MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 66 run away

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Dongshan Town is a little-known town. There is a low mountain outside the town. Because it is located in the east of the town, it is called Dongshan by people, and the name of Dongshan Town is also derived from this. Dongshan Town is not big, there is only one main street, there are dozens of various shops on the street, villagers from ten miles and eight townships come here to go to the market. The town was very lively, and the crowds pouring in from all directions blocked the streets.

Zuixianlou is the most famous restaurant in Dongshan Town. In the private room on the second floor facing the street, Wei Chongrong looked sad at the dazzling array of dishes in front of him.

For a long time, Wei Chongrong felt that he was not a picky eater. Now that he arrived in Dongshan Town, he realized that his previous cognition was wrong. It turned out that there was food in this world that he could not bear.

Yizhou people like spicy food. Wei Chongrong has heard about it for a long time, but he doesn't pay much attention to it. After all, there are restaurants opened by Yizhou people in Yujing. He has tried them. Although he doesn't like them very much, he can accept them. This time, in order to track Wei Mao, who ran away from the book and whose whereabouts are unknown, he went all the way south to Honghe County, which is the southernmost part of Yizhou. Then, Wei Chongrong tragically discovered the fact that the so-called Yizhou dishes he ate in Yujing were not real Yizhou dishes at all, because the dishes made by the locals in Yizhou were simply too spicy for him. Can't eat.

Before coming to Dongshan Town, Wei Chongrong stopped all the way to the county seat, and even if it was bad, it was the county seat of the county. As long as he explained to the store that no chili was included in the dishes, he would always be able to eat food that could be eaten. , at least it won't make people hungry.

According to the report of the spy, the last place Wei Mao appeared was Dongshan Town. Wei Chongrong rushed over without saying a word when he heard the news. It's a pity that Wei Mao appeared in Dongshan Town three days ago, Wei Chongrong came a step late, and there was no clue.

Wei Chongrong originally planned to have lunch in the town, and then continue to inquire about Wei Mao's news, but unexpectedly, the boss of Zuixianlou deliberately couldn't get along with him. He clearly said that he didn't want spicy food, but every dish served by the second shopkeeper was so spicy that people couldn't put chopsticks down.

Wei Chongrong couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped his chopsticks on the table with a "pop": "Xiao Dongzi, call the boss to me."

The guard sitting on Wei Chongrong's side put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said aggrieved: "Master Shizi, my subordinate's surname is Dongfang, not Xiaodongzi."

"Are you going?" Wei Chongrong glared at him angrily, "Also, when you are out, don't yell, be careful that the walls have ears."

Dongfang didn't speak, his eyes rolled around, he got up and went out, just by looking at his pace, he knew that he was a top expert.

Not long after, the owner of Zuixianlou followed Dongfang upstairs, and he politely said, "This young man, what else do you want?"

Wei Chongrong looked up at him, his eyes were very unfriendly: "Didn't I say? Don't put spicy food in the dishes, didn't you hear or what? Every dish is terribly spicy..." It made him very bad. The mood is now even more unhappy.

After hearing Wei Chongrong's complaint, the boss looked innocent and said blankly: "Master, our Zuixianlou has always put customers first. If you don't want to put spicy food, we will definitely not put it. Our family's spicy food is authentic. A tael of ten pennies will never be wasted."

"What did you say? Are these dishes without spicy food?" Before Wei Chongrong could speak, Dongfang jumped up first.

Although he is not as spicy as Wei Chongrong, he still feels that these dishes are very spicy and very enjoyable to eat. Who knows that the boss told him that there is no chili in the dishes, so the spiciness is all too spicy. where did it come from...

The boss thought for a while, then asked cautiously, "You two young masters, are you all from other places?" Wei Chongrong nodded silently without denying it. Although the search for Wei Mao was kept secret, he and Dongfang looked like they were not locals.

The boss nodded clearly: "No wonder this is the case. Three days ago, a young man was like this. He said that we didn't put spicy food in the dish, but in the end, he left without paying for the meal. Fortunately, when he asked for directions, I returned Give him directions carefully."

three days ago? ! Wei Chongrong's eyes lit up and he hurriedly asked, "Boss, what does that son look like? Where did he go?"

The boss kept his mouth shut, took two steps back vigilantly, and looked at Wei Chongrong and Dongfang up and down with scrutiny eyes.

Wei Chongrong blinked and immediately put on a gentle smile: "Boss, we are not bad people, I went out to find my brother. My brother is 18 years old this year, and he has reached the age of marriage. The family has a crush on him. A daughter-in-law, but he doesn't like it and refuses to marry it. And the girl he likes, her family background is a bit low, and she doesn't match up with our family... ahem, a little bit unworthy, he ran away from home in a fit of anger. My brother is the youngest child in the family and has never travelled far alone. When he left, all the elders in the family panicked..."

