MTL - Reborn: Revenge of the Concubine’s Daughter-Chapter 1 Sentenced to water jail

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Updated: 2013-06-11

One night of north wind, the blue glazed tiles were stained with hoarfrost. From the outside, the huge king's palace is the thick wall of the high courtyard in the northern mansion, but inside the palace is the pavilion and pavilion of Jiangnan style.

"Ayaka, isn't Madam Ho up?" A well-dressed woman asked the girl in front of the gallery.

"It's been a while, and I haven't freshened up yet. Does Sister Xu matter?"

Xu Simian stopped talking, and then laughed, "It doesn't matter, just come to say hello to your mother."

Xu Siniang is the accompaniment room of Zhou Fangfei, who has served Wang Ye several times. Moreover, now that Zhou Fei is the head of the house, the first half of the house's affairs are passed by Xu Siniang's hands. It is really 30 years and 30 years of Hedong. Hexi, remembering the gloomy situation in Daning Province at first, how can people not sigh.

At that time, Zhou Fei was diagnosed with suspected lung infection, and to make matters worse, Zhou Fei's maid's house was in trouble, and even Wang Ye could not help. Zhou Fei wanted to invest a hundred times, but let He Yan pull it back.

He Yan is a young lady from the medical world who knows a lot about medicine. She said that Zhou Fei was suffering from a common sore throat, and careful treatment would make him recover. He was unwilling to give Zhou Fei medicine, and He Jiu fried it and sent it. Thanks to the princess, "Fearing the sickness to the grandfather," she confined Zhou Fei and He Yan in the garden, and it was only a few months.

Princess Xie has always been unpopular in the government. One day, there was a gap between the Princess and the Princess, and she reported the matter to the old lady. The old lady is the grandmother of the grandfather, and a good master who eats fasting and worshiping the Buddha. Thanks to the princess, she refused to let it go. She said that there was something bad in the garden and she should burn it. Noisy stunned Wang Ye, who always respected the old lady and immediately ordered his release.

However, Zhou Fei and Zhou Fei were led to the main hall, and everyone was taken aback at a glance. Zhou Fei's face was red, how could she be a sick person? What is even more surprising is that the two were kept in a deserted garden without food and clothing, but now it looks like the two are wearing clean clothes, their makeup is not messy, and they have not seen weight loss.

The old lady asked a few words before she learned from Zhou Fei's mouth that her throat disease could be fully recovered thanks to He Zhe's daily untied care. Zhou Fei said with tears, He Ye not only left her all the food she sent daily, but also painstakingly planted herbs in the garden, relying on those medicines to cure her illness. Princess Xie suddenly became embarrassed, and rebuked those subordinates for depriving even the master of their meals.

The old lady praised He Zuo and asked her if it was hard to plant the medicine. He Yan replied that in fact, thanks to the princess letting the patient rest, Zhou Fei recovered so quickly, and the people served her thoughtfully. Because she had nothing to worry about, she planted some flowers on her own.

These remarks not only made Princess Xie's face look much better, but even Lord Wang could not help but look at He Yan a few more times. Among the group of bright-eyed princes in the palace, He Zhi is like a lotus that came from the river, beautiful and silent, with a touch of medicinal fragrance in the quiet. Since then, He Yan has not only been appreciated by the old lady, but also deeply favored by the grandfather. Grace is the only one in this house. At that time, news also came from the Central Korea, saying that it had been ascertained that the original family of Zhou Fei had not interfered with the treason case, and the children of the Zhou family had been restored to office.

Half a year ago, Princess Xie forced a girl-in-law to die. Later, it was discovered that the girl-in-law was pregnant with the blood of the grandfather. The grandfather was furious when she learned that she ordered the princess to close her door and think about how to give her key to Zhou Fei. Zhou Fei is also a grateful newspaper. Until now, she mentioned the old things of the year, and she was still reading He Yan while wiping her tears. Since she was in charge, the most meticulous is He Yan here, often sending the most trusted Xu Siniang around to ask for peace and give something.

"Is Sister Xu outside? Niangniang asked her to come in and talk." The girl inside the room shouted loudly. Xu Siniang pushed in the door and saw a person sitting in front of the Linghua Mirror under the window. Because it was backlit, she only saw a silhouette of a cricket. Xu Siniang bowed her knees and blessed her, and laughed, "How good is your mother today?"

The woman in front of the stage smiled slightly at Tong Jing: "It's much more refreshing, Sister Lao Zhoufei remembers, Sister Niu, sit down quickly." She is Wang Ye's favorite Ji He.

