Du Yunxiu quickly entertained the other party.

"Pepsi." The other party was not polite at all, and after that he narrowed down Yunxiu with amber eyes, revealing that kind of big boy-like smile.

Du Yunxiu took two cans from the refrigerator and handed them to the other.

Fu Zihan took it, opened the ring and took a sip, and his slender neck tilted back slightly, revealing **** and young lines. Wheat-colored skin had a dense honey color under the light ...

"Ah, so cool!" Fu Zihan narrowed his eyes comfortably.

Du Yunxiu also took a sip with a smile, then gently held Pepsi in his hand.

"I didn't expect that I could film with you!" Fu Zihan looked at the other side with a smile, and his beautiful eyebrows were very charming. "I saw your" The Legacy "when I was abroad. The girl in the class at the time The classmate also pointed at you and said to me, Richard, I will find such a boyfriend in the future ... "

Fu Zihan spoke with a light tone.

Unlike the polite and formal manner of the official Party that day, at this time he is more like an ordinary teenager of this age, his voice is full of youthful and clean breath. The light fell on his profiled side face, reflecting his nose upright.

"It's just in the play." Du Yunxiu shook his head lightly and smiled. "It can't be done ..."

The other person stopped in his smile.

Looking at him with those amber-eyed eyes, it was ... a look like worship, curiosity, and a little more than these ...

"What? Is there anything on my face?" Du Yunxiu touched his face.

Fu Zihan raised an eyebrow, and shook his head a bit exaggeratedly: "No face, but there is on the body."

"Ah?" Du Yunxiu froze, then looked at his clothes and arms in doubt.

"Not here."

Fu Zihan suddenly sat over and approached Du Yunxiu.

Because he was sitting close, Du Yunxiu could even feel the other person's body temperature and the warm airflow when breathing. And it ’s more like a tide pouring over ... it ’s the refreshing taste of the other person just after bathing ...

"Here it is." The other party gently nodded the swelling and bruising on his arm.

Then looked up.

Amber eyes looked at him with shimmering light inside.