Seeing that Wei Chongrong's words were sincere and well-founded, the boss put away his original vigilant eyes. Indeed, whether it is the young man in front of him or the one from three days ago, just by looking at his clothes and manners, he knows that he is not from an ordinary family. Such a reason is completely justified.

Wei Chongrong saw that there was a door, and insisted: "My brother went out on the front foot, and my grandmother fell ill in a hurry. My father was so anxious that he sent me out to find someone, saying that as long as my brother is willing to go back with me, he wants to marry him. The family has no objection to whoever is a wife."

The boss was obviously moved by the story of "a lover ends up getting married", and immediately said: "That young man is seventeen or eighteen years old, he is shorter than you, about the height of your eyebrows and eyes, and he is fairer than you. , the nose and mouth are a bit like you, the words of the eyes..."

"The eyes are slender and slender, not like me at all, right?" Hearing this, Wei Chongrong could already be sure that that person was Wei Mao.

The boss slapped him hard and said excitedly, "Yes, that's it, that's right." Before Wei Chongrong asked him where Wei Mao had gone, he immediately said anxiously: "It's over, my brother will take care of my question. It's the way to South Vietnam. It's been three days, and he might have crossed the border."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's good to have news, thank you." After Wei Chongrong finished speaking, he gestured to the east with his eyes.

Dongfang took out a piece of silver from his sleeve pocket and handed it to the boss, which was more than enough to settle the accounts between them and Wei Mao. The boss accepted the money and said politely: "You two young masters, wait a moment, I will ask them to bring out a new pot that has not been used and cook some dishes for you again."

Wei Chongrong waved his hand and said, "No, no, you can get us some rice and bring a plate of soy sauce over here."

The boss took the order to leave, Wei Chongrong sighed: "I hope he really went to South Vietnam, instead of playing around."

Dongfang was so suffocating that he asked, "Three... It's not surprising that the young master went to Nanyue, and the eldest lady married there."

Wei Chongrong picked up his chopsticks, knocked Dongfang's head, and said, "You don't believe me if you say you're stupid. Why did the third brother run away from home because he didn't want to be found. He went to Nanyue to find his sister, not waiting for his brother-in-law to send him back. Is it? If it was me, I would definitely not go to South Vietnam."

Dongfang was in pain, but he couldn't refute it. He could only wrinkle his nose and grab Wei Chongrong's speech problem and said, "You are the younger brother..."

As he was talking, the second restaurant brought a new meal, Wei Chongrong tasted it, the spicy taste was still a little, but it was within his acceptable range, so he asked the second to remove the original meal, he and Dongfang The two devoted themselves to offering sacrifices to the temple of the five internal organs.

After eating and drinking enough, Wei Chongrong and Dongfang left the town and came to the foot of Dongshan Mountain.

Seeing that there was no one around, Wei Chongrong couldn't help but tap Dongfang's forehead again: "I stand with the third brother, I said that I am the younger brother, and others will not believe it. Besides, the third prince left the palace, It's such a big deal, and if everyone knows about it, there will definitely be problems."

Dongfang rubbed his forehead and complained, "You said it's kept secret, you haven't explained everything."

Wei Chongrong glared at him and said helplessly: "If it wasn't for Xianhan not suitable to intervene in this matter, I would never have brought you out to poison my ears." , followed him up the mountain step by step.

Speaking of why Wei Mao ran away from home, Wei Chongrong was speechless. If he found Wei Mao, he would have to beat him severely.

There are many emperors of Dayan who are devoted to love, but like Emperor Yingzong, he only loved Queen Xiaosi all his life. Before Weiming, there was no second case. Generally speaking, as long as the emperor has a son, he only favors the middle palace and does not accept concubines and concubines, the courtiers will not have any objections.

Wei Ming's harem has only one empress, Jun Feili, which is much deserted compared to the time of the previous emperor. Fortunately, the princes became adults one after another and became biological sons one after another, which added a lot of vigor to the huge palace. Crown Princess Xie Xiang was married when Crown Prince Wei Xuan was still the King of Linzi. The two have been married for more than ten years, and their love has never diminished. The only regret is that the Crown Princess has three daughters in a row, and the Crown Prince has no son yet. Zhao Wang Weilan got married in Tai'an four years ago. The princess is Shangguanhua, the eldest daughter of Shangguanxuan, the Duke of Yue, and the two have a son.

Both brothers are married, and Wei Mao is the next one. Wei Ming and Jun Feili are not stubborn and unreasonable people, and they didn't designate their youngest son as a concubine.

Wei Mao was very happy when he heard the words, and without hesitation, he called out a name that made the emperor and the empress frown upon hearing it, Huo Yingying.

Huo Yingying is the niece of Huo Qingyang, Marquis of Wu'an, and grew up with her uncle since childhood. The Marquis of Wu'an was a new noble in the dynasty, and won the trust of the emperor and the king of Qin.

