MTL - Plundering the Heavens-Chapter 1774 Northern Ming Devil

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The princes are coming...

The Dazhongnan area was aware of this news for the first time!

Because in the third night of the people in the dojos who said that they would like to ask the Yu family for a fair time, there was a dull cloud that appeared in the air, like a mountain that was heavy enough to suppress everything. At the top of the Bohai Sea, it brought terrible psychological impact to the mortals and monks living in the Bohai Sea. This dark cloud extended and there was no movement behind it. The crowd guessed that this may be because they have not yet reached them. The time mentioned, therefore, the disciples of the Taoist temples after the cloud did not advance in advance, but when the third day comes, some people will come out from the dark clouds and destroy everything!

At this time, there are already people who have fled the country in the Bohai Kingdom area. I don’t know how many mortals or even monks who are lower-ranking monks are rushing to leave this place, fearing that they will become the dojos in the destruction of the rest of the home. Among them, become a fish without a pond...

And if this is a kind of pressure from the sky, then Yu's pulse is undoubtedly the center of this pressure!

"I guess this time, Yu Jia... is over!"

I don't know how many people are talking about it, even the family of Yu Jia and the elders can't help but feel guilty. One day ago, the stranger who called himself "Kylin" came with a bunch of ghosts and monsters. When I arrived at Yujia, these people still had some foundations. After all, this quirk is also the famous big demon on Tianyuan in the past three hundred years. The gang of devils and ghosts looks even more terrible, plus there is that It’s just that one person has squandered the entire devil’s head of Xiao’s family. These people have added up, should they be able to protect the rest of the family? However, I saw that people have such a big squad, but it is inevitable that they are suspicious.

After all, that is the dojos of the philosophers, representing the strongest powers of Tianyuan!

In Tianyuan, no party can compete against the Taoist Dojos, let alone the Bohai State, which is in the Chunan area.

"Kirin Xiaoxiao, are you sure?"

Among the ancestral halls of Yu's vein, even the fat old man was somewhat lacking in confidence and whispered.

And as this sentence was asked, the temples were repaired and their eyes were watched!

In the Yujiazu Temple today, on the top of a row of futons, they have been sitting on the big demon square unicorn and the demons and ghosts that they have invited to help the boxing, the friends of the fox, the four elders of the strongest snow mountain, and the beasts of the beasts. The strength is not strong enough, but after all, it is something that his predecessor, the lord, has come out and come to help. This weight is enough to deter Nanzhan. For the elders of Yu Jiayi, they will not see These people really don’t know that their ancestors actually have such good relationships!

The problem is that this is the day when Yu Jia is full of friends and has the most face, but the outside of the clouds is over, but it is also the day when Yu Jia faces the most dangerous. This complicated thought is hard to tell, and even the voices of the rest of the servants are walking. Let it go!

"Hey, what are you afraid of? It’s a bunch of dead goods!"

The big demon unicorn lies on a specially built white jade bed, lazy, but said with a dry voice.


All the repairs looked at each other and looked a little heavy.

The words are good, they also believe that this alone, the chasing of the night-time family can almost kill the demon of the demon can be worth a disciple of even a few dojos, but in case of more people come What? What if the legendary North Ming Devil head shot himself? After entering the Taoist dojos and not entering the Taoist temples, the opportunity is to be one day, and they all believe that the daughter and disciple of the legendary demon head have tyrannical potential, but they are not in the hands. Dojo practiced!

"Do you think that I am not the opponent of the North Devil?"

Fang Qilin sneered, his expression was full of disdain.

All the repairs were in the face, and the grotesque and arrogant, and the hopes in the heart rose slightly.

Fang Qilin saw the excitement and looked at himself with excitement. He said: "I am not really his opponent..."

All the repairs felt a little speechless, and the subconscious mind wanted to eat meat!

When Fang Qilin saw it, he smiled and said: "But they have a backstage, we also have it. Xiaomei Shimei has already gone to help me. After she has returned, you can rest assured that there are people who are, who dares Do you have a cold hair?"

Yu Tiejia, the owner of the Yujia family, was worried: "How did Xiaomei’s uncle have not returned yet?"

Fang Qilin said: "Maybe I want to invite a few more people..."

The crowds listened, but they felt sensible and relaxed a little, but at this time, they only heard that there was a pass from outside, saying that there was a white woman who was riding a strange snake. The crowds hurriedly greeted them, but At first glance, I saw Fang Xiaomei alone into the rest of the family. I felt a little surprised at the moment. I was busy coming forward to ask, but Fang Xiaomei was expressionless and went straight into the nave, standing in the mouth of the temple and looking into the air outside. There was a sneer on his face and said: "It looks like this, there are a lot of people who came to die this time!"

"Fang Xiao's niece, what about the predecessor?"

The ancestors of the Yu family were busy coming forward to ask, and they looked a little concerned.

"What senior?"

Fang Xiaomei said: "White Grandpa should not come!"

