MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 3 Tea

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The next morning, the mulberry was awake by the Feng dynasty.

This can't blame her. After she was married to her home, she was quickly dismissed and beaten into the cold palace. When her mother-in-law saw her, she hated it. Where can she use her to serve? Therefore, she has no time concept at all! Every day except sleeping, it is eating, dazing, and stuffy, and no one cares about her.

"Well?" Mulberry's sleepy eyes, confused look at the time to Fengju. The heat of the quilt is soaked in the cheeks, the warmth of the breath is coming, with a touch of faint, if nothing.

"Get up, wait for the girls to come in!" Feng Fengju was a little angry, and dissatisfied with a sang, but when she saw her look, she could not help but sway.

Mulberry "Yeah!" screamed and hurriedly climbed up, and the white buds that had been slammed to the side pulled over, embarrassedly said: "This, this - what?"

When Feng Fen also touched his nose and bite his teeth, he turned his voice and took a sharp set of ruby ​​fringed gold enamel from the dressing table. He cut the **** and dripped blood on the Xipa. In an instant, the white Xipai will bloom with bright red plums, red and white, and enchanting.

"Enough! Enough!" Sang sees him stupidly, letting blood drip, and hurriedly grabbed Xipa. It’s just red, not killing a chicken! What does he want to do? Dyeing cloth!

When Feng Feng raised his face, he was too embarrassed to look at her. This kind of thing, hey, it’s really embarrassing.

"You, hurry up, wait for the mother and the uncle to greet them, please peace!" Shi Fengju coughed in an attempt to divert the shackles in front of him. He succeeded, his voice just fell, and the sound of knocking on the door and the call of "big master, grandmother" sounded outside.

Both of them secretly sighed.

"Come in!" Sang looked up and phoenix replied.

We promised, gently come in, the ceremony has seen two people, dressed, holding towels, head oil jewelry and other duties, orderly. Pour the willow buds to the side and feel overwhelmed.

The two men dressed in oily water and sliding ingots squatted forward, and collected the bright red Xipa, and saw that the young master and the grandmother couldn’t help but pay attention to both of them. The two embarrassed people were so nervous when they were young and they couldn't help but look at each other with a strange and proud smile. They both bowed to the two people, and we listened and stopped the work in the hands and ran up to stand up. When Feng Fen lifted his face and smiled, he glanced at the same sorrowful smile. He couldn’t help but “reward!” The people laughed and laughed.

After the grooming is finished, it is time to go to the main courtyard to give the mother-in-law Wang's tea.

Have to meet again! Mulberry could not help but see a round face with a kind eye, slender eyes, and thin lips.

There are also two uncles, Guangyao, Eryi Mi, and brothers and sisters, as well as cousins, Gu Fangzi!

Walking through the corridors, the heart of Mulberry has always been like a dream. If the feeling of being separated from the world is really true, everything in front of her should be familiar to me, because she is the grandmother of this house, but the long-term peace of life, staying at home, staying in the simple, In addition to the remote courtyard where she lived, she was really unfamiliar with other places in the house, only one impression many years ago.

In the lobby of the main courtyard, the mother-in-law Wang and the two uncles and the two sisters were already sitting on the back. They were behind a few young masters, and the waiters were waiting around, and the flowers were pressed against the house. In addition to going out to be an official three-bedroom family, the appearances have come, including Gu Fangzi.

Into the sang, the sangyu subconsciously carried forward to the warm and gentle coveted service of Gu Fangzi behind the Wang family, the pretty sea otter red embroidered gentleman blue eight Hunan skirt will lining her porcelain-like delicate skin more and more, Slightly rubbing the lips, showing a soft and soft lip line curvature, the facial features are soft and sweet, the eyelashes are long and dense, graceful and soft, making it very easy to produce good feelings.

Gu Fangzi just happened to look at the mulberry, and the four eyes were opposite, and the line of sight was connected in the air. Gu Fangzi's gentle eyes suddenly picked up, his eyes brightened, his lips were slightly hooked, and he smiled at the sorrow.

The mulberry slammed his eyes and immediately hanged his eyelids. In the past life, Gu Fangzi’s kindness and smile made her nervous heart unsuccessful. At this moment, she felt cold except for nervousness!

"Mother! Two uncles, two sisters!" The two stood, and Feng Fengju greeted the three elders. The mulberry hands clasped in front of each other slightly, standing warmly and softly standing beside the phoenix.

"You are here!" Wang's kindly smiled and smiled. He asked a few words. When the two masters and Mi's smiled, they sneered a few words. Then, Wang sang a sang and smiled. "Good." Now, let's get started!" Then there was a glimpse of the golden mat gently placed in front of Wang. Another person was holding the tray in front of it. There was a 盏 描 描 描 双 双 双 双 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描 描Open.

Mulberry's palms were tight without any reason. Almost stiffly, they walked over and looked at the tea, and the heart suddenly cooled.