If Huo Yingying was Huo Qingyang's daughter, Wei Ming and Jun Feili would never hesitate to ask for the daughter-in-law directly. It's a pity that Huo Yingying is a niece, and she is not an orphan in the ordinary sense. Her mother, Huo Qingyue, was kidnapped by the Fuyu people. She was found by Huo Qingyang after Wei Zhao captured Lingzhou. Who is her biological father? No one knew at all, the only certainty was that it was a Fuyu person.

Wei Mao originally thought that his father and mother had promised first, and his marriage with Huo Yingying would not be hindered in any way. Who knew that they would not express their position, and could not help but feel anxious. Jun Feili asked his son if he liked Huo Yingying because of the life-saving grace during the spring hunting.

Wei Mao replied that the cause is not important, the important thing is that he hopes Huo Yingying can become his princess.

Jun Feili was not very able to accept Huo Yingying's life experience, but he couldn't bear his son's disappointment, so he discussed with Wei Mao: "Mao'er, this news is too unexpected, your father and I have no idea for the time being, you let us discuss, After discussing it, I will tell you the answer."

Seeing that things were still turning around, Wei Mao nodded in agreement. After Wei Mao retired, Wei Ming asked Jun Feili: "Do you want to get Mao'er's wishes?"

Jun Feili was silent for a while, and he pondered for a while: "It's just Wang Fei's words, Miss Huo's family background is reluctant, it's just..." In Dayan, the line between the aristocratic family and the poor family is too obvious. He is the first person ever to come from a poor family. The queen, only she knows the taste of it. Besides, although the Jun family is not an aristocratic family, it is not a poor family in the true sense, not to mention that he has a brother who is in the heart of the emperor like Jun Lin.

Huo Yingying said that she grew up with her uncle, but Huo Qingyang has been guarding the border all the year round, and she spends more time living in Qin Wang's mansion. In order to understand Huo Yingying's temperament and person, Jun Feili specially summoned Wei Zhao to the palace. If Wei Zhao also said there was no problem, he would not object.

Unexpectedly, Wei Zhao shook his head when he heard this and said, "Your Highness the Queen, this marriage is inappropriate. I don't approve of Yingying entering the palace."

"What do you say?" Wei Zhao's reaction was completely unexpected to Jun Feili, and he couldn't react for a while.

Wei Zhao frowned, thought for a while, and then said, "Yingying has a heart, and that person is not the king of Xiang." The king of Xiang was Wei Mao's title. When Wei Ming ascended the throne, he conferred Wei Xuan as the crown prince. , Wei Lan was the king of Zhao, and Wei Mao was the king of Xiang.

"Does my heart belong?" Jun Feili frowned slightly, as if he didn't expect his son to be unrequited, and subconsciously asked, "Is it Rong'er?" It is normal for the two to have feelings for each other as childhood sweethearts.

Wei Zhao was stunned when he heard the words, then recovered his thoughts and said with a wry smile: "No, Rong'er and Yingying are brothers and sisters, and there is no relationship between men and women."

Jun Feili waved his hand, indicating that Wei Zhao didn't need to say who that person was. Originally, he thought that if Huo Yingying was a good person, and he was in love with Wei Mao again, looking at his son's face, he would grit his teeth and complete the marriage, so that Wei Mao would not feel uncomfortable.

But who would have thought that other girls didn't mean this at all.

The latter thing is actually very simple. Jun Feili told Wei Mao directly that he would not allow him to marry Huo Yingying.

Wei Mao was not convinced and asked why, Yingying is so good, much better than Shangguan, and not worse than Xie Xiang.

Jun Fei Li saw that his son was obsessed, so he had to tell the truth, Huo Yingying was really good, but the problem was that she didn't want to marry him.

How could Wei Mao believe that Huo Yingying was so gentle to him, how could he be boring to him? It must be Jun Feili who sent someone to say something in front of her, which scared her, so she dared not agree to marry him. He went to her in person and explained the situation to her, Huo Yingying would definitely agree to the marriage.

Wei Mao found Huo Yingying. No one knew what they said. Anyway, Wei Mao had a shocked expression when he returned to the palace.

Huo Yingying refused to enter the palace, and Wei Mao had no other person he liked, so Jun Feili personally selected the candidate for Princess Xiang.

Wei Mao was very conflicted when he heard the news, saying that he didn't want to marry anyone, how could Jun Feili agree, Wei Mao was hot-headed and left the palace.

Therefore, the task of finding the third prince fell to Wei Chongrong. First of all, he is the Prince of Qin, so there is no need to worry about confidentiality; secondly, his martial arts are strong and his safety is guaranteed; lastly, and most importantly, he and Wei Mao's runaway still have a little relationship.

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