MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 2 People who cannot be reincarnated

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Updated: 2013-06-12

Two months later, the fairy moon pavilion in the royal palace went into the water, and Princess Xie and a few maidservants had no time to escape and were burned to death. Zhou Fangfei was in position, and she got the key again.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, something bad is happening!" Xu Si-niang looked panic, closed the door and said, "Slave went to glance yesterday, the woman is still alive!"

Zhou Fei's eyes widened, and she said inconceivably, "How could that be, and starved to death! Is it possible that someone would give her food?"

Xu Siniang shook her head: "The slave listened to the report and said that she was very water-soluble. She held her daughter's duck and floated on the water for a few days. At first people outside heard that the baby was crying, but then the cry weakened and gradually disappeared ... … The watchman quietly reached out and saw that the puppet in her hand was gone, and she was left floating on the water, holding a live fish in one hand, shrimp in one hand, picking it up and sending it to her mouth ... "

"Eat raw fish and shrimp?" Zhou Fei exclaimed, and asked anxiously, "How can this be good? She doesn't die one day, and I have trouble sleeping and sleeping! I know, she will come to me for revenge!" "

Xu Siniang suggested: "We have crane-top red and weedweed in our hands. Why not, tonight ..."

"Absolutely not!" Zhou Fei shot up. "People can find out that she was poisoned, and the first one will suspect me!"

Xu Siniang bowed her head and whispered, and Zhou Fei no longer spoke. She leaned on the beauty couch and closed her eyes, playing with a pair of pigeon bloodstones. After a moment, she sat up freely, hooked her lips and said, "Go and raise the jar under the osmanthus tree. Tonight ... I will meet her in person!"

There is a deep well in the backyard of Wangfu, the well water is sweet and it is said that it leads directly to the moat. In the early years, a girl cast a well and died, and the well was sealed, but it was only occasionally used to detain people who made mistakes. The people in the government called it "water prison". At this moment, a thin white shadow with a long hair covering was stuck on the wall of the water prison, which made people shudder in the whistling night wind.

"Sister ... I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come without a word." Zhou Fei, who had hit the red cloak, suddenly appeared above the water prison, waving with a smile to Bai Ying below.

Bai Ying was motionless, not like a living thing, but like a ghost. Zhou Fei didn't care, she squatted down and continued to say, "Oh, my sister almost forgot, my sister is speechless, alas, pitiful ... the ears should still work, then let the sister say, just listen Alright. A few days ago, Yangzhou Luofu wrote to say that Lord Lingtang heard of his sister's unfortunate encounter, and her condition became worse. Hey, I took my breath after a few days ... "

The white shadow at the bottom of the well shook slightly. Zhou Fei smiled: "I wanted to hide my sister, but then I thought about it again, you mother and daughter, you always cry to cry."

The white shadow at the bottom of the well trembled slightly. Zhou Fei wiped the corners of her eyes with a spar, and sighed, "Sister, don't blame your sister for being cruel, and for being a woman, you should understand what husband's love means to a woman. I followed Wang Ye for a full twenty Nian, I have never seen him be as fond of that woman as you are. I stared at it, and seeing that Lord Wang likes you more and more, my heart is getting more and more scared ... "

"Niangniang, here." Xu Simang next to him handed a small magnetic altar.

Zhou Fei took the jar, and opened the mud with her nails, and talked eloquently: "So I carefully set up this bureau for you. In order to get rid of you and your daughter at the same time, I really took a lot of effort ... In fact, the last time I was too anxious, there were still many loopholes in the plan, and Wang Ye was such a savvy figure. I thought it would take a lot of trouble to succeed. But what I did n’t expect was that Wang Ye did n’t investigate it. I'm directly guilty of you. From this we can see that Wang doesn't want to keep you anymore, my sister is just pushing the boat. "

Zhou Fei picked up the seal of the altar, wiped her hands with a spar, and lowered her voice, saying, "The two generations of Jiangshan changed hands, and the Lord can still hold the throne. I know it is you who are behind him to plan for him. As a woman You are too clever, so clever that he feels uneasy, for fear that one day you will reveal his secrets. Although he really likes you, do n’t forget, he is the grandfather ’s son, too grandfather You always have the impression of what you did ... "

The white shadow at the bottom of the well trembled and caused ripples. With a smile, Zhou Fei lifted the cover of the magnetic altar, her mouth was facing down, and her bottom was facing the sky. She poured all the contents of the altar into the water cell. Suddenly, the white shadow at the bottom of the well started struggling violently, puffing up from the water and sinking, sinking and puffing up again, and turned up the waves of water.