The same as the previous life!

The pale yellow-green tea soup is clear and bright, and the closer the tea is, the more pleasant it is. At first glance, it is the best tea. However, in that tea, it was soaked with long hair. In the past life, she was not nervous enough to look at it. She took it with her tea. As a result, even if she was not happy with her mother-in-law, she did not say anything to her, but her face was very unsightly and her brows were wrinkled. Then, Gu Fangzi smiled and solved her problem with her.

Although the hair in the tea was not put in her, but the samovar was handed over through her hand. She did not find the problem and handed it up. It can be seen that she is a person with a big leaf and no mother-in-law who disrespects her elders. So how can her mother-in-law like her? How to be the grandmother of the family!

Because of this, her mother-in-law and her husband did not make a good impression on her, and the women under the family also secretly despised the heart, but she remembered Gu Fangzi's good!

"Cough," Feng said when she saw her hair like a soul, and coughed to remind her.

The mulberry slammed back to God, and smiled at him with a smile, and reached out to the tea pot, but he immediately retreated after the hand touched.

"This tea seems to be a bit cold. Drinking herbal tea in the morning is not good for your body, or change it!" Sang gaze gently turned to Wang's glimpse and laughed as if to explain to her, but it was directly to the end. The tray was smashed down.

She is a new daughter-in-law, and she is still a delicate person. Of course, Wang will not be in the face of her. When she sees her opening, she thinks about her own body, and her heart is even more happy. Although this tea she just means to drink a couple of mouths, but the wife is so good is always good!

Wang smiled and yelled at the mouth.

The cockroach had to kneel down and the other person had heard it and re-stocked it.

Mulberry then held the tea bowl in both hands, and squatted toward Wang's section, and held the tea bowl too high. "Mother, please drink tea!"

"Okay, good!" Wang smiled and took it over. He smiled and drank two, and handed a slap in the lacquer box to the mulberry, with a smile: "The future is a family, you are the scholarly door. A good girl from a birth, read a book, and know more. If you don't need it, I don't need my wife to swear. You know everything! In the future, you will live well, and we will open the leaves for us at an early date!"

"Yes, mother! Mother's words, the daughter-in-law wrote down." Mulberry quickly and politely promised, and Wang Wang got a head and got up.

"Okay, good!" Wang's daughter-in-law was more happy when he was obedient and obedient, and his eyes were bent.

When the mulberry saw it, he secretly sighed, and then worshipped the tea to the two uncles and the second.

In the past life, she was afraid of losing the number of rituals. The answer was "the daughter-in-law is training in court, and she must be humbly and self-denying, and dare not forget or forget!" Seeing her mother-in-law's face confused and confused, she regretted it late!

a family of scholars! Mulberry can't help but smile! Their sang family is indeed the book of the fragrant door, but this word is used in the rich family, it is elegant and noble, so that the listeners are awe-inspiring; used in their homes such as the sacred home, it is more ironic!

At that time, the old man was fancy his father's knowledge and was impressed by his knowledge and knowledge. Therefore, he set this affair, but his father was full of knowledge, but the road to imperial examinations has been sluggish. After a show, there is no more. As a result, his old man died of depression and sorrow, and his father spent a lot of money on scientific expeditions for many years, and the sang family has repeatedly fallen. Today, Big Brother and Second Brother are also in the show. As for the future, Mulberry is almost afraid to think about it!

At the time, the lord was obsessed with the goldfish and parrots, the thrush, the oriole and other birds. Every day, the darlings who waited for the ancestors to serve him were absolutely not faked. At this time, while sitting in the worship of the new daughter-in-law, In fact, I thought about it as soon as I could go back to feed the fish, change the water, bathe the thrush bird, and didn’t pay attention to the mulberry. I saw the tea bowl that was handed over and I took it over and said, "Well, I said two things, I drank the tea." With the red envelope, I couldn't help but move my body. I couldn't sit still, and I couldn't help but take the corner of my eye and lick Mie, suggesting that she is going faster.

When the partiality of the turn to Mie, Mie took the tea and sipped it, then lifted the scorpion and wiped the corner of the mouth. After the gift was handed over, the eyes waved and greeted Gu Fangzi, smiling at the sang: "Women are good. Personally, you can see it. This is a show of wisdom and wisdom. Oh, it’s really enviable. You can be blessed in the future! Your wife, you have read books and learned, you must learn what you learn. I will worry about the big sorrow early, and I will worry about Dalang. The watchmaker of Gu’s family can also take a rest! Dad, do you say this is not the case? Although the table lady is capable, it is an outsider! Although she lives in our house. There are also quite a few, after all, it is still a guest!"

After that, Mie smiled and smirked, and his eyes were inadvertently swept over by Feng Fen and Gu Fangzi, as if they were holding an invisible line, and they were both connected to tell the meaning of Mulberry.


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