MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 2 Cave confession

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"Oh," the door was gently pushed away from the outside. Xi Niang’s giggling rap was flowing into the ear, followed by the groom’s officer and the serving.

"Well, you all go down!" When Feng Fen suddenly interrupted Xi Niang, the good-selling auspicious words came to an abrupt end.

The mulberry still sat still, and the gaze under the cover flashed. His voice is still so sweet and pleasing, but it is very light and fades to the extreme. She can even imagine the expression he said when he said this. That face, that look, must be even lighter.

"Hey, yes.." Xi Niang is the most well-known Zhang Yepo in Qingzhou City. She is used to walking in the village, and she has no knowledge of the relationship between men and women in the city, the four villages and eight villages. At that time, Dajia and Lang’s cousin, Gu Fangzi, are in love with each other. You know me, of course, she is clear.

If the marriage with the Sang family is set by the old man when he is alive, if the family does not want to repent of the marriage, then where is the grandmother's position?

However, it seems that although Miss Sang Jia entered the door, she was the grandmother of the family, I am afraid that this position may not be stable.

Xi Niang makes a look, Nunu mouth, a group of people together with the willow buds, the breath of the breath retreat.

The door was gently taken, and the room in the big room was quiet, and the atmosphere was a bit depressed.

In the overwhelming red world, Shi Fengju’s feeling of repression was even more suppressed. He never knew that it was a bright, warm, and flamboyant color that would bring such depression and depression. feel!

Sure enough, the heart is born.

His eyes swept over the double-happiness word of the red powder and the burning red dragon and phoenix candle. When Feng Feng raised his eyes, he smashed his eyes.

Nothing! He secretly sighed and removed all the unpleasant emotions. Since he complied with the marriage contract to marry Miss Sang Jia, as long as the Miss Sang family is not unreasonable, she will always be the grandmother of the time, when he is the wife of the phoenix! Cousin, Fang Er, she said she understood him, she understood! And he will not disappoint her.

When Feng Fen lifted his consciousness, he slammed his fist and steadily stepped forward. He picked up the red scale in the red tray and gently opened the red hood of the mulberry, revealing the phoenix crown. The pearls on the phoenix crown trembled gently, and the woman wearing the phoenix crown gently raised her head, and a pair of clear and sturdy scorpions were so deeply reflected in his eyes.

Such a bright dawn can compete with the pearls, and the eyelashes that are gently twitching are more and more flexible.

When Feng Feng held a moment of embarrassment.

In just a moment, his eyes were restored to calm, such as the calm of water. He looked at the mulberry without a word, but turned to the table, poured two glasses of wine and came over, and handed it to the mulberry, and took it in his own hands.

"Drinking this glass of wine, it is the ceremony. It is not early, rest it!" Shi Fengju said quietly, after he finished, he leaned his neck and drank his own drink.

Mulberry looked at him and couldn't help but marvel at the magic of fate. Like his predecessor, he drank the glass of wine that he should have had before drinking, and then -

He never thought about it, she was hungry for a day.

Of course, Mulberry would think so at this moment that she didn't want to drink this glass of wine with her, but she felt the grievances and injustices of being a bride.

"How are you - don't drink?" When Feng Fen finished drinking the glass of wine, turned and dropped the glass, then turned back and walked towards her, then she wanted to pull her husband and wife, but she still saw the cup in her hand. The wine was stupid, and he couldn’t help but frown, and some were impatient.

What is the name?

Mulberry looked at him and gave him a hand, and gently placed the glass in his hand aside.

"You!" Feng Feng was shocked and said coldly: "What do you mean!"

"Da Lang," Mulberry stood up, and his sleeves turned to the knees and blessed his blessings. He looked up at him and said without hesitation: "In fact, Dalang has another sweetheart, and Dalang wants to marry him. Not me, right?"

When Feng Fen did not expect that she would say this, it was very unexpected. The first reaction thought that she had got it wrong. When she came back, he raised his eyebrows. The true nature of the businessman made him very calm, he did not Vibrantly asked: "What do you want to say?"

The mulberry draped slightly, revealing a slender white neck, and the eyelashes were slightly shaken. He raised his eyes and said: "Da Lang obeys the marriage contract, and the face of the sang family and the mulberry is very grateful, but the heart of Dalang has another She, mulberry also does not want to win people's love, it is better, you and I are a fake couple, how?"

When Feng Feng couldn’t help but move, he took a deep breath. The eyes also flashed slightly, no longer calm. Be a fake couple? Losing her, she wants to come out and say it!

When Mulberry saw that he did not speak, he continued: "After a year and a half, we can live together, and when we get married, it’s irrelevant. How?"

