MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 289 Saw it

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Mrs. Zhou also told her to scare her. At this moment, she came back to God and saw her look firm. She knew that she was ironic. If she didn't follow her, she was afraid to make trouble! She was obsessed with her temper, and she stopped her for a while but could not stop her!

Mrs. Zhou thought about her inner ash, and she was too lazy. She covered her face and said: "But it! I am a mother who is a heart for you! It is not my original intention! It is not my original intention! Let's not mention the children, wait until the next year, if you are still at that time, you still refuse to loosen, this thing will not be mentioned again, you don't bother with me! You are poking me with a knife. Heart!"

In a word, Zhou Jingyi was sad and couldn't help but screamed "Mother" in her arms, and both mother and daughter burst into tears.

Zhou family has nothing to do here. In the time of the government, Shi Fengming’s “illness” is also improving day by day according to the plan. The condition has been controlled. After five or six days, “reluctant” can get out of bed.

Since Zhou Jingyi left, he had never drunk the medicine that was difficult to drink. Xiao Cui was sent as usual. He turned his back and fell down. God didn't know. It’s just that at this time, she always thinks of her inadvertently, remembering that she is standing quietly, holding a pair of sparkling eyes to urge him to drink medicine.

This woman has become a nightmare that he can't afford! When I think of it, my heart is sour.

At the time of the second wife, she was very interested. When she came to see him from time to time, she couldn’t help but introduce him to the appropriate and beautiful people. He would describe the fairies as nine days above.

When Feng Feng is absent-minded, where can he afford half the interest? I finally couldn’t help but say: "Mom, do you stop and stop? Just rushing to see the woman from you, is it a little too fast?"

"Quick? What's fast! Prepare early and get started early. Isn't it better than when you are in a hurry?" When Mrs. 2 sneered, "You said that we are fast, hey, people are better than us!"

"What do you mean?" Shi Fengming suddenly had a bad feeling.

"You don't know how to raise a disease in this yard every day," said Mrs. Er, grinning and disdaining: "It's not Zhou's side. I heard that the couple are busy looking at Zhou's! Oh, really shameless." Just left the husband's house, I am anxious to marry again! But think about it too, if you don't hurry, whoever can see her for a year or two!"

When Feng Ming suddenly stopped, the heartbeat seemed to stop at that moment! What does the mother say? Is she going to marry again? To be someone else's bride?

When Feng Feng suddenly became sour and annoyed, he still had no such thoughts. Can she wait to marry? Shi Fengming laughed at himself. He suddenly remembered that she said she liked him. When she was there, she took care of him so carefully. When she left, she was so sad and sad that she was nothing more than that! In the blink of an eye, it is a woman's nature to be able to send a gift to other men, without exception! Also, since she is separated from her, what can she marry? I seem to be a little angry, what is it?

"This woman has no conscience, don't be angry, can't be guilty!" When Mrs. II saw that his face was a bit ugly, he said with anger: "They will find it, we will also! You can rest assured that I will find you a better than her." I’m back ten times, and I’m sure I’ll do it before she gets married! I’m not convinced of this tone!”

"Mother, I don't want to do it now! Let's talk about it later! Don't bother me with this!" I don't know why, he didn't agree with this thing before, but he didn't reject it. He was holding a dispensable. Attitude, but at this moment, he does not like to hear her mention this, and does not like it at all!

"That's good! Mother first helps you to check! Fengming, you can rest assured, this time if you don't nod, the mother will never be forced to give you!" The second lady was busy.

When Feng Feng is too lazy to distinguish with her, the default is closed.

When Mrs. 2 smiled, she got up and said, "I see that your condition is slowly stabilizing. It’s not like a person living in this remote little yard! I am asking people to sort out the garden and clean up. The things left are thrown away, how many months have you moved back?"

“No need!” Feng Feng said hurriedly. When he saw his mother a little stunned, he said with a sigh of relief: “I mean, why bother? Isn’t there any day to take care of others? I will move back directly! Something... don’t move, wait until I see it!”

"Oh, that's OK!" The second lady did not care, smiled and said: "Then be the first!" How much the son hates Zhou Jingyi, the second lady is clear, but she will not believe that she has gone to the son. Leave her something! I am afraid that I am afraid that I am not clean enough. The second lady thought so.

When Mrs. 2 did not mention this, it was okay. When she mentioned this, Shi Fengming couldn’t live in Biluoxuan, thinking about going back to the garden. In the afternoon, I moved back to the garden.

Things are human beings. It should be said that things are human beings, but only three people who should have been here. Zhou Jingyi took Su Qing and Su Bi away.