"This kind of carelessness will hurt for half an hour at first, and will recur after half an hour. By analogy, the pain time will continue to increase, and by the third day, people will die alive. It is said that such a dead person, soul It ’s sold, and it ’s not even possible to reincarnate. ”Zhou Fei turned and waved a piece of farewell,“ Sister slowly enjoy. ”


The wind blows the trees, the heavy rain is approaching, and the lights are shaking.

"Really, I'm afraid it's coming to the rainstorm. Hurry up and call a few people to close the mountain door." A woman dressed as a Taoist walked into the back hall.

Mingming Zhenming is a 15- or 16-year-old little aunt who heard her mouth pouting and pulled out the other two little aunts. The mountain gate is made of ebony, pig iron, and tree lacquer. It weighs hundreds of pounds, so closing and locking the door is a chore in the minds of all the aunts. Zhenming was annoyed: "It's late autumn. How can it rain down? I hate it. Why don't I see her call me when something good happens!"

"Your master has always been eccentric and really quiet, who doesn't know that it is the one who will be the best to sell well." The aunt who went out took the conversation. "I heard that there was a table full of fruits and confections on the spiritual hall in front. Gua and Xiangmang are each so big! "He said with his hands.

Another little aunt enviously said, "The big family is just a lavish person. A dead man who swept out the door and put on a lot of good things, but those of us who are alive have not eaten a bite."

Zhenming's eyes rolled around: "Well, let's help the spirit guard at night? Master and Uncle asked them, we said that they were really timid and timid, so they went there with her!" The two little aunts next to him clapped and agreed.

Soon, the sky was dark and the wind was sobbing. After a lightning storm, the rainstorm poured down. The side hall of Taoist Temple is arranged as a spiritual hall, and a small coffin is parked in the hall. The wives who were sent by the family to send spirits were all lazy. Only one eleven-year-old little aunt who was guarding the spirit was really quiet. Zhen Jing, as instructed by Master, read the Scriptures of the Supernatural and burned a bunch of paper money after each incense was burned.

I heard that the person lying inside was also a bitter person, really a portrait of the lady's body. Son. The girl's life, I heard that she was ten years old before living in the Zhumen compound that she should have lived. , Died in less than half a year. Zhenjing looked at the coffin while he was burning paper, dazed, and regretted the girl who was one year younger than himself. From then on, she could only be buried by the loess and disappeared.

Outside the hall, the clouds billowed to the east, and the wind kept roaring. Rain silk seemed to turn into tens of thousands of strings, and a rapid sound popped out.

"Squeak--" A harsh noise suddenly sounded from the hall, frightening Zhen Jing, "Who, who is it, come out!"

"Haha, hahaha!" There was a laugh and a whisper from the corner door, "It's really boring, I don't know why your master looked at her in the spirit." "Come on, you're not much better than her." "But this place ... ... It's kind of cautious. "

Listening to those sounds very familiar, I calmly breathed a sigh of relief, "True, true art, true respect, without such scary, this is not a place to play, leave quickly."

Three people walked out of the corner door, apparently not taking seriously the words seriously.

Zhenming tilted her glance: "Dead Nizi, it's not your turn to teach me." Zhenshu went straight to the incense case, picked up a hibiscus cake and delivered it to his mouth, and laughed: "Thanks to Zhenming for being good Idea, otherwise it would be cheap and quiet. "

Zhenjing looked anxiously in his eyes and stopped, saying, "Good sister, please be calm. Master is just afraid of such a thing so that I can keep my spirit alone. Waiting for March 7th, the offerings will be less for you." of?"

Zhen Ming, Zhen Shu, and Gong Gong sat around the incense case and picked up their favorite snacks and sweets. Jin Gong, while pretending to be a honeydew, threatened Zhenjing sternly: "If you dare to speak out, you will be guaranteed to keep you from watching in the future!"

Really biting her lower lip, her voice was a little crying: "Let it down, let it go down, let it go, the dead is the big one, how can you take the things in the spiritual hall? People value our water business concept and only entrust us to the funeral, not only to After the offering of ten fruits and ten plates, a large amount of sesame oil was added to the view. Didn't you come here to follow the things and humiliate the abbot? "

Zhenming sneered: "Just because your mouth is at stake, I don't believe you haven't eaten a bite, and I haven't seen you at dinner. I'm afraid you're full here."