When Feng Fen still did not speak, some instincts in his heart were uncomfortable. He doesn't like her. It's one thing. She asks to leave him. It's another thing. Men, especially those who are like him, who are so talented and young, don't know how many women are married. Dreaming, but she was dismissed by her opening, this person is still his wife who lifted the big car to enter the door, he can be comfortable in his heart!

He did not look at the woman in front of him, his gentle eyebrows, soft facial features, white skin, large eyes and bright eyes, especially the water is very eye-catching. At this time, she looked unkind, not humble, but told him to have two points.

As a result, he felt more uncomfortable in his heart.

"How? When you are in a hurry to leave home, there is no one outside waiting for you to succeed!" Feng Feng raised his heart and subconsciously blurted out.

Mulberry is furious! If his words are passed out, her name will not be! How will she see people in the future!

"If this is the case, can I still enter the door of the time?" Sang Qiang pressed the anger in his heart, and his lips slightly sneaked out a mockery. If this is the case, then the family will still want to marry her into the door, then the home is not so good!

When the words were exported, they regretted the real-time phoenix. He knew that this was a swearing out of his brain! If there is anything wrong with Mulberry, how can he get too out of date and win his eyes and ears!

"I'm sorry, it's my mouth, it's abrupt!" When Feng Fen sang the mulberry, he arched his hand and made a dry apology. He has always been a brilliant gentleman, saying that he has made a mistake and apologized.

"Don't dare to do it, Dalang has no words!" Mulberry also softened his voice and hurriedly returned. On the site of the time, it is undoubtedly extremely stupid to be arrogant and arrogant.

"Okay, after a year and a half, let's get away!" Feng Feng nodded and promised.

Anyway, this is not the time to force her, when the family obeys the marriage contract, and did not do anything wrong! After a year and a half, looking for a proper reason for both sides and separation, all happy, why not! It’s been a year and a half in a year and a half! I can't just go to the new wife just to cross the door and immediately leave, so that the reputation is not good, it is not plain chatter!

"You can rest assured that you will not be ill-treated when you are home, to protect you for the rest of your life, and to be rich and rich!" Shi Fengju added generously. When the family was rich, the princes looked at her so active and active, and there was nothing to offer a rich sum of money. If she wants to marry in the future, she will have a lot of weight if she has a rich dowry.

"Thank you for being a great young master!" Mulberry once again blessed him with a blessing, and he thanked him with all his heart and soul. Since Feng Fengju opened this mouth, the number given must not be small. As long as there is silver money in hand, the future will be guaranteed.

"In the past year or so, we have asked the young master to take advantage of other people. This is a matter of knowing that you know me, don't tell others, how?" Sang looked at the phoenix.

"That is natural!" Feng Feng nodded. If this thing goes out, it is not only the sorrow, but also him and the whole family. Of course, he will not say it alone.

"Do you have anything to say?" asked Feng Feng when he saw the sang and said nothing.

Mulberry slightly indulged and said: "I do have a ruthless request, Miss Gu.. I only stayed at home for a year and a half. Can we, after we leave, you will visit the lady again?"

When Feng Feng took a trip, some strange looked at the mulberry.

Mulberry also groaned, and then his face was red, and embarrassed Zhiwu accompanied the smile: "Oh, sorry, sorry, it is me confused, I am confused!"

The reason why she said this is influenced by her previous life. She is not willing to go to Gu Fangzi to enter the door at this time. What is the face of her "positive wife"? Second, she didn't want to bother with Gu Fangzi to fight against it! Therefore, it is best that she does not enter the door now.

For today's Shi Fengju, since she has left after a year and a half, then he certainly married Gu Fangzi after she and her! A year and a half, he can still wait, how can you let Gu Fangzi enter the door now!

When Feng Feng was suspicious, she glared at her eyes and saw that she was ashamed and did not say anything. Solved a tangled event, when Feng Li felt very comfortable, sleepy, he raised his hand and blocked his lips and yawned. "Sleepy, stop early! You sleep in bed, I sleep outside. on!"

Say, take the quilt in the cupboard.

Finally, there is still a conscience, did not rush to play the ground! but--

Mulberry touched his belly and was almost hungry without a chest back!

"You can rest first, big brother, I am hungry, I want to eat something first!"

When Feng Feng’s whole person was stiff, his mouth moved, and he screamed for a while: “That, please take care of yourself!” Heaven and Earth conscience, he really can’t remember this.

At the same time, Mulberry also sighed in her heart: how she was so honest in her previous life! Hungry tossed by him!

Read The Duke's Passion