MTL - Rebirth of an Abandoned Woman-Chapter 288 Broken invention

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The courtyard was quiet, and Feng Ming suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, when she was there, he rarely talked to her, and her words were very few, and most of the time it was so quiet. But at the moment, the feeling is different!

Not only static, but also empty. Quietly let him clearly hear his heartbeat, so empty that he had no reason to panic.

When Feng Feng’s distressed sigh, how can it be so annoying!

"Two young masters, you should drink medicine!" Xiao Cui seems to feel the abnormal atmosphere, carefully holding the medicine bowl up.

"Roll!" When Feng Ming was irritated, she glanced at her.

"Two young masters..." Xiao Cui was scared and trembled. The second grandmother has already left the Zhou family. She can't dare to drink the medicine like the second grandmother. Not only does she dare, but she has to pray in the heart of the two young masters. Don't think of these days. She is the mistress's "accomplice" to drink him. The matter, or he will settle accounts after the fall, she cried without crying!

"Put the medicine down, you go out!" Shi Fengming suddenly looked up and said coldly.

"Yes, the second young master!" Xiao Cui, like a big man, hurriedly put down the medicine bowl and ran away like a rush. The second young master took the initiative to drink medicine, and it is best to do so in the future.

When Feng Ming looked at the bowl of medicine, if she was still there, she handed it over in the early morning. The look was cold, but she had to watch him drop a light.

He picked up the medicine bowl and sent it to his lips. A strong smell of medicine rushed to the surface, which made him feel uncomfortable and frowned. Take a few deep breaths, then turn back and prepare to drink. There was a tumbling in his stomach, and he was busy putting the medicine bowl aside, and he was not willing to take another look.

This taste is too unbearable! He even wondered if Xiao Cui’s cockroach had put other things in. If not, how could he drink it in the past, but at the moment he could say that he couldn’t drink anything?

When Feng Ming sighed, he got up and poured the medicine on the root of the flower. This medicine, he didn't want to drink any more!

Zhou Jingyi spent two or three days at home, and Mrs. Zhou saw her so much that she couldn’t feel sad and tears, and she was saddened. Zhou Jingyi's heart became more and more awkward to her mother, she put away her mood, and she was willing to put on a slightly bright clothes to comb her hair. When Mrs. Zhou met, it was a joy.

"That's right! Why bother for the irrelevant white sadness! Good boy, it is better to take you to Zhuangzi for a few days to spend a few days to distract yourself? Good to raise your body, adjust your mood, wait for the coming year Mother will pick a good dear for you, and I will not regret to die when they are home! My daughter is so good, telling them to ruin it!"

Zhou Jingyi was absent-minded and listened. He was shocked when he heard the last two sentences. He couldn’t help but change his color: "Is it necessary to marry me out!"

Mrs. Zhou listened to this and felt distressed. She patted her hand and smiled softly: "Stupid girl, you are still so young, how can you not marry? You don't have a good home, how can you marry? Don't be afraid, this kind of loss is enough for one loss. There is no reason for the second time. This time, the mother must definitely inspect the situation clearly and nod! Don't worry!"

Mrs. Zhou thought she was scared and busy and relieved.

Zhou Jingyi was upset in her heart, barely smiled and did not answer.

It’s inevitable that the evening will be overturned. Zhou Jingyi thought about it and thought it was necessary to talk to her mother. In this life, she will never marry again. He can't forget her for her ruthlessness, and she has no way to marry another strange man. This kind of thing makes her feel very uncomfortable.

The next day, Zhou Jingyi showed her heart in front of the Zhou and his wife. I was willing to spend my life in this light, and I would not like to marry again.

Madame Zhou suddenly stopped, and returned to God to blurt out and said: "No! This is what it is, you are desperate to ask your mother to be sad!"

"Mother, marry again, I really don't want to, it's pretty good, really!"

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Zhou said: "What do you marry again? Is it true that you will not be able to harm you! Is this good? What do you think now? You don't think now, you will not be in the future, you don't even have a cold person. There are no children to rely on, you call the mother how to go!"

"Mother!" Zhou Jingyi was upset at once, but she decidedly: "I beg you not to force me to be good, I am not married, I really don't want to marry again! In the future, I will set a few acres of land, and then I will break into the empty door-"

"Stop!" Mrs. Zhou was so angry that she said: "Into the empty door! Lost you can tell! I have a breath, you don't even think about it! When I close my eyes, you will be troubled by sex!" "Speaking and crying, "I don't want to be arrogant!"

"Madam! Don't worry, listen to your daughter to make it clear!" Master Zhou quickly advised, kindly to Zhou Jingyi: "Xiao Yi, here is only a mother, you don't be awkward, you are different from you!" Looking back and mother will definitely find you a reliable matching family, you can rest assured that if you still refuse to marry, you have a reason?"

