MTL - Reincarnation of a Superstar-Chapter 27 Start reading

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After the awards ceremony of the Jinbai Awards over the years, there is a Party.

This year is no exception.

This time, "Tang Yunqi" has won six nominations and won four small golden cypresses including the best actress, best newcomer award, best photography award and best soundtrack award! A lot of gains!

Du Yunxiu, as a member of "Tang Yunqi" crew, naturally stayed with the director at Party.

However, Legacy was affiliated with the ESE company. As a result, after Du Yunxiu greeted his sisters and brothers in the company, he did not see the director again when he turned back.

Du Yunxiu searched the crowd with champagne, but the director did not find it, but he saw Liu Yi's familiar purple soft light tube top dress and matching expensive diamond jewelry.

He could not help but smile.

Although the actresses went to the red carpet a bit harder, but the design of these evening dresses is indeed beautiful and elegant, and the light is flowing ... Especially when you want to find someone, it is really convenient.

Liu Yi was holding a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice and was chatting with several other artists.

Those artists Du Yunxiu knew it.

He made his debut a few years later, and spent five or six years in this circle, deeper than Liu Yi's qualifications. I have made a lot of good TV series and movies, there are regular fans and movie fans, but it is always a few steps away from the big red and purple.

At this Party, Du Yun is more familiar with Chu Feng and Liu Yi.

He and Chu Feng are a combination. Although it seems to be close on weekdays, there has always been a hidden competition between the two.

In other words ... Faces may not be in harmony.

This is an unavoidable but understandable thing in this entertainment circle that is more popular and more attractive than gold.

Just as the Jinbai Award was just awarded, some reporters asked Chu Feng in an interview later, would it be frustrating if he didn't get the award?

Chu Feng said with a smile, it was a bit regrettable that he couldn't get the best newcomer award. But after hearing that his good brother won the prize, he was still very happy for Yun Xiu! Because that's the glory that belongs to their Legacy team!

As for why he was so excited after hearing that the winner was Yun Xiu's name?

Chu Feng responded with "just being happy for Yun Xiu".

Although the answer to this question is not leaky, but these old reporters are not the first time to do this business. What's inside and what's tricky, I have long guessed that it is seven or seven.

On the table, Chu Feng still behaved generously, it seems that Legacy is a group with brotherly friendship.

But as soon as the interview was over, as soon as he came to the party, Chu Feng immediately lost track of ...


It's really awkward to have no known people at such a party.

Du Yunxiu had to walk towards Liu Yi with his glass.

"That Yun Xiu is good. Just recently debuted, what is the most popular combination, is a popular idol, and the best newcomer award."

"It's just a face! I don't understand what fans think now, and how the current entertainment scene has become like this!" Another male artist who has a bit of talent to take over, "No acting skills, no singing skills Singing skills. It ’s just that you can grow up, there is a group of little girls who are crazy about it, it ’s so funny! "

"Who doesn't know that the award of the Golden Cypress Award is internal. I'm afraid that ESE spent a lot of money to get the judges." A gossip of a female star who took a cute route but never won an award, "Chu Fengxian didn't see it Are you up ?! "

"Eh? It seems to be real. Chu Fengchao was so happy at the time, wasn't it ... it was Yun Xiu who grabbed it later?" Someone sneered and laughed. "I heard that the director of ESE prefers male sex, I don't know ... Is it art? And "dedication" ... "

This circle is full of beauty, fame and temptation.

In order to get the role, so that the boss, the producer, the investor, the director ... even the relationship with them in exchange.

Countless things are common.

After some gossip, even if a few of them haven't seen Yun Xiu and ESE executives clearly, but the vague and subtle tone has closely linked Yun Xiu's award with the so-called "inside story" behind ... ...

Probably the wine was a bit too much, and the few people were in a state of simmering, so they talked a little "forget about it."