Xu Siniang sat down, only to notice that Dongcao was combing her hair. After Dongcao combed a counterattack, she smiled and asked: "Which **** is the mother-in-law wearing today?" He Zheng shook his head: "Strangely, if you don't go out anyway, save it." Xu Siniang laughed: "Just passing the East Garden, I Seeing that the begonia flowers are blooming very well, why don't you let the mother pick a few flowers and don't put them on, and the fragrance is soothing. "He Yan smiled:" Winter grass, you pick it quickly. "Winter grass echoed.

He Yan glanced at Xu Siniang: "Is there something to be said about Sister Zhou?"

Xu Siniang nodded and replied, "Yeah, a few days ago, our mother-in-law found that there was a mistake in the silver, which was allocated to the ... women in the past by the old lady."

He Yanmei asked, "How much worse?"

Xu Siniang glanced around before she lowered her voice and said, "Two thousand and two."

He Zheng silently sighed, "Although I probably know the reason for this, the old lady is so confused. Although the old account of two thousand and two is not incomplete, but once the matter is known to the Prince, wouldn't it? Embarrassment? "

Xu Siniang quickly comforted and said, "The mother is not worried, but fortunately, our mother found it early, and the account has been re-done. I am not afraid that others will check it."

He Zheng nodded: "That's all."

Xu Siniang said in a very low voice: "But our mother-in-law heard that Princess Xie had also been following this case, and she was not allowed to go to the king to sell her tongue, so I wanted you to take care of this matter and leave the old lady clear. It ’s better to leave the old lady with an innocent reputation behind her. ”She was afraid He Zhe would not agree, and added a sentence,“ Now that the book has been made up, let ’s unify the caliber and say that it was dialed by your hand. Three hundred and twenty silver is used to help the victims. "

He Min raised his hand and touched the cool jade handle on the Linghua Mirror, and said sadly, "I know that the old lady has good destiny and good results throughout her life. Only this incident moved her selfishness. I did not understand her mind before. I have been discouraged several times, and now I have also become a mother, and then I know the kind of mood that a mother has towards her child ... "She said that the voice here was a little choked, and she stood up for a while, and smiled at Xu Siniang. "It's time for my sister-in-law to breastfeed, and let's go and see her." Xu Siniang understood that this matter should be inherited, so she felt relieved.

My sister-in-law is a premature baby. My eyes are opened when I am two months old. Most of my children are now stunned and rarely cry. He Yan distressed her daughter, so she didn't want to ask her grandmother to give birth to her child. She took her daughter in spite of her postpartum weakness. The doctor prescribed a variety of warm supplements to her sister, He Yi always drank a large bowl slowly before feeding her daughter's milk.

"You really take your sister-in-law as your eye," Sina Xu sighed. "Don't say that in our royal palace, even the ordinary rich family can't see the wife of her own baby, which one doesn't ask a group of nurses to wait. When the slaves were young, they heard that milk and water are vitality and vitality, and they can't easily be damaged. You shouldn't be afraid of this. "

He Yan looked at her daughter's quiet sleeping face and smiled softly: "I also heard people say that when I take a bite of my mother's milk, I will become smarter when I grow up. So ..." Road desolate shadow.

Xu Siniang also laughed busyly: "That's why the maiden is so intelligent, and it is for this reason!"

The two were gossiping about home and suddenly heard the noise outside the hospital. He Yan put his daughter back in the cradle, and frowned. Xu Siniang was also very angry, she reprimanded: "Who is so unruly, ran to the door of He Niangniang and wanton!"

Just after speaking, someone came in the distance. Xu Siniang suddenly bluffed her face and knelt down, "Kang mad words, the Lord forgive me!"

The comer wore a red gold crown and a clear blue gown. He walked very fast under his feet. He walked around Xu Siniang on the ground in a few steps. No one went straight to Zhengtang. Xu Siniang didn't dare to stand up either, and looked to He Yan for help. He Xun soothed a smile, and said, "I'm not going to make a pot of incense tablets for Wang Ye!" Xu Siniang stepped back quickly.

He Ye also walked into Zhengtang, but saw Wang Ye's complexion look green, his brown eyes like a bottomless Wang Yang, staring straight at her, could not help but startled. Fang Ziqiang laughed: "What's wrong, once you come in, your nose is not your nose, your face is not yours. Which one scratched your tiger's whiskers?"

Wang Ye clenched his fists in both hands and said nothing, staring at her face. At this time, a lot of people came in from outside the door. In addition to Princess Xie, Concubine Zhou, Concubine Wan, Gong and other masters, as well as a lot of stewards and maids, there were also some big men in rough linen.

