MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 67 Oiran

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Wei Chongrong felt that he was wronged, really wronged, didn't he just accidentally tell Wei Mao who Huo Yingying liked, and he was kicked out of the capital and kicked into a ghost place like Dongshan Town. , almost starved to death.

You know, he doesn't know about the emperor's uncle and the others choosing a concubine for Wei Mao, and he doesn't know about Wei Mao's desire to marry Huo Yingying and enter the palace. Even if the queen called Wei Zhao into the palace for questioning, his father did not tell him. The content of the conversation, Wei Mao asked him if he knew who Huo Yingying liked, of course he would tell him, just to let him retreat. A woman like Huo Yingying is not something Wei Mao can control at all. He told him the truth with the idea of ​​saving him from the sea of ​​misery.

How could Wei Chongrong have imagined that Wei Mao was so vulnerable, let alone that his escape plan was so well thought out that he had used everything he had learned all his life. He chased from Yujing to Honghe County, and lost news of Wei Mao several times in the middle, and the distance between the two became wider and wider.

Honghe County is located in the southwest of Yizhou, adjacent to Nanyue Kingdom to the east and Zhuxia Kingdom to the west. Going down the Red River for dozens of kilometers is the Kingdom of Siam. Dongshan Town is the southernmost town in Honghe County. Wei Mao's loss of news here is simply a big problem.

The autumn is high and the air is clear and there are no clouds. Standing on the top of Dongshan Mountain, you can see the territory of the Three Kingdoms at the same time. If there are no other clues, it is impossible to guess Wei Mao's whereabouts. Wei Chongrong looked at it for a long time, and suddenly said, "I think the third brother has a plan."

Dongfang sat on a big rock on the top of the mountain, with a dog's tail grass in his mouth, and asked curiously, "How did Shizi see it? If Miss Huo hadn't rejected the third prince, he wouldn't have to run away from home at all. , it’s not a premeditated time for just a few days.”

Wei Chongrong patted Dongfang on the shoulder, motioned him to move to the side, and explained helplessly: "If the third brother didn't plan, how could we encounter so many fake news on the way, and Dongshan Town, He couldn't have come up with it without specializing in maps."

Dongfang listened ignorantly, but just sighed: "The third prince really has a bad eye, who can't see it, but wants to see the eldest girl of the Huo family, not to mention that the eldest girl of the Huo family is not willing, she just nodded, Your Majesty and The queen may not agree, if it's the second girl Huo..."

Wei Chongrong interrupted Dongfang's words without hesitation: "Miss Huo Er is even worse, she hasn't weaned yet."

Dongfang shrank his shoulders and did not dare to speak any more. Little did he know, Wei Chongrong was also complaining in his heart that apart from martial arts, there was nothing in the East that was as good as Tuoba Xianhan.

Unfortunately, the last person Wei Mao wanted to see was Tuoba Xianhan. He could only keep him in Yujing and help him keep an eye on other things.

The master and servant waited for a while at the top of the mountain, and a gray pigeon flew over from a distance and landed on Wei Chongrong's shoulder accurately. Wei Chongrong grabbed the pigeon, took off the note tied to the pigeon's leg, picked it up and looked at it quickly, with an expression of "as expected" on his face.

Wei Chongrong jumped off the stone: "Xiao Dongzi, I guessed right, the third brother didn't go to Nanyue, he went to Zhuxia."

Dongfang jumped down and defended weakly: "Master Shizi, I have said it many times, Dongfang is my surname, not my first name."

Wei Chongrong disagreed, raised his eyebrows and smiled: "But you never told me what your name is."

Dongfang immediately closed his mouth and stopped discussing this topic with Wei Chongrong. Compared with his nasty name, Xiao Dongzi was nothing.

Before the Shenchuan Dynasty, only the twenty-five counties in the north of Yizhou belonged to the Central Plains, and the twenty-four counties in the south were snatched from the natives by the genius Shenwu Emperor, and maintained until the Yuanzheng ruled by the Zhengao people. The end of the dynasty.

In the last year of Yuanzheng, the world was in great chaos. Zhu Xia, who was located in the southwest, took the opportunity to send troops and invaded the fourteen counties in the southwest of Yizhou.

For a long time, the confidants of the Dayan Dynasty were the Tiele people who traversed the desert and repeatedly violated the border. In the early days of the Emperor's reign, Zhu Xia violated the border twice. When the court was unable to increase troops, Shangguan Yi, the Marquis of Zhennan, not only defended Yizhou, but also grabbed six counties from them, Honghe County being one of them. one. Zhu Xia saw Dayan's national strength, and he dared not act rashly, and kept himself safe for decades.

After Wei Ming ascended the throne, he changed the way of forging ahead and expanding in all directions, and changed to take the route of being light and thin, and resting with the people.

After all, the late emperor had fought in the South and the North for decades, and the victories were certainly fruitful. He recovered a lot of lost land for Dayan, and also opened up Lingzhou. At the same time, the late emperor also emptied the treasury accumulated by several generations of emperors. If Wei Ming did not change the policy of the late emperor, he would definitely find his own way of death.