Or they thought that Yun Xiu was just a small newcomer, or they had chosen to enter the entertainment industry by selection. They had never heard of any background or background. Therefore, they should say a few words as ancestors and express their "opinions".

Throughout the process, Liu Yi's face changed slightly at the beginning.

But then still holding the juice gracefully, listening to their discussion with a smile. Don't interrupt and say nothing more.

The result is that they did not find that Du Yunxiu was not far away ...

Du Yunxiu's pace stopped halfway.

The moment I saw Liu Yi in the crowd, the good mood disappeared.

He shook his head involuntarily and sighed softly.

Du Yunxiu understood.

This is the entertainment industry. Maybe just congratulations in person, but there is another face behind.

Stomach honey belly sword, stepping on the upper level of things endless.

It is also common for newcomers to be suppressed by their seniors.

Throughout the entertainment industry, he was very sober and very clear about his acting skills and where he was.

Is it really bad that they say nothing ...

However, there is no clear-cut price or performance rating for acting.

This kind of benevolent sees the wise sees the wisdom often comes from other people and the media's evaluation of you.

There are many people who say you perform well, and audiences who do n’t know how to discern acting skills may feel like they performed well.

Similarly, if other artists and media outflow this person acting out is very general.

So is it normal, or is it really not bad?

Many people don't have the heart to think at that time, so a considerable part of the audience follows the crowd, and the crowd goes.

Moreover, he is really just a newcomer.

The speed of becoming popular is too fast. Before acting in a movie, I got a very good box office and word of mouth, and even won awards ... This kind of performing arts really started much better than other artists.

Maybe it is this smooth sailing that has made some artists or companies in a competitive relationship with ESE look uncomfortable.

This is, showbiz ...

I was no longer in the mood to say hello in the past.

Du Yunxiu smiled at himself, and was about to turn around and walk away. A clear but calm voice suddenly came to his ears—


"With Yun Xiu's acting skills, it's more than enough to win this best newcomer award." A shimmering silver long dress lined Lin Xuan's temperament cold and beautiful, noble and elegant, like a goddess in the snow.

She apparently passed by, not even interested in stopping to greet the people, but only occasionally looked at them and stopped.

This is just a small gesture.

Just one look.

But those people seem to be shortened by three inches in the eyes of Lin Xuan-because this is true, they can't compare, the posture of international superstars!

If you use wind to describe it.

Perhaps Liu Yi is the kind of breeze, while Lin Xuan is a class like a hurricane or a tornado. The cold breath emitted from the body, most people dare not approach, and cannot approach.

That is the gap.

Not only in status, but also in momentum.

"As for questioning his acting skills, I suggest you go back and take a good look at his" Tang Yunqi. "Lin Xuan raised her slender eyebrows, but her tone was faint," ... at least, the 13 shortlisted this year. I've watched all the movies, and then I'll comment on them. "

Although Lin Xuan is just the guest of honor for this year's awards, it is enough to present the awards.

But before returning home, she still took the time to watch all the nominated films.

But Lin Xuan did it, other artists may not be able to do it.

Most people who have just commented on hearing or just watching this movie clip.

On the one hand, because the artist's time itself is very small, the current movie is released one after another, and it has been basically impossible to watch all of them.

On the other hand, they are "gossip" with a subtle attitude.

I haven't seen the film, it is only a measure for those who are fair in life.

For those who are disgusted with Yun Xiu or feel threatened because the other person's popularity is more than themselves, even if the movie is shown hundreds of times in front of them, they can still ignore it and make a fuss.

It's just that when this "jue word" arrives in front of Lin Xuan, it will all be heard.

Because of the words "林, 萱".

It is not the third time to get the title of film, the acting skills are superb, and the box office guarantee is so simple. In recent years, she has developed abroad, and the films she has made are not only popular at the box office, but also nominated by Oscar!

With such weight and qualifications, no one in the actress can keep up.

Even looking at all the artists, only one Xie Yi may be able to look back ...