He looked at the crowd in surprise, and then at Wang Ye, wondering: "Who can tell me what happened?"

Princess Xie wore a skirt with hundreds of birds and phoenixes, and sat next to the lord in the spring breeze, saying, "He, you now have witnesses and evidence, you can confess your sins!"

He Yan salutes the person in the honor squarely, answering in his mouth: "What has never been done, how can the body confess his sin?"

Xie Princess Xie Muyuan opened: "Look at how hard your mouth is, weekly affairs, and show the account book to Wang Ye." Immediately someone presented a copy of the blueprint, Wang Ye left it at the table, and Princess Xie didn't care and continued. He said, "He, the old lady liked you the most during your lifetime, so you opened the Makihara Church in the name of helping the old lady to help the victims, right?"

He Yan raised his eyebrows: "I did pass through the source and accounts of Muyuantang. Muyuantang donated medicine and saved countless people. What's wrong?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong with saving people," Zhou Fei said suddenly, surprisingly, "but stealing people is a felony."

He Xun was astonished, staring at Zhou Fei's face and asking, "What do you say, sister?"

Zhou Fei suddenly burst into tears, Wan Wanfei and Gu Yan on the side handed over the parcels and explained in unison. "Mo sad, for this kind of person, it really isn't worth it." "That's the truth. That little family came out and couldn't get on the stage. Bai Gu lives up to her sister's heart." You can teach any daughter to any mother ... Well, it should be said that it is true to have a mother without a mother. I heard that she was raised on a farm in the country. I have seen so many filthy things. kind……"

He Ying originally knelt down on the ground, and after listening to Huo Di's words, he stood up and walked towards Gu Yan who said these words, raising his hand was a slap in the face.

Gu Yan was stunned by a fan, and covered her face and cried: "Look, Princess, she dare to hit someone in front of the Lord and your face, what can't you do?"

Princess Xie was furious and yelled, "Bitch, you're a man, you can use the money from your father to stick to adulterers, and beat your face!"

He Ye no longer knelt down, stood directly in the middle of the crowd, and said coldly: "I haven't done anything sorry to Wang Ye, and I haven't been greedy for more than half of my money. Just now I was teaching Gu Ye to Wang Ye. She is Wang Ye Concubine, it's embarrassing to Prince Wang for not doing anything clean. "

Gu Yan cried and ran over, wanting to fight back, Zhou Fei quickly stopped her and pleaded, "Don't do this, everyone sisters, please ask Gu Sister not to be angry with me ..."

The scene was a mess, and the grandfather sitting in the hall couldn't hold back anymore, and shouted, "All shut up!" Suddenly, the crying, noisy, and whispering quieted down, looking at the grandfather together. Princess Xie said in a word: "Considering Wang Ye's face, she wanted to confess her guilt, but you also saw her attitude, she did not see the coffin and did not cry! Wang Ye, so many eyes are watching What do you say about the matter? "

Wang Ye said with a black face, "Do whatever you want."

Princess Xie was waiting for this sentence, and quickly shouted, "Come here, bring Xu's in soon." Someone immediately brought Xu Siniang in. Xu Si Niang walked to the foot of Wang Wang and cried, "The king forgive his sins. He Xun threatened his slaves to say that they had the courage to leak a half word, so he would be wronged by the slaves, stole his tongue and throw it into the water prison. The slaves did not dare to hide it for her. Say ... sister is not Wang's daughter! "

Princess Xie sneered: "Even if you didn't say it, I would have guessed it. Whatever premature birth and what distressed daughter wants to bring her own daughter are all under the guise of a wild seed!"

Gu Yan twisted her head in disgust: "Well, what mother taught a daughter."

He Yan's face was pale, and his hoarse throat cursed: "What are you talking about one by one! My sister and I are innocent, with a raised head and a god, you are not afraid of being struck by lightning!"

Princess Xie was furious, pointing out of the hall and shouting, "All slaves are dead! Don't hurry up and take this cheap man's mouth, give me a savage mouth!" Immediately came a few wives to hold He Yan, The big-waisted, round-shouldered Wang Po continued her enthusiasm and slapped dozens of slaps. In a blink of an eye, He Zhixue's white cheeks were swollen, and blood leaked out of her mouth and nose. Princess Xie squinted and looked at the immaculate royal man sitting there, with a triumphant smile in her mouth.

He Yan's eyes were full of tears, and he looked up at her husband, the handsome man who seemed to be a fairy, grinning: "Zhu Quan, don't you even believe me? Do you think I'm that kind of woman?"