In the year when the late emperor died, Zhu Xia invaded Yi'an County in Yizhou, and Wei Ming sent Ji Xin, the king of Changning, to fight the enemy south, successfully dismantling the offensive of the Zhu Xia people. Afterwards, Ji Xin was stationed in Yizhou. Although King Zhu Xia was determined to regain the lost six counties, he never found a suitable opportunity.

In the first year of Tai'an, Zhaoyang Hou Junqing took his seven-year-old eldest son Junhua and his second son Ji Hui to Yi'an County, and the whole family was reunited.

For six years after that, Wei Chongrong and Junhua never met, and they only contacted each other through a few letters every year. Looking for Wei Mao this time, Wei Chongrong also thought that if he went to Yi'an County, he would have a chance to meet Junhua, who would have thought that Wei Mao had come to Honghe County.

Due to the special geographical location of Honghe County, the situation was very complicated, and Wei Chongrong had a very bad premonition when he received the news. Wei Mao was born to oppose him. He didn't give up when he arrived in Honghe County, but left the country from Dongshan Town and went directly to Zhuxia.

"Master Shi, shall we just go after them like this?" Back in town, they bought some Zhu Xia clothes.

Wei Chongrong looked at the colorful clothes and jingling jewelry, feeling very unhappy, and said unhappily: "Is it possible, do you want me to bring thousands of troops and horses to fight?" He didn't mind, but the emperor's uncle There, it is impossible to send troops to him.

Seeing that Wei Chongrong had misunderstood what he meant, Dongfang hurriedly explained: "Master Shizi, I didn't mean that. I mean, have you ever considered, Third... Young Master, he is not Zhu Xia who went voluntarily, but..." People deceived, or simply kidnapped.

Wei Chongrong sighed and said speechlessly: "Of course I have thought about it, but no matter what the situation is, we must conceal our identities and enter Zhuxia to quietly inquire about the whereabouts of the third brother. Also, since you remember that the third brother is the third brother Young Master, why don't you remember that I am the Fourth Young Master?"

Initially, Wei Chongrong concluded that Wei Mao went to Zhu Xia out of understanding of his character. Because Wei Mao has a strong rebellious mentality, the more you don't let him do something, the more he wants to do something, as long as his temper gets up, no one will listen to him.

But then he thought about it and felt that something was wrong. Wei Mao's skills are far inferior to him, and it is a very serious practical problem to rely on self-protection after leaving the scope of Dayan. If he went to South Vietnam and was covered by his big sister, the safety issue would be guaranteed. But if he went to Zhu Xia, once his identity was discovered, the consequences would be unimaginable. Wei Chongrong didn't think that Wei Mao could be willful to such a degree. No matter how rebellious he was, he wouldn't joke about his life.

Therefore, when Wei Chongrong received the biography from Fei Ge, he had already assumed the worst situation, that is, Wei Mao's actions might not be active. However, no matter what, the order given to him by the emperor's uncle was to find Wei Mao, and he could not give up halfway.

Seven days later, the capital of Zhu Xia was in Yisa City.

Yisa is located in the south, the four seasons are like spring, it is the late autumn season, and the whole city is also bathed in the warm sunshine.

Dongfang followed Wei Chongrong, turned from the main street into an alley, and walked around for a while until he came to a quiet mansion.

Dongfang saw that Wei Chongrong was standing in front of the house and did not leave. He hurriedly stepped forward to answer the door, but no one answered for a long time. He wondered if they had gone to the wrong place, and turned to look at Wei Chongrong, only to see that he nodded lightly, so he slammed the door harder.

After a long time, the door finally opened with a "squeak", and a half-old woman with a charming charm stood behind the door and said with a chuckle, "I said, this young man, our Baihuayuan opens its doors at night to welcome guests. , you came to call the door early in the morning, are you in a hurry?"

Dongfang had an inexplicable expression on her face, she didn't know what she was talking about, until she smelled the strong smell of fat powder coming from the door, and then thought of the phrase "open the door to welcome guests at night", she suddenly realized, blushing and even more. I don't know what to say.

Wei Chongrong stepped forward, took out a red sachet from his arms and handed it over, and whispered, "Please give it to Mrs. Ling Xiao, and say that the old person is visiting." The woman took the sachet and held it in her hand. Li took a closer look, said the two of them to wait a moment, then closed the door and turned to go in.

Dongfang turned his head to look at Wei Chongrong, the whole person was not well, he never thought that his family's grandfather was such a person.

Of course, Wei Chongrong saw Dongfang's contemptuous gaze, but he couldn't explain it right now, so he could only give him a stern look.

Dongfang shrank his head and buried his head, but he was thinking in his heart that he would not want to join forces with Shi Ziye.

Not long after, the door was opened again. It was the same woman from before, but her face became much more polite. She said to Wei Chongrong with a friendly expression: "Please come inside, my wife, please wait in Qiushuiyuan." Lead the way in front and lead them to Qiushuiyuan.