"Unjust, Liu Dazhen gave me two steamed buns at dinner, and I kept eating while guarding," Zhenjing's tears flashed in her eyes, and she yelled, "Just come and call someone with a voice, look at you The ugly act that disturbed Miss He's soul, watch out for her to show you the spirit to punish you! "

As soon as the voice fell, a lightning split the sky in half, and a thunderous thunder sounded.

"Dead hoof, what are you talking about!" Zhen Gong threw away the full-fledged cricket, and pushed Zhenjing hard, "Dare you call someone? Believe it or not, I will kill you now!" Zhenjing was Pushed to the ground, suddenly, her eyes widened, as if she saw something scary, her whole body froze.

Zhen Gong cursed, "You dare to pretend!" Zhen Mingzhenshu glanced down at the quiet eyes, and suddenly his legs were soft and his bottom was sitting on the ground. Gong was anxious: "What happened to the two of you?" The two seemed to be fixed and ignored her, so Gong also turned around to see what happened.

"Ah-ah-ah-" A terrible scream rang out in every corner of the water business concept.

A few spirited women who were lazy to sleep were immediately awakened, ran to the Lingtang, and screamed again and again with a glance, quitting and jumping. As soon as the incense was worked, they brought all the Taishi teachers, Taishan teachers, and Taichen teachers in the view to see the situation.

The Taishan teacher frowned and walked into the Lingtang. From a distance, the lights and candles in the room were all extinguished. The bowls on the incense case were messy and the fruits on the ground rolled into a piece. The three men sitting on the ground shivered as if they were them. The stolen confession was caught, and she opened her mouth angrily and said, "Three of you who have nothing to do, and you have clean hands, what trouble did you have!" Then, she inadvertently glanced up at the hall, and immediately Also silly.

Among the plain white flowers, the man lying in the coffin, now ... actually was sitting. A gust of wind blew through, and the white silk swarmed in the wind, bringing bursts of coolness, letting the people in the coffin sneeze and let everyone back in horror.

When Dangming came in to steal snacks, He Danggui opened her eyes. She clearly heard Zhenjing's quarrel with the three men, and she heard what Yunjing said in his mouth. He Danggui listened to their conversation, suddenly a clever look at the surrounding subconsciously, here seems to be ... Lingtang? what happened? Aren't you already dead in the water cell?

He Danggui only felt powerless, as if his bones were falling apart, and he struggled to sit up, trying to see everything here clearly. A gust of wind blew, and she shivered into a ball, unable to help sneezing.

After seeing the faces of the people across, He Danggui looked at those people strangely, as if he saw a ghost—

If she remembered correctly, the few people in front of her were the aunts who lived in the concept of "water business" in her childhood. How could this be? She was clearly killed by Zhou Jinglan, and Zhou Jinglan's words were still in her ears, "... people will die alive. It is said that such a dead person has a soul that can't even be reborn ..." However, a long nightmare Wake up, why do you see someone you knew 18 years ago?

Eighteen years ago, when she was only ten years old, she lived in the "Water View" for half a year. After all kinds of bullying, she looked forward to receiving her from her family.

When she was fourteen years old, she married Gong Ning's palace gloriously because she saved the old lady of Ning's palace;

At the age of 16, she was favored by King Ning. At 28, she gave birth to a daughter and was later killed with her mother and daughter.

Eighteen years later, I saw Zhenjing, Zhenming, Too Kind, Too Interesting, and so on again, but they still looked like they were at the beginning of childhood. How did this change? Wait a minute, if she remembers correctly, Tai Shan should have died 13 years ago!

He Danggui took a subconscious glance at his hand, his fingertips were glowing with white luster, thin and slender, incredibly thin ... This is clearly a pair of children's hands! He Danggui's pupil was enlarged with terror.

Zhenjing first came back to her knees, thumped on her knees, scratched her head, and muttered the words: "Miss He, I know it's wrong for us to disturb your spiritual hall, and I know that you will not be reluctant when you are only ten Please have a lot of adults, forgive everyone for their crimes. Zhenjing will burn your money and read the scriptures every day. I hope you will show compassion and return to the Xian class early. Mo will stay in the world ... "Zhenming listened and followed His head squeaked loudly, and Zhen Gong really wanted to slap a few heads away to send away the wrong soul, but his hands and feet no longer obeyed.

He Danggui looked at the incense case in front of the coffin. The aroma of crisp sugar, bergamot, mango and peach burst into her nose, and her heart suddenly opened up. This is not a dream, not a dream, not a dream, definitely not a dream ...

She has a strong feeling that now is the view of water business eighteen years ago, and herself—

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