Mrs. Zhou heard the words and stopped crying, looking at her daughter.

Zhou Jingyi was a little worried and she didn’t talk. Said that she couldn't forget Feng Ming? So don't you marry again? My mother knows that she must be too angry to speak! But don't you say that, why does she have any reason to refuse? Is it really necessary to succumb to the sorrow of the girl? That way she will not be happy all her life! She can't do self-deception.

"Daughter, you tell the truth to your mother, you are not unreasonable people, right? We are not all for you! You are not willing to say it, but you are really sad!" Zhou sighs Road.

"Hey, I--" Zhou Jingyi was anxious, but she still couldn't say it.

"Ah! I know!" Mrs. Zhou was suspicious and looked at her and suddenly screamed. "Xiaoyi, you will not remember the man who died without conscience!"

Zhou Jingyi stunned, and some guilty consciences.

"It's really true!" Mrs. Zhou was so angry that the more she felt distressed, the more annoyed she was, and her face was shouted: "You are so dead, really want to mad at me! People are humiliated by the door, you actually remember people!" What kind of things are in the wolf? What I have to remember! I tell you, you can’t marry after this! I will be honestly waiting for me to wait for the next year. This is the case, no discussion!"

"Mother!" Zhou Jingyi's face was white, she knew that her mother could do it.

"Don't call my mother! There is no discussion about this matter! If you are my daughter, listen to me!" Mrs. Zhou was cold-faced.


"Okay! Xiaoyi, you go back to the room first. This thing is not eager for a moment. Don't be too excited about your mother! Go, go!" Master Zhou waved at his daughter.

Zhou Jingyi bit her lip, resisting the tears in her eyes, turned and choked and ran away.

"This is a dead girl, I really want to mad at me!" Mrs. Zhou screamed.

Master Zhou glanced at her. "My daughter just got out and left, my heart is sad. Why are you eager to mention this matter? Can you lift it later?"

Mrs. Zhou sneered: "Is it sad? I think it is right to celebrate the wine! What's wrong with the life of the quagmire! I don't know what the bad boy gave her, so she is so fascinated." This time you can't object, my daughter must not be so ruined, I must find a good family for her!"

"You forced her too urgently, don't be afraid to force something to come? Slowly say it doesn't matter!" Master Zhou frowned.

“Why don’t you tighten it!” Mrs. Zhou called out: “Is it necessary to wait for two or three years? In the past year, good people have let others pick it up! I just want to force her to force her to I forgot the past as soon as possible! When she marries again, she has a personal husband, and quickly regenerates a child. Naturally, she will forget everything from the past! If she is thinking at home, it will be terrible!"

Mrs. Zhou is plausible.

It seems to sound a bit reasonable. Master Zhou has no words, just sighed: "But I can't follow my daughter's fear. You should tell her, let her slow down."

Mrs. Zhou said: "You can rest assured! When she has a good husband and a good son in the future, naturally I know that I am good for her! This time I am awkward with me, I will know my pains later!"

Zhou Jingyi was so confused that she couldn’t calm down. Mrs. Zhou’s heart was annoyed that she did not live up to expectations. She did not go downstairs for two days, and she did not take the initiative to see her. Zhou Jingyi was in a hurry, for fear that she really chose to go to her own family, and finally couldn’t hold it anymore. When she was dressed and dressed in the morning, she rushed to the upper house to ask for security.

Mrs. Zhou listens: Miss is here! I didn't feel a smile, but I didn't want to let her come in. She knew that she was not a child, and she ignored her. She felt boring for two days.

After knowing that Zhou Jingyi came, the mother and daughter were still talking well at the beginning. Zhou Jingyi turned to the topic and mentioned that she was married and not married. The two immediately mixed up. An annoyed daughter is not obedient, and she will never give up; a grievance mother is not sensible, and it is not to die.

The two mothers and daughters became more and more sturdy, and each felt their own grievances, and they could not help but shed tears. Mrs. Zhou’s pity and anger and pain, the more she spoke up, she claimed that she did not have to wait for years, and set her family down years ago! Let her die early!

Zhou Jingyi had a big pain in her heart. She couldn’t help but burst into tears. When she was sad, she pulled out the golden scorpion and threw it on the ground. When she found the scissors, she shook the hair of the black oil and shook it in her hand. She would rather be a priest. Never marry! The public and the women were rushing to grab the scissors and stop helping them to roll up the hair.

"Mother! My mind has been decided, you should not force me! I can live very well, really! Mother, I beg you not to force me again! I will never go to the sedan again!" Zhou Jingyi The scissors were taken away by everyone, and tears flowed to Mrs. Zhou.

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