Walking all the way to Qiushuiyuan, the entire Baihuayuan was very quiet, and only a few servants came into the sight of the east.

When they arrived at Qiushuiyuan, the woman who led the way had the burning incense burnt out, gave them a pot of tea, and then left.

Dongfang never drank tea, he tossed a teacup in his hand, but not a single drop of the tea inside fell out. He knew that it was not appropriate to talk too much here, but he couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he asked Wei Chongrong with his eyes if there was someone of their own here.

Wei Chongrong sat upright and took a cup of tea to taste slowly. When he saw Dongfang winking, he asked with a smile, "Xiao Dongzi, did you get sand in your eyes?" Dongfang was so angry that he couldn't speak, and he didn't tell him the difference. His name is not Xiaodongzi.

When Wei Chongrong began to drink the second cup of tea, Mrs. Ling Xiao arrived late. She smiled before saying a word and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry to keep the two of you waiting for a long time." Mrs. Ling Xiao looked very young, In his early twenties, he smiled sweetly.

Dongfang was a little stunned. It wasn't that he had never seen a beautiful woman, but that Mrs. Ling Xiao's temperament didn't look like a woman from the land of dust at all. Then, he felt that his right shoulder was patted, Wei Chongrong said to him: "Little Dongzi, guard outside."

Dongfang nodded and got up to obey. The conversation between Wei Chongrong and Mrs. Ling Xiao did not go on for a long time. He hadn't figured out the relationship between Baihuayuan and Dayan. Mrs. Ling Xiao came out of the room and motioned him to go in. Wei Chongrong was waiting for him inside. .

"Master, where are we going next?" Knowing that Wei Chongrong was here for business, Dongfang's feelings towards him improved.

Wei Chongrong stood up lazily, walked to the soft couch by the window, lay down, and said comfortably, "Sleep, wait until it gets dark."

Dongfang slid over, lying on the edge of the soft couch, and asked with a sound transmission: "Is anyone coming at night?"

Wei Chongrong also used sound transmission to reply: "The evening is the annual Hua Kui banquet in Baihuayuan." He saw Dongfang's expression sank, and his eyes flashed with contempt again, Fang continued: "Zhu Xia, many princes and nobles will come here. So, including their second prince Tudor."

"Tuduo? What a strange name, like a woman." Unlike Nanyue, Zhu Xia had little business dealings with Dayan. Dongfang used to perform missions in the north, and he didn't know much about them, but Wei Chongrong was still silent. Jin's, it made him even more confused.

Wei Chongrong closed his eyes and said inadvertently: "Xiao Dongzi, don't blame me for not reminding you, don't say this in front of Tuduo, he hates the most when someone says he looks like a woman. Beauty face , Snake and Scorpion Heart, talking about people like Tuduo."

Is it so coincidental? Dongfang was stunned, he clearly said that Tuduo's name was like a woman, but the prince told him that the second prince also looked like a woman, which was really strange. Fortunately, he is not interested in women, and agrees that he is not interested in men who look like women.

Seeing that Wei Chongrong had lost his voice, Dongfang thought he was asleep, and sat cross-legged on the ground, planning to practice some kung fu. Who knew that Wei Chongrong whispered: "Xiao Dongzi, I found that you seem to be very concerned about the purpose of my coming to Baihuayuan. Are you secretly in love with me?"

The blow came so suddenly that Dongfang almost went into trouble, and he managed to calm down, but the culprit, the prince, really fell asleep. Staring at Wei Chongrong's good-looking profile, Dongfang added in his heart, I'm not interested in men who look like men.

When Wei Chongrong woke up, it was already sunset. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Dongfang pushing the door into the room with a tray in his hand. Wei Chongrong tidied up his clothes, had dinner with Dongfang, and left Qiushuiyuan to see the oiran banquet outside.

There are ten oiran candidates, all of whom are fat and thin, and each has its own merits.

At first, Wei Chongrong was not interested in the oiran at all. He was more concerned about the bidders for the oiran. He saw Tuduo.

Before the auction starts, the oiran candidates will be on stage to perform their talents, some will play the piano, some will sing, some will dance...

Although the beauties were all covered with veils, their graceful singing voices and graceful dancing postures still fascinated people.

Just when Wei Chongrong was thinking about how to approach Tuduo, he heard a melodious flute sound and immediately turned his head to look at the stage.

After just one glance, his eyes changed, becoming extremely fierce, causing Dongfang beside him to shiver.

In Dongfang's impression, Wei Chongrong is a good-tempered person. Although he likes to tease people sometimes, he is rarely really angry. Those who do things under him make mistakes, and he is also rewarded and punished, and he will never take anger at will.

However, at this moment, Dongfang could feel that Wei Chongrong was really angry. Although his expression seemed to be the same as usual, there was an obvious anger burning in his eyes, which was almost uncontrollable.

The only thing that makes Dongfang feel fortunate is that Wei Chongrong did not reveal a trace of murderous intent, he was simply angry.

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