The crowds were shocked and listened to what they were doing, but they heard a loud noise from the sky outside. I saw a purple lightning flashing across the sky, almost smashing the night sky into two halves, but the lightning was falling. However, it did not directly hit the head of Yujia, but slanted to the horizon. It seems that the person behind the black cloud has directly moved, this is just a reminder!

And as this lightning flashed across the sky, far away from the East, there was also a glimmer of light!

Its daybreak!

I do not know how many people, at this moment, the heart is heavy, Qi Qi looked up to Gao Tian looked over!

The dark clouds in the air have already unfolded, as if they had been exposed by a gust of wind, revealing a few figures sitting behind the clouds.

The two leftmost ones, one is a young man in a robe, the eyebrow star, is very handsome, next to him is a woman wearing a black skirt, eyebrows, but the lips are extremely thin, pick up It is like a bright red sword front. The two on the right are a burly middle-aged man with golden hair. The monster looks like a man’s first horse, and he stands a little behind. His face is pale and his air looks. Some men who are low-lying, eyes full of viciousness and resentment, are the two brothers!

In addition to these people, there are also a few dressed in ordinary Taoist robes, who are similar to Xiaojia’s second master, or higher disciples, and among these people, they are wearing a golden armor. Big fat man, sitting on a black octagonal stone platform hanging on one side, slightly closed his eyes, faceless expression, one left and one right have two beautiful waiters with their shoulders, the air machine on the body has already been with the surrounding The sky is in one place, which makes his whole person looming, and seems to be able to break into the sky at any time...

After seeing a glimpse of these people, the public can't help but feel like a mountain!

"How did the Wizards of the Pure Land's ancient family come in recent years?"

I can't help but talk lowly: "They of these people, any one of them, the rest of the family are afraid that they can't keep it. Now they all come to this sea country, then...the Xiao family is in the dojos. How can I have such a good relationship in a few years?"

Some people even looked at the young man wearing a robes and the black skirt woman with lips like a sword. Some strange sayings: "The two should be the children of the eight people of China. Today, the gods are mostly the ones of the heavens. The Fengtian League is also a vein close to the predecessor of the party. The people of the Xianxian League have come to make it difficult for the rest of the family. What are the two wizards in China who are coming over?"

"Yu, Xiaomou came to you today to ask for justice!"

In the guesswork of everyone, Xiao Jia’s second master screamed and slammed.

Now they are descending from the sky, just to see those people who are standing in front of the Yujiazu Temple. His eyes are not to hide the intention of killing Fang Xiaomei. It is full of grievances. It seems that one can’t help but immediately To be shot in general!

However, although the performance of the anger is skyrocketing, but he clearly pressed his own, not really hands!

"Oh, you are coming to the door, why not enter the hall?"

Yu Jia’s ancestors’ eyes were slightly condensed, but they still kept the wind instrument, and they said with a smile.

“Into the temple?”

Xiao Jia’s second man’s distorted anger shouted: “We are going to destroy the rest of the family, and we want to tell you about it?”

His voice full of hatefulness spread throughout the four domains, only to hear the cold in everyone's heart, and even the rest of the family had somehow did not know how to answer it, but there was a loud voice that sounded in a timely manner: "If you don't practice, you have the ability to come!"

Everyone looked at it, but it was the strange 麒 麒 见 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

This is really a fearless Lord. It’s no wonder that he dares to use his own power to destroy the big night race. Now he is on his own side. If he has the ability to deal with the North Ming Devil, he will dare to take the lead. What can I do if one person really kills?

However, Xiao Jia’s second brother listened to such a sentence, and his sullen face was blue, but he really didn’t do it. Instead, his eyes looked awkwardly toward him, the big fat man wearing a gold armor. In the past, it seems that he does not want to start, but he is not allowed to make this fat order, but he does not dare to just take it out. Now he can’t make it anymore, he can only pray with his eyes!

"Oh, this is the demon predecessor who destroyed the night race with one's own strength?"

The fat man in the golden armor smiled and opened his mouth. Unlike his strong mountain-like body, his voice was whispered and succinct. He first bowed his head and said hello to Fang Qilin. I looked at the past of Yujia’s ancestors and said: "The old man is polite, and Bei Ming is visiting today. He just came to ask for justice for my sword, but our scholastics are not deceptive. Don't be too busy, or let the truth be clear to you first..."

His voice doesn't sound a bit smoldering, and even has some feelings of weakness. But in heaven and earth, all the repairs are clear and clear, and some shock in my heart, the moment is straightforward, I don't know how many people, a shocked sentence. I can’t say it!

"Is this the famous North Ming Devil?"

I don't know how many people are exposed to the color of surprise, and they have lowered their voices: "I didn't expect it to be like this..."

(Seeing the question of readers asking about the meat and meat monk, the old ghost had to explain that the former man who had written the meat and meat was dead, but in the setting he was resurrected at the point, the theme of the previous chapter, the number of people appearing They used to "dead" and then come back, just forgot to explain and apologize to everyone!)

Read The Duke's Passion