Wang Ye studied his jade fingers with his eyelids raised, and lifted his thin lips slightly: "I used to believe it, but now I can't believe it."

Zhou Fei stepped forward to kneel in front of He Yan, stopped the bleeding with brocade sleeves, and cried aloud, "Sister, I knew why today was the original! Look at your appearance now, sister's heart is also bleeding, sister you are so confused what!"

He Yan's gaze moved to Zhou Fei's face, staring at her as if she had seen her for the first time. Concubine Zhou avoided that gaze and turned to cry to the grandfather, "Master, I just ask you to save your sister's life, and I am willing to give up the keys, and eat fasting scripture daily to alleviate my sister's sin. My sister confronts her Benevolence and re-creation, the relationship between the body and sister is better than that of the sisters, so the body originally did not believe this, until Zhou Guanshi brought them. "He said to a few big men outside the hall," Listen to them Because of the cause and effect, I believe this, Rong Si, and say what I have said again. "

The man named Rongsi knelt by the door and said, "The young men are footmen. They live outside the North City, and usually earn a few cents by lira. Feet. Until a year ago, a man dressed as a girl named Green Bottle looked for him. We shot boldly and said that they hired us to carry the sedan. After that, every night we let us wait at Qixiang Alley, separated from each other, and the green bottle would bring a cloak and a hood to cover our face. The people came to take the limousine, and if we did n’t come to Sanjiao, let us leave on our own. "

The hall was crowded, but it was terribly quiet. Suddenly, Lu Po came in from outside and whispered behind Princess Zhou. Zhou Fei frowned, and turned to Wang Ye and said, "Master, in the morning, I asked Ms. Lu to buckle the green bottle to face off. I didn't expect that girl to be guilty and died when she was hit by a wall."

The Lord was silent, and Princess Xie sneered: "One died, and several more! Bring those girls around the bitch!" For a moment, Ayaka Winter Grass was brought to the hall. Princess Xie asked, "Say, how much do you know about He's scandal? It's from the real!"

Huoxiangdongcao fell on the ground while crying, and shook her head: "He Zuo did go out at night, but the slaves didn't know it. Please ask your mother to be kind and spare her life!"

Zhou Fei gave Rong Si a wink, and Rong Si continued immediately: "Last month, I brought the sedan into the inn. Because I drank too much alcohol before, I lost my way in order to find the convenience of the east toilet. Come to the woman's moaning, and curiously, she posted it on the window and saw a man and a woman working on the flower table by the window. It was a good thing. Because they were very close, the young not only saw the woman's appearance, but also I saw three small red moles on her chest, with calyx on her belly button ... "

"Enough is enough!" Wang Ye changed his color suddenly, grabbed the tea cup at his hand and slammed on the ground, roared, "Go, go, go all down!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the servant took the lead to retreat, and then Zhou Fei and Wan Fei also left with various expressions. In the blink of an eye, only Wang Ye, He Ye, Princess Xie, and her two trusted mother-in-laws remained. The grandfather looked at He Yan's face with a violent and heartfelt feeling: "He angelica, can you plead guilty?"

He Yan was as dead as a heart, and laughed sharply: "It ’s good to use poisonous means, okay, okay! Haha, that's good! Zhu Quan, if you are afraid that I will leak your secrets, give me three feet of white 绫 I have nothing to say, I am willing to die for my daughter! But even your own daughter has the heart to pour out the sewage! It is such a good conscience to insult our mother and daughter! Good! Good! "

Princess Xie was puzzled, and Wang Ye's face changed greatly, and he hurried forward and kicked at He Yan's heart.

He Zhe bleed a few feet out of blood, climbed up on the ground, and stared at the king with a serpent-like eye: "I don't hate Zhou Jinglan, Xu Simian, and Xie Qiaofeng. I understand their minds ... Zhu Quan, Do you know, the man I hate the most is the man who beats the woman! The man I hate the most is you! I hate it, I regret it, I have worked hard for you for more than ten years, and lost a pair of children for you, in exchange for you foot!"

Wang Ye's eyes were blood red, and he bit his teeth: "Burn his throat with hot charcoal and throw it into the water cell!"

Princess Xie asked, "What about the wild species she gave birth to?"

"Throw it together!" Wang Ye turned indifferently.

Princess Xie immediately looked at the wife behind her.

With no joy or sorrow on his face, Wang Ye whispered: "You just forget what you heard just now, and you can't even remember it until you die."

Princess Xie lowered her head in fear: "I knew it." 2k novel reading network

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