When a female celebrity comes to her, she can no longer be controlled by her boss and director.

Because of her fame, her worth, her acting skills, the awards she won, and her box office guarantee, it's all there! No one can shake!

...... With such qualifications and fame, who dare not speak up?

Lin Xuan gave them a slight glance.

Seeing that those people stopped talking, they were ready to leave. She had just passed by, and accidentally heard their gossip Yun Xiu chat. Yun Xiu's relationship with the senior management of ESE is ambiguous. She is not clear, so she does not comment.

But the part that judges Yun Xiu's acting skills ...


"Sister Lin!" Liu Yi called her from behind.

Lin Xuan turned her head, picked a detailed eyebrow, and made an inquiry.

"Sister Lin ... are you okay this time? I just had no time to greet you at the awards ceremony." Liu Yi's manners have always been generous and decent, but in front of Lin Xuan ...

how to say?

Du Yunxiu felt that the two of them ... like the gap between a capable female employee who has just entered the company and a strong woman who has been in the workplace for several years.

-Not the same level.

In front of Lin Xuan, Liu Yi's greenness was clearly contrasted.

The aura was also lowered by Lin Xuan.

"Not bad." Lin Xuan said lightly. Although there is no indifference to other people between the beautiful eyebrows, there is not much enthusiasm.

"That's good. We all miss you very much. My brother, my brother ..." Liu Yi mentioned Liu Zhang, and he didn't feel like he had become sulky.

"You are the heroine of" Tang Yunqi. "Lin Xuan interrupted the other person's words and did not want to listen anymore.

"Huh? ... Yes." Liu Yi froze slightly, some wondering why Lin Xuan suddenly changed the subject.

"You have also been in this circle for several years. Yun Xiu's acting skills ... What do you think of the person who just won the best actress?"

Liu Yi blushed and understood what Lin Xuan meant.

"Not like that. Because those people ..." she wanted to explain.

"At this point, you are unexpectedly similar to your brother-you will always choose" protect your body ", or say, timid? Oh." Lin Xuan turned, "I accept your greetings. As for you Brother, there is no need. "

"My brother has long regretted it!"

"You, really can't accept it ..." Liu Yi chased after him.

Lin Xuan turned and was about to leave.

There are too many guests on this Party. Not only the crowd blocked the view, Liu Yi's words more or less distracted her. Lin Xuan didn't notice that at the same time, there was a waiter behind her holding a tray of drinks. .

There was originally a guest standing between the waiter and Lin Xuan. As a result, as soon as the guest moved, the waiter took a step forward, and Lin Xuan turned around, and the two were about to collide--

Du Yunxiu's eye disease hand took a step forward, with his arm extended and a rotation, Lin Xuan was taken by him.

The silver elegant long dress ripples in the air ...

"Wow," the sound of splashing wine, and the sound of a glass falling when the goblet fell to the ground.

So all that happened was just a matter of a second or two.

This kind of movement is not small, and immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"... Are you okay?" Lin Xuan gave a slight hesitation.

Suddenly a young man hugged his waist and turned around, Lin Xuan was really unresponsive for a moment.

After waiting to see clearly, I found that the person in front of me was Yun Xiu who had just won the best newcomer award. She was about to ask angrily, how did the other party make such a move!

The sound of shattered glass and the apology of the waiter ...

Only then did Lin Xuan understand that it was the young man who resolved the unexpected situation.

"It's all right, all right." Du Yunxiu smiled slightly.

A pair of eyes, like the slowly floating clouds in the May sky, are clear and clean.

He flicked the water stain on his right shoulder with his hand.

The tray just hit his right shoulder. Although the wine inevitably splashed on his white Versace suit, but — fortunately, he did not splash on Lin Xuan.

It would be even more embarrassing for an actress to happen.

He's a man, it doesn't matter.

"Your suit ..."