But everything here still has her breath and traces. In the yard, she planted the magnolia flower she liked. On the flower stand in front of the moon-hole window, she held her favorite hanging orchid, and on the warmth of the pavilion, she also made half of the needlework, and inside it was an unfinished lotus handkerchief. On the soft couch, she neatly placed her embroidered blanket lying down on her body...

In the bedroom, it is arranged according to her preferences. In the white jade box in front of the dressing table, there is the rouge and the scented powder that she wiped. The white jade on the ridge is wrapped around the white jade. The hair that she dropped!

Shi Fengming slowly scanned everything in the house, imagining her life here, in the splendid piles, I want to come to her is also lonely? The heart twitched and sighed, filling up the untold cockroaches. He suddenly remembered what Daxie had said: she is innocent, but she bears everything she should not bear!

He has been scornful of this sentence, and now I want to come, I feel that there are some truths.

He did not feel his hand, gently pick up the white jade comb, made of good white jade, smooth and delicate, warm and unparalleled, with a soft light, held in the hand, with a slight coolness. The black hair is wrapped around it, and the black and white is so distinct. When Feng Feng’s other hand gently licked the hair, soft and soft, it seems that this is the first time he has stroking her hair, but it is falling.

When Feng Feng sighed, he put the white jade comb down, turned and went out, standing on the gallery with his hands on his back.

This is his courtyard. In the future, he will marry another woman and the courtyard of that woman. So what about her? All her traces will soon be washed away, and there will be no more left. After a few more years, except for people who occasionally mention it, no one will remember her anymore. I remember that there was once in the house. She is such a hostess!

This is a matter of course, but Feng Ming thought about it, and there was some trepidation and reluctance that he had no reason to come. He reluctantly disappeared. Suddenly I felt that I was so ridiculous and boring, but I thought about it!

When Feng Feng’s face looked unpredictable, he stumbled and went out in a hurry to head toward Ningyuan.

When Feng Fen had not returned, Sang Yi heard that the second master had come and he unconsciously stunned his eyebrows. Zhou Jingyi's case, although she has nothing to do with her, but her heart is somewhat dissatisfied with Feng Ming.

What about dissatisfaction? Dissatisfied is also his own little uncle! Mulberry can only ask for it.

When Feng Feng just told someone to inform him, he regretted it. Seeing that he had a request, he could only go in.

"How big brother hasn't come back yet?" When Feng Ming smiled, some were unnatural.

Mulberry smiled and said: "There is still a little bit of time at this time! It is probably half an hour later that he should be back. Is the second master looking for him?"

“Nothing!” Shi Fengming smiled and said: “It’s been a long time no big brother, I want to talk to him and talk!”

Mulberry nodded, "Oh," and he stopped talking.

When Shi Fengming sat for a while, he felt boring, and he got up and said goodbye. Mulberry did not leave him, only smiled and said: "When the phoenix is ​​back, I will tell him, let him find you in the past!"

"Thank you for your aunt!" Feng Fengming nodded and smiled.

When the phoenix came back and changed clothes to repair the garden, Shi Fengming was holding his legs in a warm room, holding a book in his hand, holding a book in his hand, staring straight at the page, not knowing what. The **** were holding their breath and waiting outside, and the house was silent. The second young master is not good-tempered, and the people in the garden are also very honest.

"I moved back to live? I think it's going to be faster. It's hard for a person to endure for so long!" Feng Feng smiled and came in.

"Big Brother!" When Feng Ming threw the book in his hand, he sat up with a smile. "Big Brother, please sit!"

"Are you going to find me something today?" Feng Feng smiled and sat down.

When Feng Ming sang for a moment, he shook his head and smiled. "Nothing! It is boring and boring. I want to go to the big brother and talk! I forgot that Big Brother is a busy man!" There are two points of self-deprecation.

When Feng Feng smiled and said: "I see you are idle and idle, and wait for the second uncle to slap you again. Don't be so embarrassed, follow me on the shop!"

Shi Fengming heard that he also said this, suddenly his face was a little embarrassed, turned his head and said: "How do you always want me to kiss each other? I am not awkward! I am in trouble! I am so good now! Easy!"

Shi Fengming thought that the chic, the tone of the cover can not cover the sorrow and sour taste, but when Feng Feng listened to a clear, when Feng Feng could not help but give him a look, heart, you will pretend it. !

Shi Fengju said: "What is this? How old are you saying this kind of anger? You complained to me or not, you have the ability to talk to the second uncle and the second, and you have to Nothing can't be!"

"Big brother, you should never show half a word in front of my mother!" Feng Feng suddenly rushed. His mother didn't have a sigh of relief in his ear these days, saying that he kissed the pro, and he was so annoyed that if he told her to know this, it really didn't need to live!

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