"Don't care." Du Yunxiu's eyes were sincere, and while he was assured of Lin Xuan, he waved his hand to signal to the waiter who felt uneasy that he had broken the catastrophe and could leave.

"Drinks are pouring on it." Lin Xuan frowned slightly. If it wasn't for the other party, it might be the one who is wet on the skirt now, whether it is the chest or the hem, it is a very bad position ...

"It doesn't matter, just go back and change another set."

"Thank you, otherwise I'm sure I'm going to have trouble." Lin Xuan showed a shallow smile to Du Yunxiu, her tone of gratitude.

Lin Xuan has shown people with a low-key and cold image in the past two years.

At this moment a smile, as if the petals drifted on the sparkling lake, so Du Yunxiu suddenly felt a sense of time ...

"... Good, you haven't changed." Du Yun repaired and said gently.

Whether at the award ceremony or Lin Xuan who just spoke to Liu Yi.

Although she is still beautiful and beautiful, years have not left any marks on her ... but her temperament and her temperament seem to have changed ...

It is no longer Lin Xuan who was sometimes lively and sometimes gentle. It was cold, snow-like, Lin Xuan with a hint of alienation.

Such Lin Xuan is unfamiliar to him and has never seen it before ...

But in his heart, Lin Xuan has no one to replace. No matter what changes, Lin Xuan is still a very important person in his heart.

But now it's just a few seconds of contact.

Du Yunxiu found out that Lin Xuan was the Lin Xuan he was familiar with. Even if the makeup becomes cold and beautiful, the kind of bones has not changed ...

"What?" Lin Xuan didn't hear clearly.

Du Yunxiu didn't repeat, just smiled gently at her.

Looked at each other's clear eyes.

Lin Xuan's heartbeat suddenly slowed.

The tender, tolerant look, the feeling of acquaintance, quickly invaded her heart ...


"Do you need a handkerchief?" Someone approached and asked politely. Inadvertently broke the atmosphere between Lin Xuan and Du Yunxiu.

Du Yunxiu turned his head.

——A very good looking young man, handsome in appearance, tall, with wide shoulders and long legs.

About twenty years old, a pair of amber eyes are as beautiful as glass beads. Inside, they seem to accumulate star fragments, shining.

The temperament between Meiyu is very special, it is the type that will leave a deep impression once it has been seen once.

His tone is special.

Not that pure Chinese, but an exotic accent.

It is also because of this relationship that his voice shows a distinctive magnetic charm.

"I just saw you in order to protect Lin Xuan, the suit was splashed with alcohol." The other person stretched out a handkerchief, and smiled like a little boy.

"... Thank you." Du Yunxiu reacted and took it quickly.

"My name is Fu Zihan."

When Lin Xuan heard the name, he looked at the other person with a little surprise ... Surname Fu? Wouldn't it be ...

This is a vignette that happened at Party.

At this moment, someone took the initiative to enter the chess game; someone has been paying attention to, such as Liu Yi; others also kept a low profile to watch, but not close, such as Pei Qing not far away; more recently returned Someone is in the secret place of the back garden, enjoying the joy of fish and water with the female star who just got on ...

No one knows.

... their fate in the future is intertwined.


The Jinbai Awards have not yet ended.

The showbiz industry suddenly set off a new wave, and it was fierce!

The two newcomers became popular, the momentum of the limelight, and the popularity was almost as good as Legacy!

All the media reports are on the headlines every day!

What kind of costumes they wear, how to say hello to other artists, and what kind of female artist MV is looking for, even if it is a trivial matter, they can occupy half of the newspaper!

And their female fans are even more crazy and enthusiastic! Post it every day, the forum message board refreshes with hundreds of pages!

These two newcomers quickly broke the record that Legacy had set!


One is the grandson of Crown Glory Fu, and the other is ESE Li Rui's younger brother-status, honor, power and wealth represented behind him.

They are called Fu Zihan and Li Xiao.

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